159 research outputs found

    Topical Themes from the Oberkampf Textile Manufactory, Jouy-en-Josas, France, 1760-1821

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    Translation of Aziza Gril-Mariotte\u27s article from French to English

    Comportement de la cellulose lors d'essais de flexion sur échantillons macroscopiques de bois

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    Le bois est formé d'un réseau de cellulose dans une matrice de lignine et d'hémicellulose. La cellulose est l'élément rigidifiant du bois. Mais comment est elle sollicitée, quelle part de l'effort supporte t-elle réellement ? Des essais de flexion sous diffraction de rayons X permettent un suivi de la déformation de la cellulose parallèlement à celle macroscopique de l'échantillon. Des avancées sur le comportement en traction/compression de la cellulose dans le domaine élastique sont proposées

    Forest microclimates and climate change: importance, drivers and future research agenda

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    Forest microclimates contrast strongly with the climate outside forests. To fully understand and better predict how forests' biodiversity and functions relate to climate and climate change, microclimates need to be integrated into ecological research. Despite the potentially broad impact of microclimates on the response of forest ecosystems to global change, our understanding of how microclimates within and below tree canopies modulate biotic responses to global change at the species, community and ecosystem level is still limited. Here, we review how spatial and temporal variation in forest microclimates result from an interplay of forest features, local water balance, topography and landscape composition. We first stress and exemplify the importance of considering forest microclimates to understand variation in biodiversity and ecosystem functions across forest landscapes. Next, we explain how macroclimate warming (of the free atmosphere) can affect microclimates, and vice versa, via interactions with land-use changes across different biomes. Finally, we perform a priority ranking of future research avenues at the interface of microclimate ecology and global change biology, with a specific focus on three key themes: (1) disentangling the abiotic and biotic drivers and feedbacks of forest microclimates; (2) global and regional mapping and predictions of forest microclimates; and (3) the impacts of microclimate on forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the face of climate change. The availability of microclimatic data will significantly increase in the coming decades, characterizing climate variability at unprecedented spatial and temporal scales relevant to biological processes in forests. This will revolutionize our understanding of the dynamics, drivers and implications of forest microclimates on biodiversity and ecological functions, and the impacts of global changes. In order to support the sustainable use of forests and to secure their biodiversity and ecosystem services for future generations, microclimates cannot be ignored.Peer reviewe

    Management of ErbB2-positive Breast Cancer: Insights from Preclinical and Clinical Studies with Lapatinib

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    The management of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (ErbB2+) breast cancer is challenging; patients with ErbB2+ breast tumors have more aggressive disease and a poor prognosis. The increasing incidence of breast cancer in Asia and the limitations of existing treatments pose additional challenges. In this review, we summarize the preclinical and clinical evidence that indicates how lapatinib, a novel inhibitor that targets the human epidermal growth factor receptor (ErbB1) and ErbB2 may help clinicians address four particularly challenging issues in the management of ErbB2+ breast cancer. These issues are: (i) trastuzumab therapy failure, (ii) development of central nervous system metastases, (iii) minimizing toxicity and (iv) selecting the most appropriate partners (chemotherapy and non-chemotherapy) for combination therapy with lapatinib. Lapatinib, in combination with chemotherapeutic agents, such as capecitabine, provides clinical benefits to patients with ErbB2+ breast cancer, including patients who develop progressive disease on trastuzumab. Lapatinib, in combination with non-chemotherapeutic agents, such as letrozole, may also provide a chemotherapy-free treatment option for postmenopausal patients with estrogen receptor-positive/ErbB2+ metastatic breast cancer. Encouraging results have also emerged regarding the synergistic effects of lapatinib in combination with other agents for the treatment of ErbB2+ breast cancer. Promising findings have also been reported for the use of lapatinib to prevent and treat central nervous system metastases. Collectively, these results indicate that the judicious use of lapatinib, an effective oral therapy with a manageable toxicity profile, can enhance the management of patients with ErbB2+ breast cancer

    Characterisation and categorisation of the diversity in viscoelastic vibrational properties between 98 wood types

