105 research outputs found

    Pattern speed of main spiral arms in NGC 2997: Estimate based on very young stellar complexes

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    Deep JHK-Brg photometry of the southern arm of the grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 2997 was obtained by ISAAC/VLT. All sources in the field brighter than K=19 mag were located. Color-color diagrams were used to identify young stellar complexes among the extended sources. Ages can be estimated for the youngest complexes and correlated with azimuthal distances from the spiral arms defined by the K-band intensity variation. The extended sources with Mk <-12 mag display a diffuse appearance and are more concentrated inside the arm region than fainter ones, which are compact and uniformly distributed in the disk. The NIR colors of the bright diffuse objects are consistent with them being young starforming complexes with ages <10 Myr and reddened by up to 8 mag of visual extinction. They show a color gradient as a function of their azimuthal distance from the spiral arms. Interpreting this gradient as an age variation, the pattern speed Op = 16 km/s/kpc of the main spiral was derived assuming circular motion. The alignment and color gradient of the bright, diffuse complexes strongly support a density wave scenario for NGC 2997. Only the brightest complexes with Mk <-12 mag show a well aligned structure along the arm, suggesting that a strong compression in the gas due to the spiral potential is required to form these most massive aggregates, while smaller starforming regions are formed more randomly in the disk. The sharp transition between the two groups at Mk = -12 mag may be associated with expulsion of gas when the first supernovae explode in the complex.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication as A&A Lette

    NGC 1300 Dynamics: I. The gravitational potential as a tool for detailed stellar dynamics

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    In a series of papers we study the stellar dynamics of the grand design barred-spiral galaxy NGC~1300. In the first paper of this series we estimate the gravitational potential and we give it in a form suitable to be used in dynamical studies. The estimation is done directly from near-infrared observations. Since the 3D distribution of the luminous matter is unknown, we construct three different general models for the potential corresponding to three different assumptions for the geometry of the system, representing limiting cases. A pure 2D disc, a cylindrical geometry (thick disc) and a third case, where a spherical geometry is assumed to apply for the major part of the bar. For the potential of the disc component on the galactic plane a Fourier decomposition method is used, that allows us to express it as a sum of trigonometric terms. Both even and odd components are considered, so that the estimated potential accounts also for the observed asymmetries in the morphology. For the amplitudes of the trigonometric terms a smoothed cubic interpolation scheme is used. The total potential in each model may include two additional terms (Plummer spheres) representing a central mass concentration and a dark halo component, respectively. In all examined models, the relative force perturbation points to a strongly nonlinear gravitational field, which ranges from 0.45 to 0.8 of the axisymmetric background with the pure 2D being the most nonlinear one. We present the topological distributions of the stable and unstable Lagrangian points as a function of the pattern speed (Ωp)(\Omega_p). In all three models there is a range of Ωp\Omega_p values, where we find multiple stationary points whose stability affects the overall dynamics of the system.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, published in MNRA

    NGC 1300 Dynamics: III. Orbital analysis

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    We present the orbital analysis of four response models, that succeed in reproducing morphological features of NGC 1300. Two of them assume a planar (2D) geometry with Ωp\Omega_p=22 and 16 \ksk respectively. The two others assume a cylindrical (thick) disc and rotate with the same pattern speeds as the 2D models. These response models reproduce most successfully main morphological features of NGC 1300 among a large number of models, as became evident in a previous study. Our main result is the discovery of three new dynamical mechanisms that can support structures in a barred-spiral grand design system. These mechanisms are presented in characteristic cases, where these dynamical phenomena take place. They refer firstly to the support of a strong bar, of ansae type, almost solely by chaotic orbits, then to the support of spirals by chaotic orbits that for a certain number of pat tern revolutions follow an n:1 (n=7,8) morphology, and finally to the support of spiral arms by a combination of orbits trapped around L4,5_{4,5} and sticky chaotic orbits with the same Jacobi constant. We have encountered these dynamical phenomena in a large fraction of the cases we studied as we varied the parameters of our general models, without forcing in some way their appearance. This suggests that they could be responsible for the observed morphologies of many barred-spiral galaxies. Comparing our response models among themselves we find that the NGC 130 0 morphology is best described by a thick disc model for the bar region and a 2D disc model for the spirals, with both components rotating with the same pattern speed Ωp\Omega_p=16 \ksk !. In such a case, the whole structure is included inside the corotation of the system. The bar is supported mainly by regular orbits, while the spirals are supported by chaotic orbits.Comment: 18 pages, 32 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Representations of world coordinates in FITS

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    The initial descriptions of the FITS format provided a simplified method for describing the physical coordinate values of the image pixels, but deliberately did not specify any of the detailed conventions required to convey the complexities of actual image coordinates. Building on conventions in wide use within astronomy, this paper proposes general extensions to the original methods for describing the world coordinates of FITS data. In subsequent papers, we apply these general conventions to the methods by which spherical coordinates may be projected onto a two-dimensional plane and to frequency/wavelength/velocity coordinates.Comment: 15 Pages, 1 figure, LaTex with Astronomy & Astrophysics macro package, submitted to A&A, related papers at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~egreise

    Properties of young star cluster systems: the age signature from near-infrared integrated colours

