98 research outputs found

    The time budget on private farms

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    Little research has been carried out into the problem of the labour force and its employment as a factor of the economy of privately-owned farms. Most authors primarily regard this problem throuhgh changes in the basic characteristics of the agricultural population and the labour force, considering factors like the size of the agricultural population, the natural population increase, sex and age structure and the like, whereas the quantification of real employment and the balance of the labour force is analyzed as a "statical form of evaluation" (the number of farmers, i.e. work -active persons, per unit area). A survey was performed in two villages in Croatia, balonging to two different economic-production and climatological - paedological regions. The first village, Vodinci in Slavonia, and the second, Babin Potok, in Lika. Research showed that there are no significant differences between these villages in the agricultural and farm labour structure. The differences are significant inly if we view them through absolute labour expenditure which results from the size of the farm, the structure of production, the farm\u27s equipment and the size of the family. Analysis shows that surplus labour does exist. We see the solution to this problem in a change of production structure on peasant farms, the development of home processing and household crafts, and the further flow of home processing and household crafts, and the further flow of the labour force into non-agricultural activities

    Communication in Marketing

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak


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    U radu se analizira Hrvatska ukupna vanjskotrgovinska razmjena poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda za razdoblje od 2000. do 2010. godine, a po proizvodima i uvozno-izvoznim odredištima za razdoblje od 2005. do 2010. Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sektor sudjeluje s 9,7% u ukupnoj vanjskotrgovinskoj razmjeni Hrvatske (prosjek 2000/10. godina), manje u uvozu (9,1%) nego u izvozu (10,9%). U istom razdoblju Republika Hrvatska ima deficit kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda i to između 280 milijuna dolara u 2000. i 1.225 milijuna dolara u 2008. godini. Pokrivenost uvoza izvozom kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda je nešto povoljnija (58,7%) u odnosu na ukupnu vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu (48,9%). Najznačajniji izvozni proizvodi su šećer od šećerne repe i trske, cigare i cigarete od duhana te čokolada, a uvozni prehrambeni proizvodi-ostali, svježe svinjsko meso te živa goveda. Najviše poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda (oko trećine ukupnog) izvozimo u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, a najviše uvozimo iz Njemačke (11,8%) i Italije (11,6%). Hrvatskoj su bitna tržišta okruženja te s Bosnom i Hercegovinom, Crnom Gorom, Slovenijom i Srbijom ima pozitivnu vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda, a negativnu s Makedonijom.In this article total Croatian foreign trade of agricultural and food products is analyzed for the period from 2000 to 2010. Also analyzed one by products and the import-export destinations for the period from 2005 to 2010. Agricultural and food sector participates with 9.7% in total Croatian foreign trade exchange (average 2000/10), but less in import (9.1%) than in export (10.9%). During the same period the Croatian agricultural and food sector was in deficit between 280 million USD in 2000 and 1.225 million USD in 2008. The coverage of import by export of agricultural and food products was somewhat better (58.7%) compared to total foreign trade exchange (48.9%). The most important export products were sugar from sugar beet and sugar cane, cigars and cigarettes and chocolate, and imported agricultural and food products were others, such as fresh pork and cattle. Most agricultural and food products (about a third of the total) were exported to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and most were imported from Germany (11.8%) and Italy (11.6%). Neighbouring markets are very important for Croatia and there is a positive foreign trade balance in agricultural and food products exchange with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia, negative only with Macedonia

    Entwicklungsprojekte für Dörfer in staatlichen Fördergebieten. Jazavice und Roždanik – eine Fallstudie