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    International audienceContext Increased knowledge on diversity in wood properties would have implications both for fundamental research and for promoting a diversification of uses as material. *Aims The objective is to contribute to overcoming the critical lack of data on the diversity of wood dynamic mechanical/viscoelastic vibrational properties, by testing lesser-known species and categorizing sources of variability. *Methods Air-dry axial specific dynamic modulus of elasticity (E'/γ) and damping coefficient (tanδ) were measured on a wide sampling (1792 specimens) of 98 wood types from 79 species. An experimental device and protocol was designed for conducting systematic (i.e. rapid and reproducible) characterizations. *Results Diversity at the specimens' level corroborates the "standard" relationship between tanδ and E'/γ, which is discussed in terms of orientation of wood elements and of chemical composition. Diversity at the species level is expressed on the basis of results for normal heartwood, with specific gravity (γ) ranging from 0.2 to 1.3. Axial E'/γ ranges from 9 to 32 GPa and tanδ from 4×10-3 to 19×10-3. Properties distribution follows a continuum, but with group characteristics. The lowest values of tanδ are only found in certain tropical hardwoods. Results can also suggest alternative species for musical instruments making

    HER2-family signalling mechanisms, clinical implications and targeting in breast cancer.

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    Approximately 20 % of human breast cancers (BC) overexpress HER2 protein, and HER2-positivity is associated with a worse prognosis. Although HER2-targeted therapies have significantly improved outcomes for HER2-positive BC patients, resistance to trastuzumab-based therapy remains a clinical problem. In order to better understand resistance to HER2-targeted therapies in HER2-positive BC, it is necessary to examine HER family signalling as a whole. An extensive literature search was carried out to critically assess the current knowledge of HER family signalling in HER2-positive BC and response to HER2-targeted therapy. Known mechanisms of trastuzumab resistance include reduced receptor-antibody binding (MUC4, p95HER2), increased signalling through alternative HER family receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK), altered intracellular signalling involving loss of PTEN, reduced p27kip1, or increased PI3K/AKT activity and altered signalling via non-HER family RTKs such as IGF1R. Emerging strategies to circumvent resistance to HER2-targeted therapies in HER2-positive BC include co-targeting HER2/PI3K, pan-HER family inhibition, and novel therapies such as T-DM1. There is evidence that immunity plays a key role in the efficacy of HER-targeted therapy, and efforts are being made to exploit the immune system in order to improve the efficacy of current anti-HER therapies. With our rapidly expanding understanding of HER2 signalling mechanisms along with the repertoire of HER family and other targeted therapies, it is likely that the near future holds further dramatic improvements to the prognosis of women with HER2-positive BC

    Differential Impact of EGFR-Targeted Therapies on Hypoxia Responses: Implications for Treatment Sensitivity in Triple-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    In solid tumors, such as breast cancer, cells are exposed to hypoxia. Cancer cells adapt their metabolism by activating hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) that promote the transcription of genes involved in processes such as cell survival, drug resistance and metastasis. HIF-1 is also induced in an oxygen-independent manner through the activation of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (EGFR-TK). Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of invasive breast cancer characterized by negative expression of hormonal and HER2 receptors, and this subtype generally overexpresses EGFR. Sensitivity to three EGFR inhibitors (cetuximab, gefitinib and lapatinib, an HER2/EGFR-TK inhibitor) was evaluated in a metastatic TNBC cell model (MDA-MB-231), and the impact of these drugs on the activity and stability of HIF was assessed.MDA-MB-231 cells were genetically modified to stably express an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) induced by hypoxia; the Ca9-GFP cell model reports HIF activity, whereas GFP-P564 reports HIF stability. The reporter signal was monitored by flow cytometry. HIF-1 DNA-binding activity, cell migration and viability were also evaluated in response to EGFR inhibitors. Cell fluorescence signals strongly increased under hypoxic conditions (> 30-fold). Cetuximab and lapatinib did not affect the signal induced by hypoxia, whereas gefitinib sharply reduced its intensity in both cell models and also diminished HIF-1 alpha levels and HIF-1 DNA-binding activity in MDA-MB-231 cells. This gefitinib feature was associated with its ability to inhibit MDA-MB-231 cell migration and to induce cell mortality in a dose-dependent manner. Cetuximab and lapatinib had no effect on cell migration or cell viability.Resistance to cetuximab and lapatinib and sensitivity to gefitinib were associated with their ability to modulate HIF activity and stability. In conclusion, downregulation of HIF-1 through EGFR signaling seems to be required for the induction of a positive response to EGFR-targeted therapies in TNBC