186 research outputs found

    Development of thermal LED Model

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    One of the main tasks of modern lighting technology is to increase the reliability of LED technology. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to ensure an effective cooling of LEDs, since the values of their parameters depend substantially on the temperature of a crystal. This dependence makes a significant effect on the reliability of a lamp or a luminaire. Thus, in order to increase the reliability of LED technology, it is necessary to calculate the thermal operating conditions of LEDs at the design stage, taking into account a cooling system in use. There are many programs designed to simulate thermal processes, however, such programs use primitive, substantially simplified LED models, and do not allow to recreate electrical and thermal regimes close to real ones. In order to conduct a more accurate simulation, it is required to create new electric and thermal models of LEDs, which are based on real values of the electric-physical and geometric parameters of the instruments. The article considers the thermal model of LED produced by the company SemiLEDs developed in the Multisim program. They performed the calculation of the processes taking place in the light-emitting diodes during their work in a luminaire. The obtained results indicate the possibility of the used approach application for the analysis of various LED light sources. The created models will allow to reveal unfavorable thermal operating modes for LEDs and, accordingly, to take measures to increase the reliability of fixtures.Keywords: temperature dependence of characteristics, high-power LED, current-voltage characteristic, flux-current characteristic

    Recovery of low-carbon ferrochrome with multi-component aluminum-silicon-chrome (Al - Si - Cr) alloy

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    The paper describes pilot smelting of low-carbon ferrochrome (LCFC) with new type of reductant – multi-component aluminum-silicon-chrome alloy (FASCh). Provisional calculations confirmed by results of pilot smelting show that use of FASCh alloy helps to stabilize LCFC slag and prevent its decomposition. Due to high Al content in FASCh the phase area of slag shifts from dicalcium silicate (larnite- Са2SiO4) area into the helenite area (2 CaO ∙ Al2O3 ∙ SiO2)

    Determining the relationship between individual polymorphic alleles and haplotypes of genes of cytokines IL-1β and its receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) to predict the nature of chronic periodontal inflammation

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    Found that carriers of the T allele of the polymorphic locus of С-511T of IL-1β and genotype С / T met significantly more likely in the group of patients with severe periodontitis In the study of nucleotide substitution of genes IL-1β С +3953 T allele T is also more common in the study group in patients with periodontitis In the study of gene polymorphism IL-1 RN significant differences between treatment groups were found. There is a tendency to increase the number of carriers of allele 2R, genotype 2R/4R and 2R/2R among persons with severe periodontal inflammation.Установлено, что носители Т аллеля полиморфного локуса С-511Т ИЛ-1β и генотипа СЯ встречались значимо чаще в группе пациентов, больных тяжелыми формами пародонтита. При исследовании нуклеотидной замены генов IL-1βС+3953Т аллель Т также чаще встречался в основной группе у больных пародонтитом. При исследовании полиморфизма генов IL-1RN достоверных различий между исследуемыми группами обнаружено не было. Имеется тенденция к увеличению количества носителей аллеля 2R, генотипа 2R/4R и 2R/2R среди лиц с тяжелым течением воспаления пародонта

    Histological and immunohistochemical criteria of chronic inflammatory periodontal in remission

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    The article analyzes the changes in clinical indicators of periodontal patients on the background of the basic course of treatment. In gingival biopsies of patients estimated to update the cell population of multilayer flat epithelium with joint use of markers Ki-67 and p53, the degree of acanthosis and inflammatory cells own plate of mucous membrane on the number of CD68 + cells. 'Stationary' phase of inflammation is characterized by a decrease in inflammatory infiltration and is accompanied by a normalization process of cell renewal in the epithelium associated with the suppression of proliferation of epithelial cells and enhance their elimination through apoptosis. The number of antigen cells (CD68 +) in the mucosa of the gums was not significantly changed at the end of the course of traditional therapy and is the morphological substrate of recurrence of inflammation.В статье проводится анализ изменения клинических показателей состояния пародонта пациентов на фоне проведения базового курса лечения. В биоптатах десны пациентов оценивается обновление клеточной популяции многослойного плоского эпителия при совместном применении маркеров Ki-67 и р53,степени акантоза и клеток воспалительного инфильтрата собственной пластинки слизистой оболочки по количеству CD68+ клеток. «Стационарная» стадия воспаления характеризуется уменьшением воспалительной инфильтрации и сопровождается нормализацией процессов клеточного обновления в эпителии, связанного с подавлением пролиферации эпителиоцитов и усилением их элиминации путем апоптоза. Количество антигенпрезентирующих клеток (CD68+) в слизистой оболочке десны значимо не изменяется по окончании курса традиционной терапии и является морфологическим субстратом рецидива воспаления

