44 research outputs found

    Productional characteristic evaluation of croatian, american and italian clones of cv. Tribidrag

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    Tijekom vegetacije 2018. godine provedeno je istraživanje u svrhu evaluiranja gospodarskih karakteristika hrvatskih, američkih i talijanskih klonova sorte Tribidrag, koja je, nakon otkrića da je identična američkom Zinfandelu i talijanskom Primitivu, postala interesantna za vinare. Kako se radi o poznatoj sorti u svijetu (Americi i Italiji), na tržiÅ”tu je prisutno puno klonova različitih karakteristika. Na Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krÅ”a u Splitu, posađeni su 2014. godine različiti klonovi ove sorte, a 2018. je taj nasad doÅ”ao u rod. Pomoću ampelografskih metoda te metodom identifikacije i opisa putem OIV-ovih deskriptora, provedena je evaluacija morfoloÅ”kih i gospodarskih karakteristika kojom je dokazana morfoloÅ”ka varijabilnost između klonova Zinfandela i Tribidraga, a najmanje je uočena kod klonova Primitiva. Klonovi Tribidraga prednjače u prosječnim masama grozdova (g), Å”to ukazuje na veću iskoristivost, ali imaju najmanji ukupni sadržaj Å”ećera (Ā°Oe). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su u sadržaju ukupnih kiselina (g/L) najslabiji klonovi Zinfandela, a klonovi Tribidraga i Primitiva se kreću u sličnim vrijednostima; prosječne pH vrijednosti su gotovo pa iste. Mehanički parametri pokazuju da je grožđe evaluiranih klonova srednje zbijenosti, s mekanim do srednje tvrdim mesom bobica. Bolest siva plijesan (Botrytis cinerea) nije uočena.During the growing season of 2018, research was conducted for the purpose of evaluating economical values of Croatian, American and Italian clones of Tribidrag variety, which became interesting for winemakers after the discovery that its heritage is the same as the one of American Zinfandel and Italian Primitivo. Since it is a very famous grape variety in the world (United States of America and Italy), there are a lot of clones of different characteristics on the market. At Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation in Split, various clones of this variety were planted in 2014, and in 2018 this crop came into being. Using ampelographic methods and identification and descriptive methods using OIV descriptors, morphological and economic characteristics were evaluated, which demonstrated morphological variability between clones of Zinfandel and Tribidrag and was the least noticed in clones of Primitivo. The clones of Tribidrag dominated by average cluster masses (g), which indicates greater utilization, but have the smallest total sugar content (Ā°Oe). The obtained results show that in the content of total acids (g/L), clones of Zinfandel have the least amount of acids and the clones of Tribidrag and Primitivo move in similar values; the average pH values are almost the same. Mechanical parameters show that the grapes of evaluated clones are of medium compact, with soft to medium hard berry flesh. The disease of gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) was not observed

    Experimental Testing and Numerical Modeling of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns under Seismic Conditions : Doctoral Thesis

