136 research outputs found

    Orgaaniliste ühendite adsorptsiooni uurimine monokristalsetel elektroodidel in situ STM meetodiga

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Kaasaegsete elektrooniliste seadmete tootjate eesmärgiks on valmistada väiksemaid mobiiltelefone ja arvuteid, kuid samal ajal pakkudes kõrgemaid tehnilisi näitajaid. Vältimatult toob see kaasa vajaduse väiksemate elektrooniliste komponentide ja suurema võimsusega mälu moodulite jaoks. Juhul, kui ühe transistori suurus oleks nagu üksik molekul, võiks mälumaht oluliselt kasvada, ning samas elektrooniliste komponentide suurus vähendada. Selline ongi elektroonika võimalik helge tulevik, mis pakub rohkem arvutuskiirust väiksema suuruse puhul. Selleks, et mõista, kuidas see asi toimib, tuleb vaadelda ideaalselt siledat metallpinda, millele adsorbeerunud orgaanilised molekulid saavad olla kompaktses monokihis. Moodustunud kahedimensionaalses kihis võib iga molekuli käsitleda, kui ühte transistorina. Sellistest transistoritest moodustanud vooluringis on ruutsentimeetri kohta suhteline mälu maht miljon korda suurem, kui praegustel kiipidel. See on hea näide, miks adsorptsiooniuuringud on oluline teema tänapäeva teaduses ja tehnoloogias. Pinnauuringud annavad hea ülevaate adsorptsioonprotsessidest faasidevahelisel piirpinnal. Käesolevas töös rakendati nüüdisaegset pinnauuringu meetodit nagu in situ skaneeriv tunnelmikroskoopiat (STM). STM meetodiga on võimalik visualiseerida pinnastruktuuri atomaarne struktuur ning samuti on näha iga adsorbeerunud molekul. Seega STM meetod annab olulist infot pinna struktuurist ja kvaliteedist, ning võimaldab visualiseerida reaalajas elektroodi pinnal muutusi, nagu orgaaniliste molekulide adsorptsioon potentsiaali all. Antud doktoritöö raames käsitleti mitmeid erinevaid alateemasid. Tehti kindlaks antimooni monokristalli pinna struktuur in situ STM meetodiga, mille tulemusena näidati, et antimonil ja vismutil on väga sarnane pinna struktuur, ning mõlemad metallid sobivad orgaaniliste ühendite adsorptsiooni uurimiseks. Samuti võivad antimon ja vismut asendada elavhõbedat elektroanalüütilistes ja katalüütilistes rakendustes ja uuringutes, kuna on vähem mürgised, ning sama heade katalüütiliste omadustega. Teisena uuriti tiokarbamiidi adsorptsiooni vismutil in situ STM ja impedantsspektroskoopia meetodiga vismuti monokristallil. Tiokarbamiid on oluline ühend, mis leiab laia rakendust kaasaegses tehnoloogias, ning teda kasutatakse pindaktiivse läikemoodustajana elektrosadestamise puhul, kuna tiokarbamiidi lisand annab väga sileda elektrosadestatud pinna. Samuti on ta kasutusel korrosioonihibiitorina kuna elektrokeemilise eritöötluse tulemusena tekitatakse metallpindadele kaitsev polümerkiht. Käesolevas töös määrati tiokarbamiidi adsorptsiooni parameetreid ning tehti kindlaks adsorptsiooni limiteerivad staadiumid. In situ STM meetodiga leiti, et tiokarbamiid ei moodusta sarnaselt 4,4’-bipüridiiniga kompaktselt kahedimensionaalset kihti vaid adsorbeerub tugevasti Bi monokristalli defektsetel kohtadel. Antud töös 4,4’-bipüridiini molekulide adsorptsiooni seaduspärasust vismuti monokristallil. 4,4’-bipüridiini uuringud on olulised molekuli elektrooniliste omaduste tõttu, mida saab rakendada nanoelektroonikas ning kõrge tihedusega mälumoodulite valmistamisel. Töös tehti kindlaks 4,4 '-bipüridiini adsorptsioonkihistruktuuri vismuti pinnal in situ STM meetodi abil. Lisaks, modelleeriti adsorbeerunud kihti kasutades selleks kaasaegseid arvutuskeemia meetodeid - tiheduse funktsionaali teooriat. Arvutuste tulemusena saadi olulist informatsiooni 4,4’-bipüridiini monokihi moodustumise kohta vismuti monokristallil. Leiti, et eksperimentaalsed in situ STM andmed ja teoreetilised arvutused on heas kooskõlas.Nowadays all modern electronic devices like cellphones and computers have trend to be miniaturized, but at the same time offering a higher level of performance. This inevitably leads towards the need for smaller electronic components and memory modules, providing at the same time better performance and higher memory capacity. Bringing a single transistor to the size of one molecule can drastically increase a memory module capacity and decrease the size of single electronic components. This idea has a bright future offering more performance in a smaller package. To understand how it works, one has to consider an ideally flat metal surface, where organic molecules can form a compact single layer, as a result of the adsorption phenomena. Every single molecule in such configuration can be considered as a single transistor and a square centimeter of such memory chip will outperform any present one by a million times in terms of capacity. This is a good example why adsorption studies are important topic in modern science and technology. Modern surface analysis methods can provide a deep insight over adsorption processes. Therefore, in the present work the state of the art of atomic level surface studies applying the in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) have been implemented. It is capable of visualizing surface structure under atomic resolution and every single molecule adsorbed is visible. This technique provides important information about the state of the surface structure, for example, is it a rough or atomically flat. The great benefit of in situ STM method is that one can observe the changes at the surface in real time, like the visualization of the adsorption of organic molecules under potential control experiment. During this PhD work several subtopics were considered. The first one was to characterize the surface structure of the antimony (111) single crystal electrode by in situ STM. It was proven, that antimony has a very similar structure to the bismuth (111) single crystal, and both of them are very well suitable objects for adsorption studies of the organic molecules. Bismuth and antimony are also a good substitution as catalytically active materials for replacement of more poisonous and dangerous mercury. The second topic studied was the adsorption visualization of thiourea at bismuth (111) single crystal electrode. Thiourea is an important compound having wide application in the modern technology. Thiourea is used as a brightening agent in electroplating – giving a very smooth electrodeposited surfaces, and as a corrosion inhibitor – forming adsorbed polymer layers at the metal surfaces. In this work electrochemical in situ STM and impedance spectroscopy was used to study the adsorption kinetics of thiourea at bismuth surface. The thermodynamic adsorption parameters were analyzed and the adsorption limiting stages were defined. In situ STM data revealed that, differently from 4,4’-bipyridine, thiourea does not adsorb in a compact two dimensional layer, but thiourea adsorbs only at the surface defects of bismuth surface. The third topic studied was 4,4’-bipyridine molecule adsorption at well-defined single crystal bismuth (111) electrode. 4,4’-bipyridine related studies are important due to interesting electronic properties of 4,4-bipyridine molecule, which can be implemented in fabricating as nanoelectronic circuits and high density memory modules. Therefore, in present work the adsorption of 4,4’-bipyridine at bismuth surface was determined by the electrochemical in situ STM method and additionally modeled with the modern computation chemistry approximation – density functional theory. It was found, that experimental data are in good agreement with theoretical calculations and provide an essential information about the 4,4’-bipyridine single layer formation at bismuth (111) single crystal electrode

