14 research outputs found

    Combining Litter Observations with a Regional Ocean Model to Identify Sources and Sinks of Floating Debris in a Semi-enclosed Basin: The Adriatic Sea

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    Visual ship transect surveys provide crucial information about the density, and spatial distribution of floating anthropogenic litter in a basin. However, such observations provide a ‘snapshot’ of local conditions at a given time and cannot be used to deduce the provenance of the litter or to predict its fate, crucial information for management and mitigation policies. Particle tracking techniques have seen extensive use in these roles, however, most previous studies have used simplistic initial conditions based on bulk average inputs of debris to the system. Here, observations of floating anthropogenic macro debris in the Adriatic Sea are used to define initial conditions (number of particles, location, and time) in a Lagrangian particle tracking model. Particles are advected backward and forward in time for 60 days (120 days total) using surface velocities from an operational regional ocean model. Sources and sinks for debris observed in the central and southern Adriatic in May 2013 and March 2015 included the Italian coastline from Pescara to Brindisi, the Croatian island of Mljet, and the coastline from Dubrovnik through Montenegro to Albania. Debris observed in the northern Adriatic originated from the Istrian peninsula to the Italian city of Termoli, as well as the Croatian island of Cres and the Kornati archipelago. Particles spent a total of roughly 47 days afloat. Coastal currents, notably the eastern and western Adriatic currents, resulted in large alongshore displacements. Our results indicate that anthropogenic macro debris originates largely from coastal sources near population centers and is advected by the cyclonic surface circulation until it strands on the southwest (Italian) coast, exits the Adriatic, or recirculates in the southern gyreVersión del edito

    Submesoscale dispersion in the vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon spill

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    Reliable forecasts for the dispersion of oceanic contamination are important for coastal ecosystems, society and the economy as evidenced by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and the Fukushima nuclear plant incident in the Pacific Ocean in 2011. Accurate prediction of pollutant pathways and concentrations at the ocean surface requires understanding ocean dynamics over a broad range of spatial scales. Fundamental questions concerning the structure of the velocity field at the submesoscales (100 meters to tens of kilometers, hours to days) remain unresolved due to a lack of synoptic measurements at these scales. \textcolor{black} {Using high-frequency position data provided by the near-simultaneous release of hundreds of accurately tracked surface drifters, we study the structure of submesoscale surface velocity fluctuations in the Northern Gulf Mexico. Observed two-point statistics confirm the accuracy of classic turbulence scaling laws at 200m-50km scales and clearly indicate that dispersion at the submesoscales is \textit{local}, driven predominantly by energetic submesoscale fluctuations.} The results demonstrate the feasibility and utility of deploying large clusters of drifting instruments to provide synoptic observations of spatial variability of the ocean surface velocity field. Our findings allow quantification of the submesoscale-driven dispersion missing in current operational circulation models and satellite altimeter-derived velocity fields.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Prototype Imagin Devices for jelly zooplankton

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    Prototype Imagin Devices for jelly zooplankto

    Targeted Lagrangian sampling of submesoscale dispersion at a coastal frontal zone

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    The potential impact of rapidly‐evolving submesoscale motions on relative dispersion is at the forefront of physical oceanography, posing challenges for both observations and modeling. A persistent coastal front driven by river outflows in the North‐Western Mediterranean Sea is targeted by two observational cruises conducted in the summer of 2010. The frontal zone is sampled using drifters launched with a multi‐scale strategy consisting of modules of triplets, released on either side of the front by small boats. This experiment is original in that the submesoscale range of 100 m to 1000 m is directly targeted, and the results are expected to provide guidance for practical applications, such as prediction of the initial spreading of pollutants and biogeochemical tracers. The influence of submesoscale motions on relative dispersion is quantified using both particle mean square separation as a function of time, and scale‐dependent finite‐size Lyapunov exponents (FSLE,λ(δ)). Our main finding is the identification of a local dispersion regime with values reaching as high as λ ≈ 20 days−1 at drifter pair separation distances of δ < 100 m. This value is more than an order of magnitude greater than that obtained by drifters in the offshore Ligurian current. The Ligurian Sea circulation is modeled using a fully realistic Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with 1/60° horizontal resolution. It is found that the numerical model significantly underestimates the relative dispersion at submesoscales, indicating the need for particle dispersion parameterizations for unresolved processes