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    The paper presents a conceptual framework for a research project involving two villages, Jazavice and Ro`danik, the Sisa~ko-Moslava~ ka County declared as an area of special state concern because they were occupied from 29 September 1991 to 1 May 1995, and all the Croatian population fled. In addition to human casualties, both villages suffered immense material damage to residential, farm and public buildings and to utility services. The reconstruction of these villages should be approached as a greater development process, which should in the long run ensure demographic stabilization and an acceptable level of social and economic development. The first section is a summary presentation of the problem facing both villages. Then, the research approach is described, and objectives and basic methodology to be used in collecting the data for in-depth insight into the situation and problems determined. These will be the basis of model recommendations and guidelines prepared for future development activities.U ~lanku prikazujemo konceptualni okvir istra`iva~koga projekta za dva sela, Jazavice i Ro`danik, u Sisa~ko- -moslava~koj `upaniji, koja su uvr{tena u podru~je od posebne dr`avne skrbi jer su od 29. rujna 1991. do 1. svibnja 1995. bila okupirana, a hrvatski `ivalj izbjegao. Uz ljudske `rtve, oba su sela pretrpjela velika materijalna razaranja u stambenim, gospodarskim i javnim objektima i komunalnoj infrastrukturi. Obnovu sela treba tretirati kao {iri razvojni proces koji dugoro~no treba osigurati demografsku stabilizaciju i prihvatljivu razinu dru{tvenoga i gospodarskoga razvitka. U prvom dijelu ovoga teksta iznesen je sa`et prikaz problema s kojima se su~eljavaju oba naselja. U nastavku opisujemo pristup istra`ivanju, determiniramo ciljeve i osnovne metodolo{ke postupke koji }e se primijeniti u svrhu prikupljanja podataka radi detaljnijeg uvida u stanje i probleme te kao predlo`ak preporuka i smjernica za budu}e razvojne aktivnosti.Der Artikel präsentiert den konzeptuellen Rahmen eines geplanten Forschungsprojektes zur Entwicklung der Dörfer Jazavice und Ro`danik in der Gespanschaft Sisak-Moslavina, die zu staatlichen Fördergebieten erklärt wurden. Im Zeitraum vom 29. September 1991 bis 1. Mai 1995 befanden sich diese Dörfer unter serbischer Besatzung, die kroatische Bevölkerung war geflohen. Neben Menschenopfern waren sowohl in Jazavice als auch in Ro`danik große Sachschäden an Wohnhäusern, Wirtschaftsund öffentlichen Gebäuden wie auch in der kommunalen Infrastruktur zu beklagen. Der Wiederaufbau muss in einen breiteren Entwicklungsrahmen eingebettet werden und soll langfristig eine demografische Stabilisierung sowie ein akzeptables Niveau gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung sichern. Im ersten Teil ihrer Arbeit geben die Autoren eine kurze Darstellung der Schwierigkeiten, mit denen sich die genannten Dörfer auseinanderzusetzen haben. Es folgen eine Beschreibung des Forschungsansatzes, eine Bestimmung der Forschungsziele sowie der wichtigsten methodologischen Verfahren, die zum Einsatz kommen sollen, um einen genaueren Einblick in Lage und Probleme zu gewinnen und um Hinweise und Richtlinien für zukünftige Entwicklungsmaßnahmen bestimmen zu können

    Entwicklungsprojekte für Dörfer in staatlichen Fördergebieten. Jazavice und Roždanik – eine Fallstudie

