7,251 research outputs found

    Thermal properties of semolina doughs with different relative amount of ingredients

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    The impact of the relative amount of ingredients, wheat variety, and kneading time on the thermal properties of semolina doughs were investigated by means of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The doughs were prepared by mixing water, semolina, yeast, and salt in different proportions. The gelatinized flour fraction plays an important role in the thermal properties' definition, while the water amount influences the development of the dough network and, consequently, the starch gelatinization phenomena. Furthermore, the amount of yeast and salt influences the dough network force and, consequently, the thermal properties. The TGA technique was applied in order to evidence the mass loss as a function of the increasing temperature, considering that this behavior depends on the dough network force and extension. In such a way, it was possible to find some information on the relationship between the dough characteristics and the thermogravimetric analysis outputs. The study is devoted to acquiring deeper knowledge about the thermophysical characteristics of doughs in the breadmaking industrial processes, where the controllability and the energy performances need to be improved. A deeper knowledge of the dough properties, in terms of measurable parameters, could help to decrease the amounts of off-specification products, resulting in a much more energy-efficient and sustainable processing

    Multi-Wavelength Study of Sgr A*: The Short Time Scale Variability

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    To understand the correlation and the radiation mechanism of flare emission in different wavelength bands, we have coordinated a number of telescopes to observe SgrA* simultaneously. We focus only on one aspect of the preliminary results of our multi-wavelength observing campaigns, namely, the short time scale variability of emission from SgrA* in near-IR, X-ray and radio wavelengths. The structure function analysis indicate most of the power spectral density is detected on hourly time scales in all wavelength bands. We also report minute time scale variability at 7 and 13mm placing a strong constraint on the nature of the variable emission. The hourly time scale variability can be explained in the context of a model in which the peak frequency of emission shifts toward lower frequencies as a self-absorbed synchrotron source expands adiabatically near the acceleration site. The short time scale variability, on the other hand, places a strong constraint on the size of the emitting region. Assuming that rapid minute time scale fluctuations of the emission is optically thick in radio wavelength, light travel arguments requires relativistic particle energy, thus suggesting the presence of outflow from SgrA*.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, The Galactic Center: A Window on the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies ASP Conference Series, 2010 eds: M. Morris, D. Q. Wang and F. Yua

    The effect of the relative amount of ingredients on the rheological properties of semolina doughs

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    "Pani carasau" is a traditional Sardinian bread, made with re-milled durum wheat semolina, with a long shelf-life. The production process is highly energy consuming, but its automation can make it more energy-efficient and sustainable. This requires a deep knowledge of the rheological parameters of the doughs. This study investigated the rheological properties of doughs-prepared by mixing semolina with water, yeast, and salt-as a function of the relative amount of the ingredients. The rheological measurements were carried out by an Anton Paar MCR 102 rheometer, equipped with a plate-plate fixture. In more detail, frequency sweep and creep tests were performed. It was found that doughs obtained with different amounts of ingredients showed significant differences in the rheological responses. The addition of water led to a significant decrease in the viscosity and improved the deformability of the dough. In addition, the yeast addition produced a viscosity decrease, while the presence of salt produced an improvement of the three-dimensional gluten network characteristics and, consequently, of the strength of the dough. In addition to the production process of pani carasau, this work contributes to improving the general performance of the doughs used in the production of flour-and-semolina-based foods

    Mediterranean Diet in Developmental Age: A Narrative Review of Current Evidences and Research Gaps

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    Numerous studies in recent decades have shown that Mediterranean diet (MD) can reduce the risk of developing obesity in pediatric patients. The current narrative review summarizes recent evidence regarding the impact of MD across the different stages of child development, starting from fetal development, analyzing breastfeeding and weaning, through childhood up to adolescence, highlighting the gaps in knowledge for each age group. A literature search covering evidence published between 1 January 2000 and 1 March 2022 and concerning children only was conducted using multiple keywords and standardized terminology in PubMed database. A lack of scientific evidence about MD adherence concerns the age group undergoing weaning, thus between 6 months and one year of life. In the other age groups, adherence to MD and its beneficial effects in terms of obesity prevention has been extensively investigated, however, there are still few studies that correlate this dietary style with the incidence of non-communicable diseases. Furthermore, research on multi-intervention strategy should be implemented, especially regarding the role of education of children and families in taking up this healthy dietary style

    Spectroscopic Binaries in Southern Open Clusters

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    Aportamos un informe del trabajo sobre binarias que venimos desarrollando en cúmulos del hemisferio sur. Elpropósito es contribuir a comprender la formación y evolución de binarias espectroscópicas, proporcionandocondiciones de contorno que permitan verificar algunas de las teorías actuales sobre la formación de binariasen cúmulos abiertos.This is a report on an ongoing program about binaries in southern open clusters. The long-term purpose ofthis project is to contribute to understanding the formation and evolution of spectroscopic binaries, providingobservational constraints that will permit tests of some of the current theories on binary formation in openclusters

    Spectroscopic Binaries in Southern Open Clusters

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    Aportamos un informe del trabajo sobre binarias que venimos desarrollando en cúmulos del hemisferio sur. El propósito es contribuir a comprender la formación y evolución de binarias espectroscópicas, proporcionando condiciones de contorno que permitan verificar algunas de las teorías actuales sobre la formación de binarias en cúmulos abiertos.This is a report on an ongoing program about binaries in southern open clusters. The long-term purpose of this project is to contribute to understanding the formation and evolution of spectroscopic binaries, providing observational constraints that will permit tests of some of the current theories on binary formation in open clusters.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica