14 research outputs found

    Tape Mbo'e: A First Experimental Assessment

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    The development of software not only needs to consider the construction process, but also other aspects such as cost, human resources and communication among stakehold- ers. The lack of simplicity into this context becomes explicit when some restrictions, such as service oriented architecture, must be considered as the basic style to build sus- tainable applications into environments were practitioners are not aware of this software technology. In addition to this, most of the available software processes are not directly applicable nor are they reusable, so learning times becomes risk for the development of the project. Therefore, Tape Mbo'e (TME) has been proposed to support the building of such applications, into development environments like developing countries where we can have economic constraints and scarcity of proficient practitioners. The first application of TME has been to develop a service-based application whose goal is to provide the interoperability among legacy systems of different public agencies in Paraguay. Initial results of this experience indicated the feasibility and simplicity of TME when applied in this field. The evaluation process, its results and conclusions are described in this paper

    Vida em rede: conexões, relacionamentos e caminhos para uma nova sociedade

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    Promover, fomentar e disseminar a produção de conhecimento sobre cultura colaborativa e sobre metodologias do trabalho em rede é parte da nossa pauta, e é nesse espírito que lançamos esta publicação. Para construir seu conteúdo, convidamos cinco especialistas da área, que compartilham conosco, suas descobertas e reflexões sobre esta modalidade inovadora de atuação social

    Tape Mbo'e: A Service Oriented Method

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    In developing countries, normally, different e-government applications do not exchange data each other, affecting the quality of service provided to citizens and the transparency. This situation has motived us to focus on the development of applications in such domain and, more specifically, on the interoperability among these applications. The interoperability has been implemented in e-government context of multiple countries through the Service-Oriented Computing (SOC). In addition to the interoperability, SOC provides considerable benefits. However, developing a service-based e-government application (SBeA) is a complex challenge and requires a software engineering method to manage its development process. The potential method should take into account not only design, construction, and maintenance of SBeA, but also it should consider the context in which it will be used (i.e, developing countries). In fact, in these countries, the scarcity of economic resources and qualified professionals can impose constraints to carry out e-government projects. Thus, the adopted methods have to maintain the costs low and to consider aspects related to long-term sustainability of the applications from the beginning. These issues suggest the adoption of Agile Methods (AMs) that have been proved to offer benefits in different projects in developing countries. However, they do not include SOC characteristics. Therefore, we have proposed Tape Mbo'e (TME), that is an extension of the agile method "OpenUP" to support the construction and the maintenance of SBeA in developing countries. TME has been used in five case studies, which embraced both academia and public organizations in Paraguay. It is important to remark that it was the first application of this type of evaluation in the public sector in Paraguay. A full validation of TME requires a long-term study, including its applications in a consistent number of e-government projects. This is out of the scope, and the possibility, of the current thesis. Nevertheless, the initial results of the different case studies indicate the feasibility and simplicity of TME when it is applied in this context

    Recruitment of pre-dementia participants: main enrollment barriers in a longitudinal amyloid-PET study

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    Abstract Background The mismatch between the limited availability versus the high demand of participants who are in the pre-dementia phase of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a bottleneck for clinical studies in AD. Nevertheless, potential enrollment barriers in the pre-dementia population are relatively under-reported. In a large European longitudinal biomarker study (the AMYPAD-PNHS), we investigated main enrollment barriers in individuals with no or mild symptoms recruited from research and clinical parent cohorts (PCs) of ongoing observational studies. Methods Logistic regression was used to predict study refusal based on sex, age, education, global cognition (MMSE), family history of dementia, and number of prior study visits. Study refusal rates and categorized enrollment barriers were compared between PCs using chi-squared tests. Results 535/1856 (28.8%) of the participants recruited from ongoing studies declined participation in the AMYPAD-PNHS. Only for participants recruited from clinical PCs (n = 243), a higher MMSE-score (β =  − 0.22, OR = 0.80, p < .05), more prior study visits (β =  − 0.93, OR = 0.40, p < .001), and positive family history of dementia (β = 2.08, OR = 8.02, p < .01) resulted in lower odds on study refusal. General study burden was the main enrollment barrier (36.1%), followed by amyloid-PET related burden (PCresearch = 27.4%, PCclinical = 9.0%, X 2  = 10.56, p = .001), and loss of research interest (PCclinical = 46.3%, PCresearch = 16.5%, X 2  = 32.34, p < .001). Conclusions The enrollment rate for the AMYPAD-PNHS was relatively high, suggesting an advantage of recruitment via ongoing studies. In this observational cohort, study burden reduction and tailored strategies may potentially improve participant enrollment into trial readiness cohorts such as for phase-3 early anti-amyloid intervention trials. The AMYPAD-PNHS (EudraCT: 2018–002277-22) was approved by the ethical review board of the VU Medical Center (VUmc) as the Sponsor site and in every affiliated site

