335 research outputs found

    Guiding Design Principle Projects: A Canvas for Young Design Science Researchers

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    Particularly young researchers face challenges in organizing large design science research (DSR) projects and often struggle to capture, communicate, and reflect on important components to produce purposeful outcomes. Making informed decisions at the project start, such as selecting suitable kernel theories and development procedures, is of great relevance because they affect the entire design process and the resulting design products. Although DSR can produce different types of outcomes, from more situational artifacts to more abstract design knowledge, scholars point to the need for generalizing insights collected in such projects to advance the knowledge base. As design principles are among the prevailing forms of such design knowledge, this paper builds a visual inquiry tool—represented as a canvas—that navigates researchers through common components for crafting design principles and leverages collaborative reflections on essential project decisions. To build our canvas, we adapt inquiry-based learning (IBL) guidelines and visual inquiry tools to DSR education. Evaluations with doctoral students revealed promising indications for the canvas’s applicability and usefulness in guiding iterative DSR projects, reflecting on basic components, and communicating work-in-progress to other scholars and practice. Overall, we complement the body of DSR literature by providing an educational visual inquiry tool for producing design principles

    Lesbische Literatur in öffentlichen Bibliotheken : geschichtlicher Hintergrund, stichprobenartige Bestandsanalyse an ausgewÀhlten Beispielen und Bestandsempfehlungen

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit lesbischer Literatur und deren Stellenwert in öffentlichen Bibliotheken. Neben einer Definition der Begriffe Lesbe und lesbische Literatur behandelt diese Arbeit die mangelnde Sichtbarkeit und Vorurteile gegenĂŒber lesbischen Frauen. Zudem wird in diesem Bezug auf die Rolle von öffentlichen Bibliotheken eingegangen. Der zeitgeschichtliche Kontext und die Entwicklung der lesbischen Literatur werden vom 20. Jahrhundert ausgehend dargestellt. Beispielhaft findet die Analyse der BestĂ€nde von vier Stadtbibliotheken statt. Dies geschieht durch eine Sichtung der vorhandenen lesbischen Literatur und ein darauf folgendes Interview mit den BibliotheksbeschĂ€ftigten. Zudem soll ein Vergleich zwischen der Anzahl und der AktualitĂ€t von schwuler und lesbischer Literatur in den BestĂ€nden die These prĂŒfen, ob beim Bestandsaufbau lesbische Literatur weniger berĂŒcksichtigt wird. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Bibliotheken Maßnahmen aufzuzeigen, mit denen sie ihren Bestand an lesbischer Literatur aufbauen oder erweitern können. DafĂŒr wird eine Liste mit empfehlenswerten Buchtiteln erarbeitet.This bachelor thesis deals with lesbian literature and its significance in public libraries. In addition to a definition of the terms lesbian and lesbian literature, this thesis deals with the lack of visibility and prejudices against lesbian women, and also addresses the role of public libraries in this regard. The contemporary context and the development of lesbian literature are presented starting from the 20th century. By way of example, an analysis of the stock of four public libraries is carried out by reviewing the existing lesbian literature and interviewing the library staff. In addition, a comparison between the number and the topicality of gay and lesbian literature in the collections is needed to prove whether lesbian literature is taken less into account regarding stock development. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to recommend measures to libraries with which they can build or expand their stock of lesbian literature. For this purpose, a list of recommended book titles will be compiled

    Professionalisierung fördern im Lehramt: Entwicklung eines reflexionsfördernden Sprachbildungsseminars mittels Design-Based Research

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    This paper presents the development, execution and evaluation of an integrative seminar model in teacher education (area: language-sensitive teaching), which was researched in two iterative cycles using design-based research (DBR). Advancing the professionalization of teachers, the seminar combined professional learning with opportunities for reflection; advancing the professionalization of the academic and quality of teaching, the seminar was systematically developed further. The results pertaining to the seminar showed a mixed picture in the student evaluation of the previous knowledge, the benefit and the handling of the competence-promoting learning opportunities; individual case studies show different courses of competence acquisition. Methodologically, the DBR approach proved to be appropriate, although the diversity of the learning activities posed a challenge for a workable approach in the research; the cooperation between academic and researcher proved to be of central importance

    Evaluation von Speichel-Drogenvortests im Rahmen der allgemeinen Verkehrskontrolle

