4,216 research outputs found

    Early Childhood Science and Engineering: Engaging Platforms for Fostering Domain-General Learning Skills

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    Early childhood science and engineering education offer a prime context to foster approaches-to-learning (ATL) and executive functioning (EF) by eliciting children’s natural curiosity about the world, providing a unique opportunity to engage children in hands-on learning experiences that promote critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, persistence, and other adaptive domain-general learning skills. Indeed, in any science experiment or engineering problem, children make observations, engage in collaborative conversations with teachers and peers, and think flexibly to come up with predictions or potential solutions to their problem. Inherent to science and engineering is the idea that one learns from initial failures within an iterative trial-and-error process where children practice risk-taking, persistence, tolerance for frustration, and sustaining focus. Unfortunately, science and engineering instruction is typically absent from early childhood classrooms, and particularly so in programs that serve children from low-income families. However, our early science and engineering intervention research shows teachers how to build science and engineering instruction into activities that are already happening in their classrooms, which boosts their confidence and removes some of the stigma around science and engineering. In this paper, we discuss the promise of research that uses early childhood science and engineering experiences as engaging, hands-on, interactive platforms to instill ATL and EF in young children living below the poverty line. We propose that early childhood science and engineering offer a central theme that captures children’s attention and allows for integrated instruction across domain-general (ATL, EF, and social–emotional) and domain-specific (e.g., language, literacy, mathematics, and science) content, allowing for contextualized experiences that make learning more meaningful and captivating for children

    What Drives Responses to Willingness-to-pay Questions? A Methodological Inquiry in the Context of Hypertension Self-management

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    Background: The use of economic evaluation to determine the cost-effectiveness of health interventions is recommended by decision-making bodies internationally. Understanding factors that explain variations in costs and benefits is important for policy makers. Objective: This work aimed to test a priori hypotheses defining the relationship between benefits of using self-management equipment (measured using the willingness-to-pay (WTP) approach) and a number of demographic and other patient factors. Methods: Data for this study were collected as part of the first major randomised controlled trial of self-monitoring combined with self-titration in hypertension (TASMINH2). A contingent valuation framework was used with patients asked to indicate how much they were willing to pay for equipment used for self-managing hypertension. Descriptive statistics, simple statistical tests of differences and multivariate regression were used to test six a priori hypotheses. Results: 393 hypertensive patients (204 in the intervention and 189 in the control) were willing to pay for self-management equipment and 85% of these (335) provided positive WTP values. Three hypotheses were accepted: higher WTP values were associated with being male, higher household incomes and satisfaction with the equipment. Prior experiences of using this equipment, age and changes in blood pressure were not significantly related to WTP. Conclusion: The majority of hypertensive patients who had taken part in a self-management study were prepared to purchase the self-monitoring equipment using their own funds, more so for men, those with higher incomes and those with greater satisfaction. Further research based on bigger and more diverse populations is recommended

    Improving multidisciplinary team working to support integrated care for people with frailty amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Multidisciplinary team (MDT) working is essential to optimise and integrate services for people who are frail. MDTs require collaboration. Many health and social care professionals have not received formal training in collaborative working. This study investigated MDT training designed to help participants deliver integrated care for frail individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Researchers utilised a semi-structured analytical framework to support observations of the training sessions and analyse the results of two surveys designed to assess the training process and its impact on participants knowledge and skills. 115 participants from 5 Primary Care Networks in London attended the training. Trainers utilised a video of a patient pathway, encouraged discussion of it, and demonstrated the use of evidence-based tools for patient needs assessment and care planning. Participants were encouraged to critique the patient pathway, reflect on their own experiences of planning and providing patient care. 38% of participants completed a pre-training survey, 47% a post-training survey. Significant improvement in knowledge and skills were reported including understanding roles in contributing to MDT working, confidence to speak in MDT meetings, using a range of evidence-based clinical tools for comprehensive assessment and care planning. Greater levels of autonomy, resilience, and support for MDT working were reported. Training proved effective; it could be scaled up and adopted to other settings

    Gender differences in the Force Concept Inventory for different educational levels in the United Kingdom