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    A recent JHKs study of several grand-design spiral galaxies shows a bimodal distribution of their system of star clusters and star forming complexes in colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams. In a comparison with stellar population models including gas, the (J-H) vs (H-Ks) diagram reveals that embedded clusters, still immersed in their parental clouds of gas and dust, generally have a redder (H-Ks) colour than older clusters, whose gas and dust have already been ejected. This bimodal behaviour is also evident in the colour-magnitude diagram MK vs (J-Ks), where the brightest clusters split into two sequences separating younger from older clusters. In addition, the reddening-free index Qd = (H-Ks) - 0.884 (J-H) has been shown to correlate with age for the young clusters and thus provided an effective way to differentiate the embedded clusters from the older ones. We aim to study the behaviour of these photometric indices for star cluster systems in the Local Group. We investigate the effectiveness of the Qd index in sorting out clusters of different ages at their early evolutionary stages. Surface photometry was carried out for 2MASS images of populous clusters younger than ~100Myr whose ages were available. Some clusters, particularly the embedded ones, were studied for the first time using this method. The integrated magnitudes and colours extracted from the surface photometry of the most populous clusters/complexes in the Local Group shows the expected bimodal distribution in the colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams. In particular, we confirm the index Qd as a powerful tool for distinguishing clusters younger than about 7Myr from older clusters. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    The evolution of chaos in active galaxy models with an oblate or a prolate dark halo component

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    The evolution of chaotic motion in a galactic dynamical model with a disk, a dense nucleus and a flat biaxial dark halo component is investigated. Two cases are studied: (i) the case where the halo component is oblate and (ii) the case where a prolate halo is present. In both cases, numerical calculations show that the extent of the chaotic regions decreases exponentially as the scale-length of the dark halo increases. On the other hand, a linear relationship exists between the extent of the chaotic regions and the flatness parameter of the halo component. A linear relationship between the critical value of the angular momentum and the flatness parameter is also found. Some theoretical arguments to support the numerical outcomes are presented. An estimation of the degree of chaos is made by computing the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents. Comparison with earlier work is also made.Comment: Published in Astronomische Nachrichten journa

    The Integrated Polarization of Spiral Galaxy Disks

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    We present integrated polarization properties of nearby spiral galaxies at 4.8 GHz, and models for the integrated polarization of spiral galaxy disks as a function of inclination. Spiral galaxies in our sample have observed integrated fractional polarization in the range < 1% to 17.6%. At inclinations less than 50 degrees, the fractional polarization depends mostly on the ratio of random to regular magnetic field strength. At higher inclinations, Faraday depolarization associated with the regular magnetic field becomes more important. The observed degree of polarization is lower (<4%) for more luminous galaxies, in particular those with L_{4.8} > 2 x 10^{21} W/Hz. The polarization angle of the integrated emission is aligned with the apparent minor axis of the disk for galaxies without a bar. In our axially symmetric models, the polarization angle of the integrated emission is independent of wavelength. Simulated distributions of fractional polarization for randomly oriented spiral galaxies at 4.8 GHz and 1.4 GHz are presented. We conclude that polarization measurements, e.g. with the SKA, of unresolved spiral galaxies allow statistical studies of the magnetic field in disk galaxies using large samples in the local universe and at high redshift. As these galaxies behave as idealized background sources without internal Faraday rotation, they can be used to detect large-scale magnetic fields in the intergalactic medium.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Are external perturbations responsible for chaotic motion in galaxies?

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    We study the nature of motion in a logarithmic galactic dynamical model, with an additional external perturbation. Two different cases are investigated. In the first case the external perturbation is fixed, while in the second case it is varying with the time. Numerical experiments suggest, that responsible for the chaotic phenomena is the external perturbation, combined with the dense nucleus. Linear relationships are found to exist, between the critical value of the angular momentum and the dynamical parameters of the galactic system that is, the strength of the external perturbation, the flattening parameter and the radius of the nucleus. Moreover, the extent of the chaotic regions in the phase plane, increases linearly as the strength of the external perturbation and the flattening parameter increases. On the contrary, we observe that the percentage covered by chaotic orbits in the phase plane, decreases linearly, as the scale length of the nucleus increases, becoming less dense. Theoretical arguments are used to support and explain the numerically obtained outcomes. A comparison of the present outcomes with earlier results is also presented.Comment: Published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals journa

    NGC 1300 Dynamics: II. The response models

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    We study the stellar response in a spectrum of potentials describing the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300. These potentials have been presented in a previous paper and correspond to three different assumptions as regards the geometry of the galaxy. For each potential we consider a wide range of Ωp\Omega_p pattern speed values. Our goal is to discover the geometries and the Ωp\Omega_p supporting specific morphological features of NGC 1300. For this purpose we use the method of response models. In order to compare the images of NGC 1300 with the density maps of our models, we define a new index which is a generalization of the Hausdorff distance. This index helps us to find out quantitatively which cases reproduce specific features of NGC 1300 in an objective way. Furthermore, we construct alternative models following a Schwarzschild type technique. By this method we vary the weights of the various energy levels, and thus the orbital contribution of each energy, in order to minimize the differences between the response density and that deduced from the surface density of the galaxy, under certain assumptions. We find that the models corresponding to Ωp16\Omega_p\approx16\ksk and Ωp22\Omega_p\approx22\ksk are able to reproduce efficiently certain morphological features of NGC 1300, with each one having its advantages and drawbacks.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA