1,213 research outputs found

    Economic and Social-Class Voting in a Model of Redistribution with Social Concerns

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    We investigate how social status concerns may affect voters' preferences for redistribution. Social status is given by a voter's relative standing in two dimensions: consumption and social class. By affecting the distribution of consumption levels, redistribution modifies the weights attached to the two dimensions. Thus, redistribution not only transfers resources from the rich to the poor, but it also amplifies or reduces the importance of social class differences. Social status concerns can simultaneously lead some members of the working class to oppose redistribution and some members of the socioeconomic elites to favor it. They also give rise to interclass coalitions of voters that, despite having different monetary interests, support the same tax rate. We characterize these coalitions and discuss the resulting political equilibrium

    A Model of Educational Investment, Social Concerns, and Inequality

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    none2noWe consider a model in which educational investments entail productivity gains, signaling power, and social status. The latter depends on the agent's relative achievement in one of three dimensions: innate skills, level of schooling, and income. We study the three scenarios separately and characterize the conditions under which social concerns increase or decrease educational and income inequality. Inequality increases (decreases) if education lowers the stigma suffered by low-skilled workers less (more) than it boosts the prestige enjoyed by high-skilled workers. We discuss the expected results of some policies in light of these findings.mixedGallice A.; Grillo E.Gallice, A.; Grillo, E

    Actualización cartográfica de la parte Este de la hoja topográfica de ciudad sandino. (Hoja Nº. 2957-II. Nueva Segovia Escala 1:50 000

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    El área de estudio se ubica geográficamente en el departamento de Nueva Segovia, al Norte del país y abarca una gran parte de los municipios de El Jícaro, Murra y una pequeña porción Sur del municipio de Jalapa.Litológicamente el área de estudio está constituida por un basamento de rocas metamórficas foliadas (esquistos) de edades leocénicas intruidas por un cuerpo plutónico granítico en el sector Noroeste del área, interpretado como un apófisis del Batolito de Dipilto - Jalapa.Las rocas metamórficas están definidas por esquistos micáceos de bajo grado metamórfico y esquistos grafíticos, estas sub-unidades se caracterizan por presentar estructura foliada debido a la presencia de minerales planares (sericita, biotita, grafito, clorita) como minerales esenciales de este tipo de rocas, otorgándole condiciones para deformaciones plásticas (pliegues) muy comunes.Estructuralmente, el área se encuentra controlada por esfuerzos regionales procedentes de los cuerpos plutónicos locales al Noroeste del área de estudio, que con su mecanismo de intrusión generan esfuerzos de extensión y compresión que deforman las rocas existentes, dando lugar a fallamiento y plegamiento tanto regionales como locales. El análisis e interpretación de los datos permitió definir eventos tectónicos locales, los que se definieron en dos fases de fallamiento, uno con dirección Noreste-Suroeste y otro perpendicular Noroeste-Sureste, siendo este último el sistema de fallas más joven ya que corta y desplaza fallas con direcciones Noreste-Suroeste en algunas zonas

    Human papillomavirus vaccination coverage among adolescents living in southern Italy

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate HPV vaccination coverage in the target population residing in Sicily, five years after launch of the vaccination campaign, and to analyze its organization in this region. Methods: Regional data as at 31 December 2013, grouped by province, issued by the Regional Health Authority were used. The organization and information materials of the campaign were also assessed (letters, posters, brochures, etc.). Results: The results for Sicily show uptake rates for three doses of HPV vaccination of 56.5%, 55.8%, 58.2%, 55.3% for cohorts born in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 respectively, and 56.4% for cohorts born in 1996. These figures highlight the problems encountered during the promotion campaign and vaccination provision. Conclusions: Vaccine uptake in Sicily was lower than national figures for Italy as a whole for all cohorts and both fall far short of the targets set by the National Immunization Prevention Plan 2012-2014. In order to promote vaccination uptake and improve coverage, at both regional and local level, the quality of information should be improved and more communication campaigns be instigated to increase the involvement of professionals

    Single-Pixel Imaging in Space and Time with Optically-Modulated Free Electrons

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    Single-pixel imaging, originally developed in light optics, facilitates fast three-dimensional sample reconstruction, as well as probing with light wavelengths undetectable by conventional multi-pixel detectors. However, the spatial resolution of optics-based single-pixel microscopy is limited by diffraction to hundreds of nanometers. Here, we propose an implementation of single-pixel imaging relying on attainable modifications of currently available ultrafast electron microscopes in which optically-modulated electrons are used instead of photons to achieve sub-nanometer spatially- and temporally-resolved single-pixel imaging. We simulate electron beam profiles generated by interaction with the optical field produced by an externally programable spatial light modulator and demonstrate the feasibility of the method by showing that the sample image and its temporal evolution can be reconstructed using realistic imperfect illumination patterns. Electron single-pixel imaging holds strong potential for application in low-dose probing of beam-sensitive biological and molecular samples, including rapid screening during in-situ experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 3 supplementary figure

    Feedback-Controlled Active Brownian Colloids with Space-Dependent Rotational Dynamics

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    The non-thermal nature of self-propelling colloids offers new insights into non-equilibrium physics. The central mathematical model to describe their trajectories is active Brownian motion, where a particle moves with a constant speed, while randomly changing direction due to rotational diffusion. While several feedback strategies exist to achieve position-dependent velocity, the possibility of spatial and temporal control over rotational diffusion, which is inherently dictated by thermal fluctuations, remains untapped. Here, we decouple rotational diffusion from thermal noise. Using external magnetic fields and discrete-time feedback loops, we tune the rotational diffusivity of active colloids above and below its thermal value at will and explore a rich range of phenomena including anomalous diffusion, directed transport, and localization. These findings add a new dimension to the control of active matter, with implications for a broad range of disciplines, from optimal transport to smart materials

    Considerazioni psicopatologiche, sociali e giuridiche sul mobbing: un’esperienza clinica nell’ospedale generale

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    Object. The  authors  intend  to  estimate  in  depth  the  following  questions:1) To  define  mobbing  and  how  to  detect  its  characteristics,  considering  the  psychopathological  questions  and  the  legal  medical  implications.2) To  try  to  analize  psychological  factors,  individual  and  organisational,  that  contribute  to  the  onset  of  mobbing.3) To  present  the  results  of   clinical  experience,  developed  by  the  collaboration established  with  the  Working  Medicine  Section  of  S. Martino  Hospital  in  Genoa. Methods. 237  persons  reporting  to  be  victims  of  a  mobbing  situation  have  undergone  a  psychodiagnostic  interview and  a  clinical  psychological  assessment  with  mental  tests (WAIS,  short  MMPI,  Rorschach).  The  compilation  of  specific  questionnaires  has  been  proposed  to detect  the  characteristics  of  mobbing  situation  and  the  sequential  subjective  symptoms reported  by  the  patients.Results.  In  75%  of  cases,  patients  presented  a  negative  anamnesis  for  psychiatric  disorders. They  had  enough  items  to  be  included  in  the  Adjustment  Disorder  (in  its  different  subdivisions).Conclusions.  In  the  majority  of  cases,  psychiatric  symptoms  reported  by  job  distress  victims  were  strictly  related  to  the  mobbing  experience,  that  causes  such  a  trend  of  stressing  and  painful  events  that  constitute  a  significant  risk  for  the  psycho-physical  integrity  of  a  person,  independent  of  previous  factors.  This  result  have  induced  the  Authors  to  analize  in  depth  some  of  the  legal  questions  about  the  detection  of  mobbing  and  the  contingent  compensation  of  undergone  damages.Gli Autori  si  propongono  di:1) Definire  il  mobbing  ed  individuare  le  caratteristiche  del fenomeno,  tenendo  presenti  le  problematiche  psicopatologiche  e  le  implicazioni  medico-legali;2) Analizzare  i  fattori  psicologici,  individuali  ed  organizzativi, che  contribuiscono  all'insorgenza  del  mobbing;3) Presentare  i  risultati  di  un’esperienza  clinica  nata  dalla  collaborazione tra  la  Clinica  Psichiatrica  e  l’U.O.  di  Medicina  del  Lavoro  dell’Azienda Ospedaliera  Universitaria San Martino  di  Genova.Metodo.  237  persone  che  riferivano  una  situazione  di  mobbing  a  loro  danno  sono  state sottoposte  a  colloquio  psicodiagnostico  e  a  valutazione  psicologica  clinica  mediante reattivi  mentali  (WAIS,  MMPI abbreviato,  Rorschach).  È  stata  inoltre  proposta  la compilazione  di  specifici  questionari  per  rilevare  le  caratteristiche  della  situazione  mobbizzante  e  i  conseguenti  sintomi  soggettivi  lamentati  dai  pazienti.Risultati.  Nel  75%  dei casi  i  pazienti  hanno  presentato  anamnesi  negativa  per disturbi  di interesse  psichiatrico,  rispondendo  invece ai  criteri  del  DSM-IV-TR  per  il  Disturbo  dell'Adattamento  (nelle  sue  varie  sottospecie).Conclusioni.  Nella  gran  maggioranza  dei  casi, i sintomi psichici  lamentati  dalle vittime  di disadattamento  lavorativo  risultano  in  stretta  connessione  con  l’esperienza  mobbizzante,  che innesca  una  serie  di  eventi  stressanti  e  dolorosi  tali  da  costituire  un  rischio  significativo  per l'integrità  psico-fisica  della  persona,  indipendentemente  da  variabili  preesistenti.  Questo  riscontro  ha  spinto  gli  Autori  ad  approfondire  alcune  problematiche  medico-legali  inerenti  il  riconoscimento  del  mobbing  e  l'eventuale  risarcibilità  dei  danni  subiti

    Safety and Efficacy of Surgery for Metastatic Tumor to the Pancreas: A Single-Center Experience

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    Pancreatic metastases from other neoplasms are rare. The role of surgery for this clinical entity is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of resection in patients with pancreatic secondary lesions. We observed 44 patients with pancreatic metastases from other tumors. Renal cell carcinoma was the most common primary tumor (n = 19, 43.2%). Thirty-seven patients underwent surgery, and pancreatic resection with curative intent was feasible in 35 cases. Fifteen patients (43.2%) experienced major postoperative complications (Clavien-Dindo > 2), and postoperative mortality rate was 5.4%. The median overall survival and disease-free survival were 38 (range 0–186) and 11 (range 0–186) months, respectively. Overall survival and disease-free survival were significantly longer for pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma when compared to other primary tumors. Multivariate analysis confirmed a pathological diagnosis of metastasis from RCC as an independent prognostic factor for overall survival (OR 2.48; 95% CI, 1.00–6.14; p = 0.05). In conclusion, radical resection of metastases to the pancreas is feasible and safe, and may confer a survival benefit for selected patients. There is a clear benefit of metastasectomy in terms of patient survival for metastases from renal cell carcinoma, while for those with other primary tumors, surgery seems to be mainly palliative

    Autonomous Driving Scenario Generation in Overtake Manoeuvres Through Data Fusion

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    For an effective study of specific driving scenarios, in particular related to overtaking manoeuvres, developing well-thought-out manoeuvre databases from the acquired data will greatly improve the analysis process. The key point being that identifying clearly the studied scenario and clustering the manoeuvres based on specific sub-cases of this will bring an extra dimension of information that allows to visualise existing correlations between a given set of conditions and the manoeuvres performed under them. This paper expands on how to obtain these databases starting from only from overtaken manoeuvres extracted from experimental data. Consisting in two main procedures, the manoeuvre classification itself, in which a hybrid-classifier that combines both supervised and unsupervised algorithms generates the scenario sub-cases, and the database compilation stage, in where it displays the different types of databases that can be created, based on the aim of the study