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    The Force Concept Inventory (FCI) is widely used to investigate the effect of education level on conceptual understanding of Newtonian mechanics but has only recently been scrutinized for gender effects and retention. This study examines both the gender gap in first year physics undergraduates compared to the gap for nonphysicists and the FCI retention after three months. All participants were either studying or working at the University of Sheffield in the UK and had completed a similar compulsory level of secondary education. As expected the results show that a greater level of education in physics is associated with a larger average FCI score. However, further analysis shows that there exists a gender gap at all levels of education. The size of the effect of gender is quantified using Cohen’s d and ranges from 0.84 to 1.17 which indicates a large effect due to gender for all levels of education. Despite the FCI having been used as a tool to measure learning gains immediately following instruction in Newtonian mechanics there has been little work to investigate whether this increase in FCI score remains after some time has elapsed. Here the increase in FCI scores is found to remain increased after a three month absence of mechanics-related teaching, and that this retention of FCI scores is independent of gender. Despite this, the gender gap still remains large and statistically significant after the three month delay

    Attitudes and barriers to exercise in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and how best to address them: a qualitative study

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this recordData Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. All relevant data are within the paper.BACKGROUND: Regular physical activity has recognised health benefits for people with T1DM. However a significant proportion of them do not undertake the recommended levels of activity. Whilst questionnaire-based studies have examined barriers to exercise in people with T1DM, a formal qualitative analysis of these barriers has not been undertaken. Our aims were to explore attitudes, barriers and facilitators to exercise in patients with T1DM. METHODOLOGY: A purposeful sample of long standing T1DM patients were invited to participate in this qualitative study. Twenty-six adults were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule to determine their level of exercise and barriers to initiation and maintenance of an exercise programme. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Six main barriers to exercise were identified: lack of time and work related factors; access to facilities; lack of motivation; embarrassment and body image; weather; and diabetes specific barriers (low levels of knowledge about managing diabetes and its complications around exercise). Four motivators to exercise were identified: physical benefits from exercise; improvements in body image; enjoyment and the social interaction of exercising at gym or in groups. Three facilitators to exercise were identified: free or reduced admission to gyms and pools, help with time management, and advice and encouragement around managing diabetes for exercise. SIGNIFICANCE: Many of the barriers to exercise in people with T1DM are shared with the non-diabetic population. The primary difference is the requirement for education about the effect of exercise on diabetes control and its complications. There was a preference for support to be given on a one to one basis rather than in a group environment. This suggests that with the addition of the above educational requirements, one to one techniques that have been successful in increasing activity in patients with other chronic disease and the general public should be successful in increasing activity in patients with T1DM.Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trus

    Nutrition impacts the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in the United States

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    ObjectiveTraditional recommendations for peripheral arterial disease (PAD) risk factor reduction include smoking cessation, low-fat/low-salt diet, exercise, and optimal medical management of chronic disease. Little attention has been paid to the role of dietary supplementation of specific nutrients in the prevention of PAD.MethodsThis cross-sectional study used the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to determine specific nutrients that are associated with prevalent PAD in the United States (US) population. NHANES data include nationwide sampling of the US population, using physical examination, questionnaire, and laboratory testing. PAD status was defined by an ankle-brachial index (ABI) of <0.9. Nutritional information was collected by 24-hour dietary recall using the US Department of Agriculture dietary collection instrument. Data were linked to a database of foods and their nutrient composition. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate associations between specific nutrient intake and the presence of PAD. Multivariate models adjusted for the effects of age, gender, hypertension, coronary vascular disease, diabetes, and smoking.ResultsNHANES data for 1999 to 2004 included 7203 lower extremity examinations, of which 422 individuals had prevalent PAD (5.9%). Examinees with PAD had significantly higher rates of hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and smoking than those without PAD. Univariate analysis revealed that consumption of all nutrients considered were associated with lower odds of PAD, including antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E), folate, other B vitamins (B6, B12), fiber, and polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids. After adjustment for traditional risk factors, nutrients associated with reduced prevalence of PAD were vitamin A (odds ratio [OR], 0.79; P = .036), vitamin C (OR, 0.84; P < .001), vitamin E (OR, 0.78; P = .011), vitamin B6 (OR, 0.71; P = .023), fiber (OR, 0.65; P < .001), folate (OR, 0.67; P = .006), and ω-3 (α-linolenic) fatty acid (OR, 0.79; P = .028).ConclusionsImproved nutrition is associated with a reduced prevalence of PAD in the US population. Higher consumption of specific nutrients, including antioxidants (vitamin A, C, and E), vitamin B6, fiber, folate, and ω-3 fatty acids have a significant protective effect, irrespective of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. These findings suggest specific dietary supplementation may afford additional protection, above traditional risk factor modification, for the prevention of PAD
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