15 research outputs found

    Los estudiantes de intercambio y el control del problema de polizones en los equipos de trabajo

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    La experiencia docente descrita en este estudio se viene llevando a cabo desde el curso académico 2012-2013 en la Facultat d’ Economía i Empresa (FEiE) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Se trata de la implementación de un mecanismo de autoevaluación por parte de los estudiantes en la realización de trabajos de grupo: se requiere a los estudiantes la entrega de una declaración conjunta en la que se indica la participación individual en la realización del trabajo. Dicho mecanismo que por un lado sirve para reducir los problemas de conflictividad en la distribución de tareas, por el otro proporciona al docente elementos cuantitativos para la atribución individualizada de la nota del trabajo de grupo. Los resultados de esta experiencia docente nos indican que los estudiantes de intercambio pueden representar un valioso instrumento en el control del problema del polizón en los equipos de trabajo ya que su presencia en el grupo favorece la declaración de la efectiva participación individual en la realización de los trabajos de grupo. This study discusses a teaching experience that has been taking place at the School of Economics and Business at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) since the academic year 2012-2013. We implement a self-evaluation mechanism: students working on group projects are required to deliver a joint declaration in which they asses their individual participation in the accomplishment of the joint task. The importance of this device is twofold. On the one hand, it reduces conflictivity among team members and, on the other hand, it delivers quantitative elements to the lecturer for grading the individual participation to the group report.  The results of our experience provide evidence that foreign students can be a valuable tool to control for the free-riding problem in homework projects performed by teamwork groups

    CPR virtual reality training simulator for schools

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordThis research project developed a Virtual Reality (VR) training simulator for the CPR procedure. This is designed for use training school children. It can also form part of a larger system for training paramedics with VR. The simulator incorporates a number of advanced VR technologies including Oculus Rift and Leap motion. We have gained input from NHS paramedics and several related organisation to design the system and provide feedback and evaluation of the preliminary working prototype.Health and Care Research WalesRoyal Academy of Engineerin

    EuReCa Serbia Subotica 2015-2016: Does the system strengthening lead to better results?

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    Aims and goals: Comparing the data’s of EuReCa-Serbia project conducted during 2015 and 2016 and it’s mutual analysis in Subotica research center. Methodology: Prospective study of an observational trail of the European Resuscitation Council registered Clinical Trial NCT02236819 and approved by the US healthcare authorities. The analyzed data’s are collected in the EMS Subotica center during 2015 and 2016 and has been uploaded by lead investigator of a participating center into an online database and application at www. eureca.rs. Results: During 2015 cardiac arrest has been confirmed by the physician of the EMS in 63.6 cases per 100.000 citizens, while in 2016 the number of cases was 82,6/100.000 citizens. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was attempted in 58,7/100.000 citizens in 2015., and in 77,7 /100.000 citizens during 2016. The most common aetiology of cardiac arrest has cardiac cause for both years; 21,6/100.000 in 2015, and 27,5/100.000 in 2016. The place of cardiac arrest for both years in most cases is place of residence; 40,2/100.000 in 2015 and 58/100.000 during 2016. In 3,5/100.000 cases CPR was dispatcher assisted during 2015. and for 2016 in 8,5/100.000 cases. OHCA is witnessed in 38.8 /100.000 during 2015. and in55/100.000 cases for 2016. During 2015 in 5,6/100.000 cases the bystanders initiated CPR. For 2016, this happened in 14/100.000 cases. The initial rhythm was shockable in 15,5/100.000 cases for the year of 2015 and in 17/100.000 during 2016. Before the EMS arrival AED has not been used during 2015, but in 2016 AED was in use twice. ROSC was achieved in 7,8 patients per 100.000 citizens in 2015. In 2016 the incidence of ROSC was 23,3/100.000 Conclusion: Thanks to the two-year follow-up of the data’s in the observed period, we can conclude that the number of patients with shockable rhythm and achieved ROSC has significantly increased. Strengthening the system via continuous education of each link of the Chain of Survival will lead to better results and improvement the work quality

    Evaluación formativa entre iguales: una experiencia de mejora competencial en estudiantes de Estadística

