The time budget on private farms


Little research has been carried out into the problem of the labour force and its employment as a factor of the economy of privately-owned farms. Most authors primarily regard this problem throuhgh changes in the basic characteristics of the agricultural population and the labour force, considering factors like the size of the agricultural population, the natural population increase, sex and age structure and the like, whereas the quantification of real employment and the balance of the labour force is analyzed as a "statical form of evaluation" (the number of farmers, i.e. work -active persons, per unit area). A survey was performed in two villages in Croatia, balonging to two different economic-production and climatological - paedological regions. The first village, Vodinci in Slavonia, and the second, Babin Potok, in Lika. Research showed that there are no significant differences between these villages in the agricultural and farm labour structure. The differences are significant inly if we view them through absolute labour expenditure which results from the size of the farm, the structure of production, the farm\u27s equipment and the size of the family. Analysis shows that surplus labour does exist. We see the solution to this problem in a change of production structure on peasant farms, the development of home processing and household crafts, and the further flow of home processing and household crafts, and the further flow of the labour force into non-agricultural activities

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