350 research outputs found

    Test for long memory processes. A bootstrap approach

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    Many time series in diverse fields have been found to exhibit long memory. This paper analyzes the behavior of some of the most used tests for long memory: the R/S or rescaled R/S, the GPH (Geweke and Porter-Hudak) and the DFA (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis). Some of these tests exhibit size distortions in small-samples. It is well known that the bootstrap procedure may correct this fact. In this paper, size and power for those tests, for finite samples and different distributions such as normal, uniform and log-normal are investigated. In the case of short memory process, such as AR, MA and ARCH and long memory such as ARFIMA, p-values are calculated using the post-blackening, moving block bootstrap. The Monte Carlo studies suggest that the bootstrap critical values perform better. The results are applied to financial return time series.Long memory, bootstrap, p-value, size correction, Monte Carlo

    New talent management tools and techniques: the Microsoft case

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    Microsoft and talent: favorable working environment based on the sharing of values that inspire and encourage a new style of teamwor

    Noves eines i tècniques per a la gestió del talent. El cas de Microsoft

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    Microsoft i talent: Clima laboral favorable fonamentat en el fet de compartir uns valors que inspiren i fomenten un nou estil de treball en equi

    Diabetes: A Multifaceted Disorder

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease associated with increased morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and kidney or liver disease. Despite the fact that aging is the main risk factor for the onset and progressionof type 2 diabetes mellitus (the most common type of diabetes), in recent decades, age-standardized all-cause mortality in the population with type 2 diabetes has fallen morethan in the general population. However, age-specific data indicate that this trend in the total diabetes population is predominantly influenced by trends in those aged 80 or more years. The figures observed in those younger than 80 years indicate that improvements in the management of diabetes and its complications may not have translated into a direct prevention of premature deaths related to type 2 diabetes

    Mapping Digital Media: Spain

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    The Mapping Digital Media project examines the global opportunities and risks created by the transition from traditional to digital media. Covering 60 countries, the project examines how these changes affect the core democratic service that any media system should provide: news about political, economic, and social affairs.Since 2005, Spain has designed and implemented aggressive digitization policies that secured the switchoff of analog television in 2010, and developed the digital terrestrial television (DTT) market to saturation point. As a result, cable and satellite subscription services have experienced some decline since 2008. The rapid rise of free-to-air (FTA) digital television has not, however, been replicated in radio, where take-up of the assigned digital audio broadcasting (DAB) standard has been marginal, with little promise of imminent significant growth. This is attributed to a policy focus on digital television, the absence of a digital radio publicity campaign and a switch-off deadline, and the cost of upgrading to digital radio faced by consumers and broadcasters alike.The roll-out of broadband infrastructure has been successful, accounting for 99 percent of all fixed-line connections in 2010. But the consumers' cost of connection remains one of the highest in the European Union (EU), and an enduring digital divide is reflected in the fact that fixed-line internet connections reached only 22 percent of households in 2010.The report also calls for the setting up of an independent regulatory authority on audiovisual matters; the effective implementation of self-regulatory codes concerning media and children; a comprehensive policy program involving concerted action by state institutions, universities, and journalism associations/unions to tackle problems of journalists' pay and conditions; the effective implementation of ethical codes and principles to challenge the abusive dominance of opinion and ideological polarization in the media; the setting up by the Government of a radiocommunications agency to handle radio spectrum policy;the delegation of DTT licensing to this radiocommunications agency; improved publicity for public tenders through the approval of a law on transparency and citizens' access to public information; the promotion of media literacy in school curricula; and finally, the protection of RTVE's political and financing independence to ensure the provision of non-partisan and good-quality journalism to Spanish society

    Llibre de càlcul per a l'optimització d'estructures d'acer per a naus industrials

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    Control remot universal amb el teu smartphone

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    El present projecte té com a objectiu dissenyar una primera versió d’una aplicació mòbil. El nom que s’ha elegit per aquesta és AllInOneIrRemote i la seva finalitat és poder simular el comportament de qualsevol comandament a distància que funcioni amb infrarojos. L’aplicació resultant permet a l’usuari poder controlar vora un miler de dispositius que són controlats via infrarojos descarregant les especificacions del protocol de comunicació des d’una base de dades online. L’aplicació també ofereix la possibilitat de simular el comportament de varis comandaments a la vegada. Per tal de poder emetre les trames infraroges des de l’smartphone es fa ús, quan és possible, de l’emissor infraroig que porta incorporat el dispositiu, per tant l’aplicació només és compatible amb aquells dispositius que disposen d’aquest. La memòria d’aquest projecte consta d’una primera part, on es descriuen totes les fases que s’han seguit per tal de crear l’aplicació: des de l’elecció de les tecnologies emprades per al seu desenvolupament fins a un manual d’usuari explicant com fer ús de l’app. Al suport digital es pot trobar tot el codi font del projecte Qt de l’aplicació amb tots els fitxers necessaris. Després de treballar aproximadament 4 mesos en aquest projecte, s’ha aconseguit obtenir una primera versió operativa de l’aplicació per a Android

    Maritime business experience in Sydney : port logistics and shipping line management. Differences with the Barcelona's model

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    The opportunity for a Barcelona’s student to be part of a working experience in the Port Authority of New South Wales (Australia) doesn’t show up every day. I was lucky to have it, so I took it without any doubt. It was a great experience, which brought me not only work experience, but also a lot of personal growth. So, why not trying to explain in a thesis, how I felt and what I learnt about this business. This was my motivation about this project and I think it satisfies what is, for me, the main rule: enjoy doing the project, because it is the best way to give the best of each one and transmit exactly what is wanted. The Port Authority of New South Wales is a company unknown for the majority of us (It was for me before starting the experience). That’s why it is important to do a big introduction of it in the thesis before entering in more technical aspects. I have tried to explain in a way that all readers (not only the maritime sector experts) can achieve a brief idea on how the company works after reading it. But, what is the purpose for people of Barcelona knowing about the business of one Port Authority of Australia? Be able to compare it with a local one, in this case, Barcelona. That’s why after focusing on the Port Authority of New South Wales, I developed a comparison between Sydney and Barcelona. Two big cities, separated for a lot of miles, with different cultures but running a similar business. Which of these two cities has more traffic? Which applies more expensive charges? We will figure it out during the thesis