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja armiranobetonskih stupova izloženih dinamičkom opterećenju. Istraženi su utjecaji različitih parametara na granično stanje nosivosti i deformabilnosti stupova uslijed potresa. Ispitano je sedam grupa stupova, kod čega je u svakoj grupi istraživan pojedini utjecajni parametar. Naime istražen je utjecaj različitog tipa pobude, utjecaj temeljnog tla (kao potencijalnog seizmičkog izolatora), utjecaj veličine temelja, utjecaj rubnih uvjeta (način oslanjanja temelja), utjecaj vitkosti (visine) stupa, utjecaj uzdužne armature, utjecaj poprečne armature, utjecaj mase na stupu te utjecaj ekscentriciteta mase. Za svaki od promatranih parametara ispitivano je tri do pet stupova. Eksperimenti su provedeni u Laboratoriju za seizmička ispitivanja (STC) u Žrnovnici pored Splita, pomoću potresne platforme. Svaki stup iz pojedine grupe izložen je setu pobuda, uz sukcesivno maksimalne ordinate akcelerograma. Stupovi su izloženi horizontalnom (jedno-komponentnom) ubrzanju platforme. Pobude su nanoÅ”ene sukcesivno, pri čemu su ordinate akcelerograma linearno povećavane uz prirast maksimalne ordinate akcelerograma za po 0.05 g, sve do sloma stupa ili gubitka njegove stabilnosti. KoriÅ”teni su umjetni akcelerogrami potresa kreirani pomoću računalnog programa SIMQKE, za projektni elastični spektar odgovora prema EN 1998 tip 1 i tip tla A. Osim umjetnih akcelerograma, koriÅ”teni su akcelerogrami potresa Ston (1996), potresa Banja Luka (1982), potresa Monte Negro-Petrovac (1979) i harmonijska pobuda. Za svaku dinamičku pobudu (gmax=nƗ0.05 g; n=1,2,3ā€¦8) mjereni su karakteristični pomaci i ubrzanja konstrukcije te deformacije u betonu i deformacije klasične armature u karakterističnim točkama, te je praćeno stanje pukotina u stupu sve do dostizanja njegove granične nosivosti. Osim provedbe eksperimentalnih istraživanja, izvrÅ”eno je poboljÅ”anje prethodno razvijenog numeričkog modela za nelinearnu statičku i dinamičku analizu konstrukcija. Valjanost numeričkog modela je testirana na rezultatima provedenih eksperimentalnih ispitivanja.This dissertation presents the results of experimental tests of slender reinforced concrete columns exposed to dynamic loads. The effects of various parameters on the ultimate bearing capacity and deformation of the columns under earthquake have been investigated. Seven groups of columns were tested, whereby certain influentialparameter was considered in each group. Namely, the influence of different types of excitation, the influence of foundation soil types (as potential seismic isolators), the influence of foundation layout size, the influence of boundary conditions (the manner of foundation placement), the influence of slenderness (height) of a column, the influence of longitudinal reinforcement, the influence of transverse reinforcement, the influence of different mass at the top of columns and the influence of mass eccentricity were considered. Three to five columns were tested for each of the considered parameters. A shake table at the Laboratory for seismic testing(STC) in Žrnovnica near Split was used for experimental testing. Each column in a particular group was exposed to a set of excitations, where maximal amplitudes of acceleration were successively increased. The columns were exposed to horizontal (one-component) excitations. The excitations were applied successively, with the increase of the maximum amplitude of 0.05 g until the collapse of the columns or their loss of stability. Artificial accelerograms compatible with the design elastic response spectrum according to EN 1998 Type 1 and soil Type A were used as excitations, generated with the SIMQKE software. Besides the artificial excitations, accelerograms of the earthquake Ston (1996), earthquake Banja Luka (1982), earthquake Monte Negro (earthquake Petrovac) (1979) and harmonic excitation were also used. Characteristic displacements and accelerations of the column, as well as concrete and reinforcement strains at specific points were measured for each applied dynamic excitation (gmax= nƗ0.05 g; n = 1, 2, 3, ... , 8). Also, states ofcracks (damages) in the column until reaching its critical load were monitored. The dissertation also presents the improvements of a previously developed numerical model for nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of structures. The validity of the numerical model has been verified by the results of experimental tests

    Analysis of prestressed concrete shells subjected to long-term load

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    Prikazan je numerički model za materijalnu i geometrijsku nelinearnu analizu prednapetih betonskih ploča i ljusaka opterećenih kratkotrajnim i dugotrajnim statičkim opterećenjem, provedenim bez rasterećenja. Simulirani su najvažniji nelinearni efekti ponaÅ”anja betona, betonskog čelika i prednapete armature. Opisani numerički model provjeren je na rezultatima provedenog eksperimentalnog ispitivanja prednapete betonske ljuske opterećene kratkotrajnim i dugotrajnim opterećenjem.A numerical model for the material and geometric non-linear analysis of prestressed concrete slabs and shells subjected to short-term and long-term static load, applied without release of load, is presented. Most significant non-linear effects exhibited by concrete, concrete steel, and prestressed steel, are simulated. The described numerical model is verified through results obtained by experimental testing of a prestressed concrete shell subjected to short-term and long-term load

    Experimental Testing and Numerical Modeling of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns under Seismic Conditions : Doctoral Thesis

