2,595 research outputs found


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    Invisibility has always been a fascinating theme for art but starting from Modernity - the novel The Invisible Man by H G Wells comes out in 1897 - has taken on new values and characters Scientific progress and new theories have made it possible to imagine its real and not just magical realization so that it has become something different from the pure subtraction to the visible The visible for its part has also changed its characters and expanded its field changes that have in turn been reflected on the conception of the invisible The result is a significant recurrence of works by artists in the twentieth century in which the invisible has become no longer an oppositional term but a notion and a world of its own characteristics a state not of denial but of affirmation within the visible itself Without indulging in the invisible as a metaphor but limiting itself to cases in which invisibility is actually taken on the explicit theme of works and reflection the text constructs a path in twentieth century art to show the developments of this reflection Starting from the Surrealism that finds in the invisible a metaphor of the unconscious functioning then excellent examples have been found above all starting from the art of the 60s conceptual povera that go well beyond the dematerialization and the criticism modernist opticality to then move on to the invisible architecture of certain minimalists then we touch on the theme of camouflage and finally conclude with even more radical examples of the last decade

    Shiro Takatani, ST / LL

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    L'articolo offre un'analisi dello spettacolo di Takatani mettendo al centro le categoria della rapporto tra Visibile e Invisibile, di mutamento di scala e di prospettiva, di percezione e di Figura/oggetto come presenza scenica alternativa al performer in carne ed ossa

    What is Change Management

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    In this literature review the definition of change management is the topic. That was done by looking at some of the most recent trends in change management theory for the LIS sector. Libraries and information services are going through an unprecedented process of change affecting their organisation, resources, policies, services and resources. This change is not only limited to libraries and information services but is affecting all organisations and society as a whole. If the LIS sector wants to be ahead of changes it needs to look at the world of business for direction

    Insufflare l\u2019inanimato nell\u2019umano: Pinocchio(s) di Alice Laloy (La Cie S\u2019appelle reviens)

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    Il contributo prende in esame il progetto di Alice Laloy dedicato all'archetipo di Pinocchio, declinato nella prospettiva della concezione contemporanea della Marionetta, con particolare rilievo alle questioni legate alle relazioni tra animato e inanimato. Considera inoltre la forma del progetto, peculiare nel porsi al bivio tra diversi contesti di fruizione (tra esposizione, performance, installazione, evento laboratoriale)

    Th\ue9\ue2tre de L\u2019Entrouvert, Anywhere

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    L'articolo riflette su procedimenti e tematiche dello spettacolo di elise Vigneron, sottolineando la corrispondenza tra scelte materiali e concezione drammaturgica

    Determination of the thermodynamic parameters of interaction between the components of heterogeneous Ziegler Natta pre-catalyst

