775 research outputs found

    The Galvanic Cell Oxygen Analyzer vs. the Winkler Method for Oxygen Determinations in Paper Mill Wastes

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    This study was designed to verify the assumption that the galvanic cell oxygen analyser can be used as a substitute for the Winkler method in determining the dissolved oxygen content of paper mill effluent. The purpose also includes an attempt to show that dissolved oxygen determinations made by either the Winkler method or by the galvanic cell oxygen analyser are of the same magnitude and can be compared directly. The assumption that this is possible has been based upon extensive tests on solutions containing various spent sulfite liquor wastes at various concentrations. These tests show that the electrode measurements are actually a better indication of oxygen content than the Winkler method, at least at high concentrations of the spent sulfite liquors. An attempt was made in this study to show that little or no deviation is involved between the Winkler and electrode measurements involving paper mill wastes, and thus the above mentioned substitution can be made with the galvanic cell

    Resection of palatal tumours with the CO2 laser

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    On the basis of the authors' experience with 20 patients, CO2 laser resection of palatal tumours has proved to be a good alternative to conventional surgical resection. The CO2 laser beam permits precise resection, due to only slight intra-operative bleeding coupled with use of the operating microscope. Wound healing is good and post-operative pain remarkably littl

    «Information Bildungsforschung». 40 Jahre Forschungsdokumentation der SKBF

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    Aus Anlass ihres 40-jährigen Bestehens legt die SKBF nun eine Analyse vor, der erstmals eine Auswertung der gesamten Projektdatenbank zugrunde liegt und die folgende Forschungsfrage zu beantworten sucht: Welche Entwicklungen im Bereich Bildungsforschung lassen sich anhand der Projekte der Forschungsdatenbank der SKBF nachzeichnen? Dabei interessieren institutionelle und personelle Aspekte, zeitliche Trends hinsichtlich der inhaltlichen Ausrichtung der Bildungsforschung sowie Auswirkungen forschungspolitischer Entwicklungen. Der Bericht ist wie folgt gegliedert: Als Hintergrund für die nachfolgenden Auswertungen wird die institutionelle und forschungspolitische Entwicklung im Bereich Bildungsforschung seit den sechziger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts kurz skizziert (Kapitel 2). Die SKBF-Datenbank und bisherige Bestandesaufnahmen werden in Kapitel 3 präsentiert. Eine Darstellung der Datenbasis sowie des methodischen Vorgehens bei der Auswertung finden sich in Kapitel 4. Anhand der Projektdaten werden anschliessend in Kapitel 5 Trends herausgearbeitet, welche die Forschungsbeteiligung verschiedener Institutionentypen über die Zeit und das Forschungsaufkommen nach Standortregion bzw. nach regionaler Fokussierung der Projekte aufzeigen. Es folgt eine Betrachtung der beteiligten Forschungsgruppen hinsichtlich Grösse und Frauenanteil. In Kapitel 6 stehen die in den Projekten untersuchten Aspekte des Bildungsprozesses, die methodische Ausrichtung der Projekte sowie die untersuchten Bildungsstufen im Zentrum. Das Kapitel 7 thematisiert die Auswirkungen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Cholesterol granuloma of the paranasal sinuses

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    Cholesterol granulomata of the middle ear occasionally accompany chronic middle-ear diseases with diminished ventilation. In the paranasal sinuses, especially in the frontal sinus, they have occasionally been mentioned in the literature. Disordered ventilation and impaired drainage are decisive pathogenic factors in the causation of cholesterol granuloma. Views remain divided on the source of the cholesterol and on the importance of bleeding in the development of cholesterol granuloma. Two patients with a cholesterol granuloma of the frontal sinus are presented and discusse

    L'efficacité de l'imagerie mentale sur l'équilibre dynamique lors de la marche dans une population de plus de 40 ans: une étude de faisabilité avec un plan croisé

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    L’imagerie mentale est la capacité de se représenter un mouvement ou une tâche mentalement, sans exécution physique. Cette méthode est régulièrement utilisée en neurologie et dans le domaine du sport. Il existe cependant peu de recherches sur l’imagerie mentale et l’équilibre dynamique chez les personnes saines.Mental practice is the ability to imagine a movement or exercise mentally without executing it physically. This method has been studied profoundly in neurology and in the domain of sports. However, there is a lack of research in using motor imagery to improve balance in healthy peopleMentales Training ist die Fähigkeit, sich eine Bewegung oder eine Aufgabe vorzustellen, ohne diese auszuführen. Diese Methode wird regelmässig in der Neurologie sowie im Sport verwendet. Der Gebrauch von mentalem Training zur Verbesserung des Gleichgewichts bei gesunden Personen ist jedoch noch weitgehend unerforscht

    Increased Floral Divergence in Sympatric Monkeyflowers

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    Sympatric sister species are predicted to have greater divergence in reproductive traits than allopatric sister species, especially if mating system shifts, such as the evolution of self-fertilization, are more likely to originate within the geographic range of the outcrossing ancestor. We present evidence that supports this expectation-sympatric sister species in the monkeyflower genus, Mimulus, exhibit greater divergence in flower size than allopatric sister species. Additionally, we find that sympatric sister species are more likely to have one species with anthers that overtop their stigmas than allopatric sister species, suggesting that the evolution of automatic self-pollination may contribute to this pattern. Potential mechanisms underlying this pattern include reinforcement and a stepping stone model of parapatric speciation

    A Contemplative Approach to Teaching Observation Skills

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    Careful observation of one’s experience provides access to present-moment information, the foundation for mindfulness practice and contemplative education more generally. Contemplative observation comprises a set of trainable skills, including noticing, slowing, and reflecting. Skillful ways to work with observation, including distinguishing (between observation and interpretation), recalling, and describing, can also be taught, learned, practiced, and applied. Two assignments drawn from a course on the psychology of perception, sensory awareness practice and sensory description, are presented as tandem means for teaching all six observation skills. Several aspects of this contemplative observation pedagogy make it useful in higher education generally, and it is also well suited for content-specific use in or adaptation to courses across a variety of disciplines. The aim is to foster (instructor and) student engagement with discovering lived experience through the refinement and focusing of observation skills

    Conservation Strategies for a Globally Imperiled and Hyper-Fragmented Ecosystem: Acquisition, Regulations, Incentives and Outreach in Miami Dade County

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    Pine rocklands are a globally critically imperiled ecosystem with limited geographic range, characterized by a high biodiversity of endemic herbaceous plants and frequent fire intervals (2-5 years). In Miami-Dade County, approximately 2% of the forest outside Everglades National Park (ENP) remains. The County adopted a forest property tax program in 1979, passed a forest preservation ordinance in 1984, and created a land acquisition program in 1991. Outreach and filling in the gaps between preservation areas are critical for the survival of a number of species

    La place de la victime LAVI dans le système pénal suisse

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