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja armiranobetonskih stupova izloženih dinamičkom opterećenju. Istraženi su utjecaji različitih parametara na granično stanje nosivosti i deformabilnosti stupova uslijed potresa. Ispitano je sedam grupa stupova, kod čega je u svakoj grupi istraživan pojedini utjecajni parametar. Naime istražen je utjecaj različitog tipa pobude, utjecaj temeljnog tla (kao potencijalnog seizmičkog izolatora), utjecaj veličine temelja, utjecaj rubnih uvjeta (način oslanjanja temelja), utjecaj vitkosti (visine) stupa, utjecaj uzdužne armature, utjecaj poprečne armature, utjecaj mase na stupu te utjecaj ekscentriciteta mase. Za svaki od promatranih parametara ispitivano je tri do pet stupova. Eksperimenti su provedeni u Laboratoriju za seizmička ispitivanja (STC) u Žrnovnici pored Splita, pomoću potresne platforme. Svaki stup iz pojedine grupe izložen je setu pobuda, uz sukcesivno maksimalne ordinate akcelerograma. Stupovi su izloženi horizontalnom (jedno-komponentnom) ubrzanju platforme. Pobude su nanoÅ”ene sukcesivno, pri čemu su ordinate akcelerograma linearno povećavane uz prirast maksimalne ordinate akcelerograma za po 0.05 g, sve do sloma stupa ili gubitka njegove stabilnosti. KoriÅ”teni su umjetni akcelerogrami potresa kreirani pomoću računalnog programa SIMQKE, za projektni elastični spektar odgovora prema EN 1998 tip 1 i tip tla A. Osim umjetnih akcelerograma, koriÅ”teni su akcelerogrami potresa Ston (1996), potresa Banja Luka (1982), potresa Monte Negro-Petrovac (1979) i harmonijska pobuda. Za svaku dinamičku pobudu (gmax=nƗ0.05 g; n=1,2,3ā€¦8) mjereni su karakteristični pomaci i ubrzanja konstrukcije te deformacije u betonu i deformacije klasične armature u karakterističnim točkama, te je praćeno stanje pukotina u stupu sve do dostizanja njegove granične nosivosti. Osim provedbe eksperimentalnih istraživanja, izvrÅ”eno je poboljÅ”anje prethodno razvijenog numeričkog modela za nelinearnu statičku i dinamičku analizu konstrukcija. Valjanost numeričkog modela je testirana na rezultatima provedenih eksperimentalnih ispitivanja.This dissertation presents the results of experimental tests of slender reinforced concrete columns exposed to dynamic loads. The effects of various parameters on the ultimate bearing capacity and deformation of the columns under earthquake have been investigated. Seven groups of columns were tested, whereby certain influentialparameter was considered in each group. Namely, the influence of different types of excitation, the influence of foundation soil types (as potential seismic isolators), the influence of foundation layout size, the influence of boundary conditions (the manner of foundation placement), the influence of slenderness (height) of a column, the influence of longitudinal reinforcement, the influence of transverse reinforcement, the influence of different mass at the top of columns and the influence of mass eccentricity were considered. Three to five columns were tested for each of the considered parameters. A shake table at the Laboratory for seismic testing(STC) in Žrnovnica near Split was used for experimental testing. Each column in a particular group was exposed to a set of excitations, where maximal amplitudes of acceleration were successively increased. The columns were exposed to horizontal (one-component) excitations. The excitations were applied successively, with the increase of the maximum amplitude of 0.05 g until the collapse of the columns or their loss of stability. Artificial accelerograms compatible with the design elastic response spectrum according to EN 1998 Type 1 and soil Type A were used as excitations, generated with the SIMQKE software. Besides the artificial excitations, accelerograms of the earthquake Ston (1996), earthquake Banja Luka (1982), earthquake Monte Negro (earthquake Petrovac) (1979) and harmonic excitation were also used. Characteristic displacements and accelerations of the column, as well as concrete and reinforcement strains at specific points were measured for each applied dynamic excitation (gmax= nƗ0.05 g; n = 1, 2, 3, ... , 8). Also, states ofcracks (damages) in the column until reaching its critical load were monitored. The dissertation also presents the improvements of a previously developed numerical model for nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of structures. The validity of the numerical model has been verified by the results of experimental tests

    Analysis of Rod Withdrawal at Power (RWAP) Accident using ATHLET Mod 2.2 Cycle A and RELAP5/mod 3.3 Codes

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    The system code ATHLET (Analysis of THermal-hydraulics of Leaks and Transients) is being developed by the Gesellschaft fĆ¼r Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH in Garching, Germany. In the paper, an overview of activities performed at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb, in application of system code ATHLET in transient analyses for NPP KrÅ”ko (NEK) is presented. Newly, the NEK input deck for the released ATHLET version (Mod 2.2 Cycle A) has been developed. For that purpose, the NEK data base that has been developed and maintained at FER for the last two decades primarily for development of standard input deck for RELAP5 code was used. The ATHLET model has been validated by analyzing the Rod Withdrawal At Power (RWAP) accident at nominal power. The results for steady state calculation as well as RWAP transient were assessed against the analysis performed by RELAP5/mod 3.3 code. In both ATHLET and RELAP5 calculation, the RWAP accident was simulated by constant reactivity insertion rate equal to 2.4 pcm/sec. For ATHLET analysis, two fluid dynamic options were tested for the primary side: a) base case analysis with 5 conservation equations and mixture level model and b) two-fluid model with separate conservation equations for liquid and vapour phases for all the volumes except for the pressurizer where 5 equations+mixture level model was retained. The Steam Generators (SGs) were built using basic ATHLET elements together with the dedicated separator model. For RELAP5/mod 3.3 analysis, a standard option with thermal and mechanical non-equilibrium (6 equations) was used. The results of the steady state calculation for the ATHLET model have shown a very good agreement with RELAP5 calculation. In the transient analysis very small differences for the main physical parameters between ATHLET and RELAP5 as well as between the two ATHLET models were obtained