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    An investigation on the thermodynamic interactions between the components of pre-catalysts of Ziegler-Natta catalytic system has been carried out by means of UV-Vis spectrophotometric and calorimetric titrations. Gibbs free energies and enthalpies of adsorption from hydrocarbon solution of TiCl4 and two representative Lewis bases (ethylbenzoate and diethylphthalate, EB and DEP respectively) on physically activated MgCl2 were determined in strictly anhydrous conditions. Special methodologies to allow the accurate determination of titanium were also developed. The interaction of TiCl4 with MgCl2 was found to be weak in the experimental conditions (dilute solutions, 298 K), while interaction of Lewis bases resulted stronger, according with the affinity order DEP 48 EB > TiCl4. Enthalpies of reaction were found to be negative in all cases, and the adsorption of Lewis bases resulted to be more favored with respect that of TiCl4. In addition to the investigation on binary systems, the ternary system DEP-MgCl2-TiCl4 was studied by adsorption of DEP on co-milled sample of MgCl2 and TiCl4. Gibbs free energy the process resulted just slightly affected by the presence of TiCl4, but the enthalpy of adsorption was found to be favored in presence of TiCl4. In all cases, the processes resulted to be well described by Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The experimental thermodynamic values relative to the formation of Ziegler-Natta pre-catalysts are not present in literature and are here first reported; the data, conveniently related to the adsorption from gas phase by means of a thermodynamic cycle, represents a useful tool to validate the thermodynamic computational calculations reported in literature.In questo lavoro, sono state investigate le relazioni termodinamiche tra i costituenti dei pre-catalizzatori di Ziegler\u2013Natta tramite titolazioni spettrofotometriche e calorimetriche. La determinazione delle energie libere di Gibbs e delle entalpie di adsorbimento del TiCl4 e di due basi di Lewis (benzoato di etile e dietilftalato, EB e DEP rispettivamente) su campioni di MgCl2 attivati fisicamente \ue8 stata effettuata in condizioni rigorosamente anidre. Parallelamente, \ue8 stata rivolta grande attenzione allo sviluppo di un metodo adeguato per l\u2019accurata determinazione della quantit\ue0 di TiCl4. Nelle condizioni sperimentali (soluzioni diluite, 298 K) l\u2019interazione di TiCl4 con il MgCl2 \ue8 risultata debole, mentre \ue8 stata riscontrata essere pi\uf9 forte nel caso delle basi di Lewis secondo l\u2019ordine DEP 48 EB > TiCl4. In tutti i sistemi considerati l\u2019entalpia di adsorbimento \ue8 negativa, ed \ue8 risultata pi\uf9 favorevole per le basi di Lewis rispetto al TiCl4. L'indagine sui sistemi binari \ue8 stata estesa anche al sistema ternario DEP-MgCl2-TiCl4 studiando l\u2019adsorbimento di DEP su co-macinati di MgCl2 e TiCl4. La presenza di TiCl4 \ue8 risultata essere poco influente sull\u2019energia libera di Gibbs di adsorbimento, mentre l\u2019entalpia di reazione riscontrata \ue8 pi\uf9 negativa. In tutti i sistemi considerati il modello di Langmuir ben descrive il fenomeno di adsorbimento. I valori termodinamici sperimentali relativi alla formazione dei pre-catalizzatori di Ziegler-Natta, non presenti in letteratura, sono stati qui determinati per la prima volta; opportunamente ricondotti all'adsorbimento da fase gassosa tramite un ciclo termodinamico costituiscono un utile strumento per la validazione dei valori computazionali riportati in letteratura

    L'ombra plurale

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    L'articolo riferisce finalit\ue0, programma, concezione artistica del Festival Internazionale del Teatro d'Ombre di Taubat\ue9 (Sao Paulo, Brasile

    Representaciones patriarcales presentes en los siglos XIX y XXI : la perpetuidad del sistema patriarcal

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    The cinema is an important part of people’s everyday lives, and it contributes to influence our perception of the world and of ourselves as subjects. A vast amount of research has been made on gender representations in the cinema, but it could still result startling to establish parallelism between gender representations in twenty-first-century films and in a classic nineteenth-century novel. A careful analysis could explain particular social processes that could account for the perpetuity of patriarchy, and the results could suggest that the patriarchal system adapts itself throughout time, and does not lose its hegemony in the construction of social identity. With the purpose of enquiring about parallels between gender representations, a first analysis will be necessary in order to observe whether the films Bridget Jones’ Diary and Bridget Jones’ Diary: the Edge of Reason could be considered a parody of the classic nineteenth-century novel by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, and the way ironic inversion marks the critical difference between them

    Errors in Detecting Financial Deception: A Cognitive Modeling Approach

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    Organizational agents often need to determine whether business information provided under conflict of interest is intentionally misleading or false. Detecting strategically manipulated information is in general difficult and prone to failure. This research explores the errors made by 18 loan officers when examining misleading financial information. The process traces of the loan officers are compared with the behavior of a cognitive model of detection success derived from Social Contract Theory and the Theory of the Detection of Deception. The results show that one of the keys to successful detection is the ability to ‘coming to think’ about deception, i.e., the ability to begin interpreting perceived anomalies in the received information as generated by the sender’s malicious manipulations. The findings on the distribution of different error types are consistent with the theory, statistically significant, and pragmatically meaningful
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