6,650 research outputs found

    Size-Dependent Bruggeman Approach for Dielectric-Magnetic Composite Materials

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    Expressions arising from the Bruggeman approach for the homogenization of dielectric-magnetic composite materials, without ignoring the sizes of the spherical particles, are presented. These expressions exhibit the proper limit behavior. The incorporation of size dependence is directly responsible for the emergence of dielectric-magnetic coupling in the estimated relative permittivity and permeability of the homogenized composite material.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in AEU

    Laboratory tests in patients treated with isotretinoin: occurrence of liver and muscle abnormalities and failure of AST and ALT to predict liver abnormality.

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    Current laboratory monitoring may not be optimal. A retrospective chart review was performed on thelaboratory results of 246 patients who were treated with isotretinoin for acne over a 9-year period. Tests obtained were CBC, lipid panel, AST, ALT, CK, GGT,and C-reactive protein. Thirty-five patients had an elevated AST and 35 of these had an elevated CK; 32 had an elevated ALT and 11 of these had an elevated CK. Thirteen patients had an elevated GGT; in 5 this was the only abnormality, whereas 8 had a GGT elevation accompanied by an elevated AST or ALT. Two had an elevated GGT and an elevated CK with normal AST and ALT. Fifty-two patients had a single episode of elevated CK, of which 22 were female. However, 57 had multiple CK elevations and only one was female. Thirty-five patients had CK elevationsnormal; 38 had levels between 2 and 3 times normal, 18 had levels between 3 and 4 times normal, and 18 had levels greater than 4 times normal. We suggest that ALT and AST are not useful for monitoring isotretinoin therapy and that GGT and CK may be of greater value in managing patients

    Insurance -- The Other Insurance Clause Conflict

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    Internal friction peaks observed in explosively deformed polycrystalline Mo, Nb, and Cu

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    Explosive deformation (50 kbar range) induced, in Cu, Mo and Nb, internal friction peaks identical to those observed after large normal deformation. The variation of the peaks with pressure for Mo and Nb lead to an explanation of these processes in terms of double kink generation in screw and edge dislocations

    Remote magneto-elastic analyte, viscosity and temperature sensing apparatus and associated methods of sensing

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    An analyte, viscosity, or temperature sensing apparatus for operative arrangement within a time-varying magnetic field, including a sensor with an outer surface that is chemically, frictionally, or thermally responsive and adhered to a base magnetostrictive element, and a receiver to measure a first and second value for magneto-elastic emission intensity of the sensor taken at, respectively, a first and second interrogation frequency. A change in mass or a change in material stiffness of the sensor due to the responsiveness, the viscosity and mass density of a fluid therearound, or the temperature, can be identified. The receiver, alternatively, measures a plurality of successive values for magneto-elastic emission intensity of the sensor taken over an operating range of successive interrogation frequencies to identify a value for the sensor's magneto-elastic resonant frequency (a fundamental frequency or harmonic thereof). Several sensors in an ordered array will provide a package of information

    New Records, Biogeography, and Habitat Protection Needs of Four Species of Potamon (Decapoda: Brachyura) in Greece

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    Objectives are to determine the occurrence of species of Potamon in eastern Crete and the Aegean Islands (Chios, Naxos, Paros, Mykonos, Tinos and Andros); generate phylogenetic relationships among species to propose a biogeographic hypothesis relative to current distributions of the four species of the freshwater crab genus, Potamon, in Greece; and comment on the need to protect habitat suitable for the survival of species of Potamon in the country. Our collections, made in areas not previously sampled by researchers, indicate the presence of Potamon fluviatile on Tinos, N axos, and Andros, and Potamon potamios from central to eastern Crete; and verified the presence of Potamon ibericum on Chios. Cladistic analyses resulted in a single parsimonious tree (CI=85, RI=75). Potamon in the Balkan peninsula and islands in the Mediterranean region is a monophyletic group composed of two main clades: Clade 1 (P. fluviatile andPotamon algeriense) and Clade 2 (P. ibericum and its sister group composed of Potamon rhodium and Potamon potamios). Vicariant events (e.g. marine transgression and regression, orogeny, volcanism) are hypothesized as major factors that have shaped current distributions of species of Potamon in the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor, and the islands of the North Aegean Sea, Eastern Sporades, the Cyclades, and Crete. We recommend an increase in environmental education and communication among older and younger generations, agriculturalists, politicians, policy writers, land developers and economists to create an understanding for the need to protect land and aquatic environments that harbor unique species and the potential benefits for economic activities such as ecotourism. We also recommend the creation of an action plan to develop ecotourism around conservation areas ( e.g. from the source of existing springs downstream for about 200 m before the installation of water withdrawal equipment for irrigation and potable supplies) to generate revenue for funding protection initiatives and to promote green economic development that is ecologically and socio-culturally sustainable

    Predicting Fish Species Diversity in Lotic Freshwaters of Greece

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    Objectives were to test the hypothesis that stream order and stream width alone account for species diversity in drainages of Greece, and to create a mathematical model that predicts fish diversity in small and medium sized freshwater streams in the southern Balkan Peninsula in accord with the stream classification system proposed by the European Environmental Agency (EEA). Thirty-seven species of fishes in 12 families (Petromyzontidae, Anguillidae, Cyprinidae, Moronidae, Centrarchidae, and Blenniidae) were collected in five stream orders (1-5) from 19 river drainages in Greece in 1993 and from 2000-2002. Numbers of species were significantly correlated with stream order (+), width (+), and depth (+), and elevation (-). Results of stepwise regression indicated that stream order, elevation, stream depth, and river km were significant factors associated with ichthyofaunal diversity, and were used to create a regression model to predict species diversity (up to 5th order streams). We conclude that geo-specific factors (i.e., small, isolated drainages with limited water budgets, geological history, dry climate, and low annual rainfall) should be included in the EEA monitoring design for lotic waters in harsh environments of southern Mediterranean countries as these features differ from those of central, eastern, and northern European countries with larger watersheds