19,972 research outputs found

    You Tube if you want to – a Web 2.0 approach to staff development in web conferencing

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    How can we identify and make best use of potential resources in a staff development programme promoting web conferencing? What are the resources we should use? This paper regards web conferencing as a potentially powerful tool at the disposal of an institution intent on exploring new models of blended and online learning appropriate to the changing needs of 21st-century learners. It presents web conferencing in the user-centric context of Web 2.0 – the social web technologies whose educational impact is to empower online communication, collaboration, participation and sharing of resources. Based on findings from an 18-month period of evaluation and initial implementation at Leeds Met, it outlines practical staff development approaches in the related areas of user-created content and community involvement that could promote a more efficient and focused dissemination of the insights and experiences of a local, national and world-wide user group

    Synchronous and Sequential Strategies in the Process Design of Cascade Equipment

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    Cascade or multistage equipment is characterized by the repetition of similar equipment elements in series. Process design, resulting into the main geometric and kinematic dimensions of the equipment, makes use of different strategies. These strategies, based on a process description, the (equality- and inequality) constraints and the number of degrees of freedom of the mathematical system, which describes the process, can be divided in synchronous- and sequential procedures. In a synchronous strategy no a priori requirements are made as to the distribution of a given process variable over the stages, so that the equipment dimensions are obtained simultaneously. In contrast to this a sequential strategy makes use of a priori statements resulting into stage-to-stage calculations and a decreasing number of degrees of freedom. The general theory presented with detailed information on process description, constraints and degrees of freedom, has been applied to the process design of a multi-stage centrifugal compressor

    The population of AM CVn stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    The AM Canum Venaticorum stars are rare interacting white dwarf binaries, whose formation and evolution are still poorly known. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey provides, for the first time, a sample of 6 AM CVn stars (out of a total population of 18) that is sufficiently homogeneous that we can start to study the population in some detail. We use the Sloan sample to `calibrate' theoretical population synthesis models for the space density of AM CVn stars. We consider optimistic and pessimistic models for different theoretical formation channels, which yield predictions for the local space density that are more than two orders of magnitude apart. When calibrated with the observations, all models give a local space density of 1-3x10^{-6} pc^{-3}, which is lower than expected. We discuss the implications for the formation of AM CVn stars, and conclude that at least one of the dominant formation channels (the double-degenerate channel) has to be suppressed relative to the optimistic models. In the framework of the current models this suggests that the mass transfer between white dwarfs usually cannot be stabilized. We furthermore discuss evolutionary effects that have so far not been considered in population synthesis models, but which could be of influence for the observed population. We finish by remarking that, with our lower space density, the expected number of Galactic AM CVn stars resolvable by gravitational-wave detectors like LISA should be lowered from current estimates, to about 1,000 for a mission duration of one year.Comment: Accepted to MNRA

    The mass of the neutron star in the low-mass X-ray binary 2A 1822-371

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    Using phase resolved spectroscopic observations obtained with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph on ESO's Kueyen Very Large Telescope supplemented by spectroscopic observations obtained with the Boller and Chivens Spectrograph on the Walter Baade Magellan telescope, we found sinusoidal radial-velocity variations with a semi-amplitude 327+-17 km/s. From previous observations and from the fact that the epoch of minimum velocity arrived early with respect to the epoch calculated from pulse timing we know that the companion star is suffering from irradiation. Since we most likely observed primarily the side of the companion star facing the observer at phase ~0.75 the velocity quoted above is not the true radial velocity semi-amplitude of the companion star. Assuming a uniform contribution to the line profile from this hemisphere yields a radial velocity semi-amplitude of 280+-26 km/s for a systemic velocity of 54+-24 km/s; if the contribution is instead weighted somewhat more towards the side of the companion facing the X-ray source then the true semi-amplitude is larger than this value. Together with the well constrained inclination (81<i<84 degrees) and the mass-function determined from pulse-timing analysis (2.03+-0.03 x 10^-2 Msun), we derive a lower limit to the mass of the neutron star and to that of the companion star of 0.97+-0.24 Msun and 0.33+-0.05 Msun, respectively (1 sigma; including uncertainties in the inclination). We briefly discuss other aspects of the spectrum and the implications of our findings.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    On the orbital periods of the AM CVn stars HP Librae and V803 Centauri

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    We analyse high-time-resolution spectroscopy of the AM CVn stars HP Librae and V803 Centauri, taken with the New Technology Telescope (NTT) and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory, Chile. We present evidence that the literature value for V803 Cen's orbital period is incorrect, based on an observed `S-wave' in the binary's spectrogram. We measure a spectroscopic period P=1596.4+/-1.2s of the S-wave feature, which is significantly shorter than the 1611-second periods found in previous photometric studies. We conclude that the latter period likely represents a `superhump'. If one assumes that our S-wave period is the orbital period, V803 Cen's mass ratio can be expected to be much less extreme than previously thought, at q~0.07 rather than q~0.016. This relaxes the constraints on the masses of the components considerably: the donor star does then not need to be fully degenerate, and the mass of the accreting white dwarf no longer has to be very close to the Chandrasekhar limit. For HP Lib, we similarly measure a spectroscopic period P=1102.8+/-0.2s. This supports the identification of HP Lib's photometric periods found in the literature, and the constraints upon the masses derived from them.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Waarheidsvinding in het civiele (proces)recht

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    Waarheidsvinding in het civiele (proces)recht is een middel om de rechter in staat te stellen zo veel mogelijk naar waarheid te beslissen in een geschil dat partijen aan hem voorleggen. Hoe verhoudt waarheidsvinding zich tot de vrijheid van partijen om te bepalen waarover zij willen procederen? Wat mag of moet van de rechter op het punt van waarheidsvinding worden verlangd in het onderzoek van de zaak? Is het mogelijk hierover een redelijke mate van rechtszekerheid te bieden aan partijen die overwegen te procederen? In de procespraktijk is bij zulke kwesties het procesrechtelijke beslissingsmodel richtinggevend dat uit een samenstel van wettelijke bepalingen is af te leiden. Hierin figureren onder meer partijautonomie, het belang van waarheidsvinding en het leerstuk van aanvulling van rechtsfeiten en rechtsgronden. In het preadvies van Dineke de Groot wordt betoogd dat de huidige stand van de rechtsontwikkeling aanknopingspunten biedt om het procesrechtelijke beslissingsmodel evenwichtig te relateren aan de fundamentele waarden van vrijheid en rechtvaardigheid. Dat kan houvast bieden om antwoorden op dit soort vragen in een concreet geval beter voorzienbaar te maken. Ook wordt in het preadvies betoogd dat de tijd rijp is om de comparitie na antwoord vanuit het perspectief van het procesrechtelijke beslissingsmodel verder te ontwikkelen tot een volwaardige mondelinge behandeling die bijdraagt aan een zo waarheidsgetrouw mogelijke rechterlijke beslissing in het geschil van partijen
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