13 research outputs found

    Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry of Proteins at Langmuir Monolayers

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    Hydrogen exchange (HX) mass spectrometry (MS) is valuable for providing conformational information for proteins/peptides that are very difficult to analyze with other methods such as peripheral membrane proteins and peptides that interact with membranes. We developed a new type of HX MS measurement that integrates Langmuir monolayers. A lipid monolayer was generated, a peptide or protein associated with it, and then the monolayer-associated peptide or protein was exposed to deuterium. The deuterated species was recovered from the monolayer, digested, and deuterium incorporation monitored by MS. Test peptides showed that deuterium recovery in an optimized protocol was equivalent to deuterium recovery in conventional solution HX MS. The reproducibility of the measurements was high, despite the requirement of generating a new monolayer for each deuterium labeling time. We validated that known conformational changes in the presence of a monolayer/membrane could be observed with the peptide melittin and the myristoylated protein Arf-1. Results in an accompanying paper show that the method can reveal details of conformational changes in a protein (HIV-1 Nef), which adopts a different conformation, depending on whether or not it is able to insert into the lipid layer. Overall, the HX MS Langmuir monolayer method provided new and meaningful conformational information for proteins that associate with lipid layers. The combination of HX MS results with neutron or X-ray reflection of the same proteins in Langmuir monolayers can be more informative than the isolated use of either method

    Use of MALDI-MS Combined with Differential Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange for Semiautomated Protein Global Conformational Screening

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    Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) coupled with a time-of-flight (TOF) mass-spectrometry (MS) detector is acknowledged to be very useful for analysis of biological molecules. At the same time, hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX) is a well-known technique for studying protein higher-order structure. However, coupling MALDI with HDX has been challenging because of undesired back-exchange reactions during analysis. In this report, we survey an approach that utilizes MALDI coupled with an automated sample preparation to compare global conformational changes of proteins under different solution conditions using differential HDX. A nonaqueous matrix was proposed for MALDI sample preparation to minimize undesirable back-exchange. An automated experimental setup based on the use of a liquid-handling robot and automated data acquisition allowed for tracking protein conformational changes as a difference in the number of protons exchanged to deuterons at specified solution conditions. Experimental time points to study the deuteration-labeling kinetics were obtained in a fully automated manner. The use of a nonaqueous matrix solution allowed experimental error to be minimized to within 1% RSD. We applied this newly developed MALDI-HDX workflow to study the effect of several common excipients on insulin folding stability. The observed results were corroborated by literature data and were obtained in a high-throughput and automated manner. The proposed MALDI-HDX approach can also be applied in a high-throughput manner for batch-to-batch higher-order structure comparison, as well as for the optimization of protein chemical modification reactions

    Membrane-Associated Conformation of HIV‑1 Nef Investigated with Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry at a Langmuir Monolayer

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    In the companion paper to this work, we described development of a new type of hydrogen exchange (HX) mass spectrometry (MS) measurement that integrates Langmuir monolayers. With Langmuir monolayers, the lipid packing density can be reproducibly controlled and changed as desired. Analysis of HX in proteins that may undergo conformational changes as a function of lipid packing (for example, conformational rearrangements after insertion into a lipid layer) are then possible. We previously used neutron reflection to characterize just such a conformational change in the myristoylated HIV-1 Nef protein (myrNef): at high lipid packing density, myrNef could not insert into the lipids and maintained a compact conformation adjacent to the monolayer, whereas at lower lipid packing density, myrNef was able to insert N-terminal arm residues, causing displacement of the core domain away from the monolayer. In order to locate where conformation may have been altered by lipid association, we applied the HX MS Langmuir monolayer method to myrNef associated with monolayers of packing densities identical to those used for the prior neutron reflection measurements. The results show that the N-terminal region and the C-terminal unstructured loop undergo conformational changes when associated with a low density lipid monolayer. The results are not consistent with the hypothesis of myrNef dimerization upon membrane association in the absence of other myrNef binding partners. The HX MS Langmuir monolayer method provides new and meaningful information for myrNef that helps explain necessary conformational changes required for function at the membrane