159 research outputs found

    X-ray binaries in the Milky Way and other galaxies

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich im ersten Teil mit der Verteilung und den Eigenschaften der Populationen von Röntgendoppelsternen in der Milchstraße. Im zweiten Teil geht es um den Zusammenhang zwischen der Sternentstehungsrate einer Galaxis mit dem Auftreten Sternsysteme mit einem massiven optischen Begleiter (HMXB). Der Fortschritt bei Entfernungsbestimmungen erlaubt erstmals, die dreidimensionale Verteilung von Röntgendoppelsternen in unserer Milchstraße zu untersuchen. Dadurch können Rückschlüsse auf die Entstehung von Sternpopulationen gezogen werden. Die zahlreich vorhandenen Entfernungsbestimmungen erlauben zudem erstmals die Erstellung einer Leuchtkraftverteilung von Röntgendoppelsternen in der Milchstraße. Dies ist von besonderer Bedeutung für den Vergleich mit anderen Galaxien, da in diesen Fällen aufgrund der großen Entfernungen die beobachtete Helligkeitsverteilung gleich der Leuchtkraftverteilung ist. Man erwartet, daß die Population von HMXBs mit der Sternentstehungsrate gekoppelt ist, da der optische Begleitstern eine niedrige Lebenserwartung hat. Die einfachste Annahme ist, daß die Zahl der HMXBs proportional zur Sternentstehungsrate der letzten wenigen Jahrmillionen ist. Dies wird durch eine Normierung der Leuchtkraftfunktion ausgedrückt, die proportional zur Sternentstehungsrate ist. Um diesen Zusammenhang zu untersuchen, wurden die Leuchtkraftfunktionen mehrerer Galaxien, die mit dem Chandra-Röntgenteleskop beobachtet worden sind, verwendet. Die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Leuchtkraftverteilungen der verwendeten Galaxien ergibt, daß die Form der Leuchtkraftverteilung für alle Galaxien gleich ist und die Normierung proportional zur Sternentstehungsrate ist. Die Universalität der Leuchtkraftfunktion ergibt, daß die Anzahl und Gesamtleuchtkraft von HMXBs ein guter Indikator für die Sternentstehungsrate in Galaxien ist

    On the current state of German-speaking economics: Paradigmatic orientations and political alignments of German-speaking economists

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    A sample of 708 full professors (Lehrstuhlinhaber_innen) of economics at German-speaking universities (Austria, Germany and Switzerland). Very low percentage of female economists (13%). Dominance of microeconomic research orientation (50.35%). Paradigmatic classification based on two approaches reveals strong dominance of a neoclassical mainstream (91.27% and 76.11%). Heterodox approaches are marginalized and situated at small universities (e.g. Bremen, Darmstadt, Oldenburg, Lüneburg and Jena). Rather strong reference to ordoliberal concepts in Germany (8.04%). Only a minority of German-speaking economists is doing research on the financial crisis (14.45%). The German Economic Association is by far the most important academic association (60% are member of the GEA). A substantial part of German-speaking economists (particularly from those active in economic policy advice) are connected to ordoliberal and German neoliberal think tanks, institutions and initiatives (e.g. Walter Eucken Institute, Kronberger Kreis, INSM or the Hamburger Appell)

    Deep reinforcement learning uncovers processes for separating azeotropic mixtures without prior knowledge

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    Process synthesis in chemical engineering is a complex planning problem due to vast search spaces, continuous parameters and the need for generalization. Deep reinforcement learning agents, trained without prior knowledge, have shown to outperform humans in various complex planning problems in recent years. Existing work on reinforcement learning for flowsheet synthesis shows promising concepts, but focuses on narrow problems in a single chemical system, limiting its practicality. We present a general deep reinforcement learning approach for flowsheet synthesis. We demonstrate the adaptability of a single agent to the general task of separating binary azeotropic mixtures. Without prior knowledge, it learns to craft near-optimal flowsheets for multiple chemical systems, considering different feed compositions and conceptual approaches. On average, the agent can separate more than 99% of the involved materials into pure components, while autonomously learning fundamental process engineering paradigms. This highlights the agent's planning flexibility, an encouraging step toward true generality.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. G\"ottl and Pirnay contributed equally as joint first authors. Burger and Grimm contributed equally as joint last author

    Levels of Structural Integration Mediate the Impact of Metacognition on Functioning in Non-affective Psychosis: Adding a Psychodynamic Perspective to the Metacognitive Approach

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    Synthetic metacognition is defined by integrative and contextualizing processes of discrete reflexive moments. These processes are supposed to be needed to meet intrapsychic as well as interpersonal challenges and to meaningfully include psychotic experience in a personal life narrative. A substantial body of evidence has linked this phenomenon to psychosocial functioning and treatment options were developed. The concept of synthetic metacognition, measured with the Metacognition Assessment Scale-Abbreviated (MAS-A), rises hope to bridge gaps between therapeutic orientations and shares valuable parallels to modern psychodynamic constructs, especially the 'levels of structural integration' of the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2). As theoretical distinctions remain, aim of this study was to compare the predictive value of both constructs with regard to psychosocial functioning of patients with non-affective psychoses, measured with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (MINI-ICF-APP). It was further explored if levels of structural integration (OPD-LSIA) would mediate the impact of metacognition (MAS-A) on function (MINI-ICF-APP). Expert ratings of synthetic metacognition (MAS-A), the OPD-2 'levels of structural integration' axis (OPD-LSIA), psychosocial functioning (MINI-ICF-APP) and assessments of general cognition and symptoms were applied to 100 individuals with non-affective psychoses. Whereas both, MAS-A and OPD-LSIA, significantly predicted MINI-ICF-APP beyond cognition and symptoms, OPD-LSIA explained a higher share of variance and mediated the impact of MAS-A on MINI-ICF-APP. Levels of structural integration, including the quality of internalized object representations and unconscious interpersonal schemas, might therefore be considered as valuable predictors of social functioning and as one therapeutic focus in patients with non-affective psychoses. Structural integration might go beyond and form the base of a person's actual reflexive and metacognitive capabilities. Psychotherapeutic procedures specific for psychoses may promote and challenge a patient's metacognitive capacities, but should equally take the need for maturing structural skills into account. Modern psychodynamic approaches to psychosis are shortly presented, providing concepts and techniques for the implicit regulation of interpersonal experience and aiming at structural integration in this patient group

