71 research outputs found

    Mobbing - student experience FSD with mobbing from student work

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    Švedski raziskovalec Heinz Leymann je bil prvi, ki je začel raziskovati področje mobinga, zasnoval pa je tudi prvo definicijo mobinga. Čeprav so mu sledili številni drugi avtorji po celem svetu, še danes nimamo enotne definicije. Diplomsko delo opisuje mobing na delovnem mestu in izkušnje študentov na tem področju. Za namen empiričnega dela raziskave je bila izvedena spletna anketa. V njeno izpolnjevanje so bili vključeni študentje Fakultete za socialno delo. Namen ankete je bil ugotoviti, ali so študentje seznanjeni s pojavom mobinga, ali ga znajo prepoznati v svojem delovnem okolju in ali vedo, na koga se lahko obrnejo v primeru mobinga.The first definition of mobbing was proposed by Heinz Leymann, a Swedish researcher. His research was continued by many other researchers worldwideconsequently, multiple definitions of mobbing exist today. The present thesis describes mobbing in the workplace and the experiences of students in this regard. For the purpose of the empirical part of the thesis, an online survey, in which participated students of the Faculty of Social Work, was conducted. The purpose of the survey was to determine whether students are familiar with the phenomenon of mobbing, if they are able to recognize it in their workplace, and whether they know to whom they can turn if they experience mobbing

    Development of Post-flight Navigation Analysis Application

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    Poslijeletna analiza navigacijskog leta se klasično provodi razgovorom instruktora letenja sa studentom-pilotom pri čemu se utvrđuju odstupanja od zadanih navigacijskih parametara leta. Na temelju usporedbe GPS putanje odrađenog leta sa zadanom putanjom i parametrima leta aplikacija će ustanoviti kolika su bila odstupanja u horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj ravnini. Dodatno, odredit će i koliko je bilo odstupanje po vremenu. Aplikacija se može koristiti za analizu stvarnog navigacijskog leta.Post-flight analysis of navigation is done between the flight instructor and the student pilot in which they determine deviations from given navigations parameters of the flight. By comparing the GPS track with the given course and other flight parameters, the application will determine what were the deviations in the horizontal and vertical profile of the flight. Additionally, it will determine what was the deviation in terms of time. The application can be used for the navigation analysis of a real flight

    Omejevanje kraških kotanj z analizo polrezov

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    Razvoj metod daljinskega zaznavanja, računalnikov in programske opreme za obdelavo prostorskih podatkov se je dotaknil tudi področja geomorfologije. Vse troje omogoča hitrejšo analizo večjih količin podatkov, ne pa tudi natančnejše. Vzrok za to je slaba matematična definiranost nekaterih geomorfoloških oblik. V raziskavi se osredotočamo na omejevanje kraških kotanj. Za ta namen smo razvili nov pristop, ki pri določanju roba kotanje analizira njene polreze ter učinkovito zaznava tudi robove kotanj na pobočjih. Metoda omogoča pridobivanje natančnejših morfografskih in morfometričnih podatkov o kotanjah. Metodo smo razvili in preizkusili na petih kotanjah Podgrajskega podolja (JZ Slovenija) ter rezultate primerjali z rezultati metode, ki za omejevanje kotanj uporablja hidrološko modeliranje. Opažamo bistveno izboljšanje rezultatov pri omejevanju z novo metodo

    Development of Post-flight Navigation Analysis Application

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    Poslijeletna analiza navigacijskog leta se klasično provodi razgovorom instruktora letenja sa studentom-pilotom pri čemu se utvrđuju odstupanja od zadanih navigacijskih parametara leta. Na temelju usporedbe GPS putanje odrađenog leta sa zadanom putanjom i parametrima leta aplikacija će ustanoviti kolika su bila odstupanja u horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj ravnini. Dodatno, odredit će i koliko je bilo odstupanje po vremenu. Aplikacija se može koristiti za analizu stvarnog navigacijskog leta.Post-flight analysis of navigation is done between the flight instructor and the student pilot in which they determine deviations from given navigations parameters of the flight. By comparing the GPS track with the given course and other flight parameters, the application will determine what were the deviations in the horizontal and vertical profile of the flight. Additionally, it will determine what was the deviation in terms of time. The application can be used for the navigation analysis of a real flight