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    Overcooling accidents are typically resulting in power increase due to negative moderator feedback. There are more protection set points responsible for terminating power increase. OPDT protection set point is typically protection from exceeding fuel centre line temperature due to reactivity and power increase. It is important to actuate reactor trip signal early enough, but to be able to filter out events where actuation is not necessary. Different concepts of coolant temperature compensation as part of OPDT set point protection were studied for decrease of feedwater temperature accident and for small main steam line breaks from full power for NPP KrŔko. Computer code RELAP5/mod 3.3 was used in calculation. The influence of different assumptions in accident description as well as nuclear core characteristics were described

    Utjecaj etnocentrizma na kupovno ponaŔanje potroŔača na području Brčko distrikta BiH

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    U ovom radu analizirane su glavne značajke potroÅ”ačkog etnocentrizma u Brčko distriktu, odnosno predanost kupovini tuzemnih proizvoda. Glavni cilj rada je sagledavanje mogućnosti poticanja kupovine tuzemnih proizvoda na temelju funkcioniranja mehanizma potroÅ”ačkog etnocentrizma u svrhu utvrđivanja izgradnje eventualnih strategija poticanja kupovine tuzemnih proizvoda. U pripremi ovog rada koriÅ”tena je empirijska metoda uporabom anketnog upitnika koji se temeljio na standardiziranom mjernom instrumentu CETSCALE sa 17 stavki i nekoliko dodatnih demografskih pitanja koja su pomogla u detaljnijem određivanju etnocentričnosti potroÅ”ačkih skupina. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da u velikoj mjeri potroÅ”ački etnocentrizam utječe na izbor proizvoda tuzemne proizvodnje, a također daje i određenu notu važnosti tuzemnom podrijetlu proizvoda. Analizom dobivenih podataka zaključuje se da potroÅ”ački etnocentrizam nudi i određene mogućnosti u izgradnji strategija poticanja kupovine tuzemnih proizvoda na području Brčko distrikta

    Seismic base isolation using a layer of natural stone pebbles

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    Prikazani su rezultati eksperimentalne studije efikasnosti seizmičke izolacije pomoću sloja od prirodnih kamenih oblutaka. Ispitivani su modeli krute i srednje krute zgrade. Razmatrani su slučajevi oslanjanja modela na krutu podlogu te na četiri različite podloge od oblutaka (tanka i debela podloga sa sitnom i krupnom frakcijom oblutaka). Aplicirana su četiri različita horizontalna akcelerograma i mjereni karakteristični pomaci, ubrzanja i deformacije na testiranim modelima. Sve deformacije/naprezanja modela ostala su u elastičnom području. Zaključeno je da efikasnost sloja od kamenih oblutaka ispod temelja, u odnosu na klasično rjeÅ”enje s krutom podlogom, značajno ovisi o tipu apliciranog akcelerograma i relativno malo o razmatranim debljinama sloja i frakcijama oblutaka. RjeÅ”enje se pokazalo vrlo efikasnim, uz smanjenje potresnih sila čak do oko 70 %.The results of a shake table study of the effectiveness of seismic base isolation using a layer of natural stone pebbles are presented. Models of stiff and medium-stiff buildings were tested. Case studies were conducted with the model foundation on the rigid base and on four different layers of pebbles (thin and thick layer with small and large pebbles). Four different horizontal accelerograms were applied. The characteristic displacements, accelerations and strains were measured. Strains/stresses of the tested models were in the elastic area. It was concluded that the efficiency of the stone pebbles layer under the foundation, compared to the classical solution of a foundation, strongly depends on the type of the applied excitation and depends relatively little on the layer thickness and pebbles fraction. The solution proved to be very efficient, with a reduction of earthquake forces up to about 70%