13 research outputs found

    Diurnal Fluctuations in Shallow Groundwater Levels and in Streamflow Rates and their Interpretation: A Review

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    On Diurnal Riparian Zone Groundwater-Level and Streamflow Fluctuations

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    Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically similar catchments

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    Megafloods that far exceed previously observed records often take citizens and experts by surprise, resulting in extremely severe damage and loss of life. Existing methods based on local and regional information rarely go beyond national borders and cannot predict these floods well because of limited data on megafloods, and because flood generation processes of extremes differ from those of smaller, more frequently observed events. Here we analyse river discharge observations from over 8,000 gauging stations across Europe and show that recent megafloods could have been anticipated from those previously observed in other places in Europe. Almost all observed megafloods (95.5%) fall within the envelope values estimated from previous floods in other similar places on the continent, implying that local surprises are not surprising at the continental scale. This holds also for older events, indicating that megafloods have not changed much in time relative to their spatial variability. The underlying concept of the study is that catchments with similar flood generation processes produce similar outliers. It is thus essential to transcend national boundaries and learn from other places across the continent to avoid surprises and save lives

    ¿Nuevos actores del desarrollo? Las empresas como titulares de obligaciones frente a los derechos humanos y el desarrollo = New actors for development? Companies as duty holders : business and human rights

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    Este artículo analiza por un lado el creciente papel de las empresas en el ámbito de la cooperación para el desarrollo a través de instrumentos como los programas de responsabilidad social y las alianzas público-privadas y por otro, en sus obligaciones frente los derechos humanos, teniendo en cuenta que los impactos que muchas de sus intervenciones generan en éstos son cada vez mayores. En los últimos años el acercamiento entre las cuestiones de desarrollo y los derechos humanos ha consolidado la adopción del Enfoque basado en derechos humanos en los programas y estrategias de cooperación. Desde este enfoque se establecen distintos tipos de actores que deben garantizar los derechos humanos. Las empresas entran en este escenario, donde un amplio sector en nuestro país las sitúa como "titulares de responsabilidades", cuando hay una línea más avanzada y desarrollada en el ámbito internacional que las sitúa como "titulares de obligaciones". Los compromisos adoptados en el marco de la nueva agenda de desarrollo no pueden dejar de lado el papel de las empresas y la necesidad de avanzar hacia marcos que garanticen el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos. ---------- ABSTRACT---------- This article aims to analyze the growing role of companies in Development Cooperation with the increase of Corporate Social Responsibility programs and funds allocated to public-private partnerships, and besides, the difficulty in guaranteeing that their activities do not have a negative impact on human rights. The Human Rights Based Approach to development cooperation recognizes poor people not as beneficiaries, but as active rights holders and establishes corresponding duties for states and other actors. The concept of rights-holders and dutybearers introduces an important element of accountability. Companies have been understood by some authors as responsibility bearers, but we by others, in an actual context, as duty bearers. International commitments adopted in the Sustainable Agenda can not ignore the role of transnational companies and the need to move towards frameworks that guarantee the fulfillment of human rights