19,166 research outputs found

    Optical stark effect in the 2-photon spectrum of NO

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    A large optical Stark effect has been observed in the two-photon spectrum X(2)Pi yields A(2)Sigma(+)_ in NO. It is explained as a near-resonant process in which the upper state of the two-photon transition is perturbed by interactions with higher-lying electronic states coupled by the laser field. A theoretical analysis is presented along with coupling parameters determined from ab initio wave functions. The synthetic spectrum reproduces the major experimental features

    Gauging the three-nucleon spectator equation

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    We derive relativistic three-dimensional integral equations describing the interaction of the three-nucleon system with an external electromagnetic field. Our equations are unitary, gauge invariant, and they conserve charge. This has been achieved by applying the recently introduced gauging of equations method to the three-nucleon spectator equations where spectator nucleons are always on mass shell. As a result, the external photon is attached to all possible places in the strong interaction model, so that current and charge conservation are implemented in the theoretically correct fashion. Explicit expressions are given for the three-nucleon bound state electromagnetic current, as well as the transition currents for the scattering processes \gamma He3 -> NNN, Nd -> \gamma Nd, and \gamma He3 -> Nd. As a result, a unified covariant three-dimensional description of the NNN-\gamma NNN system is achieved.Comment: 23 pages, REVTeX, epsf, 4 Postscript figure

    Food Quality in Producer-Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis

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    Stoichiometric constraints play a role in the dynamics of natural populations, but are not explicitly considered in most mathematical models. Recent theoretical works suggest that these constraints can have a significant impact and should not be neglected. However, it is not yet resolved how stoichiometry should be integrated in population dynamical models, as different modeling approaches are found to yield qualitatively different results. Here we investigate a unifying framework that reveals the differences and commonalities between previously proposed models for producer-grazer systems. Our analysis reveals that stoichiometric constraints affect the dynamics mainly by increasing the intraspecific competition between producers and by introducing a variable biomass conversion efficiency. The intraspecific competition has a strongly stabilizing effect on the system, whereas the variable conversion efficiency resulting from a variable food quality is the main determinant for the nature of the instability once destabilization occurs. Only if the food quality is high an oscillatory instability, as in the classical paradox of enrichment, can occur. While the generalized model reveals that the generic insights remain valid in a large class of models, we show that other details such as the specific sequence of bifurcations encountered in enrichment scenarios can depend sensitively on assumptions made in modeling stoichiometric constraints.Comment: Online appendixes include

    Center of mass and relative motion in time dependent density functional theory

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    It is shown that the exchange-correlation part of the action functional Axc[ρ(r,t)]A_{xc}[\rho (\vec r,t)] in time-dependent density functional theory , where ρ(r,t)\rho (\vec r,t) is the time-dependent density, is invariant under the transformation to an accelerated frame of reference ρ(r,t)ρ(r,t)=ρ(r+x(t),t)\rho (\vec r,t) \to \rho ' (\vec r,t) = \rho (\vec r + \vec x (t),t), where x(t)\vec x (t) is an arbitrary function of time. This invariance implies that the exchange-correlation potential in the Kohn-Sham equation transforms in the following manner: Vxc[ρ;r,t]=Vxc[ρ;r+x(t),t]V_{xc}[\rho '; \vec r, t] = V_{xc}[\rho; \vec r + \vec x (t),t]. Some of the approximate formulas that have been proposed for VxcV_{xc} satisfy this exact transformation property, others do not. Those which transform in the correct manner automatically satisfy the ``harmonic potential theorem", i.e. the separation of the center of mass motion for a system of interacting particles in the presence of a harmonic external potential. A general method to generate functionals which possess the correct symmetry is proposed

    Enumerative aspects of the Gross-Siebert program

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    We present enumerative aspects of the Gross-Siebert program in this introductory survey. After sketching the program's main themes and goals, we review the basic definitions and results of logarithmic and tropical geometry. We give examples and a proof for counting algebraic curves via tropical curves. To illustrate an application of tropical geometry and the Gross-Siebert program to mirror symmetry, we discuss the mirror symmetry of the projective plane.Comment: A version of these notes will appear as a chapter in an upcoming Fields Institute volume. 81 page

    Rule Following Mitigates Collaborative Cheating and Facilitates the Spreading of Honesty Within Groups

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    Compared with working alone, interacting in groups can increase dishonesty and give rise to collaborative cheating-the joint violation of honesty. At the same time, collaborative cheating emerges some but not all of the time, even when dishonesty is not sanctioned and economically rational. Here, we address this conundrum. We show that people differ in their extent to follow arbitrary and costly rules and observe that "rule-followers" behave more honestly than "rule-violators." Because rule-followers also resist the temptation to engage in collaborative cheating, dyads and groups with at least one high rule-follower have fewer instances of coordinated violations of honesty. Whereas social interaction can lead to a "social slippery slope" of increased cheating, rule-abiding individuals mitigate the emergence and spreading of collaborative cheating, leading to a transmission advantage of honesty. Accordingly, interindividual differences in rule following provide a basis through which honest behavior can persist