    International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder

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    Hintergrund: Eine Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Kindesalter stellt einen Risikofaktor für Substanzmissbrauch und Störungen durch Substanzgebrauch (Substance Use Disorder, SUD) in der Pubertät und dem (frühen) Erwachsenenalter dar. ADHS und SUD treten auch häufig bei therapiesuchenden Jugendlichen auf, was die Diagnosestellung und Therapie erschwert sowie mit schlechten Behandlungsergebnissen verbunden ist. Forschungsergebnisse über die Wirkung der Behandlung von ADHS im Kindesalter auf die Prävention von SUD im Jugendalter sind nicht eindeutig und Studien über die Diagnose und Behandlung von Jugendlichen mit ADHS und SUD sind selten. Daher reicht die verfügbare Evidenz allgemein nicht aus, um starke Behandlungsempfehlungen zu rechtfertigen. Fragestellung: Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, eine Konsenserklärung auf der Grundlage von wissenschaftlichen Daten und klinischen Erfahrungen zu erhalten. Methodik: Es wurde eine modifizierte Delphi-Studie durchgeführt, um basierend auf der Kombination von wissenschaftlichen Daten und klinischer Erfahrung mit einer multidisziplinären Gruppe von 55 Expert_innen aus 17 Ländern einen Konsens zu erzielen. Die Expert_innen wurden gebeten, eine Reihe von Aussagen über die Wirkung der Behandlung von ADHS im Kindesalter auf die SUD bei Jugendlichen sowie über das Screening, die Diagnostik und die Behandlung von Jugendlichen mit komorbidem ADHS und SUD zu bewerten. Ergebnisse: Nach drei iterativen Bewertungsrunden und der Anpassung von 37 Aussagen wurde ein Konsens über 36 dieser Aussagen erzielt, die sechs Bereiche repräsentieren: allgemein (n = 4), Risiko der Entwicklung einer SUD (n = 3), Screening und Diagnostik (n = 7), psychosoziale Behandlung (n = 5), pharmakologische Behandlung (n = 11) und komplementäre Behandlungen (n = 7). Der Einsatz von Routinescreenings auf ADHS wird bei adoleszenten Patient_innen in einer Suchtbehandlung ebenso wie Routinescreenings auf SUD bei jugendlichen Patient_innen mit ADHS in allgemeinpsychiatrischen Therapiesettings empfohlen. Langwirksame Stimulanzien werden als Behandlung der ersten Wahl von ADHS bei Jugendlichen mit gleichzeitiger ADHS und SUD empfohlen. Die Pharmakotherapie sollte vorzugsweise in psychosoziale Behandlung eingebettet werden. Die einzige nichtkonsentierte Aussage betraf die Notwendigkeit von Abstinenz vor Beginn einer pharmakologischen Behandlung bei Jugendlichen mit ADHS und gleichzeitigem SUD. Im Gegensatz zur Mehrheit verlangten einige Expert_innen eine vollständige Abstinenz vor Beginn einer pharmakologischen Behandlung, einige waren gegen die Verwendung von Stimulanzien bei der Behandlung dieser Patient_innen (unabhängig von Abstinenz), während einige sich gegen die alternative Anwendung von Bupropion aussprachen. Schlussfolgerungen: Diese internationale Konsenserklärung kann von Kliniker_innen und Patient_innen zusammen in einem gemeinsamen Entscheidungsprozess genutzt werden, um die besten Interventionen auszuwählen und die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse bei adoleszenten Patient_innen mit gleichzeitiger ADHS und SUD zu erzielen

    International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder

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    frequently co-occur in treatment-seeking adolescents, which complicates diagnosis and treatment and is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Research on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on the prevention of adolescent SUD is inconclusive, and studies on the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with ADHD and SUD are scarce. Thus, the available evidence is generally not sufficient to justify robust treatment recommendations. Objective: The aim of the study was to obtain a consensus statement based on a combination of scientific data and clinical experience. Method: A modified Delphi study to reach consensus based upon the combination of scientific data and clinical experience with a multidisciplinary group of 55 experts from 17 countries. The experts were asked to rate a set of statements on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on adolescent SUD and on the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of adolescents with comorbid ADHD and SUD. Results: After 3 iterative rounds of rating and adapting 37 statements, consensus was reached on 36 of these statements representing 6 domains: general (n = 4), risk of developing SUD (n = 3), screening and diagnosis (n = 7), psychosocial treatment (n = 5), pharmacological treatment (n = 11), and complementary treatments (n = 7). Routine screening is recommended for ADHD in adolescent patients in substance abuse treatment and for SUD in adolescent patients with ADHD in mental healthcare settings. Long-acting stimulants are recommended as the first-line treatment of ADHD in adolescents with concurrent ADHD and SUD, and pharmacotherapy should preferably be embedded in psychosocial treatment. The only remaining no-consensus statement concerned the requirement of abstinence before starting pharmacological treatment in adolescents with ADHD and concurrent SUD. In contrast to the majority, some experts required full abstinence before starting any pharmacological treatment, some were against the use of stimulants in the treatment of these patients (independent of abstinence), while some were against the alternative use of bupropion. Conclusion: This international consensus statement can be used by clinicians and patients together in a shared decision-making process to select the best interventions and to reach optimal outcomes in adolescent patients with concurrent ADHD and SUD