124 research outputs found

    CD40 signalling in ileal Peyer's patch B cells: implications for T cell-dependent antigen selection

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    The ileal Peyer's patch (PP) plays a central role in B cell development in young sheep and it is hypothesized that this B cell development occurs independent of extrinsic antigen and T cells. Therefore, it was of interest to examine ileal PP folllcular (iPf) B cell responses to CD40 ligand, a molecule integral to T cell-dependent B cell development. A variable level of CD40 expression was detected on a subpopulation of iPfB cells and J558L cells, expressing a membrane form of mouse CD40 ligand (mCD40L), interacted specifically with the CD40 molecule on iPfB cells. In response to mCD40L the non-S phase iPfB cells were rescued from apoptotic cell death and there was a marked proliferative response but viable cell number remained relatively constant. The mCD40L also induced decreased cytoplasmic cAMP levels, blocked anti-Ig-induced iPfB cell death and induced functional IL-2 receptor expression on a subpopulation of iPfB cells. Many of the mCD40L-induced responses of iPfB cells were similar to those reported for germinal centre and immature B cells, and indicated that a cognate T cell-B cell interaction could influence iPfB cell proliferation and differentiation. Finally, that mCD40L induced iPfB cell activation and differentiation was evident as increased expression of CD5, the BAQ44A molecule, the CACT65A molecule and the expansion of surface IgG1+ B cells. These mCD40L-induced phenotypic changes were also observed on subpopulations of freshly isolated iPfB cells and jejunal PP follicular B cells. However, few iPfB cells had a phenotype similar to that observed in co-culture with mCD40L and this suggested that T cell-dependent B cell development may play a minor role in ileal PP B cell development. The possible significance of CD40 signalling is discussed in terms of the selection of iPfB cells during developmen

    Two Distinct Pathways of B-Cell Development in Peyer’s Patches

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    The developmental biology of sheep ileal and jejunal Peyer’s patches (PP) was investigated using corticosteroids to deplete immature B lymphocytes. During a 7-day treatment with dexamethasone, ileal PP follicular (iPf)B-cell proliferation was arrested and most iPfB-cells died. This resulted in follicular involution with the survival of mesenchymal cells. No iPfB-cell proliferation was detected in follicular remnants for 4 weeks postdexamethasone treatment, and during a subsequent 3-month period, there was limited iPfB-cell proliferation that resulted in a partial regeneration of follicles. Ileal PP involution was also associated with a severe B lymphopenia that persisted for over 14 weeks and was characterized by the survival of primarily isotype-switched and CD5+ sIgM+ B-cells in blood. In contrast, the size of jejunal PP follicles was reduced following dexamethasone treatment, but intrafollicular B-cell proliferation was not arrested. Furthermore, within 4 weeks, the jejunal PP follicles had recovered in size and cellularity and there was no disruption in IgA plasma-cell production. Thus, dexamethasone selectively depleted iPfB-cells and revealed that the ileal and jejunal PPs contain functionally distinct B-cell populations. The partial regeneration of the iPfB-cell population indicated that either an intrafollicular, corticosteroid-resistant B-stem cell existed or that ileal PP follicles can be repopulated by circulating B-cells. Finally, the association between ileal PP involution and the absence of circulating, CD5- B-cells confirmed that this lymphoid tissue provides an essential environment for conventional sIgM+ B-cell development

    Modern approaches to understanding stress and disease susceptibility: A review with special emphasis on respiratory disease

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    Studies in animals and humans link both physical and psychological stress with an increased incidence and severity of respiratory infections. For this manuscript we define stress as the physiological responses an individual undergoes while adjusting to a continually changing environment. It is known that stressors of various types (psychological/physical) can alter the physiological levels of certain hormones, chemokines and cytokines. These alterations send information to the central nervous system to take necessary action which then sends messages to appropriate organs/tissues/cells to respond. These messages can either activate or suppress the immune system as needed and failure to compensate for this by the body can lead to serious health-related problems. Little is known how stress affects disease susceptibility, yet understanding this mechanism is important for developing effective treatments, and for improving health and food quality. The current review focuses on (a) the effects of psychological stressors in humans and animals, (b) various methodologies employed to understand stress responses and their outcomes, and (c) the current status of the attempts to correlate stress and disease with respiratory disease as model system. The methodologies included in this review span traditional epidemiological, behavioral and immunological studies to current high throughput genomic, proteomic, metabolomic/metabonomic approaches. With the advent of various newer omics and bioinformatics methodologies we postulate that it will become feasible to understand the mechanisms through which stress can influence disease onset. Although the literature in this area is limited because of the infancy of this research area, the objective of this review is to illustrate the power of new approaches to address complex biological questions. These new approaches will also aid in our understanding how these processes are related to the dynamics and kinetics of changes in expression of multiple genes at various levels

