9,382 research outputs found

    Transoral laser surgery for laryngeal carcinoma: has Steiner achieved a genuine paradigm shift in oncological surgery?

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    Transoral laser microsurgery applies to the piecemeal removal of malignant tumours of the upper aerodigestive tract using the CO2 laser under the operating microscope. This method of surgery is being increasingly popularised as a single modality treatment of choice in early laryngeal cancers (T1 and T2) and occasionally in the more advanced forms of the disease (T3 and T4), predomi- nantly within the supraglottis. Thomas Kuhn, the American physicist turned philosopher and historian of science, coined the phrase ‘paradigm shift’ in his groundbreaking book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He argued that the arrival of the new and often incompatible idea forms the core of a new paradigm, the birth of an entirely new way of thinking. This article discusses whether Steiner and col- leagues truly brought about a paradigm shift in oncological surgery. By rejecting the principle of en block resection and by replacing it with the belief that not only is it oncologically safe to cut through the substance of the tumour but in doing so one can actually achieve better results, Steiner was able to truly revolutionise the man- agement of laryngeal cancer. Even though within this article the repercussions of his insight are limited to the upper aerodigestive tract oncological surgery, his willingness to question other peoples’ dogma makes his contribution truly a genuine paradigm shift

    Building development and roads: implications for the distribution of stone curlews across the Brecks

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    Background: Substantial new housing and infrastructure development planned within England has the potential to conflict with the nature conservation interests of protected sites. The Breckland area of eastern England (the Brecks) is designated as a Special Protection Area for a number of bird species, including the stone curlew (for which it holds more than 60% of the UK total population). We explore the effect of buildings and roads on the spatial distribution of stone curlew nests across the Brecks in order to inform strategic development plans to avoid adverse effects on such European protected sites. Methodology: Using data across all years (and subsets of years) over the period 1988 – 2006 but restricted to habitat areas of arable land with suitable soils, we assessed nest density in relation to the distances to nearest settlements and to major roads. Measures of the local density of nearby buildings, roads and traffic levels were assessed using normal kernel distance-weighting functions. Quasi-Poisson generalised linear mixed models allowing for spatial auto-correlation were fitted. Results: Significantly lower densities of stone curlew nests were found at distances up to 1500m from settlements, and distances up to 1000m or more from major (trunk) roads. The best fitting models involved optimally distance-weighted variables for the extent of nearby buildings and the trunk road traffic levels. Significance : The results and predictions from this study of past data suggests there is cause for concern that future housing development and associated road infrastructure within the Breckland area could have negative impacts on the nesting stone curlew population. Given the strict legal protection afforded to the SPA the planning and conservation bodies have subsequently agreed precautionary restrictions on building development within the distances identified and used the modelling predictions to agree mitigation measures for proposed trunk road developments

    Geometric-phase-induced false electric dipole moment signals for particles in traps

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    Theories are developed to evaluate Larmor frequency shifts, derived from geometric phases, in experiments to measure electric dipole moments (EDMs) of trapped, atoms, molecules and neutrons. A part of these shifts is proportional to the applied electric field and can be interpreted falsely as an electric dipole moment. A comparison is made between our theoretical predictions for these shifts and some results from our recent experiments, which shows agreement to within the experimental errors of 15 %. The comparison also demonstrates that some trapped particle EDM experiments have reached the sensitivity where stringent precautions are needed to minimise and control such false EDMs. Computer simulations of these processes are also described. They give good agreement with the analytical results and they extend the study by investigating the influence of varying surface reflection laws in the hard walled traps considered. They also explore the possibility to suppress such false EDMs by introducing collisions with buffer gas particles. Some analytic results for frequency shifts proportional to the square of the E-field are also given and there are results for the averaging of the B-field in the absence of an E-field

    Syzygy algebras for the Segre embeddings

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    We describe the syzygy spaces for the Segre embedding P(U)×P(V)P(UV)\mathbb{P}(U)\times\mathbb{P}(V)\subset\mathbb{P}(U\otimes V) in terms of representations of GL(U)×GL(V){\rm GL}(U)\times {\rm GL}(V) and construct the minimal resolutions of the sheaves OP(U)×P(V)(a,b)\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{P}(U)\times\mathbb{P}(V)}(a,b) in D(P(UV))D(\mathbb{P}(U\otimes V)) for adim(U)a\geqslant-\dim(U) and bdim(V)b\geqslant-\dim(V). Also we prove some property of multiplication on syzygy spaces of the Segre embedding.Comment: 17 pages, 11 picture

    Tissue-Specific Gene Delivery via Nanoparticle Coating

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    Author Manuscript: 2010 August 1.The use of biomaterials for gene delivery can potentially avoid many of the safety concerns with viral gene delivery. However, the efficacy of polymeric gene delivery methods is low, particularly in vivo. One significant concern is that the interior and exterior composition of polymeric gene delivery nanoparticles are often coupled, with a single polymer backbone governing all functions from biophysical properties of the polymer/DNA particle to DNA condensation and release. In this work we develop electrostatically adsorbed poly(glutamic acid)-based peptide coatings to alter the exterior composition of a core gene delivery particle and thereby affect tissue-specificity of gene delivery function in vivo. We find that with all coating formulations tested, the coatings reduce potential toxicity associated with uncoated cationic gene delivery nanoparticles following systemic injection. Particles coated with a low 2.5:1 peptide:DNA weight ratio (w/w) form large 2 μ sized particles in the presence of serum that can facilitate specific gene delivery to the liver. The same particles coated at a higher 20:1 w/w form small 200 nm particles in the presence of serum that can facilitate specific gene delivery to the spleen and bone marrow. Thus, variations in nanoparticle peptide coating density can alter the tissue-specificity of gene delivery in vivo.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (BRP: 1R01CA124427-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (EB 000244)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U54 CA119349-01)David & Lucile Packard Foundation (Fellowship 1999-1453A

    The European Union funded NEOShield project: a global approach to near-Earth object impact threat mitigation

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    Although discussions are underway within the Action Team 14 of the United Nations COPUOS, there is currently no concerted international plan addressing the impact threat from near-Earth objects (NEOs) and how to organize, prepare and implement mitigation measures. We report on a new international project to address impact hazard mitigation issues, being the subject of a proposal submitted to the European Commission in response to the 2011 FP7 Call “Prevention of impacts from near-Earth objects on our planet”. Our consortium consists of 13 research institutes, universities, and industrial partners from 6 countries and includes leading US and Russian space organizations. The primary aim of the project, NEOShield, is to investigate in detail the three most promising mitigation techniques: the kinetic impactor, blast deflection, and the gravity tractor, and devise feasible demonstration missions. Furthermore, we will investigate options for an international strategy for implementation when an actual impact threat arises. The NEOShield project was formally accepted by the European Commission on 17 November 2011 and funded with a total of 5.8 million Euros for a period of 3.5 years. The kick-off meeting took place at the DLR Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, in January 2012. In this paper we present a brief overview of the planned scope of the project

    Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Py-Im Polyamides

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    Microwave synthesis was utilized to rapidly build Py-Im polyamides in high yields and purity using Boc-protection chemistry on Kaiser oxime resin. A representative polyamide targeting the 5′-WGWWCW-3′ (W = A or T) subset of the consensus Androgen and Glucocorticoid Response Elements was synthesized in 56% yield after 20 linear steps and HPLC purification. It was confirmed by Mosher amide derivatization of the polyamide that a chiral α-amino acid does not racemize after several additional coupling steps

    Black Holes at Future Colliders and Beyond: a Topical Review

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    One of the most dramatic consequences of low-scale (~1 TeV) quantum gravity in models with large or warped extra dimension(s) is copious production of mini black holes at future colliders and in ultra-high-energy cosmic ray collisions. Hawking radiation of these black holes is expected to be constrained mainly to our three-dimensional world and results in rich phenomenology. In this topical review we discuss the current status of astrophysical observations of black holes and selected aspects of mini black hole phenomenology, such as production at colliders and in cosmic rays, black hole decay properties, Hawking radiation as a sensitive probe of the dimensionality of extra space, as well as an exciting possibility of finding new physics in the decays of black holes.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures To appear in the Journal of Physics

    A Sino-German 6cm polarization survey of the Galactic plane VII. Small supernova remnants

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    We study the spectral and polarization properties of supernova remnants (SNRs) based on our 6cm survey data. The observations were taken from the Sino-German 6cm polarization survey of the Galactic plane. By using the integrated flux densities at 6cm together with measurements at other wavelengths from the literature we derive the global spectra of 50 SNRs. In addition, we use the observations at 6cm to present the polarization images of 24 SNRs. We derived integrated flux densities at 6cm for 51 small SNRs with angular sizes less than 1 degree. Global radio spectral indices were obtained in all the cases except for Cas A. For SNRs G15.1-1.6, G16.2-2.7, G16.4-0.5, G17.4-2.3, G17.8-2.6, G20.4+0.1, G36.6+2.6, G43.9+1.6, G53.6-2.2, G55.7+3.4, G59.8+1.2, G68.6-1.2, and G113.0+0.2, the spectra have been significantly improved. From our analysis we argue that the object G16.8-1.1 is probably an HII region instead of a SNR. Cas A shows a secular decrease in total intensity, and we measured a flux density of 688+/-35 Jy at 6cm between 2004 and 2008. Polarized emission from 25 SNRs were detected. For G16.2-2.7, G69.7+1.0, G84.2-0.8 and G85.9-0.6, the polarized emission is detected for the first time confirming them as SNRs. High frequency observations of SNRs are rare but important to establish their spectra and trace them in polarization in particular towards the inner Galaxy where Faraday effects are important.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Chandra study of an overdensity of X-ray sources around two distant (z~0.5) clusters

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    We present results from a Chandra X-ray Observatory study of the field X-ray source populations in 4 different observations: two high-redshift (z~0.5) clusters of galaxies 3C295 and RXJ003033.2+261819; and two non-cluster fields with similar exposure time. Surprisingly, the 0.5-2 keV source surface densities (~900-1200 sources deg**-2 at a flux limit of 1.5x10**-15 erg cm**-2s**-1) measured in an ~8'x8' area surrounding each cluster exceed by a factor of ~2 the value expected on the basis of the ROSAT and Chandra logN-logS, with a significance of ~2 sigma each, or ~3.5 sigma when the 2 fields are combined (i.e. a probability to be a statistical fluctuation of <1% and <0.04%, respectively). The same analysis performed on the non-cluster fields and on the outer chips of the cluster fields does NOT show evidence of such an excess. In both cluster fields, the summed 0.5-10 keV spectrum of the detected objects is well fitted by a power-law with Gamma~1.7 similar to AGNs and shows no sign of intrinsic absorption. The few (~10 out of 35) optical identifications available to date confirm that most of them are, as expected, AGNs but the number of redshifts available is too small to allow conclusions on their nature. We discuss possible interpretations of the overdensity in terms of: a statistical variation of Cosmic Background sources; a concentration of AGNs and/or powerful starburst galaxies associated with the clusters; and g ravitational lensing of background QSO's by the galaxy clusters. All explanations are however difficult to reconcile with the large number of excess sources detected. Deeper X-ray observations and more redshifts measurements are clearly required to settle the issue.Comment: 22 LateX pages (including Tables and Figures), uses psfig.sty and emulateapj.sty. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa