677 research outputs found

    The intron 4c allele of the NOS3 gene is associated with ischemic stroke in African Americans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ischemic stroke is the most common cause of disability in North America and in addition to the generally accepted risk factors, there is increasing evidence for the potential pathophysiological role of genes. One of these genes, the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (<it>NOS3</it>) has been reported as a genetic risk factor for ischemic stroke. To independently confirm and extend the results of these previous reports, we investigated this gene as a risk factor for stroke in an ethnically diverse study population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using the TOAST classification, we characterized and studied 377 patients with ischemic stroke. We genotyped two common variants in the <it>NOS3 </it>gene, the intron 4 insertion/deletion and an exonic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), G894T, in these patients and compared them with 502 controls. Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests were used to examine allele effects on stroke and stroke subtypes. Logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for confounding covariate effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All genotypes are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium except for intron 4c, which is overrepresented in ischemic stroke patients. In pooled analysis of all patients, intron 4c, but not intron 4a, intron 4b or G894T alleles are associated with stroke (p < 0.01). In subgroup analysis by race, the intron 4c allele is most strongly associated with large artery ischemic stroke in African Americans (p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We are unable to confirm previous reports of an association of the intron 4a or the G894T alleles with ischemic stroke. However, although limited by a relatively small sample size, our study suggests a potentially important role of the intron 4c allele as a genetic marker of ischemic stroke in African Americans.</p

    Neighbourhood, Route and Workplace-Related Environmental Characteristics Predict Adults' Mode of Travel to Work

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    Commuting provides opportunities for regular physical activity which can reduce the risk of chronic disease. Commuters' mode of travel may be shaped by their environment, but understanding of which specific environmental characteristics are most important and might form targets for intervention is limited. This study investigated associations between mode choice and a range of objectively assessed environmental characteristics.Participants in the Commuting and Health in Cambridge study reported where they lived and worked, their usual mode of travel to work and a variety of socio-demographic characteristics. Using geographic information system (GIS) software, 30 exposure variables were produced capturing characteristics of areas around participants' homes and workplaces and their shortest modelled routes to work. Associations between usual mode of travel to work and personal and environmental characteristics were investigated using multinomial logistic regression.Of the 1124 respondents, 50% reported cycling or walking as their usual mode of travel to work. In adjusted analyses, home-work distance was strongly associated with mode choice, particularly for walking. Lower odds of walking or cycling rather than driving were associated with a less frequent bus service (highest versus lowest tertile: walking OR 0.61 [95% CI 0.20–1.85]; cycling OR 0.43 [95% CI 0.23–0.83]), low street connectivity (OR 0.22, [0.07–0.67]; OR 0.48 [0.26–0.90]) and free car parking at work (OR 0.24 [0.10–0.59]; OR 0.55 [0.32–0.95]). Participants were less likely to cycle if they had access to fewer destinations (leisure facilities, shops and schools) close to work (OR 0.36 [0.21–0.62]) and a railway station further from home (OR 0.53 [0.30–0.93]). Covariates strongly predicted travel mode (pseudo r-squared 0.74).Potentially modifiable environmental characteristics, including workplace car parking, street connectivity and access to public transport, are associated with travel mode choice, and could be addressed as part of transport policy and infrastructural interventions to promote active commuting

    Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of oligomannosidic n glycans in alpha-mannosidosis: a method of monitoring treatment

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    In Alpha-mannosidosis (MIM 248500) the patients accumulate mainly unbranched oligosaccharide chains in the lysosomes in all body tissues, including the brain. With ensuing therapeutic modalities in man (BMT and ERT) non-invasive methods of monitoring the effect of treatment are needed. Paramount is the possible effect of the treatment on the brain, since this organ is regarded as difficult to reach because of the blood-brain barrier. We therefore performed proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the brain in two untreated patients, and a 16-year-old patient treated with BMT at the age of 10 to assess whether this non-invasive method could be applied in the monitoring of the accumulation of abnormal chemicals in the brain of patients. We found an abnormal peak that was not present in the treated patient. A similar pattern was also found in MRS of urine from patients, reflecting the concentration of oligosaccharides in serum and tissues. We therefore conclude that MRS can be a useful method to monitor the effect of treatment for Alpha-Mannosidosis

    Clinical trial of laronidase in Hurler syndrome after hematopoietic cell transplantation.

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    BackgroundMucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS IH) is a lysosomal storage disease treated with hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) because it stabilizes cognitive deterioration, but is insufficient to alleviate all somatic manifestations. Intravenous laronidase improves somatic burden in attenuated MPS I. It is unknown whether laronidase can improve somatic disease following HCT in MPS IH. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of laronidase on somatic outcomes of patients with MPS IH previously treated with HCT.MethodsThis 2-year open-label pilot study of laronidase included ten patients (age 5-13 years) who were at least 2 years post-HCT and donor engrafted. Outcomes were assessed semi-annually and compared to historic controls.ResultsThe two youngest participants had a statistically significant improvement in growth compared to controls. Development of persistent high-titer anti-drug antibodies (ADA) was associated with poorer 6-min walk test (6MWT) performance; when patients with high ADA titers were excluded, there was a significant improvement in the 6MWT in the remaining seven patients.ConclusionsLaronidase seemed to improve growth in participants &lt;8 years old, and 6MWT performance in participants without ADA. Given the small number of patients treated in this pilot study, additional study is needed before definitive conclusions can be made

    Augmented Reality: What Motivates Late Millennials towards Fashion Mobile Apps?

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    Generation Z is expected to be a dominant demographic and economic group. Cyber-waviness, constant reliance on smart devices that allows them to be always connected are among some of their intrinsic characteristics. The combination of this reality with the ever-changing technological environment is compelling retailers to reshape their business strategies, to meet this group desires and expectations and to foster their engagement. Augmented reality (AR) is emerging as a technological solution that pleases both consumers and retailers. This paper aims to answer two main questions: (1) How does generation Z evaluate an AR experience? (2) Which attributes/benefits do they value or not during an AR experience? Drawing on a qualitative methodology – content analysis of 34 interviewees – we discuss six main dimensions the potential customer value of the relationship between them and AR experiences under retailer context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macrophages and Fc-receptor interactions contribute to the antitumour activities of the anti-CD40 antibody SGN-40

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    SGN-40 is a therapeutic antibody targeting CD40, which induces potent anti-lymphoma activities via direct apoptotic signalling cells and by cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Here we show antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) by macrophages to contribute significantly to the therapeutic activities and that the antitumour effects of SGN-40 depend on Fc interactions

    Savior siblings and Fanconi anemia : analysis of success rates from the family's perspective

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    Purpose:The current curative treatment of Fanconi anemia is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; this treatment has a higher rate of successful outcome when donors are compatible siblings. Therefore some families opt to have a healthy and compatible baby after selecting an embryo using preimplantation genetic diagnosis with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing. This study aims to estimate the success rate of this procedure from the family's perspective.Methods:Genetic and embryology data were collected from genetic reports provided by the families.Results:A total of 524 oocytes (14.1 oocytes/cycle) and 299 embryos were generated (8.0 embryos/cycle) after 38 in vitro fertilization cycles. Sixteen embryos were transferred to the uterus because they were non-Fanconi anemia and HLA matched. One baby was born. A younger couple delivered a healthy and HLA-compatible baby after four cycles. Therefore, the success rate per cycle is less than 5% (two babies from 42 trials).Conclusion:While Fanconi anemia per se does not worsen the probability of success, a critical factor is advanced maternal age; a late diagnosis leads to few transferrable embryos and high rates of aneuploidy. Families should be informed in advance of the many trials that they will probably need to undergo even if a haploidentical younger relative is available as an oocyte donor

    An analysis of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Glutathione S-transferase omega-1 genes as modifiers of the cerebral response to ischemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cerebral ischemia involves a series of reactions which ultimately influence the final volume of a brain infarction. We hypothesize that polymorphisms in genes encoding proteins involved in these reactions could act as modifiers of the cerebral response to ischemia and impact the resultant stroke volume. The final volume of a cerebral infarct is important as it correlates with the morbidity and mortality associated with non-lacunar ischemic strokes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The proteins encoded by the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (<it>MTHFR</it>) and glutathione S-transferase omega-1 (<it>GSTO-1</it>) genes are, through oxidative mechanisms, key participants in the cerebral response to ischemia. On the basis of these biological activities, they were selected as candidate genes for further investigation. We analyzed the C677T polymorphism in the <it>MTHFR </it>gene and the C419A polymorphism in the <it>GSTO-1 </it>gene in 128 patients with non-lacunar ischemic strokes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found no significant association of either the <it>MTHFR </it>(p = 0.72) or <it>GSTO-1 </it>(p = 0.58) polymorphisms with cerebral infarct volume.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study shows no major gene effect of either the <it>MTHFR </it>or <it>GSTO-1 </it>genes as a modifier of ischemic stroke volume. However, given the relatively small sample size, a minor gene effect is not excluded by this investigation.</p

    Stat3 and c-Myc Genome-Wide Promoter Occupancy in Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Embryonic stem (ES) cell pluripotency is regulated in part by transcription factor (TF) pathways that maintain self-renewal and inhibit differentiation. Stat3 and c-Myc TFs are essential for maintaining mouse ES cell self-renewal. c-Myc, together with Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4, is a reprogramming factor. While previous studies have investigated core transcriptional circuitry in ES cells, other TF pathways that promote ES cell pluripotency have yet to be investigated. Therefore, to further understand ES cell transcriptional networks, we used genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation and microarray analysis (ChIP-chip) to map Stat3 and c-Myc binding targets in ES cells. Our results show that Stat3 and c-Myc occupy a significant number of genes whose expression is highly enriched in ES cells. By comparing Stat3 and c-Myc target genes with gene expression data from undifferentiated ES cells and embryoid bodies (EBs), we found that Stat3 binds active and inactive genes in ES cells, while c-Myc binds predominantly active genes. Moreover, the transcriptional states of Stat3 and c-Myc targets are correlated with co-occupancy of pluripotency-related TFs, polycomb group proteins, and active and repressive histone modifications. We also provide evidence that Stat3 targets are differentially expressed in ES cells following removal of LIF, where culture of ES cells in the absence of LIF resulted in downregulation of Stat3 target genes enriched in ES cells, and upregulation of lineage specific Stat3 target genes. Altogether, we reveal transcriptional targets of two key pluripotency-related genes in ES cells – Stat3 and c-Myc, thus providing further insight into the ES cell transcriptional network

    Diagnosis and treatment trends in mucopolysaccharidosis I: findings from the MPS I Registry

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    Our objective was to assess how the diagnosis and treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) have changed over time. We used data from 891 patients in the MPS I Registry, an international observational database, to analyze ages at symptom onset, diagnosis, treatment initiation, and treatment allocation (hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, enzyme replacement therapy with laronidase, both, or neither) over time for all disease phenotypes (Hurler, Hurler–Scheie, and Scheie syndromes). The interval between diagnosis and treatment has become shorter since laronidase became available in 2003 (gap during 2006–2009: Hurler—0.2 year, Hurler–Scheie—0.5 year, Scheie—1.4 years). However, the age at diagnosis has not decreased for any MPS I phenotype over time, and the interval between symptom onset and treatment initiation remains substantial for both Hurler–Scheie and Scheie patients (gap during 2006–2009, 2.42 and 6.71 years, respectively). Among transplanted patients, an increasing proportion received hematopoietic stem cells from cord blood (34 out of 64 patients by 2009) and was also treated with laronidase (42 out of 45 patients by 2009). Conclusions: Despite the availability of laronidase since 2003, the diagnosis of MPS I is still substantially delayed for patients with Hurler–Scheie and Scheie phenotypes, which can lead to a sub-optimal treatment outcome. Increased awareness of MPS I signs and symptoms by primary care providers and pediatric subspecialists is crucial to initiate early treatment and to improve the quality of life of MPS I patients
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