6,827 research outputs found

    Images of Ohio Centenarians : An Exploratory Study

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    This research report presents findings from face-to-face qualitative interviews with 16 centenarians residing in southwest, central, and northeast Ohio. Our research focused on the following questions: How do centenarians adapt to remain in control of their physical and social environments? How do they sustain morale and motivation in the face of waning energy and declining physical abilities? How do they view the world from their vantage point? How do they interpret the past in light of the many drastic, if not revolutionary changes, they have witnessed in the course of their long lives? How do they go about making meaning of their experience? How do they tell their life stories

    Occupational Therapy in Secondary Transition: A Case Report

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    Introduction: This case report aims to inform the occupational therapy profession of best practice by providing an example of the profession’s role in secondary transition for students with disabilities. Method: This qualitative case report examines the value of occupational therapy during transition in the life of one student with a disability. Six weeks of coaching and collaboration were provided to facilitate student engagement to enhance independent living skills, work-related skills, and self-determination. Pre-test and post-test results of the Roll Evaluation of Life Activities (REAL), the Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills (GOAL), the Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), interviews, informal discussions, and observations were used to identify performance challenges and improvements achieved after intervention. Results: Kasey (pseudonym) met her occupational therapy-related goals that were written in her individualized education plan, including daily living skills, self-determination skills, and gross motor improvements. She exhibited improvement in scores on the GOAL. Her baseline progress score was 349, and at re-assessment 384. Her REAL activities of daily living scores also improved by 7%, and 3% in the domain of instrumental activities of daily living. Conclusion: This case report describes the advantages of occupational therapy in secondary transition services. Post-test measures and informal interviews with transition team members, caregiver, and the student identified improvements in independent living skills and self-determination skills, leading to improvement in participation and skill readiness for transitional roles


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    Portuguese: Vou falar um pouco da lenda do Curupira que é um personagem da Amazônia e ela diz assim, bom, minha avó fala que a avó dela contava para ela que a lenda nos conta que o Curupira é a defensor dos animais, sendo ele um dos mais populares personagens do folclore brasileiro. Então é isso, entendeu? Só que ela continua dizendo que o Curupira gosta de sentar na sombra das mangeiras para comer os frutos. Lá fica entretido deliciando cada manga mas percebendo que está sendo observado, logo sai correndo numa velocidade tão grande que a humana não consegue acompanhar. Não adianta correr atrás de um curupira. Eu: Como o Curupira defende a floresta? Israel: O Curupira, ele defende a mata, a fauna, a flora...eh, dos predadores tipo cortadores, destruidores demais, esse negócio todo entendeu, então ele só parece para as pessoas que vao fazer mal pra floresta. Assim minha avó contava que ela viu uma vez o Curupira também em vida quando ela tinha vinte anos aquele negócio todo que ela morava no interior Urucurituba. Mas esse mesmo a história do Curupira. [Dito depois de uma segunda lenda contada na mesma mensagem] Então essas duas lendas estou contando para você. Se alguém tiver dúvida aí, pode falar para vim em Manaus, em Amazonas, e eles podem ver que é real, o encontro das águas e histórias reais e os antigos contam bem melhor que eu. Estou só te contando o que minha avó contou para mim, entendeu? English Translation: Israel: I will talk a little about the legend of the Curupira that is a person from the Amazon and the legend says this, well, my grandma said that her grandpa told her this legend and told us that the Curupira is the defender of the animals, hime being one of the most popular people in Brazilian folklore. So it is this, understand? Only that my grandma continued saying that the Curupira likes to sit in the shade of the mango trees to eat the fruits. There it stays enjoying every mango but noticing that it is being observed, right away it leaves running at a velocity so fast that humans can’t follow. It’s no use running after a curupira. Me: How does the Curupira defend the forest? Israel: The Curupira, he defends the jungle, the animals, the plants…um, from the predators like those who cut down trees, people who destroy too much, this whole kind of thing understand, so he only appears for the people who will harm the forest. Like that my grandma said that saw a Curupira once in real life when she was twenty years old that whole thing when she lived in the interior of Urucurituba. But this is the story of the Curupira. [After another legend told in the same conversation he said this] So these two legends that I’m telling you. If anyone has doubt there, you can tell them to come to Manaus, to Amazonas, and they can see that it is real, the meeting of the waters and the real stories and the elderly tell them way better than me. I’m just telling you what my grandma told to me, understand