    Inertial oscillations and frontal processes in an Alboran Sea jet, data

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    This repository holds the data used in the study entitled "Inertial oscillations and frontal processes in an Alboran Sea jet: Effects on divergence and vertical transport" which is being submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (first submission: August 2022). -- This study reports on the wind response interaction with an ocean current jet in geostrophic balance. The primary objective of the study is to better understand the potential role played by Near Inertial Oscilations (NIOs) in generating vertical transport in the upper ocean. -- This dataset includes near-surface drifters' tracks (CARTHE and SVP), vessel mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and underway CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) as well as data generated by an idealised numerical model (slab-layer type). -- Details of the files are provided in a README.txt and details on the data processing and analysis are provided in the manuscript to be published.This work has been supported and co-financed by the CALYPSO project, within the Office of Naval Research Departmental Research Initiative, under the following grants: N00014-18-1-2782 and N00014-22-1-2039 (GE,SD,MB,AG), N00014-18-1-2139 (AYS,EAD), N00014-18-1-2138 (TO), N00014-18-1-2418 and N00014-20-1-2754 (PMP), N00014-19-1-2692 and N00014-19-1-2380 (LC and part of the drifter data collection/analysis), N00014-18-1-2431 (JTF), N00014-18-1-2416 (TMSJ), N00014-16-1-3130 (AP,DRT,SR), N00014-21-1-2702 (AM). MF was supported by the Scripps Institutional Postdoctoral Fellowship (MAF). Investigation of front dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea from multiplatform observations is supported as well by the European Union's JERICO-S3 project through Grant 871153. Open Access Funding provided by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.CALYPSO2019_CARTHEs_tracks.csvCALYPSO2019_OS150_Apr2.ncCALYPSO2019_OS150_Apr5_Ct.ncCALYPSO2019_OS150_Apr5_Nt.ncCALYPSO2019_OS150_Apr5_St.ncCALYPSO2019_OS150_shiptracks.csvCALYPSO2019_SLAB.ncCALYPSO2019_SVPs_tracks.csvCALYPSO2019_UCTD_Apr5_Ct.ncCALYPSO2019_UCTD_Apr5_Nt.ncCALYPSO2019_UCTD_Apr5_St.ncPeer reviewe

    New high-tech flexible networks for the monitoring of deep-sea ecosystems

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    none28siIncreasing interest in the acquisition of biotic and abiotic resources from within the deep sea (e.g. fisheries, oil-gas extraction, and mining) urgently imposes the development of novel monitoring technologies, beyond the traditional vessel-assisted, time-consuming, high-cost sampling surveys. The implementation of permanent networks of seabed and water-column cabled (fixed) and docked mobile platforms is presently enforced, to cooperatively measure biological features and environmental (physico-chemical) parameters. Video and acoustic (i.e. optoacoustic) imaging are becoming central approaches for studying benthic fauna (e.g. quantifying species presence, behaviour, and trophic interactions) in a remote, continuous, and prolonged fashion. Imaging is also being complemented by in situ environmental-DNA sequencing technologies, allowing the traceability of a wide range of organisms (including prokaryotes) beyond the reach of optoacoustic tools. Here, we describe the different fixed and mobile platforms of those benthic and pelagic monitoring networks, proposing at the same time an innovative roadmap for the automated computing of hierarchical ecological information of deep-sea ecosystems (i.e. from single species' abundance and life traits, to community composition, and overall biodiversity).noneAguzzi, Jacopo; Chatzievangelou, Damianos; Marini, Simone; Fanelli, Emanuela; Danovaro, Roberto; Floegel, Sascha; Le Bris, Nadine; Juanes, Francis; de Leo, Fabio; Del Rio, Joaquin; Thomsen, Laurenz; Costa, Corrado; Riccobene, Giorgio; Tamburini, Cristian; Lefevre, Dominique; Gojak, Carl; Poulain, Pierre-Marie; Favali, Paolo; Griffa, Annalisa; Purser, Autun; Cline, Danelle; Edgington, Duane; Navarro, Joan; Srefanni, Sergio; Company, Joan Batista; D'Hondt, Steve; Priede, Imats; Rountree, RodenyAguzzi, Jacopo; Chatzievangelou, Damianos; Marini, Simone; Fanelli, Emanuela; Danovaro, Roberto; Floegel, Sascha; Le Bris, Nadine; Juanes, Francis; de Leo, Fabio; Del Rio, Joaquin; Thomsen, Laurenz; Costa, Corrado; Riccobene, Giorgio; Tamburini, Cristian; Lefevre, Dominique; Gojak, Carl; Poulain, Pierre-Marie; Favali, Paolo; Griffa, Annalisa; Purser, Autun; Cline, Danelle; Edgington, Duane; Navarro, Joan; Srefanni, Sergio; Company, Joan Batista; D'Hondt, Steve; Priede, Imats; Rountree, Roden

    Data assimilation considerations for improved ocean predictability during the Gulf of Mexico Grand Lagrangian Deployment (GLAD)

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    •Extensive drifter observations allow new understanding to data assimilation.•Background error covariance is the point at which assumptions have historically been placed.•Components of background error covariance are tested to determine impact.•Amplitude of background error covariance is a critical factor.•Time correlation in background errors must be considered in 3DVar and 4DVar.Ocean prediction systems rely on an array of assumptions to optimize their data assimilation schemes. Many of these remain untested, especially at smaller scales, because sufficiently dense observations are very rare. A set of 295 drifters deployed in July 2012 in the north-eastern Gulf of Mexico provides a unique opportunity to test these systems down to scales previously unobtainable. In this study, background error covariance assumptions in the 3DVar assimilation process are perturbed to understand the effect on the solution relative to the withheld dense drifter data. Results show that the amplitude of the background error covariance is an important factor as expected, and a proposed new formulation provides added skill. In addition, the background error covariance time correlation is important to allow satellite observations to affect the results over a period longer than one daily assimilation cycle. The results show the new background error covariance formulations provide more accurate placement of frontal positions, directions of currents and velocity magnitudes. These conclusions have implications for the implementation of 3DVar systems as well as the analysis interval of 4DVar systems