    A Novel Molecular Complex Expressed on Immature B Cells: A Possible Role in T Cell-Independent B Cell Development

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    To identify surface molecules that may play a role in regulating ileal Peyer's patch (PP) B cell growth, we generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and then selected them for a unique reactivity with ileal PP B cells. Flow cytometric analysis identified a mAb (SIC4.8R) that labeled 97% of ileal and 50–60% of jejunal PP sIgM+B cells. SIC4.8R also labeled a subpopulation of cortical thymocytes but few B or T cells in other lymphoid tissues, including bone marrow. Immunohistochemistry revealed intense SIC4.8R staining of B cells in the cortex of ileal PP follicles. SIC4.8R also labeled bovine PP B cells, a murine pro-B cell line, and pre-B cells in human bone marrow. Protein chemistry revealed that a structurally similar molecular complex was expressed on sheep ileal PP B cells and thymocytes and murine pro-B cells. Addition of soluble SIC4.8R to cultured ileal PP B cells reduced apoptotic cell death, elevated proliferative responses, partially inhibited anti-Ig-induced cell death, and induced IL-4 responsiveness. In contrast, soluble SIC4.8R had an antiproliferative effect on a mouse pro-B cell line. Finally, SIC4.8R labeling declined following the stimulation of ileal PP B cells with CD40 ligand. In conclusion, the present investigation determined that SIC4.8R identified a novel molecular complex that is expressed at several stages of T cell-independent B cell development in a variety of mammalian species. This observation confirmed that PP B cells are developmentally distinct from other B cell populations in sheep and suggested that the bone marrow may not be a site of B lymphopoiesis in young lambs

    Reactivation of temperature-sensitive and non-temperature-sensitive infectious bovine rhinotracheitis vaccine virus with dexamethasone

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    Latent infections by a temperature-sensitive (ts) infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccine was produced as frequently as by non-ts vaccine virus. Thus, virus could be reactivated in seven of eight ts vaccinates and six of eight non-ts vaccinates after dexamethasone treatment. Virus excretion could be detectable for 1 to 8 days at a level of 2 X 106 to 3 X 108 plaque-forming units per ml of nasal secretions. The reactivated virus was shown to be the same as the original virus used for vaccination by its inability to grow at the restrictive temperature (39°C) as well as by its restriction endonuclease cleavage pattern

    Stress significantly increases mortality following a secondary bacterial respiratory infection

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    A variety of mechanisms contribute to the viral-bacterial synergy which results in fatal secondary bacterial respiratory infections. Epidemiological investigations have implicated physical and psychological stressors as factors contributing to the incidence and severity of respiratory infections and psychological stress alters host responses to experimental viral respiratory infections. The effect of stress on secondary bacterial respiratory infections has not, however, been investigated. A natural model of secondary bacterial respiratory infection in naive calves was used to determine if weaning and maternal separation (WMS) significantly altered mortality when compared to calves pre-adapted (PA) to this psychological stressor. Following weaning, calves were challenged with Mannheimia haemolytica four days after a primary bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) respiratory infection. Mortality doubled in WMS calves when compared to calves pre-adapted to weaning for two weeks prior to the viral respiratory infection. Similar results were observed in two independent experiments and fatal viral-bacterial synergy did not extend beyond the time of viral shedding. Virus shedding did not differ significantly between treatment groups but innate immune responses during viral infection, including IFN-γ secretion, the acute-phase inflammatory response, CD14 expression, and LPS-induced TNFα production, were significantly greater in WMS versus PA calves. These observations demonstrate that weaning and maternal separation at the time of a primary BHV-1 respiratory infection increased innate immune responses that correlated significantly with mortality following a secondary bacterial respiratory infection