70 research outputs found

    Bestimmung präcecaler Verdaulichkeitskoeffizienten für heimische Energiefuttermittel für die Hühnermast

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    Der hohe Methioninbedarf von wachsendem Geflügel kann im Moment nur über den Einsatz von Hoch-Proteinfuttermitteln aus konventionellem Anbau (<5 %) halbwegs gedeckt werden. Zur langfristigen Sicherstellung der Methinonversorgung von wachsendem Geflügel sind daher die Erkenntnisse zu den Nährstoffgehalten und deren Verdaulichkeit von möglichst vielen ökologischen Futtermitteln zu erweitern. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden daher zunächst die Nährstoffgehalte von verschiedenen Futtermitteln aus ökologischem Anbau (11 Energiefuttermittel - Weizen, Gerste, Roggen, Tritikale, Nacktgerste, Nackthafer, Buchweizen, Dinkel Rispenhirse, Braunhirse, Mais-Ganzkorn-Silage, 1 Proteinfuttermittel - Linsenausputz und 3 Rohfaser-reiche Futtermittel - Kleegrassislage behandelt und unbehandelt, getrocknete Luzerneblätter) ermittelt. Für diese wurde die ileale Verdaulichkeit des Rohproteins und der Aminosäuren im Tierversuch bei langsam wachsenden Masthühnern in der 3. und 6. Lebenswoche bestimmt. Die analysierten Rohprotein- und Aminosäurengehalte der untersuchten Futtermittel lagen in der Regel etwas niedriger als die der konventionell angebauten. Linsenausputz hatte den höchsten Proteingehalt, gefolgt von der Kleegrassilage und den getrockneten Luzerneblättern, die auch den höchsten Rohfasergehalt aufwiesen. Die höchsten Methioningehalte lagen für Braunhirse, Rispenhirse, Kleegrassilagen und getrocknete Luzerneblätter vor (ca. 3g/kg). Die höchsten Lysingehalte wurden für die Kleegrassilagen, die Luzerneblätter und die Linsen ermittelt (ca. 10g/kg). Die Aminosäurenverdaulichkeit lag für fast alle Aminosäuren in einem ähnlichen Bereich wie für konventionell erzeugte Futtermittel. Schlechte AS-Verdaulichkeiten wiesen vor allem Dinkel und die Kleegrassilagen auf. Die ermittelten Verdaulichkeiten unterschieden sich kaum zwischen der 3. und der 6. Lebenswoche. Die Berechnung des Gehaltes an verdaulichem Methionin für die geprüften Futtermittel ergab für Braunhirse und Luzerneblätter mit etwa 3 g/kg die günstigen Werte. Der hohe Rohfasergehalt der Luzerneblätter führt allerdings auf Grund des stark erhöhten Futtervolumens zu einer zu geringeren Futteraufnahme und somit zu Minderleistungen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen das Potential der Grundfuttermittel bei der Methioninversorgung und helfen so die Deckung des Methioninbedarfs bei wachsenden Hühnern im Ökologischen Landbau zu optimieren

    Praecaecale Rohprotein- und Aminosäurenverdaulichkeit einer Öko-Ackerbohne und einer Öko-Futtererbse bei jungen Broilern

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    Heimische Körnerleguminosen, wie Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba L.) und Futtererbsen (Pisum sativum L.), sind attraktive Eiweißfuttermittel im Ökologischen Landbau. Die standardisierte praecaecale Verdaulichkeit des Rohproteins und der Aminosäuren je einer tanninarmen Ackerbohnen- und Futtererbsensorte wurde in 21 Tage alten Broilern geprüft. Das Rohprotein sowie die Aminosäuren in beiden Testfuttermitteln waren hoch verdaulich

    Kropf- und Muskelmageninhalt von Öko-Masthühnern und Legehennen

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the variation of feed intake from pasture in organic broilers and in laying hens. In the broiler experiment, in total 288 broilers of breeds Ross 708 (fast growth; FG), Isa 657 (medium growth; MG) and Isa 757 (slow growth, SG) were kept in mixed groups. Between week 7 and 12 of life birds were slaughtered, crops and gizzards were collected and investigated for contents of feed, grit and plant particles. FG broilers had higher feed proportions in crops than MG and SG broilers. Proportions of plant particles have been higher in SG broilers than in MG and FG broilers. SG broilers had higher proportions of plant particles and grit in the gizzard. It is estimated that the proportion of plant particles amounts to 5-10 % of daily feed intake in slow growing broilers kept under organic conditions. In the laying hen experiment 60 young and 60 old laying hens were used. The crop and the gizzard content were analyzed in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon in the same way as in broilers. Proportions of plant particles varied between 6 and 12 %and between 32 and 38 % in the crop and the gizzard, respectively. It is estimated that the intake of plant particles amounts to 20-25 % of daily feed intake in laying hens

    The atmospheric charged kaon/pion ratio using seasonal variation methods

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    Observed since the 1950's, the seasonal effect on underground muons is a well studied phenomenon. The interaction height of incident cosmic rays changes as the temperature of the atmosphere changes, which affects the production height of mesons (mostly pions and kaons). The decay of these mesons produces muons that can be detected underground. The production of muons is dominated by pion decay, and previous work did not include the effect of kaons. In this work, the methods of Barrett and MACRO are extended to include the effect of kaons. These efforts give rise to a new method to measure the atmospheric K/π\pi ratio at energies beyond the reach of current fixed target experiments. These methods were applied to data from the MINOS far detector. A method is developed for making these measurements at other underground detectors, including OPERA, Super-K, IceCube, Baksan and the MINOS near detector.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astropart. Phy

    Transport map Bayesian parameter estimation for dynamical systems

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    AbstractAccurate online state and parameter estimation of uncertain non‐linear dynamical systems is a demanding task that has been traditionally handled by adopting non‐linear Kalman Filters or particle filters. However, in case of Kalman filters the system needs to be linearised and for particle filters the computational demand can be high. Recent advances in optimal transport theory and the application to Bayesian model updating pave the way for other approaches to system and parameter identification. They also provide a way of formulating the problem in such a way that efficient online estimation for complex systems is possible. In this work, we investigate the properties of the transport map approach when compared to standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo in an off‐line setting as a first step towards on‐line parameter estimation. We apply both approaches to an analytical exponential model and a dynamical system with seven unknown parameters subjected to ground displacement. Details on the theory of transport maps and on the used MCMC algorithm are also given.</jats:p

    Search for sterile neutrino mixing in the MINOS long-baseline experiment

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    A search for depletion of the combined flux of active neutrino species over a 735 km baseline is reported using neutral-current interaction data recorded by the MINOS detectors in the NuMI neutrino beam. Such a depletion is not expected according to conventional interpretations of neutrino oscillation data involving the three known neutrino flavors. A depletion would be a signature of oscillations or decay to postulated noninteracting sterile neutrinos, scenarios not ruled out by existing data. From an exposure of 3.18×1020 protons on target in which neutrinos of energies between ~500¿¿MeV and 120 GeV are produced predominantly as ¿µ, the visible energy spectrum of candidate neutral-current reactions in the MINOS far detector is reconstructed. Comparison of this spectrum to that inferred from a similarly selected near-detector sample shows that of the portion of the ¿µ flux observed to disappear in charged-current interaction data, the fraction that could be converting to a sterile state is less than 52% at 90% confidence level (C.L.). The hypothesis that active neutrinos mix with a single sterile neutrino via oscillations is tested by fitting the data to various models. In the particular four-neutrino models considered, the mixing angles ¿24 and ¿34 are constrained to be less than 11° and 56° at 90% C.L., respectively. The possibility that active neutrinos may decay to sterile neutrinos is also investigated. Pure neutrino decay without oscillations is ruled out at 5.4 standard deviations. For the scenario in which active neutrinos decay into sterile states concurrently with neutrino oscillations, a lower limit is established for the neutrino decay lifetime t3/m3&gt;2.1×10-12¿¿s/eV at 90% C.L

    Neutrino and Antineutrino Inclusive Charged-current Cross Section Measurements with the MINOS Near Detector

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    The energy dependence of the neutrino-iron and antineutrino-iron inclusive charged-current cross sections and their ratio have been measured using a high-statistics sample with the MINOS Near Detector exposed to the NuMI beam from the Main Injector at Fermilab. Neutrino and antineutrino fluxes were determined using a low hadronic energy subsample of charged-current events. We report measurements of neutrino-Fe (antineutrinoFe) cross section in the energy range 3-50 GeV (5-50 GeV) with precision of 2-8% (3-9%) and their ratio which is measured with precision 2-8%. The data set spans the region from low energy, where accurate measurements are sparse, up to the high-energy scaling region where the cross section is well understood.Comment: accepted by PR

    Testing Lorentz Invariance and CPT Conservation with NuMI Neutrinos in the MINOS Near Detector

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    A search for a sidereal modulation in the MINOS near detector neutrino data was performed. If present, this signature could be a consequence of Lorentz and CPT violation as predicted by a class of extensions to the Standard Model. No evidence for a sidereal signal in the data set was found, implying that there is no significant change in neutrino propagation that depends on the direction of the neutrino beam in a sun-centered inertial frame. Upper limits on the magnitudes of the Lorentz and CPT violating terms in these extensions to the Standard Model lie between 0.01-1% of the maximum expected, assuming a suppression of these signatures by factor of 101710^{-17}.