3,066 research outputs found

    Unions, Dissatisfied Workers and Sorting

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    A persistent and sizeable literature argues that the reported job dissatisfaction of union members is spurious. It reflects either the sorting of workers across union status or the sorting of union recognition across jobs. We cast doubt on this argument presenting the first estimates that use panel data to hold constant both worker and job match fixed effects. The estimates demonstrate that covered union members report greater dissatisfaction even when accounting for sorting in both dimensions. Moreover, covered union members are less likely to quit holding job satisfaction constant and their quit behaviour is far less responsive to job satisfaction. The paradox of the discontented union member remains intact.

    Profit Sharing and the Quality of Relations with the Boss

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    Profit sharing generates conflicting changes in the relationship between supervisors and workers. It may increase cooperation and helping effort. At the same time it can increase direct monitoring and pressure by the supervisor, and mutual monitoring and peer pressure from other workers that is transmitted through the supervisor. Using data on satisfaction with the boss, we initially show that workers under profit sharing tend to have lower satisfaction with their supervisor. Additional estimates show this is largely generated by groups of workers who would be least likely to respond to increased supervisory pressure with increase effort: women, those with dependents and those with health limitations. Despite this finding, profit sharing seems to have little or no influence on overall job satisfaction as the reduction in satisfaction with the boss is offset with increased satisfaction with earnings, a finding consistent with profit sharing enhancing productivity and earnings.

    Does profit sharing increase training by reducing turnover?

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    We test the theoretical prediction that profit sharing reduces worker separations and by doing so increases the incidence of training. Using individual level UK data, we confirm that profit sharing is a robust determinant of lower separation rates and of greater training incidence. Critically, we cannot confirm the predicted link between separations and training. Instead, the evidence supports alternative theories suggesting a direct link between profit sharing and training. Our results suggest that profit sharing changes employer-worker relations in a way that leads to greater formal and informal investment in worker skills but that this is independent of its influence on reducing separations.

    Are flexible contracts bad for workers? Evidence from job satisfaction data

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    If workers can choose between permanent and flexible contracts, compensating wage differentials should arise to equalize on-the-job utility in the two types of contracts. Estimating job satisfaction using the British Household Panel Survey shows that agency and casual contracts are associated with routinely lower satisfaction. This results because the low job satisfaction associated with less job security is not offset by higher compensation or other job characteristics. Job security is sufficiently important that holding constant this one facet of satisfaction eliminates the overall gap in job satisfaction between flexible and permanent contracts.

    Performance pay, sorting and the dimensions of job satisfaction

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    This paper investigates the influence of performance related pay on several dimensions of job satisfaction. In cross-sectional estimates, performance related pay is associated with increased overall satisfaction, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with job security and satisfaction with hours. It appears to be negatively associated with satisfaction with the work itself. Yet, after accounting for worker fixed-effects, the positive associations remain and the negative association vanishes. These results appear robust to a variety of alternative specifications and support the notion that performance pay allows increased opportunities for worker optimization and do not generally demotivate workers or crowd out intrinsic motivation.

    Insomnia symptoms as a cause of type 2 diabetes Incidence: a 20 year cohort study

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    Background Insomnia symptoms are associated with type 2 diabetes incidence but are also associated with a range of potential time-varying covariates which may confound and/or mediate associations. We aimed to assess whether cumulative exposure to insomnia symptoms has a causal effect on type 2 diabetes incidence. Methods A prospective cohort study in the West of Scotland, following respondents for 20 years from age 36. 996 respondents were free of diabetes at baseline and had valid data from up to four follow-up visits. Type 2 diabetes was assessed at the final visit by self-report, taking diabetic medication, or blood-test (HbA1c ≥ 6.5% or 48 mmol/mol). Effects of cumulative insomnia exposure on type 2 diabetes incidence were estimated with traditional regression and marginal structural models, adjusting for time-dependent confounding (smoking, diet, physical inactivity, obesity, heavy drinking, psychiatric distress) as well as for gender and baseline occupational class. Results Traditional regression yielded an odds ratio (OR) of 1.34 (95% CI: 1.06-1.70) for type 2 diabetes incidence for each additional survey wave in which insomnia was reported. Marginal structural models adjusted for prior covariates (assuming concurrently measured covariates were potential mediators), reduced this OR to 1.20 (95% CI: 0.98-1.46), and when concurrent covariates were also included (viewing them as potential confounders) this dropped further to 1.08 (95% CI: 0.85-1.37). Conclusions The association between cumulative experience of insomnia and type 2 diabetes incidence appeared confounded. Evidence for a residual causal effect depended on assumptions as to whether concurrently measured covariates were confounders or mediator

    Endothelial heme oxygenase-1 induction by hypoxia. Modulation by inducible nitric-oxide synthase and S-nitrosothiols.

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    The stress protein heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is induced in endothelial cells exposed to nitric oxide (NO)-releasing agents, and this process is finely modulated by thiols (Foresti, R., Clark, J. E., Green, C. J., and Motterlini R. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 18411–18417). Here, we report that up-regulation of HO-1 in aortic endothelial cells by severe hypoxic conditions (pO2 ≤ 2 mm Hg) is preceded by increased inducible NO synthase and NO synthase activity. This effect is accompanied by oxidation of intracellular glutathione and formation of S-nitrosothiols. Incubation of cells with a selective inhibitor of inducible NO synthase (S-(2-aminoethyl)-isothiourea) or a NO scavenger ([2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide]) significantly attenuated the increase in heme oxygenase activity caused by reduced oxygen availability. A series of antioxidant agents did not prevent the elevation in heme oxygenase activity by hypoxia; however, the precursor of glutathione synthesis and thiol donor,N-acetylcysteine, completely abolished HO-1 induction. We also found that the hypoxia-mediated increase in endothelial heme oxygenase activity was potentiated by the presence ofS-nitrosoglutathione. These results indicate that intracellular interaction of thiols with NO is an important determinant in the mechanism leading to HO-1 induction by reduced oxygen levels. We suggest that in addition to oxidative stress, HO-1 gene expression can be regulated by redox reactions involving NO andS-nitrosothiols (nitrosative stress), emphasizing a versatile role for the heme oxygenase pathway in the cellular adaptation to a variety of stressful conditions

    Deep three-dimensional solid-state qubit arrays with long-lived spin coherence

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    Nitrogen-vacancy centers (NVCs) in diamond show promise for quantum computing, communication, and sensing. However, the best current method for entangling two NVCs requires that each one is in a separate cryostat, which is not scalable. We show that single NVCs can be laser written 6–15-µm deep inside of a diamond with spin coherence times that are an order of magnitude longer than previous laser-written NVCs and at least as long as naturally occurring NVCs. This depth is suitable for integration with solid immersion lenses or optical cavities and we present depth-dependent T2 measurements. 200 000 of these NVCs would fit into one diamond
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