33 research outputs found

    Monopole ordered phases in dipolar and nearest-neighbours Ising pyrochlore: from spin ice to the "all-in--all-out" antiferromagnet

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    We study Ising pyrochlores by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We cover a set of exchange constants ranging from the frustrated ferromagnetic case (spin-ice) to the fully-ordered "all-in--all-out" antiferromagnet in the dipolar model, reinterpreting the results --as in an ionic system-- in terms of a temperature vs. magnetic charge density phase diagram. In spite of its spin nature and the presence of both double and single non-conserved magnetic charges, the dipolar model gives place to a phase diagram which is quite comparable with those previously obtained for on-lattice systems of electric charges, and on spin ice models with conserved number of single magnetic charges. The contrast between these systems, to which we add results from the nearest-neighbours model, put forward other features of our phase diagram --notably, a monopole fluid with charge order at high monopole densities that persists up to arbitrarily high temperatures-- that can only be explained taking into account construction constraints forced by the underlying spin degrees of freedom.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Entropy as a function of magnetisation for a 2D spin-ice model exhibiting a Kasteleyn transition

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    We present a combined analytical and numerical study of the entropy as a function of magnetization for an orientable 2D spin-ice model that exhibits a Kasteleyn transition. The model that we use is related to the well known six-vertex model but, as we show, our representation of it is more convenient for constructing approximate expressions for the entropy at fixed magnetization. We also discuss directions for further work, including the possibility of deforming our model into one exhibiting a quantum Kasteleyn transition.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Field-tuned order by disorder in frustrated Ising magnets with antiferromagnetic interactions

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    We demonstrate the appearance of thermal order by disorder in Ising pyrochlores with staggered antiferromagnetic order frustrated by an applied magnetic field. We use a mean-field cluster variational method, a low-temperature expansion, and Monte Carlo simulations to characterize the order-by-disorder transition. By direct evaluation of the density of states, we quantitatively show how a symmetry-broken state is selected by thermal excitations. We discuss the relevance of our results to experiments in 2D and 3D samples and evaluate how anomalous finite-size effects could be exploited to detect this phenomenon experimentally in two-dimensional artificial systems, or in antiferromagnetic all-in-all-out pyrochlores like Nd2Hf2O7 or Nd2Zr2O7, for the first time.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Thermodynamics of phase formation in the quantum critical metal Sr 3Ru 2O 7

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    The behavior of matter near zero temperature continuous phase transitions, or "quantum critical points" is a central topic of study in condensed matter physics. In fermionic systems, fundamental questions remain unanswered: the nature of the quantum critical regime is unclear because of the apparent breakdown of the concept of the quasiparticle, a cornerstone of existing theories of strongly interacting metals. Even less is known experimentally about the formation of ordered phases from such a quantum critical "soup." Here, we report a study of the specific heat across the phase diagram of the model system Sr 3Ru 2O 7, which features an anomalous phase whose transport properties are consistent with those of an electronic nematic. We show that this phase, which exists at low temperatures in a narrow range of magnetic fields, forms directly from a quantum critical state, and contains more entropy than mean-field calculations predict. Our results suggest that this extra entropy is due to remnant degrees of freedom from the highly entropic state above T c . The associated quantum critical point, which is "concealed" by the nematic phase, separates two Fermi liquids, neither of which has an identifiable spontaneously broken symmetry, but which likely differ in the topology of their Fermi surfaces.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Machine-learning-assisted insight into spin ice Dy2Ti2O7

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    Complex behavior poses challenges in extracting models from experiment. An example is spin liquid formation in frustrated magnets like Dy2Ti2O7. Understanding has been hindered by issues including disorder, glass formation, and interpretation of scattering data. Here, we use an automated capability to extract model Hamiltonians from data, and to identify different magnetic regimes. This involves training an autoencoder to learn a compressed representation of three-dimensional diffuse scattering, over a wide range of spin Hamiltonians. The autoencoder finds optimal matches according to scattering and heat capacity data and provides confidence intervals. Validation tests indicate that our optimal Hamiltonian accurately predicts temperature and field dependence of both magnetic structure and magnetization, as well as glass formation and irreversibility in Dy2Ti2O7. The autoencoder can also categorize different magnetic behaviors and eliminate background noise and artifacts in raw data. Our methodology is readily applicable to other materials and types of scattering problems.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Thermodynamics of phase formation in the quantum critical metal Sr 3Ru 2O 7

