225 research outputs found

    Finite--dimensional global attractor for a system modeling the 2D nematic liquid crystal flow

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    We consider a 2D system that models the nematic liquid crystal flow through the Navier--Stokes equations suitably coupled with a transport-reaction-diffusion equation for the averaged molecular orientations. This system has been proposed as a reasonable approximation of the well-known Ericksen--Leslie system. Taking advantage of previous well-posedness results and proving suitable dissipative estimates, here we show that the system endowed with periodic boundary conditions is a dissipative dynamical system with a smooth global attractor of finite fractal dimension

    Well-posedness and longtime behavior for the modified phase-field crystal equation

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    We consider a modification of the so-called phase-field crystal (PFC) equation introduced by K.R. Elder et al. This variant has recently been proposed by P. Stefanovic et al. to distinguish between elastic relaxation and diffusion time scales. It consists of adding an inertial term (i.e. a second-order time derivative) into the PFC equation. The mathematical analysis of the resulting equation is more challenging with respect to the PFC equation, even at the well-posedness level. Moreover, its solutions do not regularize in finite time as in the case of PFC equation. Here we analyze the modified PFC (MPFC) equation endowed with periodic boundary conditions. We first prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution with initial data in a bounded energy space. This solution satisfies some uniform dissipative estimates which allow us to study the global longtime behavior of the corresponding dynamical system. In particular, we establish the existence of an exponential attractor. Then we demonstrate that any trajectory originating from the bounded energy phase space does converge to a unique equilibrium. This is done by means of a suitable version of the {\L}ojasiewicz-Simon inequality. A convergence rate estimate is also given

    Convective nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equations with reaction terms

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    We introduce and analyze the nonlocal variants of two Cahn-Hilliard type equations with reaction terms. The first one is the so-called Cahn-Hilliard-Oono equation which models, for instance, pattern formation in diblock-copolymers as well as in binary alloys with induced reaction and type-I superconductors. The second one is the Cahn-Hilliard type equation introduced by Bertozzi et al. to describe image inpainting. Here we take a free energy functional which accounts for nonlocal interactions. Our choice is motivated by the work of Giacomin and Lebowitz who showed that the rigorous physical derivation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation leads to consider nonlocal functionals. The equations also have a transport term with a given velocity field and are subject to a homogenous Neumann boundary condition for the chemical potential, i.e., the first variation of the free energy functional. We first establish the well-posedness of the corresponding initial and boundary value problems in a weak setting. Then we consider such problems as dynamical systems and we show that they have bounded absorbing sets and global attractors

    On the nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard-Brinkman and Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw systems

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    The phase separation of an isothermal incompressible binary fluid in a porous medium can be described by the so-called Brinkman equation coupled with a convective Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation. The former governs the average fluid velocity u\mathbf{u}, while the latter rules evolution of φ\varphi, the difference of the (relative) concentrations of the two phases. The two equations are known as the Cahn-Hilliard-Brinkman (CHB) system. In particular, the Brinkman equation is a Stokes-like equation with a forcing term (Korteweg force) which is proportional to μφ\mu\nabla\varphi, where μ\mu is the chemical potential. When the viscosity vanishes, then the system becomes the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw (CHHS) system. Both systems have been studied from the theoretical and the numerical viewpoints. However, theoretical results on the CHHS system are still rather incomplete. For instance, uniqueness of weak solutions is unknown even in 2D. Here we replace the usual CH equation with its physically more relevant nonlocal version. This choice allows us to prove more about the corresponding nonlocal CHHS system. More precisely, we first study well-posedness for the CHB system, endowed with no-slip and no-flux boundary conditions. Then, existence of a weak solution to the CHHS system is obtained as a limit of solutions to the CHB system. Stronger assumptions on the initial datum allow us to prove uniqueness for the CHHS system. Further regularity properties are obtained by assuming additional, though reasonable, assumptions on the interaction kernel. By exploiting these properties, we provide an estimate for the difference between the solution to the CHB system and the one to the CHHS system with respect to viscosity

    Diffuse Interface models for incompressible binary fluids and the mass-conserving Allen-Cahn approximation

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    This paper is devoted to the mathematical analysis of some Diffuse Interface systems which model the motion of a two-phase incompressible fluid mixture in presence of capillarity effects in a bounded smooth domain. First, we consider a two-fluids parabolic-hyperbolic model that accounts for unmatched densities and viscosities without diffusive dynamics at the interface. We prove the existence and uniqueness of local solutions. Next, we introduce dissipative mixing effects by means of the mass-conserving Allen-Cahn approximation. In particular, we consider the resulting nonhomogeneous Navier- Stokes-Allen-Cahn and Euler-Allen-Cahn systems with the physically relevant Flory-Huggins potential. We study the existence and uniqueness of global weak and strong solutions and their separation property. In our analysis we combine energy and entropy estimates, a novel end-point estimate of the product of two functions, and a logarithmic type Gronwall argument

    Non-isothermal viscous Cahn--Hilliard equation with inertial term and dynamic boundary conditions

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    We consider a non-isothermal modified Cahn--Hilliard equation which was previously analyzed by M. Grasselli et al. Such an equation is characterized by an inertial term and a viscous term and it is coupled with a hyperbolic heat equation. The resulting system was studied in the case of no-flux boundary conditions. Here we analyze the case in which the order parameter is subject to a dynamic boundary condition. This assumption requires a more refined strategy to extend the previous results to the present case. More precisely, we first prove the well-posedness for solutions with bounded energy as well as for weak solutions. Then we establish the existence of a global attractor. Finally, we prove the convergence of any given weak solution to a single equilibrium by using a suitable Lojasiewicz--Simon inequality

    Strong solutions for two-dimensional nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems

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    A well-known diffuse interface model for incompressible isothermal mixtures of two immiscible fluids consists of the Navier-Stokes system coupled with a convective Cahn-Hilliard equation. In some recent contributions the standard Cahn-Hilliard equation has been replaced by its nonlocal version. The corresponding system is physically more relevant and mathematically more challenging. Indeed, the only known results are essentially the existence of a global weak solution and the existence of a suitable notion of global attractor for the corresponding dynamical system defined without uniqueness. In fact, even in the two-dimensional case, uniqueness of weak solutions is still an open problem. Here we take a step forward in the case of regular potentials. First we prove the existence of a (unique) strong solution in two dimensions. Then we show that any weak solution regularizes in finite time uniformly with respect to bounded sets of initial data. This result allows us to deduce that the global attractor is the union of all the bounded complete trajectories which are strong solutions. We also demonstrate that each trajectory converges to a single equilibrium, provided that the potential is real analytic and the external forces vanish.Comment: 30 page

    Asymptotic behavior of a nonisothermal viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation with inertial term

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    We consider a differential model describing nonisothermal fast phase separation processes taking place in a three-dimensional bounded domain. This model consists of a viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation characterized by the presence of an inertial term χtt\chi_{tt}, χ\chi being the order parameter, which is linearly coupled with an evolution equation for the (relative) temperature \teta. The latter can be of hyperbolic type if the Cattaneo-Maxwell heat conduction law is assumed. The state variables and the chemical potential are subject to the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. We first provide conditions which ensure the well-posedness of the initial and boundary value problem. Then, we prove that the corresponding dynamical system is dissipative and possesses a global attractor. Moreover, assuming that the nonlinear potential is real analytic, we establish that each trajectory converges to a single steady state by using a suitable version of the Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality. We also obtain an estimate of the decay rate to equilibrium