357 research outputs found

    Vorbestraft = vorverurteilt? Die Berichterstattung ĂŒber den „Fall Tuğçe“ medienethisch betrachtet

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    Ende des Jahres 2014 beschĂ€ftigte der Tod der Studentin Tuğçe die deutsche Presse. Nachdem sie zwei junge MĂ€dchen vor den BelĂ€stigungen junger MĂ€nner verteidigte, eskalierte der Streit mit diesen: Tuğçe starb nach der Attacke einer der Jungen einige Woche spĂ€ter. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, inwieweit dabei die ethischen Richtlinien des Pressekodex hinsichtlich des Schutzes von Opfer und TĂ€ter in der regionalen und ĂŒberregionalen Presseberichterstattung eingehalten wurden. WĂ€hrend die analysierten regionalen BlĂ€tter deutlich mehr Details ĂŒber die Protagonisten des Falls veröffentlichen, verstĂ¶ĂŸt die „Bild“-Zeitung hĂ€ufiger gegen rechtliche und ethische Richtlinien, aber auch bei den regionalen Publikationen sind Verfehlungen festzustellen. EnglishRegina Greck: Previously Convicted = Prior Condemnation? Coverage of the “Tuğçe Case“ from a Mediaethical Viewpoint At the end of the year 2014, the case of the student Tuğçe occupied the entire German press: Having defended several young girls against molestation by a group of young men, the dispute between them escalated. After being attacked by one of the one of the boys, Tuğçe died of her injuries a few weeks later. This study investigates to what extent ethical guidelines of the German “Pressekodex” (Independent Press Standards) were violated by national and regional German newspapers as well as the “Bildzeitung” in their coverage of this crime. Whereas the analyzed regional newspapers published more concrete details concerning Tuğçe and her attacker, presumably due to their local nature, most of the “Pressekodex” violations were committed by the “Bildzeitung”, either by publishing uncensored pictures of the suspect Sanel or by prejudging him as brutal rowdy. However, misconduct on the part of the reporting regional publications was also noted.

    Thomas Wiedemann/Michael Meyen (Hg.): Pierre Bourdieu und die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Internationale Perspektiven

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    Gute PR ist alles. Pierre Bourdieus Gesellschaftstheorie war damit in der deutschsprachigen Kommunikationswissenschaft bisher gehörig im Hintertreffen. Thomas Wiedemann und Michael Meyen haben sich deswegen mit ihrem Aufsatzband einen Bauchladen umgeschnallt, der genau diese LĂŒcke schließen soll und Werbung fĂŒr das ist, was sein Titel verspricht: „Pierre Bourdieu und die Kommunikationswissenschaft“. DafĂŒr haben die Herausgeber AufsĂ€tze gebĂŒndelt, die sich mit Bourdieus Feldtheorie sowie seinem Hauptwerk „Die feinen Unterschiede“ auseinandersetzen und diese auf die Kommunikationswissenschaft ĂŒbertragen. (...

    7.2. – Étude dendrologique de l’épave Arles-RhĂŽne 3

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    La mise en Ɠuvre des analyses xylologique, dendromorphologique et dendrochronologique sur l’épave Arles-RhĂŽne 3 est venue enrichir l’analyse architecturale de l’embarcation.L’analyse xylologique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’emploi de chĂȘne caducifoliĂ© pour le fond de l’embarcation et la charpente transversale, tandis que les parties hautes du bordĂ© sont rĂ©alisĂ©es dans du bois de sapin, Ă©picĂ©a et chĂȘne. Pour les amĂ©nagements internes, sapin, Ă©picĂ©a, chĂȘne et pin de type sylvestre ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s.L’analyse dendromorphologique a permis de dĂ©finir les modes de dĂ©bitage des piĂšces au sein des tiges d’arbres et d’en restituer le diamĂštre minimal d’origine.L’analyse dendrochronologique a permis de bĂątir deux chronologies moyennes de sapin et une d’épicĂ©a longues de plus de 150 annĂ©es qui, en raison d’une reprĂ©sentativitĂ© rĂ©duite, demeurent Ă  ce jour flottantes. Toutes ces analyses seront poursuivies Ă  l’issue des futures opĂ©rations de terrain.The xylological, dendromorphological and dendrochronological analyses of the Arles-RhĂŽne 3 shipwreck enhanced the architectural analysis of the boat.Xylological analysis revealed the use of deciduous oak for the bottom of the boat and transverse carpentry and that of fir, spruce and deciduous oak timber for the upper strakes. For the internal fittings, fir, spruce, deciduous oak and Scots pine timber were identified.Dendromorphological analysis made it possible to outline wood-working patterns within the tree boles and to infer the initial minimal diameter.By means of dendrochronological analysis, it has been possible to build up two mean chronologies for fir and one chronology for spruce which all are longer than 150 years but which remain floating because of a still low representativeness. All of these analyses will be carried on following the next fieldwork campaigns

    Is Our Self Nothing but Reward? Neuronal Overlap and Distinction between Reward and Personal Relevance and Its Relation to Human Personality

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    Background: The attribution of personal relevance, i.e. relating internal and external stimuli to establish a sense of belonging, is a common phenomenon in daily life. Although previous research demonstrated a relationship between reward and personal relevance, their exact neuronal relationship including the impact of personality traits remains unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we applied an experimental paradigm that allowed us to explore the neural response evoked by reward and the attribution of personal relevance separately. We observed different brain regions previously reported to be active during reward and personal relevance, including the bilateral caudate nucleus and the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (PACC). Additional analysis revealed activations in the right and left insula specific for the attribution of personal relevance. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a negative correlation between signal changes in both the PACC and the left anterior insula during the attribution of low personal relevance and the personality dimension novelty seeking. Conclusion/Significance: While a set of subcortical and cortical regions including the PACC is commonly involved in reward and personal relevance, other regions like the bilateral anterior insula were recruited specifically during personal relevance. Based on our correlation between novelty seeking and signal changes in both regions during personal relevance, we assume that the neuronal response to personally relevant stimuli is dependent on the personality trait novelty seeking.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000273104000004&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Multidisciplinary SciencesSCI(E)SSCI50ARTICLE12null

    Interoception in insula subregions as a possible state marker for depression - an exploratory fMRI study investigating healthy, depressed and remitted participants

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    Background: Interoceptive awareness (iA), the awareness of stimuli originating inside the body, plays an important role in human emotions and psychopathology. The insula is particularly involved in neural processes underlying iA. However, iA-related neural activity in the insula during the acute state of major depressive disorder (MDD) and in remission from depression has not been explored. Methods: A well-established fMRI paradigm for studying (iA; heartbeat counting) and exteroceptive awareness (eA; tone counting) was used. Study participants formed three independent groups: patients suffering from MDD, patients in remission from MDD or healthy controls. Task-induced neural activity in three functional subdivisions of the insula was compared between these groups. Results: Depressed participants showed neural hypo-responses during iA in anterior insula regions, as compared to both healthy and remitted participants. The right dorsal anterior insula showed the strongest response to iA across all participant groups. In depressed participants there was no differentiation between different stimuli types in this region (i.e., between iA, eA and noTask). Healthy and remitted participants in contrast showed clear activity differences. Conclusions: This is the first study comparing iA and eA-related activity in the insula in depressed participants to that in healthy and remitted individuals. The preliminary results suggest that these groups differ in there being hypo- responses across insula regions in the depressed participants, whilst non- psychiatric participants and patients in remission from MDD show the same neural activity during iA in insula subregions implying a possible state marker for MDD. The lack of activity differences between different stimulus types in the depressed group may account for their symptoms of altered external and internal focus


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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, les recherches archĂ©ologi­ques menĂ©es en milieu montagnard sont marquĂ©es par un indĂ©niable regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt. Les problĂ©matiques liĂ©es au statut des territoires d’altitude, en particulier les questions de chronologies et de modalitĂ©s du peuplement ainsi que d’exploitation des Ă©cosystĂšmes de moyenne et de haute montagne, constituent le fondement de plusieurs programmes de recherche pluridisciplinaire actuellement menĂ©s ou projetĂ©s dans les diffĂ©rents massifs europĂ©ens. D..

    Chapitre 1. Les vestiges de navires antiques : études architecturale et dendrologique

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    Les cuvelages des puits SB1262 et BS3339 de Villeneuve se composent, pour l’essentiel, d’ensembles de fragments de bordĂ©s appartenant, probablement, Ă  trois navires antiques. Ces bordages sont assemblĂ©s, Ă  intervalles rĂ©guliers, par des tenons bloquĂ©s au moyen de chevilles enfoncĂ©es dans l’épaisseur de chaque planche, selon un systĂšme d’assemblage commun dans la construction navale mĂ©diterranĂ©enne d’époque grĂ©co-romaine. Des fragments de bordages isolĂ©s, mais toujours munis d’assemblages Ă  te..

    Der Journalismus als Friedensstifter?

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    Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie verantwortungsvolle journalistische Berichterstattung in Zeiten von Krisen und Kriegen möglich sein kann. Dazu beleuchtet er den Friedensjournalismus nĂ€her, ordnet ihn in das Berichterstattungsmuster des anwaltschaftlichen Journalismus ein und grenzt ihn vom Informationsjournalismus ab. Anschließend gibt er einen Überblick ĂŒber die besonderen Herausforderungen, vor welchen der Friedensjournalismus steht. Dabei stellt er auch verschiedene Modelle sowie ihre Anliegen vor und reflektiert diese Forderungen kritisch. Daraus leitet der Beitrag ab, wie Medien, die sich dem deeskalierenden Konzept des Friedensjournalismus verschreiben wollen, ihre (gesellschaftliche) Verantwortung wahrnehmen können und diskutiert, inwieweit eine solche Verantwortung im Zuge der Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft noch alleine vom Journalismus wahrgenommen werden kann.This contribution pursues the question how journalistic reporting can be done responsibly in times of crisis and war. Therefore, we will have a closer look at peace journalism, which considers reporting from this perspective. This contribution classifies peace journalism into the pattern of advocacy journalism and summarizes the specific challenges peace journalism is faced with. Afterwards, different approaches of peace journalism will be presented and their requirements will be reflected critically. On the basis of these considerations, this contribution deduces how editors committed to the deescalating reporting of peace journalism can discharge their duties. Furthermore, it will be discussed to what extent journalism can bear this responsibility considering the digitalization of society

    ATIPICIDADES EN UN CASO CON DISPLASIA ARRITMOGÉNICA DEL VENTRÍCULO DERECHO O ENFERMEDAD DE UHL / Report of an atypical case with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia or Uhl®s anomaly

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    ResumenLa displasia arritmogénica del ventrículo derecho es una miocardiopatía caracterizada por arritmias ventriculares malignas y anomalías estructurales progresivas, que afectan primariamente al ventrículo derecho. Se presenta por una sustitución progresiva parcial o masiva del miocardio por tejido adiposo o fibroadiposo. La enfermedad de Uhl puede ser una manifestación extrema y generalizada de la displasia arritmogénica del ventrículo derecho, trastorno congénito muy poco frecuente con ausencia de miocardio ventricular derecho, por lo que sus paredes son delgadas como el papel. Se comenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 56 años que presentó pérdida de conocimiento y se le realizó el diagnóstico clínico y ecocardiogråfico. Se discuten las características clínicas, el diagnóstico y la conducta a seguir ante esta cardiopatía potencialmente letal en pacientes que sufren síncope, taquicardia ventricular o parada cardíaca. / AbstractArrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a cardiomyopathy characterized by malignant ventricular arrhythmias and progressive structural abnormalities, affecting primarily the right ventricle. It appears due to a partial or massive progressive replacement of the myocardium by fibroadipose or adipose tissue. Uhl's disease may be an extreme and widespread manifestation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, a rare congenital disorder with absence of right ventricular myocardium, so that its walls are paper thin. The case of a 56 year old male patient who had loss of consciousness and underwent clinical and echocardiographic diagnosis is presented. The clinical features, diagnosis and action to take against this potentially fatal heart disease in patients with syncope, ventricular tachycardia or cardiac arrest are discussed

    Chapitre 1. La plage du milieu du Ier siùcle av. J.‑C.

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    1. Description La phase la plus ancienne reconnue correspond essentiellement sur le terrain Ă  une importante unitĂ© sableuse recouvrant l’ensemble du site (US1068). Ce niveau sableux marque un litage des sables qui ne prĂ©sente que quelques rares tĂ©moins anthropiques et correspond Ă  un haut de plage. Il s’agit des plus anciens niveaux Ă©mergĂ©s dont les premiers amĂ©nagements perceptibles sont constituĂ©s par quelques structures diffuses : un amas allongĂ© de blocs (SB1288) et un alignement de pique..