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der ÜberprĂŒfung von Schnellnachweisverfahren zum Drogenkonsum im Straßenverkehr. In einer 11-monatigen Testphase wurden 1.212 Fahrer in Nordrhein-Westfalen getestet. Zum Einsatz kamen hierbei drei Verfahren, die auf der Matrix Speichel basieren (DrĂ€ger DrugTestÂź 5000 (Draeger Safety AG&Co. KGaA, LĂŒbeck), RapidSTATÂź (Mavand Solution GmbH, Mössingen) und DrugWipe5/5+Âź (Securetec Detektions-Systeme AG, Brunnthal)). ZusĂ€tzlich kam in grĂ¶ĂŸerem Umfang das Urin-Schnelltest-Verfahren Drug-ScreenÂź (NAL von Minden, Regensburg) zum Einsatz. Des Weiteren wurde bei einem Großteil dieser Probanden ein zusĂ€tzlicher Drogennachweis im Blut durchgefĂŒhrt. Sowohl die Speichel-, als auch die Urintests wurden mit den Ergebnissen im Plasma verglichen. Auf diese Weise ließen sich SensitivitĂ€t, SpezifitĂ€t, Genauigkeit, sowie die Positiven- bzw. Negativen prĂ€diktiven Werte errechnen. In einer gesonderten Analyse wurden Daten aus Ă€hnlichen Studien gesammelt und mit den Resultaten der vorliegenden Studie verglichen. Folgende SensitivitĂ€ten konnten fĂŒr die Speicheltests ermittelt werden: -THC 87,1 % (DrugTestÂź 5000), 91,0 % (RapidSTATÂź ); 70,6 % (DrugWipeÂź), -Opiate 95,5 % (DrugTestÂź 5000), 100 % (RapidSTATÂź, DrugWipeÂź); -Amphetamine 84,1 % (DrugTestÂź 5000), 90,2 % (RapidSTATÂź), 100 % (DrugWipeÂź); -Metamphetamine 50,0 % (DrugTestÂź 5000), 100 % (RapidSTATÂź); -Kokain 76,2 % (DrugTestÂź 5000), 100 % (RapidSTATÂź, DrugWipeÂź) und -Benzodiazepine 0-33 % ( mit einer sehr niedrigen positiv-Rate). Besonders hervorzuheben sind die niedrigen SpezifitĂ€ten fĂŒr THC (29 % (DrugWipeÂź) und 47 % (DrugTestÂź 5000)). Ähnlich niedrige Ergebnisse waren auch in der Literatur (DRUID, 2010) zu finden. Diese Werte lassen sich ĂŒber die niedrigen Cut-off-Werte erklĂ€ren. Der Urin-Schnelltest der Firma Nal von Minden Drug-ScreenÂź zeigte gute SensitivitĂ€ten (THC 92,9 %, Opiate 94,1 %, Amphetamine 93,9 %, Metamphetamine 75,0 % (geringe StichprobengrĂ¶ĂŸe!), Kokain 100 %). Die SpezifitĂ€ten waren jedoch weniger ĂŒberzeu-gend (40,0 %, 85,7 %, 68,4 %, 76,9 %, 47,1 %). Auch wenn Speichel ein sehr praktikables Nachweismedium in den allgemeinen Ver-kehrskontrollen ist, zeigt diese Matrix dennoch SchwĂ€chen in puncto SensitivitĂ€t fĂŒr die Substanzen Metamphetamine und Benzodiazepine, sowie in der SpezifitĂ€t fĂŒr THC. Obwohl der DrĂ€ger DrugTestÂź fĂŒr den Großteil der zu untersuchenden Substanzen die besten Ergebnisse lieferte, bleibt er dem Mavand RapidSTATÂź in Bezug auf den am hĂ€ufigsten konsumierten THC-Wirkstoff im Nachweis unterlegen. Somit verbleibt Speichel als Medium fĂŒr Drogenvortests vielversprechend, allerdings sind noch Optimierungen bei einzelnen Wirkstoffen zu fordern. Erst hierdurch ergĂ€be sich eine gute Alternative zum bisher hĂ€ufiger verwendeten Urintest

    Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Pancreatic Tumor Cell Lines: The Role of Neutrophils and Neutrophil-Derived Elastase

