49 research outputs found

    Constraining Scalar-Tensor gravity models by S2 star orbits around the Galactic Center

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    The aim of our investigation is to derive a particular theory among the class of scalar-tensor(ST) theories of gravity, and then to test it by studying kinematics and dynamics of S-stars around supermassive black hole (BH) at Galactic Center (GC). We also discuss the Newtonian limit of this class of ST theories of gravity, as well as its parameters. We compare the observed orbit of S2 star with our simulated orbit which we obtained theoretically with the derived ST potential and constrained the parameters. Using the obtained best fit parameters we calculated orbital precession of S2 star in ST gravity,and found that it has the same direction as in General Relativity (GR), but causes much larger pericenter shift.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Facta Universitatis: Series Phys. Chem. Tech. (Invited lecture at Balkan Workshop 2018

    Lamb-dip cavity ring-down spectroscopy of acetylene at 1.4 μm

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    Doppler-free saturated-absorption Lamb dips are observed for weak vibration-rotation transitions of C2H2 between 7167 and 7217 cm−1, using a frequency-comb assisted cavity ring-down spectrometer based on the use of a pair of phase-locked diode lasers.We measured the absolute center frequency of sixteen lines belonging to the 2ν3 + ν1 5 band, targeting ortho and para states of the molecule. Line pairs of the P and Q branches were selected so as to form a ‘V’-scheme, sharing the lower energy level. Such a choice made it possible to determine the rotational energy separations of the excited vibrational state for J-values from 11 to 20. Line-center frequencies are determined with an overall uncertainty between 3 and 13 kHz. This is over three orders of magnitude more accurate than previous experimental studies in the spectral region around the wavelength of 1.4 μm. The retrieved energy separations provide a stringent test of the so-called MARVEL method recently applied to acetylene

    Water vapor concentration measurements in high purity gases by means of comb assisted cavity ring down spectroscopy

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    In manufacturing processes of semiconductor industry accurate detection and monitoring of water vapor concentration in trace amount is of great importance. The ability to perform reliable measurements in ultrapure gases, with a wide dynamic range and low uncertainty, can have a substantial impact on product quality and process performances. Here, we report on the development of a second-generation comb-assisted cavity ring-down spectrometer and present H2O mole fraction measurements in high-purity N2 gas. Based on the use of a pair of phase-locked lasers and referenced to an optical frequency comb synthesizer, the spectrometer allowed to record high-quality absorption spectra in coincidence with the 32,2 → 22,1 H2O transition at 1.3946 μm. Retrieval of water mole fractions, at levels as low as 380 part per billion, was accomplished through a careful spectra analysis procedure based on the use of refined line shape models which include speed-dependent effects. Measurements were performed with a statistical reproducibility of 5 parts per billion, for an integration time of about 0.2 s. The noise equivalent and minimum detectable absorption coefficients were found to be 3.1 × 10−11 cm−1/ √ and 6.5 × 10−12 cm−1 , respectively. This latter allowed for a minimum detectable water mole fraction (limit of detection) of 160 parts per trillion. Finally, the main sources of systematic uncertainty have been discussed and quantified.This work was done within the project PROMETH2O (EMPIR 20IND06), which received funding from the EMPIR programme cofinanced by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

    Lifestyles and sexuality in men and women: the gender perspective in sexual medicine

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    Sexual health is strictly related with general health in both genders. In presence of a sexual dysfunction, the expert in sexual medicine aims to discover the specific weight of the physical and psychological factors can cause or con-cause the sexual problem. At the same time, a sexual dysfunction can represent a marker of the future development of a Non-communicable diseases (NCDss) as cardiovascular or metabolic diseases.In the evaluation phase, the sexual health specialist must focus on these aspects, focusing especially on the risk and protective factors that could impact on both male and female sexuality.This article presents a review of researches concerning healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and their contribute in the development of sexual quality of life in a gender-dependent manner.Among the unhealthy lifestyle, obesity contributes mostly to the development of sexual dysfunctions, due to its negative impact on cardiovascular and metabolic function. Tobacco smoking, alcohol - substance abuse and chronic stress lead to the development of sexual dysfunction in a med-long term.In order to guarantee a satisfying sexual quality of life, sexual health specialists have the responsibility to guide the patient through the adoption of healthy lifestyles, such as avoiding drugs, smoke and excessive alcohol, practicing a regular physical activity, following a balanced diet and use stress-management strategies, even before proposing both pharmaco- and/or psychotherapies

    Oral Microbiota and Salivary Levels of Oral Pathogens in Gastro-Intestinal Diseases: Current Knowledge and Exploratory Study