    Effect of Caffeine and Other Methylxanthines on Aβ-Homeostasis in SH-SY5Y Cells

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    Methylxanthines (MTX) are alkaloids derived from the purine-base xanthine. Whereas especially caffeine, the most prominent known MTX, has been formerly assessed to be detrimental, this point of view has changed substantially. MTXs are discussed to have beneficial properties in neurodegenerative diseases, however, the mechanisms of action are not completely understood. Here we investigate the effect of the naturally occurring caffeine, theobromine and theophylline and the synthetic propentofylline and pentoxifylline on processes involved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). All MTXs decreased amyloid-β (Aβ) level by shifting the amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing from the Aβ-producing amyloidogenic to the non-amyloidogenic pathway. The α-secretase activity was elevated whereas β-secretase activity was decreased. Breaking down the molecular mechanism, caffeine increased protein stability of the major α-secretase ADAM10, downregulated BACE1 expression and directly decreased β-secretase activity. Additionally, APP expression was reduced. In line with literature, MTXs reduced oxidative stress, decreased cholesterol and a decreased in Aβ1-42 aggregation. In conclusion, all MTXs act via the pleiotropic mechanism resulting in decreased Aβ and show beneficial properties with respect to AD in neuroblastoma cells. However, the observed effect strength was moderate, suggesting that MTXs should be integrated in a healthy diet rather than be used exclusively to treat or prevent AD

    Determination of left ventricular systolic wall thickness by digital subtraction angiography

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    The accuracy of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for determination of left ventricular (LV) systolic wall thickness and muscle mass was evaluated in 20 patients (mean age 50±11 years). Conventional LV angiograms were digitized and subtracted using a combined subtraction mode (‘mask mode' and ‘time interval difference' subtraction). Wall thickness and muscle mass were determined at end-diastole, after the first- and second-third of systole and at end-systole. M-mode echo- cardiography (Echo), which was obtainedfrom beam selection of the two-dimensional echocardiogram and conventional angiography (LVA), served as reference techniques. Angiographic LV wall thickness and muscle mass were determined according to the technique of Rackley in both, right (RAO) and left (LAO) anterior oblique projections, whereas echocardiographic wall thickness was measured just below the mitral valve orthogonal to the posterior wall (= LAO equivalent). Percent wall thickening was calculated in all patients. LV end-diastolic wall thickness and muscle mass correlated well between DSA and LVA (LV end-diastolic wall thickness in LAO projection r=0·72, biplane LV end-diastolic muscle mass r=0·83 LV end-systolic wall thickness (1·44 vs 1·33 cm, P<0·05) and percent wall thickening (52 vs 42%, P<0 comparedfavourably between echocardiography and DSA but was sign larger when echocardiographically measured than with DSA (LAO projection). DSA and echocardiography showed a good correlation in regard to LV end-diastolic and end-systolic wall thickness (correlation coefficient r=0·89, standard error of estimate SEE =0·15 cm or 13% of the mean value). There were only minimal changes in LV biplane muscle mass (DSA)from end-diastole to end-systole (+ 4%). It is concluded that both LV end-diastolic and end-systolic wall thickness and muscle mass can be determined accurately by DSA. Systolic wall thickening is systematically overestimated by M-mode echocardiography compared to DSA due to the overestimation of end-systolic wall thicknes

    High-intensity interval training for overweight adolescents: program acceptance of a media supported intervention and changes in body composition

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    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) consists of short intervals of exercise at high intensity intermitted by intervals of lower intensity and is associated with improvement of body composition and metabolic health in adults. Studies in overweight adolescents are scarce. We conducted a randomized controlled trial in overweight adolescents to compare acceptance and attendance of HIIT with or without weekly motivational encouragement through text messages and access to a study website. HIIT was offered for six months (including summer vacation) twice a week (60 min/session). Participation rates were continuously assessed and acceptance was measured. Clinical parameters were assessed at baseline and after six months. Twenty-eight adolescents participated in this study (age 15.5 +/- 1.4; 54% female). The standard deviation score for body mass index over all participants was 2.33 at baseline and decreased by 0.026 (95% CI - 0.048 to 0.10) units, p = 0.49. Waist to height ratio was 0.596 at baseline and decreased by 0.013 (95% CI 0.0025 to 0.024), p = 0.023. Participation within the first two months ranged from 65% to 75%, but fell to 15% within the last three months. Attendance in the intervention group was 14% (95% CI - 8 to 37), p = 0.18, higher than the control group. Overall program content was rated as \"good\" by participants, although high drop-out rates were observed. Summer months constitute a serious problem regarding attendance. The use of media support has to be assessed further in appropriately powered trials