82 research outputs found

    La trufficulture, un or noir pour la région méditerranéenne

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    Après le déclin de la trufficulture française, depuis le début du siècle, l'I.N.R.A. a consenti un effort pour améliorer la connaissance de la biologie et de l'écologie de la truffe. Un renouveau de cette culture est maintenant sérieusement envisagé

    Fission in inverse kinematics

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    Fission is a unique tool to study nuclear properties. The SOFIA Collaboration takes advantage of the inverse kinematics technique to measure fission yields for a large range of systems, including exotic nuclei. Both fragments are fully identified in charge and mass, a unique feature. The use of Coulomb interaction as fission trigger results in a low excitation energy in the fissioning system, allowing to study the influence of nuclear structure on fission. Using samples of SOFIA results, this paper addresses some open questions about fission such as the evolution of elemental yields with mass and the transition between asymmetric and symmetric fission

    A horizontal ice core from Taylor Glacier, its implications for Antarctic climate history, and an improved Taylor Dome ice core time scale

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    Ice core records from Antarctica show mostly synchronous temperature variations during the last deglacial transition, an indication that the climate of the entire continent reacted as one unit to the global changes. However, a record from the Taylor Dome ice core in the Ross Sea sector of East Antarctica has been suggested to show a rapid warming, similar in style and synchronous with the Oldest Dryas—Bølling warming in Greenland. Since publication of the Taylor Dome record, a number of lines of evidence have suggested that this interpretation is incorrect and reflects errors in the underlying time scale. The issues raised regarding the dating of Taylor Dome currently linger unresolved, and the original time scale remains the de facto chronology. We present new water isotope and chemistry data from nearby Taylor Glacier to resolve the confusion surrounding the Taylor Dome time scale. We find that the Taylor Glacier record is incompatible with the original interpretation of the Taylor Dome ice core, showing that the warming in the area was gradual and started at ∼18 ka BP (before 1950) as seen in other East Antarctic ice cores. We build a consistent, up‐to‐date Taylor Dome chronology from 0 to 60 ka BP by combining new and old age markers based on synchronization to other ice core records. The most notable feature of the new TD2015 time scale is a gas age—ice age difference of up to 12,000 years during the Last Glacial Maximum, by far the largest ever observed

    Shape evolution in the neutron-rich osmium isotopes:Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of Os 196

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    The shape transition in the neutron-rich Os isotopes is studied by investigating the neutron-rich 196Os nucleus through in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy using a two-proton transfer reaction from a 198Pt target to a 82Se beam. The beam-like recoils were detected and identified with the large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer PRISMA, and the coincident γ rays were measured with the advanced gamma tracking array (AGATA) demonstrator. The de-excitation of the low-lying levels of the yrast-band of 196Os were identified for the first time. The results are compared with state-of-the-art beyond-mean-field calculations, performed for the even-even 188-198Os isotopes. The new results suggest a smooth transition in the Os isotopes from a more axial rotational behavior towards predominately vibrational nuclei through triaxial configurations. An almost perfect γ-unstable/triaxial rotor yrast band is predicted for 196Os which is in agreement with the experimentally measured excited state

    Nuclear Fission: : A Review of Experimental Advances and Phenomenology

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    In the last two decades, through technological, experimental and theoretical advances, the situation in experimental fission studies has changed dramatically. With the use of advanced production and detection techniques both much more detailed and precise information can now be obtained for the traditional regions of fission research and, crucially, new regions of nuclei have become routinely accessible for fission studies.
 This work first of all reviews the recent developments in experimental fission techniques, in particular the resurgence of transfer-induced fission reactions with light and heavy ions, the emerging use of inverse-kinematic approaches, both at Coulomb and relativistic energies, and of fission studies with radioactive beams.
 The emphasis on the fission-fragment mass and charge distributions will be made in this work, though some of the other fission observables, such as prompt neutron and γ-ray emission will also be reviewed.
 A particular attention will be given to the low-energy fission in the so far scarcely explored nuclei in the very neutron-deficient lead region. They recently became the focus for several complementary experimental studies, such as β-delayed fission with radioactive beams at ISOLDE(CERN), Coulex-induced fission of relativistic secondary beams at FRS(GSI), and several prompt fusion-fission studies. The synergy of these approaches allows a unique insight in the new region of asymmetric fission around <sup>180</sup>Hg, recently discovered at ISOLDE. Recent extensive theoretical efforts in this region will also be outlined.
 The unprecedented high-quality data for fission fragments, completely identified in <i>Z</i> and <i>A</i>, by means of reactions in inverse kinematics at FRS(GSI) and VAMOS(GANIL) will be also reviewed. These experiments explored an extended range of mercury-to-californium elements, spanning from the neutron-deficient to neutron-rich nuclides, and covering both asymmetric, symmetric and transitional fission regions.
 Some aspects of heavy-ion induced fusion-fission and quasifission reactions will be also discussed, which reveal their dynamical features, such as the fission time scale. The crucial role of the multi-chance fission, probed by means of multinucleon-transfer induced fission reactions, will be highlighted.
 The review will conclude with the discussion of the new experimental fission facilities which are presently being brought into operation, along with promising 'next-generation' fission approaches, which might become available within the next decade

    Perspectives pour une trufficulture moderne

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    *INRA, Centre de Clermont-Ferrand Diffusion du document : INRA, Centre de Clermont-FerrandNational audienc

    Etudes sur le Pommier (I). Compte rendu des travaux effectués de 1940 à 1953

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    - Autocompatibilité et intercompatibilité par B. Bidabe (p. 249-253)[br/] - Caractères des variétés par B. Bidabe & R. Arnaud (p. 254-262)[br/] - Dépérissement du pommier par J. Grente (p. 263-270