655 research outputs found

    BFKL Spectrum of N=4 SYM: non-Zero Conformal Spin

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    We developed a general non-perturbative framework for the BFKL spectrum of planar N=4 SYM, based on the Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC). It allows one to study the spectrum in the whole generality, extending previously known methods to arbitrary values of conformal spin nn. We show how to apply our approach to reproduce all known perturbative results for the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) Pomeron eigenvalue and get new predictions. In particular, we re-derived the Faddeev-Korchemsky Baxter equation for the Lipatov spin chain with non-zero conformal spin reproducing the corresponding BFKL kernel eigenvalue. We also get new non-perturbative analytic results for the Pomeron eigenvalue in the vicinity of n=1,  Δ=0|n|=1,\;\Delta=0 point and we obtained an explicit formula for the BFKL intercept function for arbitrary conformal spin up to the 3-loop order in the small coupling expansion and partial result at the 4-loop order. In addition, we implemented the numerical algorithm of arXiv:1504.06640 as an auxiliary file to this arXiv submission. From the numerical result we managed to deduce an analytic formula for the strong coupling expansion of the intercept function for arbitrary conformal spin.Comment: 70 pages, 5 figures, 1 txt, 2 nb and 2 mx files; v2: references added, typos fixed and nb file with Mathematica stylesheet attached; v3: more typos fixed; v4: the text edited according to the report of the refere

    QCD Pomeron from AdS/CFT Quantum Spectral Curve

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    Using the methods of the recently proposed Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) originating from integrability of N=4{\cal N}=4 Super--Yang-Mills theory we analytically continue the scaling dimensions of twist-2 operators and reproduce the so-called pomeron eigenvalue of the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) equation. Furthermore, we recovered the Faddeev-Korchemsky Baxter equation for Lipatov's spin chain and also found its generalization for the next-to-leading order in the BFKL scaling. Our results provide a non-trivial test of QSC describing the exact spectrum in planar N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM at infinitely many loops for a highly nontrivial non-BPS quantity and also opens a way for a systematic expansion in the BFKL regime.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, references adde

    Female Characters in the Novels of Kyallo Wadi Wamitila

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    Feminism, namely its post-colonial version, is one of the most used theoretical and ideological platforms in modern African literature. Indian scholar Raj-Kumar Mishra in one of his works gives the post-colonial feminism the following characterization: “The matter of fact is that postcolonial women refuse to remain passive and continue to bear male-oppressive environments. These women seek to emancipate themselves through education, struggle, and hard work. The postcolonial men re-colonized the bodies and minds of their women in the name of preserving their cultural values. Postcolonial feminism is primarily concerned with deplorable plight of women in postcolonial environment […] Postcolonial feminists argue for women emancipation that is subalternized by social, cultural, or economic structures across the world.” (132-3). And thus: “Postcolonial feminism […] comprises non-western feminisms which negotiate the political demands of nationalism, socialist feminism, liberalism, and ecofeminism, alongside the social challenge of everyday patriarchy, typically supported by its institutional and legal discrimination: of domestic violence, sexual abuse, rape, honour killings, dowry deaths, female foeticide, child abuse”

    Kenyan Women’s Literature in Swahili as a Factor of Female Rights Development

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    In a previously published article, the author of this study asserted that feminism, as a system of views establishing and defending equal rights and opportunities for women, has acquired a profound stand in Kenyan literature already since its formation period, the first decades of the country’s independence, in the works of such writers as Grace Ogot, Rebecca Njau, Marjorie Oludhe-Macgoye and others, whose names now rightfully and deservedly form the treasury of Kenyan writing. In their books these writers were addressing the whole variety of problems that modern Kenyan women were faced with, forming new post-colonial mentality in concern with these problems and their solutions both in female and male audiences (primarily addressing the former) – and thus contributing to the advancement of Kenyan society (see Gromov 2017)

    East African Literature: Essays on Written and Oral Traditions. Ed. by J.K.S. Makokha, Egara Kabaji and Dominica Dipio. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2011, 513 pp. ISBN 978-3-8325-2816-4: Review

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    Book review of the collection titled ´East African literature: Essays on Written and Oral Tradition´ edited by J.K.S. Makokha, Egara Kabaji and Dominica Dipi


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    Modern literary theory has created a variety of approaches to describe dynamic processes emerging in a literary field. This may be especially significant in the case of relatively young literary traditions, characterized by rather high level of dynamics.Among various theories of significance is a theory launched in the last quarter of the last century by a Slovakian scholar of comparative literature, Dionýz Ďurišin (1929-1997), who came up with the theory of the so-called specific inter-literary communities. The works of Ďurišin and other scholars, mainly from East European countries (such as Joseph Grmela, Libuša Vajdova, Irina Nikiforova, Yuri Azarov, and others) were published in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s in a variety of collection.KEY WORDS: literary, inter-literary, community, Tanzania

    Three novels of John Habwe: Social criticism through “new enlightenment”

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     John Habwe is one of the most established and prolific writers in modern Kenyan literature in Swahili language, whose writing career now spans for more than two decades 1. Despite his productivity and fame in the literary and reading circles, Habwe so far seems to have gained a rather timid attention from the critics. His first three novels were reviewed, among others, by Kyallo Wadi Wamitila in his survey of Kenyan novel in the new edition of Outline of Swahili Literature (Bertoncini et al., 2009). In that survey Wamitila noticed, along with other traits, Habwe’s tangible inclination towards “Enlightenment-type” didacticism. Thus, before we start the analysis of the texts chosen for this study, it would be advisable to provide a brief outline of the main traits of Enlightenment and its literature.Key words: Habwe, enlightenment, Swahili, literature, Keny


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    The genre of travelogue may be regarded almost as old as the human civilization. Iain Manley in his survey of the genre (Manley 2011) traces the history of travelogue in the world literature from The Epic of Gilgamesh (13th-7th centuries BC), Homer’s Odyssey (8th century BC), accounts of ancient travelers, like the Greeks Arrianus and Pausanius (1-2 centuries), the Chinese Faxian and Xuanzang (5th and 7th centuries), to the medieval texts of the venetian Marco Polo (13th century) and Arabian traveler Ibn Batutta (14th century), Christopher Columbus of Spain (15th century), and Fernão Mendes Pinto of Portugal (16th century AD). Key words: John Habwe, travelogue, Lamu, Safar

    Facing the language border: multi-lingualism in two novels of M. G. Vassanji review: Facing the language border: multi-lingualism in two novels of M. G. Vassanjireview

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    The study focuses on the use of various languages including Swahili by the author Moyez G. Vassanji against the English background of his works, by concentrating on two of his ´African´ novels, namely The Gunny Sack and The In-Between World of Vikram Lall. In his novels, Vassanji uses multiple literary devices involving the use of different languages, such as code switching and code shifting among others. The paper analyses the use of these various ´language-mixing´ devices in his novels from a literary point of view. A set of literary instruments allow the author to attain various tasks, such as creating ´local colour´, restoring social relationships, and also expressing the characters´ search for new identity, as well as reflecting the author´s own background as a multi-cultural person and writer