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is frequently associated with fibrosis and a prominent inflammatory infiltrate in the desmoplastic stroma. Moreover, in PDAC, an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is observed. To explore a possible connection between the infiltrating cells, particularly the polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and the tumor cell transition, biopsies of patients with PDAC (n=115) were analysed with regard to PMN infiltration and nuclear expression of ÎČ-catenin and of ZEB1, well-established indicators of EMT. In biopsies with a dense PMN infiltrate, a nuclear accumulation of ÎČ-catenin and of ZEB1 was observed. To address the question whether PMN could induce EMT, they were isolated from healthy donors and were cocultivated with pancreatic tumor cells grown as monolayers. Rapid dyshesion of the tumor cells was seen, most likely due to an elastase-mediated degradation of E-cadherin. In parallel, the transcription factor TWIST was upregulated, ÎČ-catenin translocated into the nucleus, ZEB1 appeared in the nucleus, and keratins were downregulated. EMT was also induced when the tumor cells were grown under conditions preventing attachment to the culture plates. Here, also in the absence of elastase, E-cadherin was downmodulated. PMN as well as prevention of adhesion induced EMT also in liver cancer cell line. In conclusion, PMN via elastase induce EMT in vitro, most likely due to the loss of cell-to-cell contact. Because in pancreatic cancers the transition to a mesenchymal phenotype coincides with the PMN infiltrate, a contribution of the inflammatory response to the induction of EMT and—by implication—to tumor progression is possible

    Forschungsprojekte mit der Praxis entwickeln: Ergebnisse des Projektentwicklungsprozesses der Innovationsgruppe ginkoo

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    Organic farming actors need to handle more complex innovation processes to develop locally adapted and globally relevant solutions for challenges such as agricultural-biodiversity and relationship between farmers and producers. For a coordinating management of such innovation processes, management tools that exceed classical innovation management techniques, are required if sustainable solutions are to be achieved. Developing relevant knowledge requires a transdisciplinary approach to bridge the gap between science and practice. This paper presents our process and the resulting concept of the transdisciplinary innovation group ginkoo for one of two case studies. It aims at developing a research concept that integrates the practical context such that ground for using the research findings after the end of funding has been laid

    European Black Elderberry Fruit Extract Inhibits Replication of SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro

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    Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is still affecting the lives of people round the globe and remains a major public health threat. The emergence of new variants more efficiently transmitted, more virulent and more capable of escaping naturally acquired and vaccine-induced immunity creates a long-term negative outlook for the management of the pandemic. The development of effective and viable prevention and treatment options to reduce viral transmission is of the utmost importance. The fruits of the European black elderberry and extracts thereof have been traditionally used to treat viral infections such as coughs, cold and flu. Specifically, its efficacy against the Influenza A virus has been shown in vitro as well as in human clinical trials. In the current project, we investigated the antiviral activity of a black elderberry extract, mainly containing anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants of concern and explored the possible mode of action by performing time of addition experiments. The results revealed that the extract displayed a strong anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity against the Wuhan type as well as the variants of concern Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron with a comparable antiviral activity. Based on cytotoxicity data, a 2-log theoretical therapeutic window was established. The data accumulated so far suggest that the viral replication cycle is inhibited at later stages, inasmuch as the replication process was affected after virus entry. Therefore, it would be legitimate to assume that black elderberry extract might have the potential to be an effective treatment option for SARS-CoV-2 infections

    Wilms Tumor 1b Expression Defines a Pro-regenerative Macrophage Subtype and Is Required for Organ Regeneration in the Zebrafish

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    Organ regeneration is preceded by the recruitment of innate immune cells, which play an active role during repair and regrowth. Here, we studied macrophage subtypes during organ regeneration in the zebrafish, an animal model with a high regenerative capacity. We identified a macrophage subpopulation expressing Wilms tumor 1b (wt1b), which accumulates within regenerating tissues. This wt1b+ macrophage population exhibited an overall pro-regenerative gene expression profile and different migratory behavior compared to the remainder of the macrophages. Functional studies showed that wt1b regulates macrophage migration and retention at the injury area. Furthermore, wt1b-null mutant zebrafish presented signs of impaired macrophage differentiation, delayed fin growth upon caudal fin amputation, and reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation following cardiac injury that correlated with altered macrophage recruitment to the regenerating areas. We describe a pro-regenerative macrophage subtype in the zebrafish and a role for wt1b in organ regeneration.A.B.G.-R. is supported by the Sara Borrell Program (CD11/00165) and CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CB16/11/00286). H.R. was supported by a short-term EMBO fellowship (EMBOSTF7204). I.J.M. was supported by a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship (PIEF-GA-2012-330728). N.M. is supported by Swiss National Science Foundation grant 31003A_15972 and the European Research Council (starting grant 337703–zebra–Heart). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacio® n, y Universidades (MCNU), and the Pro CNIC Foundation AGRADECIENTOS: ProCNIC; Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0505)S