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    The paper presents a conceptual framework for a research project involving two villages, Jazavice and Ro`danik, the Sisa~ko-Moslava~ ka County declared as an area of special state concern because they were occupied from 29 September 1991 to 1 May 1995, and all the Croatian population fled. In addition to human casualties, both villages suffered immense material damage to residential, farm and public buildings and to utility services. The reconstruction of these villages should be approached as a greater development process, which should in the long run ensure demographic stabilization and an acceptable level of social and economic development. The first section is a summary presentation of the problem facing both villages. Then, the research approach is described, and objectives and basic methodology to be used in collecting the data for in-depth insight into the situation and problems determined. These will be the basis of model recommendations and guidelines prepared for future development activities.U ~lanku prikazujemo konceptualni okvir istra`iva~koga projekta za dva sela, Jazavice i Ro`danik, u Sisa~ko- -moslava~koj `upaniji, koja su uvr{tena u podru~je od posebne dr`avne skrbi jer su od 29. rujna 1991. do 1. svibnja 1995. bila okupirana, a hrvatski `ivalj izbjegao. Uz ljudske `rtve, oba su sela pretrpjela velika materijalna razaranja u stambenim, gospodarskim i javnim objektima i komunalnoj infrastrukturi. Obnovu sela treba tretirati kao {iri razvojni proces koji dugoro~no treba osigurati demografsku stabilizaciju i prihvatljivu razinu dru{tvenoga i gospodarskoga razvitka. U prvom dijelu ovoga teksta iznesen je sa`et prikaz problema s kojima se su~eljavaju oba naselja. U nastavku opisujemo pristup istra`ivanju, determiniramo ciljeve i osnovne metodolo{ke postupke koji }e se primijeniti u svrhu prikupljanja podataka radi detaljnijeg uvida u stanje i probleme te kao predlo`ak preporuka i smjernica za budu}e razvojne aktivnosti.Der Artikel präsentiert den konzeptuellen Rahmen eines geplanten Forschungsprojektes zur Entwicklung der Dörfer Jazavice und Ro`danik in der Gespanschaft Sisak-Moslavina, die zu staatlichen Fördergebieten erklärt wurden. Im Zeitraum vom 29. September 1991 bis 1. Mai 1995 befanden sich diese Dörfer unter serbischer Besatzung, die kroatische Bevölkerung war geflohen. Neben Menschenopfern waren sowohl in Jazavice als auch in Ro`danik große Sachschäden an Wohnhäusern, Wirtschaftsund öffentlichen Gebäuden wie auch in der kommunalen Infrastruktur zu beklagen. Der Wiederaufbau muss in einen breiteren Entwicklungsrahmen eingebettet werden und soll langfristig eine demografische Stabilisierung sowie ein akzeptables Niveau gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung sichern. Im ersten Teil ihrer Arbeit geben die Autoren eine kurze Darstellung der Schwierigkeiten, mit denen sich die genannten Dörfer auseinanderzusetzen haben. Es folgen eine Beschreibung des Forschungsansatzes, eine Bestimmung der Forschungsziele sowie der wichtigsten methodologischen Verfahren, die zum Einsatz kommen sollen, um einen genaueren Einblick in Lage und Probleme zu gewinnen und um Hinweise und Richtlinien für zukünftige Entwicklungsmaßnahmen bestimmen zu können

    Vegetable production and marketing during Covid-19 pandemic

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    Republika Hrvatska je veliki neto uvoznik povrća i prerađevina od povrća. Iako raspolaže odličnim prirodnim uvjetima za proizvodnju na otvorenom, ali i u staklenicima i plastenicima, to nije niti približno iskorišteno. Kriza izazvana pandemijom Covid-19 značajno je utjecala na tržne tokove povrća te se sve više naglašava važnost kratkih lanaca opskrbe. Primjena ovog oblika trženja je posebice naglašena kod opskrbe potrošača većih hrvatskih gradova. Veća primjena ovog opskrbnog kanala je ograničena malim količinama pojedinih proizvođača te se rješenje treba tražiti u njihovoj većoj poslovnoj povezanosti, ali i većem korištenju suvremenih alatki tržnog komuniciranja, kao što su internetske stranice, elektronička pošta (mail) i društvene mreže. Do ovih rezultata se došlo u istraživanju provedenom u drugoj polovici prosinca 2020. godine u kojem su sudjelovale 104 osobe iz 57 naselja Hrvatske.The import of vegetables and vegetable products is high in the Republic of Croatia. Although there are excellent natural conditions for open-field production of vegetablesand greenhouse production, it is not nearly exploited. The importance of short supply chains is increasingly emphasized, as the crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have significantly affected the market flows of vegetables. The use of this kind of marketing is especially emphasized in the large Croatian cities\u27 consumer supply. The greater use of this supply channel is limited by the small quantities of products from some producers and the solution has to be their better business links, and better use of modern tools of market communication – the internet, mail, social networks. These results are also from the Survey conducted in the second half of December 2020, with the participation of 104 persons from 57 towns and villages in Croatia


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    The prospective study, which was made from Jan 1st 2009. till Dec 31st 2010. in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases within Clinical Hospital Mostar has been implemented in the areas of three southwestern cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We wanted to define the seroprevalence of the researched area using seroepidemiological testing of different groups of the population, based on the distribution by sex, age, education, residence and watersupply. The aim of this research was to prove the hypothesis that the decrease of seroprevalency of Hepatitis A has been directly related to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of life that at the end brought the decrease of the total prevalence in patients in younger age groups. The total of 420 examinees from the reasserted sample were analysed and they were classify into age groups. The first group was for the children up to 10 years. Then the group 11-20 follows and etc up to the last group, that complies examinees older than 60. In this way we have got seven groups of 60 examinees, from which the half of them was urban, and the other half was rural inhabitants. In every group analysed the half of examinees were females and the other half were males. The results we acquired with this research did not show any statistically relevant differences of seroprevalence of Hepatitits A between the urban and rural areas, between the sexes, nor between the populations which used different wattersupply objects. A statistically relevant difference was found between populations of different levels of education, but the most important difference was found between seroprevalency in different age groups. Seroprevalence in younger age groups was substantially low and increased in groups rising with age. Comparing this data to results from other similair researches from developed and undeveloped countries we concluded that the researched area, by the level of seroprevalency of Hepatitis A belongs to the category of developed countries


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    The prospective study, which was made from Jan 1st 2009. till Dec 31st 2010. in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases within Clinical Hospital Mostar has been implemented in the areas of three southwestern cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We wanted to define the seroprevalence of the researched area using seroepidemiological testing of different groups of the population, based on the distribution by sex, age, education, residence and watersupply. The aim of this research was to prove the hypothesis that the decrease of seroprevalency of Hepatitis A has been directly related to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of life that at the end brought the decrease of the total prevalence in patients in younger age groups. The total of 420 examinees from the reasserted sample were analysed and they were classify into age groups. The first group was for the children up to 10 years. Then the group 11-20 follows and etc up to the last group, that complies examinees older than 60. In this way we have got seven groups of 60 examinees, from which the half of them was urban, and the other half was rural inhabitants. In every group analysed the half of examinees were females and the other half were males. The results we acquired with this research did not show any statistically relevant differences of seroprevalence of Hepatitits A between the urban and rural areas, between the sexes, nor between the populations which used different wattersupply objects. A statistically relevant difference was found between populations of different levels of education, but the most important difference was found between seroprevalency in different age groups. Seroprevalence in younger age groups was substantially low and increased in groups rising with age. Comparing this data to results from other similair researches from developed and undeveloped countries we concluded that the researched area, by the level of seroprevalency of Hepatitis A belongs to the category of developed countries

    Srednjoročni razvoj tržišta žitarica u Republici Hrvatskoj – rezultati modela parcijalne ravnoteže

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    The aim of the paper is to simulate the future development of the Croatian cereals market using the method of AGEMEMOD partial equilibrium model. The results present the historical (2010-2016) and projected development (2016-2030) of the production and trade in wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye markets. Simulation results show an increase in productivity per hectare and surface stability with the exception of individual culture. Wheat production in the projection period, same as corn, recorded a production increase and change in the trade balance. Croatia remains a net exporter of corn and wheat. For barley, as a third important cereal, the model results show a constant level of production by 2030, but also a positive foreign trade balance til the end of the projection period. Oats and rye, as less significant grains, still retain the status of imported products at the Croatian market. Domestic prices follow the EU prices trends, but will generally remain at a lower level than the average EU price. Despite the price competitiveness in the EU market, the domestic cereal sector is facing problems. In the domestic cereal sector there is a trend of relatively cheap grain export on common market, with expensive final products and processed products import.Cilj rada je prikazati simulaciju razvoja tržišta žitarica korištenjem AGMEMOD modela parcijalne ravnoteže. Rezultati u radu prikazuju povijesni (2010-2016) i projicirani razvoj (2016.-2030) tržišta pšenice, kukuruza, ječma, zobi i raži. Rezultati projekcije prikazuju povećanje produktivnosti i stabilnost površina uz iznimke kod pojedinih kultura. Proizvodnja pšenice u razdoblju projekcije, kao i kukuruza, bilježi povećanje i promjenu vanjskotrgovinske bilance. Hrvatska i dalje ostaje neto izvoznica kukuruza i pšenice. Kod ječma, kao treće žitarice po važnosti, rezultati modela pokazuju stagnaciju razine proizvodnje do 2030., ali i pozitivnu vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu do kraja razdoblja projekcije. Zob i raž kao manje zastupljene žitarice i dalje zadržavaju status proizvoda koje će hrvatsko tržište uvoziti. Domaće cijene prate trendove cijena u EU, ali će uglavnom ostati na nižoj razini od prosječnih cijena na zajedničkom tržištu. Unatoč cjenovnoj konkurentnosti na tržištu EU, domaći sektor žitarica susreće se s problemima. U sektoru je prisutan trend izvoza relativno jeftine sirovine, uz uvoz skupih finalnih proizvoda i prerađevina tog sektora