6,585 research outputs found

    Strategy Constancy Amidst Implementation Differences: Interaction-Intensive Versus Memory-Intensive Adaptations To Information Access In Decision-Making

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    Over the last two decades attempts to quantify decision-making have established that, under a wide range of conditions, people trade-off effectiveness for efficiency in the strategies they adopt. However, as interesting, significant, and influential as this research has been, its scope is limited by three factors; the coarseness of how effort was measured, the confounding of the costs of steps in the decision-making algorithm with the costs of steps in a given task environment, and the static nature of the decision tasks studied. In the current study, we embedded a decision-making task in a dynamic task environment and varied the cost required for the information access step. Across three conditions, small changes in the cost of interactive behavior led to changes in the strategy adopted for decision-making as well as to differences in how a step in the same strategy was implemented

    System Of Digital Navigation For Visually-Impaired User

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    A system is disclosed for navigating a digital space (such as a virtual view of a street) by a visually-impaired user. The visually impaired user may access the system using a stereophonic audio system. The system is configured to generate an audible ping from the user’s location in a panoramic image that is configured to reach the user\u27s ears based on the geometry of the image defined in a depth map. The system provides visualization on preview of the location for a visually-impaired user who practices echolocation, in a similar way as offered to sighted users. The method for digital navigation for visually-impaired users can be implemented in existing mapping software in a computing device

    The Substance of the Offence : Included Crimes and the Philosophy of Substance

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    Cette note a pour objet l'institution juridique de ce qu'on appelle en droit criminel les infractions incluses. La jurisprudence nous enseigne que la « substance de l'infraction », au sens du par. 510(1) du Code criminel, dépend de l'acteur. Mais les concepts juridiques ne nous disent pas clairement quel est la nature de ce lien entre l'acteur et la substance des infractions. Et ce principe, par ailleurs n'est pas absolu. En revanche, le fait qu'existe une ou des infractions incluses est d'une importance énorme pour l'acteur. Comme ces différentes données semblent avoir été perdues de vue, il devient impérieux que la jurisprudence en tienne compte

    Virtuality in Aquinas and Deleuze : current Tropes in Ancient Cloaks

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    Este estudio sugiere los beneficios de incluir el concepto de virtualidad como parte del análisis de nuestra experiencia. En primer lugar se muestra la recuperación por Deleuze del uso de virtualidad de Aquino en textos sobre virtualidad cognitiva y normativa, virtualidad divina, angélica y humana seguido por la absorción de Deleuze de la virtualidad en su análisis metafísico. Esto proporciona un lugar común donde una interdisciplinariedad diacrónica puede ser de ayuda.This study suggests the benefits of including virtuality as part of the analysis of our experience. Recovery by Deleuze from Aquinas’ use of virtuality is shown "rst by displaying Aquinas’ texts on cognitive and normative virtuality, divine, angelic and human virtuality, followed by Deleuze’ uptake of virtuality into his metaphysical analysis. This provides one commonplace where diachronic cross-disciplinarity can appear helpfully

    The Colour of Law : Law Is Constituted from the Colour of Right

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    This article shows that the doctrinal category “colour of right” opens a valuable entree to law. Despite the limited spread of its statutory mentions, the surface of the colour, jurisprudence shows that in its depth or saturation it is genetically originary : colour is not reducible to other normativity such as morality, and not reducible to other rationality such as utility. Colour of right takes on the hue of marginality, then, as a phenomenon that is not legal, but defines law by standing outside of it ; colour is contrary to fact, and is never asserted in the form of a claim. The result is that the institution of law can increase its intensity autonomously, due to its detachment from sources other than its own appearance.La présente étude montre que l’expression « apparence de droit » offre un accès privilégié au droit. Bien que cette expression n’ait, dans la loi, qu’une portée restreinte, ce qui est la surface de l’apparence, la jurisprudence révèle, dans la profondeur de l’apparence, son origine spécifique, soit que l’apparence ne peut être réduite aux autres modes de normativité, tels que la morale, ni aux autres modes de rationalité, tels que l’utile. Ainsi, l’apparence de droit se révèle un phénomène marginal, non juridique, mais qui constitue de l’extérieur le monde juridique ; l’apparence est contraire au fait, et sa véracité n’est pas plaidée. Il s’ensuit que le droit peut accroître son intensité de manière autonome, puisqu’il se détache de ses sources, autres que sa propre apparence

    Doves Devoured, the Serpent Remains: On the Need for a Scientific Critique of Ethics

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    Doves Devoured, the Serpent Remains: On the Need for a Scientific Critique of Ethic
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