4,352 research outputs found

    Mapping cellular processes in the mesenchyme during palatal development in the absence of Tbx1 reveals complex proliferation changes and perturbed cell packing and polarity

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    The 22q11 deletion syndromes represent a spectrum of overlapping conditions including cardiac defects and craniofacial malformations. Amongst the craniofacial anomalies that are seen, cleft of the secondary palate is a common feature. Haploinsufficiency of TBX1 is believed to be a major contributor toward many of the developmental structural anomalies that occur in these syndromes, and targeted deletion of Tbx1 in the mouse reproduces many of these malformations, including cleft palate. However, the cellular basis of this defect is only poorly understood. Here, palatal development in the absence of Tbx1 has been analysed, focusing on cellular properties within the whole mesenchymal volume of the palatal shelves. Novel image analyses and data presentation tools were applied to quantify cell proliferation rates, including regions of elevated as well as reduced proliferation, and cell packing in the mesenchyme. Also, cell orientations (nucleus–Golgi axis) were mapped as a potential marker of directional cell movement. Proliferation differed only subtly between wild‐type and mutant until embryonic day (E)15.5 when proliferation in the mutant was significantly lower. Tbx1 (−/−) palatal shelves had slightly different cell packing than wild‐type, somewhat lower before elevation and higher at E15.5 when the wild‐type palate has elevated and fused. Cell orientation is biased towards the shelf distal edge in the mid‐palate of wild‐type embryos but is essentially random in the Tbx1 (−/−) mutant shelves, suggesting that polarised processes such as directed cell rearrangement might be causal for the cleft phenotype. The implications of these findings in the context of further understanding Tbx1 function during palatogenesis and of these methods for the more general analysis of genotype–phenotype functional relationships are discussed

    New detections of HC5N towards hot cores associated with 6.7 GHz methanol masers

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    We present new detections of cyanodiacetylene (HC5N) towards hot molecular cores, observed with the Tidbinbilla 34 m radio telescope (DSS–34). In a sample of 79 hot molecular cores, HC5N was detected towards 35. These results are counter to the expectation that long chain cyanopolyynes, such as HC5N, are not typically found in hot molecular cores, unlike their shorter chain counterpart HC3N. However, it is consistent with recent models which suggest HC5N may exist for a limited period during the evolution of hot molecular cores

    Digital Library Jurnal dan Artikel dengan Modul Automatic Citation Format Berbasis Web

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    Universitas Klabat mempunyai visi untuk menjadi Universitas Riset. Untuk mewujudkannya maka setiap tahun dosen-dosen diwajibkan untuk membuat penelitian, begitupun dengan mahasiswa di Universitas Klabat. Sebuah research University yang baik ditunjang dengan fasilitas sarana perpustakaan yang baik juga. Dosen dan mahasiswa sebagai peneliti dapat memanfaatkan sarana perpustakaan dengan optimal. Masalah yang ada dalam perpustakaan di Universitas Klabat adalah akses terhadap hasil penelitian, artikel dan jurnal untuk mendapatkan informasi. Selain itu, untuk publikasi penelitian saat ini masih dalam bentuk hardcopy sehingga untuk mengakses penelitian yang ada, mahasiswa harus pergi ke kantor fakultas. Oleh karena hal tersebut, penulis merancang Digital Library Jurnal dan Artikel dengan Modul Automatic Citation Format berbasis Web yang dapat membantu penyimpanan hasil penelitian dengan dilengkapi fungsi automation citation. Software ini berbasis web agar mudah diakses oleh berbagai platform mobile. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rekayasa perangkat lunak dengan proses model prototyping. Hasil penelitian dapat membantu researchers untuk mengakses serta mengutip jurnal atau artikel dalam membuat penelitian khususnya mahasiswa dan dosen di Universitas Klabat

    Examining the development environments of elite English Football Academies: the players’ perspective.

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    As a preliminary investigation, we examined elite youth football academy players' perceptions of the quality of their developmental environment, at a crucial stage in their progression to a professional level. With institutional ethics approval, the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ)[1]was used to survey 50 elite players aged 16-18 (m17.1,±s=0.6 years)recruited from the academies of Premier League and Championship clubs in England. Overall, the results suggest that elite player development environments are perceived to be of a good quality. However, while academies appeared strong in areas related to coaching, organisation, and sport-related support; they were somewhat deficient in areas related to athlete understanding, links to senior progression, and key stakeholder relationships. In addition to the importance of establishing well-integrated youth and senior teams and positive working relationships with parents; the findings underline the necessity for academies to pay close attention to the psychosocial environments they create for developing players. Theoretical considerations and applied implications for those involved in elite player development are discussed

    Community-based DOTS and family member DOTS for TB control in Nepal: costs and cost-effectiveness

