204 research outputs found

    Seguridad en entornos BPM: integrando firma digital en procesos con altos requerimientos de autenticación e integridad

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    En esta tesina, me propongo integrar conceptos de criptografía y BPM (Business Process Management). La integración que propongo es en ambos sentidos. Por un lado, la seguridad en un entorno de BPM debe verse aumentada gracias a la criptografía. Por otro lado, la administración necesaria para mantener un esquema de seguridad de mecanismos criptográficos, debe verse simplificada al estar orientada a BPM e integrada con otros procesos de una determinada organización. En particular, los mecanismos de seguridad y criptografía que se utilizan en este trabajo son las conexiones TLS, el protocolo HTTPS, la criptografía de clave pública y la firma digital. Como la administración de un esquema de criptografía de clave pública es compleja, se pretende también que la forma en que se integren con los procesos de BPM sea lo más transparente posible, reduciendo el impacto en la dificultad de uso de los sistemas. Es de especial interés realizar el trabajo utilizando una herramienta de BPM de código fuente abierto, Bonita BPM, y mantener un equilibrio entre dos aspectos que suelen ser incompatibles: por un lado el nivel de transparencia y simplicidad para el usuario final y por otro lado un alto nivel de agregado de seguridad.Asesor profesional: José Martinez GarroFacultad de Informátic

    Increase of the Lutein Content in Hens' Eggs

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    Lutein is a plant pigment that belongs to the xantophyll group of carotenoids. In nature it is widespread (prevalent) in green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, collard greens, lettuce) but also in peppers, tangerines, corn and egg yolk. Since it cannot be synthesized in the body it has to be taken with food. In human body lutein is concentrated in the retina and macula lutea and its content in those tissues rises with increased intake through food or supplements. It has antioxidant activity, protects eyes from high-energy blue light and helps in reducing the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Until now, lutein was used in poultry industry mostly for pigmenting broiler's meat and skin and egg yolk and lately there have been more studies whose goal is to increase lutein content in yolk and production of enriched, functional food. Although table egg is not the best source of lutein, studies have shown that its bioavailability in human body is higher from lipid matrix of yolk compared with lutein from vegetable sources or food supplements. The egg is highly nutritious food because it contains high-quality proteins with balanced amino acid composition, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins necessary for proper functioning of the body and with increased content of lutein it becomes a value-added product. Addition of natural or synthetic sources of lutein in mixtures for laying hens enables the transfer of lutein through hen's metabolism into egg yolk. The increase of lutein content in yolk is noticeable already after one week of feeding the hens with modified mixtures although it takes a longer time for its content to be stabilized. Egg with increased content of lutein in yolk represents quality and accessible source of lutein in human nutrition. Consumption of enriched eggs contributes to increased intake of lutein as well as its accumulation in the human organism

    Effect of Vitamin E, Lutein, Selenium and Oil Mixture Added to Feed and Cooking Length on Yolk Color and Egg Quality

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    The aim of this research was to determine the quality of eggs laid by Tetra SL hens fed standard diet (B) or diet supplemented with 100 mg vitamin E/kg+200 mg/kg lutein+0.5 mg/kg selenium+5% oil mixture (BK). The effect of treatment was determined for yolk color values (P0.05). However, the treatment had statistically significant effect (P0.05)

    Seguridad en entornos BPM: firma digital y gestión de clave

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    Los sistemas de gestión de procesos de negocio (en inglés BPMS - Business Process Management Systems) se están estableciendo como las soluciones de IT adoptadas por las organizaciones actuales que buscan transformar su visión funcional clásica por un enfoque basado en procesos de negocio. Un proceso representa las tareas que la organización debe realizar para producir sus productos, el orden de ejecución de las mismas y las personas responsables de realizarlas. En este sentido los BPMS, vistos como sistemas de información, deben incorporar mecanismos para garantizar los atributos de seguridad de autenticidad, confidencialidad, integridad, no repudio y disponibilidad. La línea de investigación presentada propone incorporar conceptos de firma digital a un BPMS y a su vez, aplicar BPM a la gestión de seguridad, en particular al proceso de gestión de claves y su aplicación para la firma digital.Eje: Seguridad Informática.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Expression of osteoprotegerin and its ligands, RANKL and TRAIL, in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of nuclear factor-?B ligand (RANKL) and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) have been involved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathophysiology. In this study, we assessed messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of these molecules by qPCR in peripheral blood from 26 patients with RA (12 of them with ischemic heart disease -IHD) and 10 healthy controls. Correlation coefficients between OPG, RANKL and TRAIL expression levels in RA patients and their clinical and demographic characteristics were also evaluated. Whereas OPG and OPG/TRAIL ratio expression were significantly increased in RA patients compared to controls (fold change?=?1.79, p?=?0.013 and 2.07, p?=?0.030, respectively), RANKL/OPG ratio was significantly decreased (fold change?=?0.50, p?=?0.020). No significant differences were found between patients and controls in RANKL and TRAIL expression. Interestingly, TRAIL expression was significantly higher in RA patients with IHD compared to those without IHD (fold change?=?1.46, p?=?0.033). Moreover, biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) significantly decreased RANKL expression in RA patients (p?=?0.016). Our study supports an important role of OPG and TRAIL in RA. Furthermore, it highlights an effect of biologic DMARDs in the modulation of RANKL