    Individual solutions to shared problems create a modern tragedy of the commons

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    Alone and together, climatic changes, population growth, and economic scarcity create shared problems that can be tackled effectively through cooperation and coordination. Perhaps because cooperation is fragile and easily breaks down, societies also provide individual solutions to shared problems, such as privatized healthcare or retirement planning. But how does the availability of individual solutions affect free-riding and the efficient creation of public goods? We confronted groups of individuals with a shared problem that could be solved either individually or collectively. Across different cost-benefit ratios of individually versus collectively solving the shared problem, individuals display a remarkable tendency toward group-independent, individual solutions. This "individualism" leads to inefficient resource allocations and coordination failure. Introducing peer punishment further results in wasteful punishment feuds between "individualists" and "collectivists." In the presence of individual solutions to shared problems, groups struggle to balance self-reliance and collective efficiency, leading to a "modern tragedy of the commons.

    What matters in student loan default: a review of the research literature

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    Journal ArticleFederal higher education policy has shifted over the past few decades from grants to loans as the primary means for providing access to postsecondary education for low and moderate-income families. With this shift, policy makers have begun tracking student loan default rates as a key indicator of the efficacy of student loan programs. This effort requires a closer examination of how to define default and what default signifies: What is an acceptable rate of default? What factors contribute to default? Should default rates be used as indicators of institutional quality or loan program efficacy. These questions lead to further investigation of factors influencing default, such as whether default is a function of the characteristics of students or of the institutions they attend, and whether the types of loans borrowed influence the probabilities of default. To help answer these and related questions, this study reviewed the literature of research on student loan default conducted between 1978 and 2007, and identified 41 of the higher quality studies, the findings of which are summarized here

    Revisiting the form and function of conflict: Neurobiological, psychological, and cultural mechanisms for attack and defense within and between groups

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    Conflict can profoundly affect individuals and their groups. Oftentimes, conflict involves a clash between one side seeking change and increased gains through victory and the other side defending the status quo and protecting against loss and defeat. However, theory and empirical research largely neglected these conflicts between attackers and defenders, and the strategic, social, and psychological consequences of attack and defense remain poorly understood. To fill this void, we model (1) the clashing of attack and defense as games of strategy and reveal that (2) attack benefits from mismatching its target's level of defense, whereas defense benefits from matching the attacker's competitiveness. This suggests that (3) attack recruits neuroendocrine pathways underlying behavioral activation and overconfidence, whereas defense invokes neural networks for behavioral inhibition, vigilant scanning, and hostile attributions; and that (4) people invest less in attack than defense, and attack often fails. Finally, we propose that (5) in intergroup conflict, out-group attack needs institutional arrangements that motivate and coordinate collective action, whereas in-group defense benefits from endogenously emerging in-group identification. We discuss how games of attack and defense may have shaped human capacities for prosociality and aggression, and how third parties can regulate such conflicts and reduce their waste. Keywords: behavioral game theory; biobehavioral approach–avoidance; coevolution of prosociality and aggression; conflict; conflict intervention; cultural institutions; intergroup relations; psychological adaptations

    Endoscopy is of low yield in the identification of gastrointestinal neoplasia in patients with dermatomyositis: A cross-sectional study.

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    AimTo determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal neoplasia among dermatomyositis patients who underwent an esophagogastroduodenoscopy and/or colonoscopy.MethodsA cross-sectional study examining the results of upper endoscopy and colonoscopy in adults with dermatomyositis at an urban, university hospital over a ten year period was performed. Chart review was performed to confirm the diagnosis of dermatomyositis. Findings on endoscopy were collected and statistical analyses stratified by age and presence of symptoms were performed.ResultsAmong 373 adult patients identified through a code based search strategy, only 163 patients had dermatomyositis confirmed by chart review. Of the 47 patients who underwent upper endoscopy, two cases of Barrett's esophagus without dysplasia were identified and there were no cases of malignancy. Of the 67 patients who underwent colonoscopy, no cases of malignancy were identified and an adenoma was identified in 15% of cases. No significant differences were identified in the yield of endoscopy when stratified by age or presence of symptoms.ConclusionThe yield of endoscopy is low in patients with dermatomyositis and is likely similar to the general population; we identified no cases of malignancy. A code based search strategy is inaccurate for the diagnosis of dermatomyositis, calling into question the results of prior population-based studies. Larger studies with rigorously validated search strategies are necessary to understand the risk of gastrointestinal malignancy in patients with dermatomyositis