    Correlation of Late Badenian salts of the Wieliczka, Bochnia and Kalush areas (Polish and Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep)

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    Within the Carpathian Foredeep, open marine basin evolved into restricted evaporitic basin during the Badenian (Serravallian), and along the Carpathian front chloride sub-basins developed. The studies of foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton were conducted to obtain new biostratigraphic data which could constrain the age and correlation of the salt deposits between Wieliczka-Bochnia in Poland, and Kalush in the Ukraine. These studies proved that chloride deposits (in the Ukrainian territory also potassium salts) originated generally during the same period corresponding to the Late Badenian NN6 zone and undivided NN6-NN7 zone. The uppermost part of sub-evaporitic beds belongs to the boundary between the NN5 and NN6 zones, although locally (Bochnia Salt Mine) only the NN6 zone was found. This suggests that the lower boundary of salt deposits can be diachronous. Deposits overlying the salt (Chodenice and lowermost part of Grabowiec beds - Bogucice Sands) represent the Late Badenian NN6/NN7 zone. The similarity in age between the folded Middle Miocene strata in Poland (Zgłobice Unit) and the Ukraine (Sambir Unit) implies that they were folded during the same time and that they can represent one tectonic unit, develo ped in front of the advancing Carpathian orogen

    New data on the stratigraphy of the folded Miocene Zone at the front of the Ukrainian Outer Carpathians

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    The litho- and biostratigraphy (calcareous nannofossils and foraminifera) were studied in several sections of the folded Miocene Zone (Boryslav-Pokuttya and Sambir nappes) of the Ukrainian Outer Carpathians. Based on new biostratigraphic data, the age and correlation of the folded Miocene deposits in the marginal part of the Ukrainian and Polish Outer Carpathians were established. The deposits studied range from the Early Miocene (Early Burdigalian NN2 Zone) to the early Late Miocene (NN9 Zone). The facies and similarity in ages of the youngest deposits of the folded Middle Miocene strata in Poland [Stebnik (Sambir) Nappe and Zgłobice thrust-sheets] and in Ukraine (Sambir Nappe) implies that they were folded at same time and that they represent a similar system of tectonic units, developed in front of the advancing Carpathian orogen

    Primjena frakcijske plinske analize za određivanje sadržaja oksidnih i dušičnih faza u ALNICO legurama

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    Fractional gas analysis procedure for estimating the contents of oxide and nitride inclusions in Alnico alloys produced from wastes of production is developed. The effect of the temperature and time of melt holding before pouring on the content of impurity oxide and nitride inclusions is considered. The content of SiO2 inclusions in Alnico mainly depends on the holding time before pouring and decreases with increasing holding time, whereas the content of Al2O3 inclusions decreases with increasing both temperature and time of holding. The content of TiN inclusions decreases with increasing holding time. As the holding temperature increases, the content of nitride inclusions decreases only with increasing holding time.Razrađena je metoda frakcijske plinske analize za vrednovanje oksidnih i dušičnih uključaka u ALNICO legurama, dobijenih iz gospodarskih otpada. Posmatran je utjecaj temperature i vremena zadržavanja kupke prije lijevanja. Sadržaj uključaka SiO2 uglavnom ovisi od vremena zadrške prije lijevanja i snižava se povećanjem tog vremena, istodobno se sadržaj uključaka Al2O3 smanjuje s povećavanjem i temperature i vremena zadrške. Sadržaj uključaka TiN smanjuje se povećavanjem vremena zadrške. S povećanjem temperature sadržaj dušičnih uključaka smanjuje se samo pri povećanju vremena zadrške prije lijevanja

    Применение интеллектуальной системы криминального анализа в реальном времени (ricas) для аналитического сопровождения оперативно-розыскной деятельности и досудебного расследования

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    Uzlov, D.Y., Strukov, V.M., Grigorovich, A.B., Petrusenko, A.I. and Doskalenko, S.N. (2015), “Use of Real-time Intellectual criminal analytics system (RICAS) for analytical support of operative and search activities and pre-trial investigation” [“Primenenie intellektual’noj sistemy kriminal’nogo analiza v real’nom vremeni (RICAS) dlja analiticheskogo soprovozhdenija operativno-rozysknoj dejatel’nosti i dosudebnogo rassledovanija”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 132–139.Применение интеллектуальной системы криминального анализа в реальном времени (RICAS) для аналитического сопровождения оперативно-розыскной деятельности и досудебного расследования / Д. Ю. Узлов, В. М. Струков, А. Б. Григорович и др. // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 132–139.Досліджено проблему підвищення ефективності інформаційно-аналітичної роботи в органах внутрішніх справ шляхом створення інтелектуального технологічного інструментарію нового покоління. Проаналізовано сучасний стан інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення органів внутрішніх справ України та сформульовано його характерні особливості. Виконано огляд зарубіжних автоматизованих засобів інформаційно-аналітичної роботи, виділено їхні переваги і недоліки. Як вирішення сформульованих проблем запропоновано використовувати геоінформаційну інтелектуальну систему кримінального аналізу в реальному часі – Real-time Intelligence crime analytics system (RICAS). Описано її призначення, функціональні можливості, методики виконання кримінального аналізу засобами системи, переваги в порівнянні з існуючими аналогами і новизну.The problem of improving the effectiveness of informational and analytical work within internal affairs agencies through the creation of intelligent technological tools of the new generation is studied in the article. The authors have analyzed the current state of informational and analytical support of Internal Affairs Agencies of Ukraine and have formulated its characteristic features. The overview of foreign automated means of information and analytical work is performed; their advantages and disadvantages are outlined. As a solution of the formulated problems the authors have offered to use geographic and information Real-time Intelligence crime analytics system (RICAS). Its purpose, functionality, methodical techniques of criminal analysis by the means of the system, advantages compared with existing analogues and novelty are described. The system has used methods and algorithms for clustering and classification of Text Mining technology to isolate criminally relevant information together with the technology of Visual Mining in real time, ensuring the ability to perform analytical work on the prevention and investigation of crimes in the automated mode on a qualitatively new level. The RICAS allows us to perform the analysis, processing and presentation of data on a new technological basis; it is designed as an add (shell) of the existing integrated information and search system of Internal Affairs Agencies of Ukraine; and that is essential, it allows while its implementation do not delete the old system or suspend its operation, but simply and painless significantly improve its functionality and efficiency. The RICAS – is the first intelligence system of criminal analysis of data, which brings together in one space the main and the most advanced methods and techniques of criminal analysis and analytical search in real time that can significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of solving crimes without delay and previously unsolved crimes.Исследована проблема повышения эффективности информационно-аналитической работы в органах внутренних дел путём создания интеллектуального технологического инструментария нового поколения. Проанализировано современное состояние информационноаналитического обеспечения органов внутренних дел Украины и сформулированы его характерные особенности. Выполнен обзор зарубежных автоматизированных средств информационно-аналитической работы, выделены их достоинства и недостатки. В качестве решения сформулированных проблем предложено использовать геоинформационную интеллектуальную систему криминального анализа в реальном времени – Real-time Intelligence crime analytics system (RICAS). Описаны её назначение, функциональные возможности, методики выполнения криминального анализа средствами системы, преимущества по сравнению с существующими аналогами и новизна

    ART-XC: A Medium-energy X-ray Telescope System for the Spectrum-R-Gamma Mission

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    The ART-XC instrument is an X-ray grazing-incidence telescope system in an ABRIXAS-type optical configuration optimized for the survey observational mode of the Spectrum-RG astrophysical mission which is scheduled to be launched in 2011. ART-XC has two units, each equipped with four identical X-ray multi-shell mirror modules. The optical axes of the individual mirror modules are not parallel but are separated by several degrees to permit the four modules to share a single CCD focal plane detector, 1/4 of the area each. The 450-micron-thick pnCCD (similar to the adjacent eROSITA telescope detector) will allow detection of X-ray photons up to 15 keV. The field of view of the individual mirror module is about 18 x 18 arcminutes(exp 2) and the sensitivity of the ART-XC system for 4 years of survey will be better than 10(exp -12) erg s(exp -1) cm(exp -2) over the 4-12 keV energy band. This will allow the ART-XC instrument to discover several thousand new AGNs

    Status of ART-XC/SRG Instrument

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    Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) is an X-ray astrophysical observatory, developed by Russia in collaboration with Germany. The mission will be launched in March 2016 from Baikonur, by a Zenit rocket with a Fregat booster and placed in a 6-month-period halo orbit around L2. The scientific payload consists of two independent telescopes - a soft-x-ray survey instrument, eROSITA, being provided by Germany and a medium-x-ray-energy survey instrument ART-XC being developed by Russia. ART-XC will consist of seven independent, but co-aligned, telescope modules. The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is fabricating the flight mirror modules for the ART-XC/SRG. Each mirror module will be aligned with a focal plane CdTe double-sided strip detectors which will operate over the energy range of 6-30 keV, with an angular resolution of less than 1, a field of view of approximately 34 and an expected energy resolution of about 10 percent at 14 keV