77 research outputs found

    Growth or Reproduction: Emergence of an Evolutionary Optimal Strategy

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    Modern ecology has re-emphasized the need for a quantitative understanding of the original 'survival of the fittest theme' based on analyzis of the intricate trade-offs between competing evolutionary strategies that characterize the evolution of life. This is key to the understanding of species coexistence and ecosystem diversity under the omnipresent constraint of limited resources. In this work we propose an agent based model replicating a community of interacting individuals, e.g. plants in a forest, where all are competing for the same finite amount of resources and each competitor is characterized by a specific growth-reproduction strategy. We show that such an evolution dynamics drives the system towards a stationary state characterized by an emergent optimal strategy, which in turn depends on the amount of available resources the ecosystem can rely on. We find that the share of resources used by individuals is power-law distributed with an exponent directly related to the optimal strategy. The model can be further generalized to devise optimal strategies in social and economical interacting systems dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Family-specific scaling laws in bacterial genomes

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    Among several quantitative invariants found in evolutionary genomics, one of the most striking is the scaling of the overall abundance of proteins, or protein domains, sharing a specific functional annotation across genomes of given size. The size of these functional categories change, on average, as power-laws in the total number of protein-coding genes. Here, we show that such regularities are not restricted to the overall behavior of high-level functional categories, but also exist systematically at the level of single evolutionary families of protein domains. Specifically, the number of proteins within each family follows family-specific scaling laws with genome size. Functionally similar sets of families tend to follow similar scaling laws, but this is not always the case. To understand this systematically, we provide a comprehensive classification of families based on their scaling properties. Additionally, we develop a quantitative score for the heterogeneity of the scaling of families belonging to a given category or predefined group. Under the common reasonable assumption that selection is driven solely or mainly by biological function, these findings point to fine-tuned and interdependent functional roles of specific protein domains, beyond our current functional annotations. This analysis provides a deeper view on the links between evolutionary expansion of protein families and the functional constraints shaping the gene repertoire of bacterial genomes.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figure

    Reconciling cooperation, biodiversity and stability in complex ecological communities

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    Empirical observations show that ecological communities can have a huge number of coexisting species, also with few or limited number of resources. These ecosystems are characterized by multiple type of interactions, in particular displaying cooperative behaviors. However, standard modeling of population dynamics based on Lotka-Volterra type of equations predicts that ecosystem stability should decrease as the number of species in the community increases and that cooperative systems are less stable than communities with only competitive and/or exploitative interactions. Here we propose a stochastic model of population dynamics, which includes exploitative interactions as well as cooperative interactions induced by cross-feeding. The model is exactly solved and we obtain results for relevant macro-ecological patterns, such as species abundance distributions and correlation functions. In the large system size limit, any number of species can coexist for a very general class of interaction networks and stability increases as the number of species grows. For pure mutualistic/commensalistic interactions we determine the topological properties of the network that guarantee species coexistence. We also show that the stationary state is globally stable and that inferring species interactions through species abundance correlation analysis may be misleading. Our theoretical approach thus show that appropriate models of cooperation naturally leads to a solution of the long-standing question about complexity-stability paradox and on how highly biodiverse communities can coexist.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Randomness and Criticality in Biological Interactions

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    In this thesis we study from a physics perspective two problems related to biological interactions. In the first part of this thesis we consider ecological interactions, that shape ecosystems and determine their fate, and their relation with stability of ecosystems. Using random matrix theory we are able to identify the key aspect, the order parameters, determining the stability of large ecosystems. We then consider the problem of determining the persistence of a population living in a randomly fragmented landscape. Using some techniques borrowed from random matrix theory applied to disordered systems, we are able to identify what are the key drivers of persistence. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the observation that many living systems seem to tune their interaction close to a critical point. We introduce a stochastic model, based on information theory, that predict the critical point as a natural outcome of a process of evolution or adaptation, without fine-tuning of parameters

    Cooperation, competition and the emergence of criticality in communities of adaptive systems