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    Una tendencia predominante en el sistema universitario europeo es la de otorgar un papel de mayor relevancia al estudiante. Las renovadas estrategias docentes y de aprendizaje confieren especial importancia al proceso evaluador, en el que el tradicional esquema sumativo va quedando relegado en pos de una evaluación formativa y colaborativa. En este artículo se analiza una experiencia de evaluación entre iguales enmarcada en el Grado de Estadística Interuniversitario de la Universitat de Barcelona y la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Se expone una estrategia llamada doble corrección, que se lleva a cabo en dos fases. En la primera, los estudiantes, a través de rúbricas elaboradas por el docente, evalúan a sus compañeros, detectando posibles debilidades en el aprendizaje, y devolviéndoles un feedback que permite mejorar los trabajos antes de que el profesor les asigne una calificación. Como resultado se produce un incremento del rendimiento académico y un progreso en importantes competencias transversales.Una tendència predominant en el sistema universitari europeu és la d'atorgar un paper de major rellevància a l'estudiant. Les renovades estratègies docents i d'aprenentatge confereixen especial importància al procés avaluador, en què el tradicional esquema sumatiu va quedant relegat a favor d'una avaluació formativa i col·laborativa. En aquest article s'analitza una experiència d'avaluació entre iguals emmarcada en el Grau d'Estadística Interuniversitari de la Universitat de Barcelona i la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. S'exposa una estratègia anomenada doble correcció, que es porta a terme en dues fases. A la primera, els estudiants, a través de rúbriques elaborades pel docent, avaluen els seus companys, detectant possibles debilitats en l'aprenentatge, i retornant un feedback que permet millorar els treballs abans que el professor els assigni una qualificació. Com a resultat es produeix un increment del rendiment acadèmic i un progrés en importants competències transversals.A prevailing trend in the European university system at present is to confer an active role to the student. The new teaching and learning strategies give a preeminent position to the assessment process, which has moved from the traditional summative system to a formative and collaborative one. In this article we analyze a peer assessment experience in the Statistics Grade jointly taught at the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The experience is carried out through the so-called double correction strategy, which is divided into two stages. In the first one students evaluate their peers through teacher-elaborated rubrics, identifying potential weaknesses in the learning process and giving feedback in order to improve the students work before being graded by the teacher. This seems to lead to an improvement in the academic achievement as well as on generic competences

    EuReCa Serbia One 2014 - Research center Subotica: Witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiac arrest is one of the main death causes all over the world. Many studies have led to the identification of the main predictors that can positively affect the survival rate of these patients, who were eventually incorporated into a single chain of survival. By involving the Republic of Serbia in an international, multicenter project EuReCa One 2014, of European Resuscitation Council (ERC) organized by Resuscitation Council of Serbia and Section of emergency medicine, the first time we get relevant information in this area and for our country which allows us to further work on improving measures implemented in the treatment of these patients. AIM: analysis of providing of basic life support measures (BLS) by bystander to the patients with out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) according to prospective research EuReCa One 2014 for Subotica, in relation to the total number of affirmed OHCA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective collection of data via unique questionnaire for OHCA in the municipality of Subotica in the period from 01.10.2014. to 31.03.2015. Data are presented in absolute values as well as the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants. RESULTS: In the period from 01.10.2014 to 31.03.2015. in the municipality of Subotica there were 47 (33.2 / 100,000 inhabitants) OHCA's. In 44 (31.09 / 100.000, 93.62%) of these patients Emergency medicine service (EMS) reacted by providing measures of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Of these 47 patients with OHCA as 35 (24.73 / 100000) were witnessed, of which 24 (16.95 / 100.000) by bystander, and 11 (7.77 / 100.000) by members of the EMS. The results show that the highest percentage of initial rhythm as ventricular fibrillation (VF), as well as the largest number of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) were in the group of patients whose OHCA was witnessed by the EMS (VF, 63.5%, ROSC 54.5%) even though the group was the oldest (average 69 years), while the lowest percentage of VF and ROSC was in a group of unwitnessed OHCA's which was the youngest group of patients with an average age of 58 years. Telephone assisted CPR was conducted in only 4 cases, while the measures of basic life support (BLS) were provided by the bystander in only 5 cases (20.5% of witnessed OHCA's) CONCLUSION: This study showed that systematic work on increasing the number of provided BLS measures by bystander to the patients with OHCA must be conducted, because it can positively affect survival rate of these patients

    2015 revised Utstein-style recommended guidelines for uniform reporting of data from drowning-related resuscitation An ILCOR advisory statement

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    Background: Utstein-style guidelines use an established consensus process, endorsed by the international resuscitation community, to facilitate and structure resuscitation research and publication. The first "Guidelines for Uniform Reporting of Data From Drowning" were published over a decade ago. During the intervening years, resuscitation science has advanced considerably, thus making revision of the guidelines timely. In particular, measurement of cardiopulmonary resuscitation elements and neurological outcomes reporting have advanced substantially. The purpose of this report is to provide updated guidelines for reporting data from studies of resuscitation from drowning. Methods: An international group with scientific expertise in the fields of drowning research, resuscitation research, emergency medical services, public health, and development of guidelines met in Potsdam, Germany, to determine the data that should be reported in scientific articles on the subject of resuscitation from drowning. At the Utstein-style meeting, participants discussed data elements in detail, defined the data, determined data priority, and decided how data should be reported, including scoring methods and category details. Results: The template for reporting data from drowning research was revised extensively, with new emphasis on measurement of quality of resuscitation, neurological outcomes, and deletion of data that have proved to be less relevant or difficult to capture. Conclusions: The report describes the consensus process, rationale for selecting data elements to be reported, definitions and priority of data, and scoring methods. These guidelines are intended to improve the clarity of scientific communication and the comparability of scientific investigations. (C) 2017 European Resuscitation Council and American Heart Association, Inc. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved