540 research outputs found

    Introduction: Special Issue on Brazil and the Global South

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    El Dialogo de Violencias en el Brasil Dictatorial

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    [ES]Este artículo presenta una lectura preliminar de los panfletos políticos brasileños y latinoamericanos en general, preservados en el sector de las Colecciones Especiales de la Biblioteca Senate House, de la Universidad de Londres, Reino Unido. Los temas que abarca van desde publicaciones de sindicatos y organizaciones de derechos humanos hasta declaraciones de diversas iglesias y material relacionado con aspectos económicos y políticos. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo difundir la existencia de los documentos y de su uso potencial en cuanto representan una narrativa alternativa a los discursos dominantes sobre la dictadura brasileña de 1964. Usando el tema de la violencia, tanto estructural como física, este artículo presenta una nueva perspectiva sobre cómo interpretar las ideologías que aparecen en esos discursos

    The Dialogue of Violences in Dictatorial Brazil

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    This article presents a preliminary reading of the political pamphlets, from Brazil, and Latin America in general, that are preserved in the Special Collections department at Senate House Library of the University of London. The source of the themes discussed range from publications of worker unions and human rights organizations, to various church declarations, and other material with economic and political aspects. This collaboration aims to propagate these documents and their potential as alternative narratives to dominant discourses regarding the Brazilian dictatorship of 1964-85. By using the theme of violence, both structural and physical, as a framework, this article poses a new perspective on how to interpret the ideologies that appear in those discourses.Este artigo apresenta uma leitura preliminar dos panfletos polĂ­ticos, do Brasil e da AmĂ©rica Latina em geral, que sĂŁo preservados no departamento de coleçÔes especiais na Biblioteca Senate House da Universidade de Londres, GrĂŁ Bretanha. Os tĂłpicos abordados vĂŁo desde publicaçÔes de sindicatos e de organizaçÔes de Direitos Humanos, atĂ© declaraçÔes de diversas igrejas e materiais relacionados a aspectos econĂŽmicos e polĂ­ticos. Esta colaboração visa compartilhar estes documentos e seu potencial como narrativas alternativas para discursos dominantes sobre a ditadura brasileira de 1964. Ao usar o tema da violĂȘncia, tanto estrutural como fĂ­sica, como um panorama, o presente artigo apresenta uma nova perspectiva sobre como interpretar as ideologias que aparecem nesses discursos.Este artĂ­culo presenta una lectura preliminar de los panfletos polĂ­ticos brasileños y latinoamericanos en general, preservados en el sector de las Colecciones Especiales de la Biblioteca Senate House, de la Universidad de Londres, Reino Unido. Los temas que abarca van desde publicaciones de sindicatos y organizaciones de derechos humanos hasta declaraciones de diversas iglesias y material relacionado con aspectos econĂłmicos y polĂ­ticos. Esta colaboraciĂłn tiene como objetivo difundir la existencia de los documentos y de su uso potencial en cuanto representan una narrativa alternativa a los discursos dominantes sobre la dictadura brasileña de 1964. Usando el tema de la violencia, tanto estructural como fĂ­sica, este artĂ­culo presenta una nueva perspectiva sobre cĂłmo interpretar las ideologĂ­as que aparecen en esos discursos

    Maximal and minimal solutions of second order elliptic and parabolic equations in non-divergence form with measurable coefficients

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    In this paper we will prove that the supremum and infimum of good solutions of the Dirichlet problem for elliptic and parabolic equations in non-divergence form with measurable coefficients, are good solutions to the same problem

    Paving the Way for Warehouse Centralization in Healthcare: A Preliminary Assessment Approach

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    Centralized logistics management is currently one interesting option for healthcare systems facing an increasing need to improve responsiveness and service quality while reducing costs. This work focuses on one aspect of centralized logistics, namely warehouse centralization and proposes a preliminary approach to assess material management in healthcare institutions as a first step towards decisions about the implementation of such a strategy. A list of variables and relationships between them characterizing warehouse material management are identified based on a literature review and knowledge of real logistics processes. Statistical analysis is then applied to assess the existence of such relationships in a set of healthcare organizations in order to understand the management commonalities that can stimulate warehouse centralization as well as the criticalities that could potentially hinder it. The approach is tested in a healthcare logistics system in Northern Italy. The results proved the ability of the methodology to identify the relevant issues the involved institutions need to work on when undertaking warehouse centralization strategies. The case warehouses revealed a good degree of commonalities in their management practices although three critical aspects were identified, namely a limited efficiency in human resource allocation, a high fragmentation of stock product demand and a relevant number of stock products with low annual demand. This work provides a methodology to increase material managers’ awareness about the factors enabling successful centralized inventory strategies in the healthcare sector