    Instructing Students How to Use Evidence-based Technology Interventions with Older Adults

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    Current evidence supports the use of technology with older adults and the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education standards for entry-level occupational therapy programs mandate instruction on the use of technology to support occupational performance. The literature does not clearly define specific strategies to teach entry-level occupational therapy students how to implement technology interventions with older adults. The purpose of this paper is to provide OT educators with recommendations for teaching entry-level students to use evidence-based technology with older adults. The authors reviewed current literature. The recent evidence helped the authors define practical curriculum recommendations for instructing entry-level occupational therapy students to integrate technology into older adults’ interventions. Recommendations include use of telehealth visits, teleconferencing, iPad applications, smart phone applications, texting, emails, and video applications. With technology continually changing, occupational therapy instructors must increase their awareness of new applications and computer programs that occupational therapists can utilize in older adult interventions to maximize knowledge translation to their students

    Monitoring War Destruction from Space: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Existing data on building destruction in conflict zones rely on eyewitness reports or manual detection, which makes it generally scarce, incomplete and potentially biased. This lack of reliable data imposes severe limitations for media reporting, humanitarian relief efforts, human rights monitoring, reconstruction initiatives, and academic studies of violent conflict. This article introduces an automated method of measuring destruction in high-resolution satellite images using deep learning techniques combined with data augmentation to expand training samples. We apply this method to the Syrian civil war and reconstruct the evolution of damage in major cities across the country. The approach allows generating destruction data with unprecedented scope, resolution, and frequency - only limited by the available satellite imagery - which can alleviate data limitations decisively

    Maximum Angle of Stability of a Wet Granular Pile

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    Anyone who has built a sandcastle recognizes that the addition of liquid to granular materials increases their stability. However, measurements of this increased stability often conflict with theory and with each other [1-7]. A friction-based Mohr-Coulomb model has been developed [3,8]. However, it distinguishes between granular friction and inter-particle friction, and uses the former without providing a physical mechanism. Albert, {\em et al.} [2] analyzed the geometric stability of grains on a pile's surface. The frictionless model for dry particles is in excellent agreement with experiment. But, their model for wet grains overestimates stability and predicts no dependence on system size. Using the frictionless model and performing stability analysis within the pile, we reproduce the dependence of the stability angle on system size, particle size, and surface tension observed in our experiments. Additionally, we account for past discrepancies in experimental reports by showing that sidewalls can significantly increase the stability of granular material.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Efecto organoprotector de solanum tuberosum en modelo agudo de úlcera gástrica inducido por indometacina en ratones

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    La formación de las úlceras gástricas es consecuencia de un desequilibrio entre una gran variedad de factores protectores y factores lesivos. Sin embargo, actualmente el tratamiento está basado en el uso de medicamentos antiulcerosos, principalmente inhibidores de la bomba de protones, antagonistas H2 y el tratamiento enfocado a la erradicación de H. pylori cuando existe evidencia de su infección. Los principales problemas encontrados en estos tratamientos son su alto costo, la resistencia a antibióticos y la falla terapéutica debido a la compleja etiología de esta patología. Siendo en éstos, donde la medicina natural, alternativa y las etnoprácticas han encontrado un espacio por medio de la búsqueda de sustancias con actividad citoprotectora ó gastroprotectoras y sustancias con ambas actividades conocidas como organoprotectoras. Es conocido además que muchos extractos de plantas medicinales pueden tener actividad cicatrizante. Dentro de estas alternativas una de las descritas por la población general en cuanto al tratamiento de síntomas gástricos en nuestro país y Latinoamérica es el uso de extractos de Solanum tuberosum (S. tuberosum, papa), los cuales se cree que tienen múltiples efectosTerapéuticos. Pese a su frecuente uso hay pocos estudios que comprueben estos efectos. Por ende nos planteamos la siguiente pregunta: ¿Existe un efecto organoprotector de S. tuberosum en modelo de úlcera gástrica inducido de forma aguda por Indometacinaen en ratones

    A systematic review of the clinical presentation, treatment and relapse characteristics of human Plasmodium ovale malaria

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    Additional file 1. Alphabetic list of included articles with overall quality of reporting and risk of bias assessment. -, not determined; overall risk of bias was declared “high” for case reports and case series; for applicable trials, overall risk of bias results from the detailed risk of bias assessment outlined in the Additional file 2; detailed completeness of reporting assessment is displayed in the Additional file 3