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    The hypothesis that living systems can benefit from operating at the vicinity of critical points has gained momentum in recent years. Criticality may confer an optimal balance between exceedingly ordered and too noisy states. We here present a model, based on information theory and statistical mechanics, illustrating how and why a community of agents aimed at understanding and communicating with each other converges to a globally coherent state in which all individuals are close to an internal critical state, i.e. at the borderline between order and disorder. We study --both analytically and computationally-- the circumstances under which criticality is the best possible outcome of the dynamical process, confirming the convergence to critical points under very generic conditions. Finally, we analyze the effect of cooperation (agents try to enhance not only their fitness, but also that of other individuals) and competition (agents try to improve their own fitness and to diminish those of competitors) within our setting. The conclusion is that, while competition fosters criticality, cooperation hinders it and can lead to more ordered or more disordered consensual solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary Material: 8 page

    The effect of demographic stochasticity on predatory-prey oscillations

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    The ecological dynamics of interacting predator and prey populations can display sustained oscillations, as for instance predicted by the Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey model. The presence of demographic stochasticity, due to the finiteness of population sizes, alters the amplitude and frequency of these oscillations. Here we present a method for characterizing the effects of demographic stochasticity on the limit cycle attractor of the Rosenzweig-MacArthur. We show that an angular Brownian motion well describes the frequency oscillations. In the vicinity of the bifurcation point, we obtain an analytical approximation for the angular diffusion constant. This approximation accurately captures the effect of demographic stochasticity across parameter values

    Disentangling the effect of hybrid interactions and of the constant effort hypothesis on ecological community stability

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    In the last years, a remarkable theoretical effort has been made in order to understand the relation between stability and complexity in ecological communities. Yet, what maintains species diversity in real ecological communities is still an open question. The non-random structures of ecological interaction networks have been recognized as one key ingredient impacting the maximum number of coexisting species within the ecological community. However most of the earlier theoretical studies have considered communities with only one interaction type (either antagonistic, competitive or mutualistic). Recently, it has been proposed that multiple interaction types might stabilize ecosystems and that, in this hybrid case, increasing complexity increases stability. Here we show that these results depend on ad hoc hypothesis that the authors used in their model and we highlight the need to disentangle the role of multiple interaction types and constant interaction effort allocation on community stability. Indeed, we find that mixing of mutualistic and predator–prey interaction types does not stabilize the community dynamics and we demonstrate that a positive correlation between complexity and stability is observed only if a constant effort allocation is imposed in the ecological interactions. Synthesis In recent years a sparkling research has been devoted to the search of new theoretical mechanisms to explain way ecosystems may persist despite their complexity. Here we show that, contrary to what recently suggested (Mougi et al. 2012), the mismatch between theoretical results and empirical evidences on the stability of ecological community is still there also for communities with both mutualistic and antagonistic interactions, and the 'complexity-stability' paradox is still alive. Indeed, we demonstrate that their results arise as an artifact of the peculiar rescaling of the interaction strengths they imposed. Our study suggests that further theoretical studies and experimental evidences are still needed to better understand the role of interaction strengths in real ecological communities

    Zipf and Heaps laws from dependency structures in component systems

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    Complex natural and technological systems can be considered, on a coarse-grained level, as assemblies of elementary components: for example, genomes as sets of genes, or texts as sets of words. On one hand, the joint occurrence of components emerges from architectural and specific constraints in such systems. On the other hand, general regularities may unify different systems, such as the broadly studied Zipf and Heaps laws, respectively concerning the distribution of component frequencies and their number as a function of system size. Dependency structures (i.e., directed networks encoding the dependency relations between the components in a system) were proposed recently as a possible organizing principles underlying some of the regularities observed. However, the consequences of this assumption were explored only in binary component systems, where solely the presence or absence of components is considered, and multiple copies of the same component are not allowed. Here, we consider a simple model that generates, from a given ensemble of dependency structures, a statistical ensemble of sets of components, allowing for components to appear with any multiplicity. Our model is a minimal extension that is memoryless, and therefore accessible to analytical calculations. A mean-field analytical approach (analogous to the "Zipfian ensemble" in the linguistics literature) captures the relevant laws describing the component statistics as we show by comparison with numerical computations. In particular, we recover a power-law Zipf rank plot, with a set of core components, and a Heaps law displaying three consecutive regimes (linear, sub-linear and saturating) that we characterize quantitatively
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