    Tool for Drought Monitoring in the Danube Region: – Methods and Preliminary Developments

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    Drought is a naturally recurring phenomenon of the climate system that affects virtually all regions of the world. During the past decades extreme droughts with extensive negative effects on ecosystems became evident also in the Danube region. At the moment regional capacity to monitor drought is still very diverse and not synchronised among different countries. In this is paper, we present a recently developed drought monitoring tool – the Drought User Service (DUS) for the Danube region using remote-sensing products which aims at offering a more accurate and in near-real-time monitoring via different drought indices. The DUS was created as the monitoring tool of the risk-based paradigm, which seeks to give information in near real-time about the location and severity of droughts throughout the Danube region. Satellite remote sensing products meet the requirements for operational monitoring because they are able to offer continuous and consistent measurements of variables, which can be used to assess the severity, spatial extent and impacts of drought. In the DUS three different variables – vegetation, soil moisture and precipitation – are monitored with earth observation products. The condition of vegetation and soil moisture is tracked with two simple indicators computed as long-term anomalies of the NDVI and SWI products made available through EU’s Copernicus Global Land Service. The importance of DUS and of the developed methods for faster detection of drought onset as useful foundation for establishing a better pro-active drought management in order to mitigate the negative effects of drought in the region is discussed

    Flight simulation of a sailplane with the pilot in the loop

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    U ovom diplomskom radu izrađen je linearni model gibanja jedrilice (nalik Grob G-103 Twin Astiru). Izračunati su svi potrebni aerodinamčki koeficijenti koristeći se nacrtom jedrilice iz priručnika održavanja te aproksimacijom aeroprofila repnih površina i pojednostavljenom geometrijom trupa. Nakon provjerene ravnotežnog leta i stabilnosti, cijeli model jedrilice je implementiran u simulacijsku platformu s modelom sa šest stupnjeva slobode gibanja. Model je izrađen pomoću MATLAB programskog paketa i Simulinka. Uz model jedrilice izrađeni su modeli instrumenata pomoću programskog paketa VAPS XT te su spojeni sa Simulink modelom. U radu je pokazana njihova izrada te njihova implementacija u simulacijsku platformu. Simulator pokreće FlightGear programski paket za vizualizaciju leta. U simulaciji je uključen i pilot koji zadaje upravljačke veličine pomoću upravljačke palice.In this thesis a motion model of a sailplane (resembling Grob G-103 Twin Astir) is made. The aerodynamic coefficients have been calculated with the available information and with approximations of the unknown values. After the stable flight conditions and stability have been checked, the whole model of the sailplane was implemented in a simulation platform with six degrees of freedom. Model has been created with the use of MATLAB and Simulink. Alongside the sailplane model, instrument models have been made with the use of VAPS XT software aswell as the connection with Simulink model. In this thesis the designing process of the instruments is shown and their implementation in the simulation platform. Simulator runs FlightGear as the main software for the visualization of the flight

    Dvodimenzionalni savitljivi aeroprofili

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    U radu se promatra tanki, savitljivi, dvodimenzijski aeroprofl. Aeroprofl se deformira pod utjecajem aerodinamičkih sila. One su izjednačene s membranskim silama koje djeluju samo tangencijalno na aeroprofl. Korištena je linearna analiza kao metoda rješavanja problema. Problem je riješen analitički te su rezultati dobiveni pomoću konačnog broja jednadžbi. Na taj način rezultati nisu egzaktni, ali su dovoljno blizu analitičkom rješenju

    Jame, denudirane jame in udornice kot kazalniki nekdanjega hidrološkega delovanja planote Grabovica (Bosna in Hercegovina)

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    Planota Grabovica je korozijska uravnava v južnem delu Bosne in Hercegovine. Za celotno območje je značilen pretočni kras, kjer podzemni tokovi, ki ponikajo na Duvanjskem polju, odtekajo v smeri izvirov na Livanjskem polju. V tej raziskavi smo izdelali morfografske in morfometrične analize površinskih in podzemskih oblik, predvsem udornic, denudiranih jam ter aktivnih in reliktnih jamskih sistemov. Interpretirali smo morfogenezo in preteklo hidrološko delovanje proučevanega območja