    Unusually High Activity of Pt Islands on Rh(1 1 1) Electrodes for Ethanol Oxidation

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    Financial support by the MICINN (Spain) (project CTQ2010-16271) and Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2009/045, FEDER) is acknowledged. V. Del Colle thanks the Universidad de Alicante by the financial support during his stay as invited researcher

    Paraoxonase Activity and Expression Is Modulated by Therapeutics in Experimental Rat Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Objective. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of rosiglitazone, metformin, ezetimibe, and valsartan (alone or in combinations) on paraoxonase (PON) activity and PON-mRNA expression in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods. 54 Male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided to 9 groups: chow diet group (15 weeks); methionine-choline-deficient diet (MCDD) group (15 weeks); MCDD-treated groups for the last 6 weeks with either metformin (M), rosiglitazone (R), metformin plus rosiglitazone (M+R), ezetimibe (E), valsartan (V), or a combination of R+M+V or of R+M+V+E for a total period of 15 weeks. Results. PON activities in serum and liver were decreased in MCDD rats. PON activity in serum increased significantly in all treatment groups. PON activity in liver was also increased significantly, except only in groups R, E, V, R+M+V, and R+M+V+E. Liver PON3 mRNA expression increased significantly in groups R+M, E, V, R+M+V, and R+M+V+E whereas liver PON2 mRNA expression increased significantly in MCDD, R+M, E, V, R+M+V, and R+M+V+E. Conclusions. PON activities in serum and liver were decreased in NAFLD. Treatment with insulin sensitizers, ezetimibe, and valsartan increased PON activity and reduced oxidative stress both in serum and liver

    Oxidation mechanism of formic acid on the bismuth adatom-modified Pt(111) surface

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    In order to improve catalytic processes, elucidation of reaction mechanisms is essential. Here, supported by a combination of experimental and computational results, the oxidation mechanism of formic acid on Pt(111) electrodes modified by the incorporation of bismuth adatoms is revealed. In the proposed model, formic acid is first physisorbed on bismuth and then deprotonated and chemisorbed in formate form, also on bismuth, from which configuration the C-H bond is cleaved, on a neighbor Pt site, yielding CO2. It was found computationally that the activation energy for the C-H bond cleavage step is negligible, which was also verified experimentally.This work has been financially supported by the MINECO (Spain) (project CTQ2013-44083-P) and Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEOII/2014/013).Perales Rondón, JV.; Ferre Vilaplana, A.; Feliu, J.; Herrero, E. (2014). Oxidation mechanism of formic acid on the bismuth adatom-modified Pt(111) surface. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136(38):13110-13113. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja505943hS13110131131363

    The role of formic acid/formate equilibria in the oxidation of formic acid on Pt(111)

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    [EN] The formic acid oxidation reaction has been studied in concentrated perchloric acid solutions (up to 9.14M (60%)) on the Pt (111) surface to explore the relationships between interfacial properties and kinetics. It is found that, as the concentration of perchloric acid in the supporting electrolyte increases, the current markedly decreases, making it possible to detect adsorbed formate on the surface by voltammetric methods. With the aid of DFT calculations, it is shown that the diminution in current is the result of two opposing factors: the reduction in the concentration of free formate in solution and electrode charge effects which encourage the adsorption of formate in a particular configuration. Additionally, the electrochemical behavior under highly acidic conditions suggests the formation of clathrate structures and emphasizes the relevance of the water structure effect in electrode adsorption processes.This work has been financially supported by the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad through the project CTQ2016-76221-P. CBR also thanks his Postdoctoral fellowship to Generalitat Valenciana (APOSTD/2017/010).Busó-Rogero, C.; Ferre-Vilaplana, A.; Herrero, E.; Feliu, JM. (2019). The role of formic acid/formate equilibria in the oxidation of formic acid on Pt(111). Electrochemistry Communications. 98:10-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elecom.2018.11.011S10149