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    The behavior of matter near zero temperature continuous phase transitions, or "quantum critical points" is a central topic of study in condensed matter physics. In fermionic systems, fundamental questions remain unanswered: the nature of the quantum critical regime is unclear because of the apparent breakdown of the concept of the quasiparticle, a cornerstone of existing theories of strongly interacting metals. Even less is known experimentally about the formation of ordered phases from such a quantum critical "soup." Here, we report a study of the specific heat across the phase diagram of the model system Sr 3Ru 2O 7, which features an anomalous phase whose transport properties are consistent with those of an electronic nematic. We show that this phase, which exists at low temperatures in a narrow range of magnetic fields, forms directly from a quantum critical state, and contains more entropy than mean-field calculations predict. Our results suggest that this extra entropy is due to remnant degrees of freedom from the highly entropic state above T c . The associated quantum critical point, which is "concealed" by the nematic phase, separates two Fermi liquids, neither of which has an identifiable spontaneously broken symmetry, but which likely differ in the topology of their Fermi surfaces.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Heavy d-electron quasiparticle interference and real-space electronic structure of Sr₃Ru₂O₇

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    As well as providing subatomic-scale real-space images of metals, the scanning tunnelling microscope also reveals momentum–space information. Now it is possible to use this technique to image a heavy-electron liquid and obtain information on orbital structures. The intriguing idea that strongly interacting electrons can generate spatially inhomogeneous electronic liquid-crystalline phases is over a decade old, but these systems still represent an unexplored frontier of condensed-matter physics. One reason is that visualization of the many-body quantum states generated by the strong interactions, and of the resulting electronic phases, has not been achieved. Soft condensed-matter physics was transformed by microscopies that enabled imaging of real-space structures and patterns. A candidate technique for obtaining equivalent data in the purely electronic systems is spectroscopic imaging scanning tunnelling microscopy (SI-STM). The core challenge is to detect the tenuous but ‘heavy’ momentum (k)-space components of the many-body electronic state simultaneously with its real-space constituents. Sr₃Ru₂O₇ provides a particularly exciting opportunity to address these issues. It possesses a very strongly renormalized ‘heavy’ d-electron Fermi liquid and exhibits a field-induced transition to an electronic liquid-crystalline phase. Finally, as a layered compound, it can be cleaved to present an excellent surface for SI-STM.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Hall coefficient anomaly in the low-temperature high-field phase of Sr3Ru2O7

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    We report a study of the Hall effect of high-purity Sr3Ru2O7 single crystals. We establish an empirical correlation between the onset of its unusual low-temperature, high-field phase and a pronounced dip in the field-dependent Hall coefficient. Unlike the order parameter obtained from measurements of anisotropic resistivity, which is affected by the formation of domains, the Hall effect feature seems to reflect the nature of the ordering within a single domain. We checked for violations of the Onsager relations for the off-diagonal components of the resistivity tensor but do not detect any. We compare our observations to those on materials that have long-wavelength spin structures, and discuss them in relation to a growing body of theoretical work on the nature of the low-temperature phase in Sr3Ru2O7.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    An intermediate state between the kagome-ice and the fully polarized state in Dy<sub>2</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>

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    Dy2Ti2O7 is at present the cleanest example of a spin-ice material. Previous theoretical and experimental work on the first-order transition between the kagome-ice and the fully polarized state has been taken as a validation for the dipolar spin-ice model. Here we investigate in further depth this phase transition using ac-susceptibility and dc-magnetization, and compare this results with Monte-Carlo simulations and previous magnetization and specific heat measurements. We find signatures of an intermediate state between the kagome-ice and full polarization. This signatures are absent in current theoretical models used to describe spin-ice materials.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosInstituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada