45 research outputs found

    Acoustically-induced slip in sheared granular layers: application to dynamic earthquake triggering

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    A fundamental mystery in earthquake physics is ``how can an earthquake be triggered by distant seismic sources?'' Here, we use discrete element method simulations of a granular layer, during stick-slip, that is subject to transient vibrational excitation to gain further insight into the physics of dynamic earthquake triggering. Using Coulomb friction law for grains interaction, we observe delayed triggering of slip in the granular gouge. We find that at a critical vibrational amplitude (strain) there is an abrupt transition from negligible time-advanced slip (clock advance) to full clock advance, {\it i.e.}, transient vibration and triggered slip are simultaneous. The critical strain is order of 10610^{-6}, similar to observations in the laboratory and in Earth. The transition is related to frictional weakening of the granular layer due to a dramatic decrease in coordination number and the weakening of the contact force network. Associated with this frictional weakening is a pronounced decrease in the elastic modulus of the layer. The study has important implications for mechanisms of triggered earthquakes and induced seismic events and points out the underlying processes in response of the fault gouge to dynamic transient stresses

    Time Resolved in situ X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy Unraveling Dynamic Processes in Geologic Systems

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    X-ray tomographic microscopy is a well-established analysis technique in different fields of the Earth Sciences to access volumetric information of the internal microstructure of a large variety of opaque materials with high-spatial resolution and in a non-destructive manner. Synchrotron radiation, with its coherence and high flux, is required for pushing the temporal resolution into the second and sub-second regime and beyond, and therefore moving from the investigation of static samples to the study of fast dynamic processes as they happen in 3D. Over the past few years, several hardware and software developments at the TOMCAT beamline at the Swiss Light Source contributed to establishing its highly flexible and user-friendly fast tomography endstation, making a large variety of new dynamic in situ and operando investigations possible. Here we present an overview of the different devices, including an in-house developed detector, a new highly efficient macroscope and a programmable fast rotation stage. Their tight interplay and synchronization are key for lifting experimental design compromises and follow dynamic processes with high spatial and temporal resolution unfolding over prolonged periods of time, as often required by many applications. We showcase these new capabilities for the Earth Sciences community by presenting three different geological studies, which make use of different sample environments. With a tri-axial deformation rig, chemo-mechanical-hydraulic feedbacks between gypsum dehydration and halite deformation have been studied, while the spatio-temporal evolution of a solute plume has been investigated for the first time in 3D with a flow cell. A laser-based heating system available at the beamline provides access to the high temperatures required to address bubble growth and collapse as well as bubble-bubble interaction and coalescence in volcanological material. With the integration of a rheometer, information on bubble deformation could also be gained. In the near future, upgrades of most large-scale synchrotron radiation facilities to diffraction-limited storage rings will create new opportunities, for instance through sub-second tomographic imaging capabilities at sub-micron length scales

    Effect of aging on thermal conductivity of fiber-reinforced aerogel composites: An X-ray tomography study

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    Silica aerogels display an ultra-low thermal conductivity (λ) and are used as thermal superinsulators. Here, we study the influence of aging and drying processes on the microstructure and thermal conductivity of fiber-reinforced silica aerogel composites. Glass wool-silica gel composites were aged for variable times, hydrophobized, and dried either at ambient pressure or from supercritical CO2 (scCO2). The X-ray micro- tomographic data display three distinct phases: silica aerogel, glass fibers, and macroscopic pores and cracks. The silica aerogel appears as a continuous medium in the tomograms because the spatial resolution (6–11 μm) is insufficient to resolve the aerogel mesopores (∼0.02–0.10 μm). For the composites prepared by ambient pressure drying, insufficient aging led to prominent drying shrinkage and cracking, and a high macro-porosity, as quantified by 3D image analysis. Insufficient aging also led to an increase in λ from 15.7 to 21.5 mW m−1 K−1. On the contrary, composites that were nearly free of cracks and displayed a constant λ of 16.3 ± 0.8 mW m−1 K−1 could be prepared by scCO2, independent of aging time. The thermal conductivity was reproduced from the macro-porosity to within 0.7 mW m−1 K−1 using simple thermal transport models consisting of thermal elements connected in series or parallel. Our results illustrate the usefulness of X-ray micro-tomography to quantify the 3D microstructure and its effects on the bulk composite properties and the data highlight the importance of aging for the production of low λ aerogel-fiber composites by ambient pressure drying

    Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean ??? Part 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs

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    International audienceThe Mediterranean Sea is a prominent climate-change hot spot, with many socioeconomically vital coastal areas being the most vulnerable targets for maritime safety, diverse met-ocean hazards and marine pollution. Providing an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution at wide coastal areas, high-frequency radars (HFRs) have been steadily gaining recognition as an effective land-based remote sensing technology for continuous monitoring of the surface circulation, increasingly waves and occasionally winds. HFR measurements have boosted the thorough scientific knowledge of coastal processes, also fostering a broad range of applications, which has promoted their integration in coastal ocean observing systems worldwide, with more than half of the European sites located in the Mediterranean coastal areas. In this work, we present a review of existing HFR data multidisciplinary science-based applications in the Mediterranean Sea, primarily focused on meeting end-user and science-driven requirements, addressing regional challenges in three main topics: (i) maritime safety, (ii) extreme hazards and (iii) environmental transport process. Additionally, the HFR observing and monitoring regional capabilities in the Mediterranean coastal areas required to underpin the underlying science and the further development of applications are also analyzed. The outcome of this assessment has allowed us to provide a set of recommendations for future improvement prospects to maximize the contribution to extending science-based HFR products into societally relevant downstream services to support blue growth in the Mediterranean coastal areas, helping to meet the UN's Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the EU's Green Deal goals

    Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean ??? Part 1: Status of operations and a framework for future development

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    Due to the semi-enclosed nature of the Mediterranean Sea, natural disasters and anthropogenic activities impose stronger pressures on its coastal ecosystems than in any other sea of the world.With the aim of responding adequately to science priorities and societal challenges, littoral waters must be effectively monitored with high-frequency radar (HFR) systems. This land-based remote sensing technology can provide, in near-real time, fine-resolution maps of the surface circulation over broad coastal areas, along with reliable directional wave and wind information. The main goal of this work is to showcase the current status of the Mediterranean HFR network and the future roadmap for orchestrated actions. Ongoing collaborative efforts and recent progress of this regional alliance are not only described but also connected with other European initiatives and global frameworks, highlighting the advantages of this cost-effective instrument for the multi-parameter monitoring of the sea state. Coordinated endeavors between HFR operators from different multi-disciplinary institutions are mandatory to reach a mature stage at both national and regional levels, striving to do the following: (i) harmonize deployment and maintenance practices; (ii) standardize data, metadata, and quality control procedures; (iii) centralize data management, visualization, and access platforms; and (iv) develop practical applications of societal benefit that can be used for strategic planning and informed decision-making in the Mediterranean marine environment. Such fit-for-purpose applications can serve for search and rescue operations, safe vessel navigation, tracking of marine pollutants, the monitoring of extreme events, the investigation of transport processes, and the connectivity between offshore waters and coastal ecosystems. Finally, future prospects within the Mediterranean framework are discussed along with a wealth of socioeconomic, technical, and scientific challenges to be faced during the implementatio

    Inverse problems and genetic algorithms

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    Inverse problems are omnipresent in natural and engineering sciences, for example, in material characterization. Impressive results have been obtained by applying analytical–numerical techniques to their solution; however, in many practical cases these methods present drawbacks, which impede their application. In this scenario, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) arise as interesting alternatives, especially for the solution of complicated inverse problems, such as those resulting from the modeling and characterization of complex nonlinear systems, such as in particular materials with nonlinear elastic behavior. In this chapter, we present a brief introduction to inverse problem solution, highlighting the difficulties inherent in the application of traditional analytical–numerical techniques, and illustrating how genetic algorithms may in part obviate these problem

    Damage Assessment in Solids through Nonlinear Ultrasonics in the Time Domain

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    This study reports the main results obtained from the application of a NDT method based on nonlinear ultrasounds and denoted as Scaling Subtraction Method (SSM) to several case studies, involving different types of consolidated granular media and different damage mechanisms. The effectiveness of the SSM in describing damage evolution is discussed with reference to both diffuse damage, as induced by mechanical or thermal loads and localized damage, as in the case of degradation of the interfacial surfaces between different portions of a solid under chemical attack. Limitations and potentialities of the method are discussed with respect to other damage assessment indicator

    The “Terranova” render of the Engineering Faculty in Bologna (1931–1935): reasons for an outstanding durability

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    In the first half of the twentieth century, a variety of dry-mix renders with different trade marks spread across Europe. Their stated performance made them attractive for buildings where the overhanging eave was absent, hence they found broad application in rationalist buildings and districts. However, their composition and properties are barely known. In this paper, the Terranova render of the Engineering Faculty in Bologna was characterised, to investigate the reasons for its outstanding durability. Unexpectedly, the render was found to be constituted by dolomitic lime and only a small amount of white cement and exhibited a remarkable strength. The presence of air voids seems due the use of air entraining agents and may have contributed to the frost resistance of this render during 80 years. The results are expected to contribute not only to the knowledge of Terranova render, but also to a better understanding of durability issues for new renders

    Quantitative analysis of the evolution of ASR products and crack networks in the context of the concrete mesostructure

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    Methodological challenges have long been an obstacle for the understanding of damage in concrete due to the alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Time-lapse X-ray tomography could be key to advancements but has not been extensively exploited, mainly due to similar electron densities of the different material phases, which leads to poor contrast in the tomograms. To address this limitation, we propose the implementation of two complementary contrast agents, BaSO4 and CsNO3. After optimizing the contents of both agents synergistically for mortars, we realize for the first time a quantitative characterization of the spatial-temporal distributions of both ASR products and cracks, while differentiating their presence in aggregates and in cement paste. This new methodology allowed showing that similar amounts of ASR products were found inside the aggregates and inside the cement paste. The transport of products from inner aggregate regions into the cement paste along propagating cracks was followed in 4D.ISSN:0008-884