371 research outputs found

    Field Spectroscopy in the VNIR-SWIR region to discriminate between Mediterranean native plants and exotic-invasive shrubs based on leaf tannin content

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    The invasive shrub, Acacia longifolia, native to southeastern Australia, has a negative impact on vegetation and ecosystem functioning in Portuguese dune ecosystems. In order to spectrally discriminate A. longifolia from other non-native and native species, we developed a classification model based on leaf reflectance spectra (350–2500 nm) and condensed leaf tannin content. High variation of leaf tannin content is common for Mediterranean shrub and tree species, in particular between N-fixing and non-N-fixing species, as well as within the genus, Acacia. However, variation in leaf tannin content has not been studied in coastal dune ecosystems in southwest Portugal. We hypothesized that condensed tannin concentration varies significantly across species, further allowing for distinguishing invasive, nitrogen-fixing A. longifolia from other vegetation based on leaf spectral reflectance data. Spectral field measurements were carried out using an ASD FieldSpec FR spectroradiometer attached to an ASD leaf clip in order to collect 750 in situ leaf reflectance spectra of seven frequent plant species at three study sites in southwest Portugal. We applied partial least squares (PLS) regression to predict the obtained leaf reflectance spectra of A. longifolia individuals to their corresponding tannin concentration. A. longifolia had the lowest tannin concentration of all investigated species. Four wavelength regions (675–710 nm, 1060–1170 nm, 1360–1450 nm and 1630–1740 nm) were identified as being highly correlated with tannin concentration. A spectra-based classification model of the different plant species was calculated using a principal component analysis-linear discriminant analysis (PCA-LDA). The best prediction of A. longifolia was achieved by using wavelength regions between 1360–1450 nm and 1630–1740 nm, resulting in a user’s accuracy of 98.9%. In comparison, selecting the entire wavelength range, the best user accuracy only reached 86.5% for A. longifolia individuals

    Development of site-controlled quantum dot arrays acting as scalable sources of indistinguishable photons

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    We report on the realization of an array of 28 × 28 mesas with site-controlled InGaAs quantum dots acting as single-photon sources for potential applications in photonic quantum technology. The site-selective growth of quantum dots is achieved by using the buried stressor approach where an oxide aperture serves as the nucleation site in the center of each mesa. Spectroscopic maps demonstrate the positioning of quantum dots with an inhomogeneous broadening of the ensemble emission of only 15.8 meV. Individual quantum dots are characterized by clean single-quantum-dot spectra with narrow exciton, biexciton, and trion lines, with a best value of 27 ÎŒeV and an ensemble average of 120 ÎŒeV. Beyond that, Hanbury Brown and Twiss and Hong-Ou-Mandel measurements validate the quantum nature of emission in terms of high single-photon purity and photon indistinguishability with a g(2)(0) value of (0.026 ± 0.026) and a post-selected two-photon interference visibility V = (87.1 ± 9.7)% with an associated coherence time of τc = (194 ± 7) ps.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Device

    Entwicklung eines Seminars zur Förderung des KonzeptverstÀndnisses mittels digitaler Medien

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    Die Digitalisierung stellt Schule und Gesellschaft vor neue Herausforderungen, bietet jedoch gleichzeitig auch enorme Chancen. Im Physikunterricht können digitale Medien z.B. dazu beitragen, SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern das VerstĂ€ndnis physikalischer Konzepte zu erleichtern. Im Rahmen des DiKoLeP-Verbundprojekts an den UniversitĂ€ten Aachen, Graz und TĂŒbingen wird daher ein Seminar entwickelt und evaluiert, dessen Ziel es ist, Studierende zum fachdidaktisch sinnvollen Einsatz von digitalen Medien zur Förderung des physikalischen KonzeptverstĂ€ndnisses zu befĂ€higen. Trotz der Verankerung des Einsatzes von digitalen Medien in den KMK-Bildungsstandards haben viele LehrkrĂ€fte nach eigenen Angaben nicht die notwendigen Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen, digitale Medien lernwirksam einzusetzen. Das neue Seminar soll daher angehenden LehrkrĂ€ften in der ersten Phase der Lehramtsausbildung die Möglichkeit geben, diese Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen zu erlangen und in komplexitĂ€tsreduzierten Unterrichtssequenzen zu erproben. Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Konzeption des Seminars und stellt die Forschungsfragen des DiKoLeP-Verbundprojekts u.a. in Zusammenhang mit der Evaluation des Seminarkonzepts vor. ZusĂ€tzlich werden die Erhebungsinstrumente und die Struktur der Evaluation dargestellt

    A Magnetohydrodynamic enhanced entry system for space transportation: MEESST

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    This paper outlines the initial development of a novel magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma control system which aims at mitigating shock-induced heating and the radio-frequency communication blackout typically encountered during (re-)entry into planetary atmospheres. An international consortium comprising universities, SMEs, research institutions, and industry has been formed in order to develop this technology within the MEESST project. The latter is funded by the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) program of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 scheme (grant no. 899298). Atmospheric entry imposes one of the harshest environments which a spacecraft can experience. The combination of hypersonic velocities and the rapid compression of atmospheric particles by the spacecraft leads to high-enthalpy, partially ionised gases forming around the vehicle. This inhibits radio communications and induces high thermal loads on the spacecraft surface. For the former problem, spacecraft can sometimes rely on satellite constellations for communicating through the plasma wake and therefore preventing the blackout. On the other hand, expensive, heavy, and non-reusable thermal protection systems (TPS) are needed to dissipate the severe thermal loads. Such TPS can represent up to 30% of an entry vehicles weight, and especially for manned missions they can reduce the cost- efficiency by sacrificing payload mass. Such systems are also prone to failure, putting the lives of astronauts at risk. The use of electromagnetic fields to exploit MHD principles has long been considered as an attractive solution for tackling the problems described above. By pushing the boundary layer of the ionized gas layer away from the spacecraft, the thermal loads can be reduced, while also opening a magnetic window for radio communications and mitigating the blackout phenomenon. The application of this MHD-enabled system has previously not been demonstrated in realistic conditions due to the required large magnetic fields (on the order of Tesla or more), which for conventional technologies would demand exceptionally heavy and power-hungry electromagnets. High-temperature superconductors (HTS) have reached a level of industrial maturity sufficient for them to act as a key enabling technology for this application. Thanks to superior current densities, HTS coils can offer the necessary low weight and compactness required for space applications, with the ability to generate the strong magnetic fields needed for entry purposes. This paper provides an overview of the MEESST project, including its goals, methodology and some preliminary design considerations

    Plug&Play Fiber‐Coupled 73 kHz Single‐Photon Source Operating in the Telecom O‐Band

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    A user‐friendly, fiber‐coupled, single‐photon source operating at telecom wavelengths is a key component of photonic quantum networks providing long‐haul, ultra‐secure data exchange. To take full advantage of quantum‐mechanical data protection and to maximize the transmission rate and distance, a true quantum source providing single photons on demand is highly desirable. This great challenge is tackled by developing a ready‐to‐use semiconductor quantum‐dot‐based device that launches single photons at a wavelength of 1.3 ”m directly into a single‐mode optical fiber. In the proposed approach, the quantum dot is deterministically integrated into a nanophotonic structure to ensure efficient on‐chip coupling into a fiber. The whole arrangement is integrated into a 19Êș compatible housing to enable stand‐alone operation by cooling via a compact Stirling cryocooler. The realized source delivers single photons with a multiphoton events probability as low as 0.15 and a single‐photon emission rate of up to 73 kHz into a standard telecom single‐mode fiber.BMBF, 05M20ZBM, Forschungscampus MODAL - Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis Laboratories - zweite Förderphase (Stabilisierung)TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    A Magnetohydrodynamic enhanced entry system for space transportation: MEESST

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    This paper outlines the initial development of a novel magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma control system which aims at mitigating shock-induced heating and the radio-frequency communication blackout typically encountered during (re-)entry into planetary atmospheres. An international consortium comprising universities, SMEs, research institutions, and industry has been formed in order to develop this technology within the MEESST project. The latter is funded by the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) program of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 scheme (grant no. 899298). Atmospheric entry imposes one of the harshest environments which a spacecraft can experience. The combination of hypersonic velocities and the rapid compression of atmospheric particles by the spacecraft leads to high-enthalpy, partially ionised gases forming around the vehicle. This inhibits radio communications and induces high thermal loads on the spacecraft surface. For the former problem, spacecraft can sometimes rely on satellite constellations for communicating through the plasma wake and therefore preventing the blackout. On the other hand, expensive, heavy, and non-reusable thermal protection systems (TPS) are needed to dissipate the severe thermal loads. Such TPS can represent up to 30% of an entry vehicles weight, and especially for manned missions they can reduce the cost- efficiency by sacrificing payload mass. Such systems are also prone to failure, putting the lives of astronauts at risk. The use of electromagnetic fields to exploit MHD principles has long been considered as an attractive solution for tackling the problems described above. By pushing the boundary layer of the ionized gas layer away from the spacecraft, the thermal loads can be reduced, while also opening a magnetic window for radio communications and mitigating the blackout phenomenon. The application of this MHD-enabled system has previously not been demonstrated in realistic conditions due to the required large magnetic fields (on the order of Tesla or more), which for conventional technologies would demand exceptionally heavy and power-hungry electromagnets. High-temperature superconductors (HTS) have reached a level of industrial maturity sufficient for them to act as a key enabling technology for this application. Thanks to superior current densities, HTS coils can offer the necessary low weight and compactness required for space applications, with the ability to generate the strong magnetic fields needed for entry purposes. This paper provides an overview of the MEESST project, including its goals, methodology and some preliminary design considerations