    A Framework to Select Techniques Supporting Project Risk Management

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    The need for increasing quality while reducing time and costs asks for developing knowledge about how to manage risk in projects. However, communication and knowledge creation are not easy tasks, especially when dealing with uncertainty, because decision-making is often fragmented and a shared perspective on the goals, opportunities, and threats of a project is missing. With the purpose of stimulating knowledge, a framework to classify techniques supporting project risk management is proposed. To this end, three dimensions encompassing the main aspects characterising the managerial and operational scenario of a project are considered: the phases of the risk management process, the phases of the project life cycle, and the corporate maturity towards risk. The taxonomy is then applied to a wide selection of risk techniques based on the analysis of literature and the authors' experience. Future research efforts will be directed towards refining the framework and testing it in multiple industrie

    A Structured Approach to Analyse Logistics Risks in the Blood Transfusion Process

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    Blood transfusion is a critical healthcare process due to the nature of the products handled and the complexity driven by the strong interdependence among the sub-processes involved. Most of the errors causing adverse events originate during the blood logistics activities. Several literature contributions apply risk management to the transfusion process but often in a fragmented and reactive way. Moreover, few of them focus on logistics risks and assess the effectiveness of risk responses through operational key performance indicators (KPIs). The present paper applies a comprehensive and structured approach to proactively identify and analyse logistics risks as well as define responses to improve blood bag traceability, focusing on hospital wards. The implementation of such actions is monitored by specific KPIs whose measurement enables an improved communication flow among actors allowing to uncover residual risks. Future research will extend the application to further blood transfusion settings and supply chain echelons. The outcomes of this work might assist practitioners in improving policy making about blood supply chains. As a matter of fact, they allow a better understanding of the associated material and informational flows and the related risks, which supports setting effective strategies to either prevent adverse events or mitigate their effects

    La forza della Natura. La rappresentazione dei paesaggi del Sud tra Sette e Ottocento

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    The present contribution wants to focus the attention on the activity of those Italian and foreign artists, who, driven by curiosity or at the service of the sovereigns, travel far and wide, not without difficulties and dangers, the south of Italy up to Sicily. The paintings of views, the gouaches, the printed engravings of foreign painters help to spread a southern iconography, which will be at the base of the construction of the myth of the South.However, while building the imaginary of the Grand Tour, other voices resounded in the enchantment of the landscape of the South. Giuseppe Maria Galanti – extraordinary figure of the last Neapolitan Enlightenment – of that South had told, for example, the harshness of the cultivated lands, the harshness of the conditions of daily work, the misery of the villages far from the capital. Added to this were the natural calamities that confirmed, inexorably, how these enchanting and uncontaminated lands hid an intrinsic fragility.The earthquake of 1783, which devastated Calabria and part of Messina, as well as the one that destroyed on 13 August 1851 Melfi and with it much of Basilicata, were proof of the adversity of a nature hostile to man, "malignant" dispenser not only of evocative views, but of landscapes battered by landslides and crags.Il presente contributo vuole focalizzare l’attenzione sull’attivitĂ  di quegli artisti italiani e stranieri, che spinti dalla curiositĂ  o al servizio dei sovrani, percorrono in lungo e in largo, non senza difficoltĂ  e pericoli, il sud dell’Italia fino alla Sicilia. Le pitture di vedute, le gouaches, le incisioni a stampa dei pittori stranieri contribuiscono a diffondere un’iconografia meridionale, che sarĂ  alla base della costruzione del mito del Sud.Tuttavia, mentre si andava costruendo l’immaginario del Grand Tour, altre voci risuonavano nell’incanto del paesaggio del Mezzogiorno. Giuseppe Maria Galanti – straordinaria figura dell’ultimo illuminismo napoletano – di quel Sud aveva raccontato, ad esempio, l’asprezza delle terre coltivate, la durezza delle condizioni del lavoro quotidiano, la miseria dei borghi lontani dalla capitale. A questo si aggiungevano le calamitĂ  naturali che confermavano, inesorabilmente, quanto queste terre, incantevoli e incontaminate, nascondessero una fragilitĂ  intrinseca.Il terremoto del 1783, che devastĂČ la Calabria e parte del messinese, cosĂŹ come quello che il 13 agosto 1851 distrusse Melfi e con essa gran parte della Basilicata, furono la riprova dell’avversitĂ  di una natura ostile all’uomo, “maligna” dispensatrice non solo di suggestive vedute, ma di paesaggi martoriati da frane e dirupi

    Elites in the UK: new approaches to contemporary class divisions

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    Elites in the uk: new approaches to contemporary class divisions The aim of this article is to demonstrate the “new” elites emerging in the uk amidst the economic, political and social context of neoliberalism. To do this, we examine the works of Mike Savage regarding what elite studies have meant for contemporary forms of social division. Using data from the Great British Class Survey, the author underlines sociological elements that are central to the composition of this financialised elite. We describe cleavages in terms of social mobility, education, location and politicization that are generated through the concentration of distinct types of capital (economic, social and cultural). Departing from the specific context of Great Britain, we intend to contribute to the development of a sociology of elites, through a discussion of both new perspectives and the limits and possibilities of treating different geographic, political and social contexts