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Two TB control strategies appropriate for South Asia (a community-based DOTS [CBD] strategy and a family-based DOTS [FBD] strategy) have been shown to be effective in Nepal in meeting the global target for the proportion of registered patients successfully treated. Here we estimate the costs and cost-effectiveness of the two strategies. This information is essential to allow meaningful comparisons between these and other strategies and will contribute to the small but growing body of knowledge on the costs and cost-effectiveness of different approaches to TB control.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 2001–2, costs relating to TB diagnosis and care were collected for each strategy. Structured and semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect costs from health facility records and a sample of 10 patients in each of 10 districts, 3 using CBD and 2 using FBD. The data collected included costs to the health care system and social costs (including opportunity costs) incurred by patients and their supervisors. The cost-effectiveness of each strategy was estimated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total recurrent costs per patient using the CBD and FBD strategies were US76.2andUS76.2 and US84.1 respectively. The social costs incurred by patients and their supervisors represent more than a third of total recurrent costs under each strategy (37% and 35% respectively). The CBD strategy was more cost-effective than the FBD strategy: recurrent costs per successful treatment were US91.8andUS91.8 and US102.2 respectively.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Although the CBD strategy was more cost-effective than the FBD strategy in the study context, the estimates of cost-effectiveness were sensitive to relatively small changes in underlying costs and treatment outcomes. Even using these relatively patient-friendly approaches to DOTS, social costs can represent a significant financial burden for TB patients.</p

    Notational Analysis and Physiological and Metabolic Responses of Male Junior Badminton Match Play

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    We examined the game characteristics of badminton and the physiological and metabolic responses in highly trained male junior players. Players from a Badminton England accredited Performance Centre (n = 10, age: 14.0 ± 1.2 y, height: 1.69 ± 0.06 m, body mass: 59.1 ± 5.0 kg) completed a 20-m shuttle run test (V˙O2max: 64 ± 7 mL·kg−1·min−1) and a simulated ability-matched competitive singles badminton game consisting of two 12-min games with a 2-min break wearing the COSMED K5 metabolic system with notational analysis. In five games, 427 points were contested with a rally time of 5.7 ± 3.7 s, a rest time of 11.2 ± 5.9 s, shots per rally of 5.6 ± 3.6, work density of 0.50 ± 0.21, an effective playing time of 32.3 ± 8.4%, and shots frequency of 1.04 ± 0.29. During badminton play, heart rate was 151 ± 12 b·min−1 (82 ± 10% of maximum heart rate), oxygen uptake was 39.2 ± 3.9 mL·kg−1·min−1 (62 ± 7% of V˙O2max), and energy expenditure was 11.2 ± 1.1 kcal·min−1 with a post-game blood lactate of 3.33 ± 0.83 mmol·L−1. Compared to adult badminton play, the physiological responses of junior badminton are lower and may be due to the shorter rally durations. Male junior badminton players should be exposed to training methodologies which include rally durations in excess of what they encounter during match play so as to develop greater consistency. Our observations on game characteristics and physiological responses during junior badminton can be used to inform training practice

    Give us a game : evaluating the opportunities that exist for English footballers to play in the English Premier League

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    The purpose of this study was to provide a detailed, large-scale retrospective analysis of the number of English footballers that have been developed to play in the English Premier League (EPL) over twenty seasons. Unlike previous research, we examined appearance data as opposed to percentage of squad data enabling a more accurate representation of English players appearing in the EPL. The findings revealed a steady decline in the number and proportion of appearances made by English players in the EPL throughout the twenty season period. However, the results also indicated that the rate of decline had abated since the inception of UEFA's home-grown rule. The results support the view that opportunities for indigenous players have diminished since the EPL's inception. Given the short-term, results-focused culture that prevails in the EPL, this would appear to present a major challenge for governing bodies, particularly those working in elite player development. Discussion surrounding how these challenges might be met is presented

    The Matrix Theory S-Matrix

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    The technology required for eikonal scattering amplitude calculations in Matrix theory is developed. Using the entire supersymmetric completion of the v^4/r^7 Matrix theory potential we compute the graviton-graviton scattering amplitude and find agreement with eleven dimensional supergravity at tree level.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Lifting back the waters: Marine geophysics provides new insights into the uThukela Banks Marine Protected Area

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    Using the first high-resolution geophysical data set collected from the uThukela Banks Marine Protected Area (MPA), we reveal a plethora of hitherto unknown or poorly resolved seabed features. In tandem with several remotely operated vehicle dives, we improve on the previous National Biodiversity Assessment map for the area and reveal a more complex picture of the seabed geology and geomorphology on which the MPA is predicated. The upper slope (-120 m and deeper) is dominated by small canyons, gullies and rills that occasionally extend to the shelf edge and form a series of slumps. Suspected cold-water corals were imaged on the interfluves of the Thukela Canyon. The mid to outer shelf (-60 to -100 m) is mostly rocky, and is composed of Pliocene-age siltstones for the most part. Aeolianite shorelines are found at depths of 60 m and 100 m, in which palaeo-lagoons and parabolic aeolian dune systems are also preserved. These features provide habitat for mesophotic corals and demersal fishes. Overlying and abutting hard rock substrates are unconsolidated sandy sediments that are mobilised by the inshore movement of the Agulhas Current. An inshore mud belt characterised by pockmarks associated with free gas expulsion is mapped for the first time. A well-developed palaeo-drainage pattern is also revealed, posing exciting new opportunities for the study of benthic communities associated with palaeo-estuaries and lagoons now exposed at the seabed. Several new habitats, both inside and out of the MPA boundaries, should form the basis for future research within the MPA, in addition to informing expansions of the MPA. Significance: Using a newly collected geophysical data set, we provide an unprecedented glimpse into the newly proclaimed uThukela Banks Marine Protected Area. We reveal a complexity of marine habitats hitherto unknown from previous biodiversity surveys. These habitats include areas of possible expansion given the recognition of keystone species that occur just outside the MPA limits
