7 research outputs found

    Gajenje slatkovodnih riba u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi: potrebe za istraživanjem i razvojem

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    Gajenje slatkovodinih riba ima veoma važnu ulogu za stabilizaciju biodiversiteta, resursa podzemnih voda, klime regiona kao i za snabdevenost hranom u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Velika konkurencija cena ribe na međunarodnom tržištu i promene u navikama ishrane ljudi pojačavaju pritisak na mala i srednja preduzeća u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi koja se bave gajenjem ribe i mogu da ugroze predeo oko uzgojnih jezera. Da bi povećali vrednost svih karika u lancu proizvodnje slatkovodnih riba, naučnici i proizvođači su identifikovali uobičajene i potencijalne izazove. Da bi se procenile potrebe sektora akvakulture u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi, sprovedeni su polu strukturirani intervjui sa proizvođačima i prerađivačima ribe i udruženjima u Poljskoj i Češkoj, u okviru projekta SIAD i FP7 EU projekta TRAFOON. Takođe su održane radionice sa istraživačima u sektoru akvakulture duž svake karike lanca proizvodnje riba u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Različite interesne strane su identifikovale nekoliko izazova koji ometaju razvoj slatkovodne akvakulture u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Razvoj akvakulture zahteva postojanje harmonizovanog regulativnog/pravnog okvira. Razmena znanja bi imala pozitivan uticaj na razvoj uniformnih standarda za održivost, i pomogla bi stvaranju pravnih procedura za izdavanje dozvola i licenci. Potrebno je izvršiti ekonomsku procenu usluga koje ekosistem ribnjaka pruža. Poboljšana tehnoligija koja je povoljna po životnu sredinu i sistemi za upravljanje kvalitetom u proizvodnji i preradi su neophodni da bi se obezbedila ustaljenija ponuda proizvoda od ribe viskog kvaliteta. Potrošači treba da budu bolje informisani o funkciji koju slatkovodna akvakultura i njeni proizvodi imaju za životnu sredinu. Da bi došlo do održivog razvoja sektora akvakulture i da bi se izgradilo poverenje javnosti, veoma je važno podstaći društvene inovacije koje su primenljive na pojedinačni sektor ili pojedinačnu teritoriju. Da bi došlo do održivog razvoja sektora slatkovodne akvakulture potrebno je razviti strategije makro regionalnog razvoja koje su prilagođene određenim tržištima, uslovima životne sredine, ponašanju potrošača, kulturi i tradiciji i koje nude potencijal za razvoj izvan granica jedne zemlje. Razvoj i adaptacija ključnih tehnologija potrebni su da bi se stabilizovala konkurentna i održiva proizvodnja i prerada ribe u čijoj su proizvodnji resursi efikasno iskorišćeni

    Novel Microfluidics Device for Rapid Antibiotics Susceptibility Screening

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    In recent years, excessive utilization of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic microbial resistance on a planetary scale. This recent phenomenon represents a serious threat to public health, as well as an enormous burden for healthcare systems’ budgets worldwide. Novel, rapid and cheap methods for antibiotic susceptibility screening are urgently needed for this obstacle to be overcome. In this paper, we present a microfluidic device for on-chip antibiotic resistance testing, which allows for antibiotic microbial resistance detection within 6 hours. The design, fabrication and experimental utilization of the device are thoroughly described and analyzed, as well as possibilities for future automation of the whole process. The accessibility of such a device for all people, regardless of economic status, was of utmost importance for us during the development of the project

    Parameters influencing the droplet formation in a focusing microfluidic channel

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    In the present work a detailed numerical study of the parameters influencing the droplet formation in a flow-focusing microfluidic device are made. First, an extensive verification of the simulations with data from the literature is carried out. Influence of parameters like viscosity and inflow velocity are compared with the results from literature showing a good agreement. Some differences are attributed to the different numerical techniques used: in the present work a pure volume-of-fluid method is used, while in the reference study this method is combined with the level-set method. As a second step of the verification of the present model, a comparison with experimental data from the literature was carried out which shows a very good agreement. After the verification was completed, eight new simulations are carried out covering a wide range of velocities of the continuous phase uc. In these simulations the velocity of the discrete phase ud remains unchanged. The variation of the continuous phase velocity reveals that with increasing the value of uc, respectively the value of the capillary number Ca, the droplet length reaches a point of saturation, i.e. a point where the droplet length does not decrease any more. For the present setup this saturation occurs for Ca > 0,03. On the other hand, when the velocity of the continuous phase goes towards very low values (Ca < 0,01 for the present setup), the droplet size increases significantly. Further, it was found that for increasing capillary numbers Ca above a value around 0,015 for water/oil and above 0,025 for water + 40% glycerol / oil systems, a transmission from the dripping towards the jetting regimes of droplet formation occurs. It was shown that when the viscosity of the continuous phase increases, higher total pressure jumps in the droplet occur, also leading to the formation of smaller droplets

    Cangrelor With and Without Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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