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    Various bi‐directional associations exist between oral health and gastro‐intestinal diseases. The oral microbiome plays a role in the gastro‐intestinal carcinogenesis and fusobacteria are the most investigated bacteria involved. This paper aims to review the current knowledge and report the preliminary data on salivary levels of Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Candida albicans in subjects with different gastro‐intestinal conditions or pathologies, in order to determine any differences. The null hypothesis was “subjects with different gastro‐intestinal diseases do not show significant differences in the composition of the oral microbiota”. Twenty‐one subjects undergoing esophagastroduodenoscopy or colonscopy were recruited. For each subject, a salivary sample was collected before the endoscopy procedure, immediately stored at ‐20°C and subsequently used for genomic bacterial DNA extraction by real‐time PCR. Low levels of F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis were peculiar in the oral microbiota in subjects affected by Helicobater pylori‐negative chronic gastritis without cancerization and future studies will elucidate this association. The level of C. albicans did not statistically differ among groups. This preliminary study could be used in the future, following further investigation, as a non‐invasive method for the search of gastrointestinal diseases and associated markers

    Multiple Acquired Mutations Captured by Liquid Biopsy in the EGFR Addicted Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.

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    Clinical Practice Points • Metastatic colorectal cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death worldwide. • Primary and acquired resistance mechanisms to anti-EGFR treatment are a challenging topic with several clinical implications. • Primary resistance is defined by the presence of activating mutations in BRAF and RAS genes before treatment initiation, while acquired resistance refers to the selection of pre-existing mutant clones or de novo acquisition of mutations under the pressure of anti EGFR treatment. • Testing mutations in RAS and BRAF genes as predictive biomarkers is mandatory. • Liquid biopsy has acquired growing importance and showed to be reliable when compared to tissue NGS. • Liquid biopsy offers a full overview of the genetic landscape of the disease, overcoming spatial and temporal heterogeneity, when compared to tissue biopsy. • Liquid biopsy can be used to capture the changes in biology of cancer cells under the selective pressure of targeted agents over time. • Using complementary techniques allows to increase the diagnostic power and the biological significance of the results

    Ontogenetic Profile of the Expression of Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Rat and Human Corpora Cavernosa of the Penis

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    Introduction. In the last few years, various studies have underlined a correlation between thyroid function and male sexual function, hypothesizing a direct action of thyroid hormones on the penis. Aim. To study the spatiotemporal distribution of mRNA for the thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TR) alpha 1, alpha 2 and beta in the penis and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the corpora cavernosa of rats and humans during development. Methods. We used several molecular biology techniques to study the TR expression in whole tissues or primary cultures from human and rodent penile tissues of different ages. Main Outcome Measure. We measured our data by semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification, Northern blot and immunohistochemistry. Results. We found that TR alpha 1 and TR alpha 2 are both expressed in the penis and in SMCs during ontogenesis without development-dependent changes. However, in the rodent model, TR beta shows an increase from 3 to 6 days post natum (dpn) to 20 dpn, remaining high in adulthood. The same expression profile was observed in humans. While the expression of TR beta is strictly regulated by development, TR alpha 1 is the principal isoform present in corpora cavernosa, suggesting its importance in SMC function. These results have been confirmed by immunohistochemistry localization in SMCs and endothelial cells of the corpora cavernosa. Conclusions. The presence of TRs in the penis provides the biological basis for the direct action of thyroid hormones on this organ. Given this evidence, physicians would be advised to investigate sexual function in men with thyroid disorders. Carosa E, Di Sante S, Rossi S, Castri A, D'Adamo F, Gravina GL, Ronchi P, Kostrouch Z, Dolci S, Lenzi A, and Jannini EA. Ontogenetic profile of the expression of thyroid hormone receptors in rat and human corpora cavernosa of the penis. J Sex Med 2010;7:1381-1390

    Linearity of a silicon carbide photodiode in the deep-UV spectral region: implications on Doppler broadening thermometry

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    The linearity of the responsivity of a silicon carbide photodetector in the deep-ultraviolet has been studied using a variant of the so-called intensity-ratio method in view of the implementation of low-uncertainty Doppler-broadening thermometry in mercury vapours. To this purpose, coherent radiation at the wavelength of 254 nm has been produced by means of nonlinear mixing of two visible laser beams in a β-barium borate crystal. The linearity has been quantified as a function of the exposure power, variable in the range between 50 and 300 nW. It is shown that possible deviations from linearity are within the uncertainty of 4 10-5 (corresponding to one standard deviation). Such a performance makes the detector well suitable for the thermometric application