723 research outputs found

    A sensitivity analysis on tidal stream turbine loads caused by operational, geometric design and inflow parameters

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    This paper presents a sensitivity analysis on a numerical tidal stream turbine model where a multitude of input parameters' effect on the load output were determined. The statistical procedure used, known as the Morris method, provided insight into the interactions between the parameters as well as showing their comparative influence on the turbine loading. The investigation covered parameters from the operational, geometric design and inflow variable domains where the rotor radius, current shear, blade root pitch, surface velocity and wave height were identified as most influential. The blade pitch was regarded as a surprisingly prominent influence on the loads. The turbine's operating depth and the blade geometry were also found to be of limited influence in the ranges investigated. In terms of load transmission into the internal components of a turbine's drive train, the rotor out-of-plane bending moment, or eccentric bending moment, was found to be a considerable contribution to the off-axis loads on the shaft. Therefore, special attention was paid to the input parameters' relationship to the eccentric load component by performing a detailed study on the load variations caused by the identified primary input parameters. It is concluded that performing a sensitivity analysis on a tidal stream turbine in a specific operating climate can yield insight to the expected load range and that the eccentric loading transmitted to the shaft is significant for most input cases

    Engineered mineralogical interfaces as radionuclide repositories

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    Effective capture of fugitive actinides and daughter radionuclides constitutes a major remediation challenge at legacy or nuclear accident sites globally. The ability of double-layered, anionic clay minerals known as hydrotalcites (HTC) to contemporaneously sequester a range of contaminants from solution offers a unique remedy. However, HTC do not provide a robust repository for actinide isolation over the long term. In this study, we formed HTC by in-situ precipitation in a barren lixiviant from a uranium mine and thermally transformed the resulting radionuclide-laden, nanoscale HTC. Atomic-scale forensic examination of the amorphized/recrystallised product reveals segregation of U to nanometre-wide mineral interfaces and the local formation of interface-hosted mineral grains. This U-phase is enriched in rare earth elements, a geochemical analogue of actinides such as Np and Pu, and represents a previously unreported radionuclide interfacial segregation. U-rich phases associated with the mineral interfaces record a U concentration factor of ~ 50,000 relative to the original solute demonstrating high extraction and concentration efficiencies. In addition, the co-existing host mineral suite of periclase, spinel-, and olivine-group minerals that equate to a lower mantle, high P–T mineral assemblage have geochemical and geotechnical properties suitable for disposal in a nuclear waste repository. Our results record the efficient sequestering of radionuclides from contaminated water and this novel, broad-spectrum, nanoscale HTC capture and concentration process constitutes a rapid solute decontamination pathway and solids containment option in perpetuity

    Puf3p induces translational repression of genes linked to oxidative stress

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    In response to stress, the translation of many mRNAs in yeast can change in a fashion discordant with the general repression of translation. Here, we use machine learning to mine the properties of these mRNAs to determine specific translation control signals. We find a strong association between transcripts acutely translationally repressed under oxidative stress and those associated with the RNA-binding protein Puf3p, a known regulator of cellular mRNAs encoding proteins targeted to mitochondria. Under oxidative stress, a PUF3 deleted strain exhibits more robust growth than wild-type cells and the shift in translation from polysomes to monosomes is attenuated, suggesting puf3Δ cells perceive less stress. In agreement, the ratio of reduced:oxidized glutathione, a major antioxidant and indicator of cellular redox state, is increased in unstressed puf3Δ cells but remains lower under stress. In untreated conditions, Puf3p migrates with polysomes rather than ribosome-free fractions, but this is lost under stress. Finally, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of Puf3p targets following affinity purification shows Puf3p-mRNA associations are maintained or increased under oxidative stress. Collectively, these results point to Puf3p acting as a translational repressor in a manner exceeding the global translational response, possibly by temporarily limiting synthesis of new mitochondrial proteins as cells adapt to the stress

    Tidal energy "Round Robin" tests - comparisons between towing tank and circulating tank results

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    The key step of the industrial development of tidal energy is testing the turbine in a controlled environment. At present, there is no available experimental protocol which address the differences between the facilities currently employed for this type of technology in a quantitative manner. It has been difficult to compare the results obtained in the different facilities, therefore there has only been sensitive comparisons of their efficiency. In order to evaluate the ability of different experimental facilities, a comparative "Round Robin" testing programme has been conducted by MaRINET. The aim of the trials was to test the tidal turbine model in four different test facilities. The results obtained in each facilities showed a near identical key performance. The expected differences appeared in the fluctuations of torque and drag measurements between the different tank designs (circulating and towing). The main facility parameters which can influence the behaviour of the turbine were identified

    “You know that's a rip-off”: policies and practices surrounding micro-enterprises and poverty alleviation in South African township tourism

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    Supporting the development of small tourism businesses has been seen by policy-makers as a valuable means of alleviating poverty in South African townships. This perspective has been endorsed by several ‘responsible’ tourism businesses and academics. Following a review of the literature, this paper reports the findings of an empirical study that examined the practices of micro-business owners and the factors that shape their behaviour in two South African townships. In spite of significant visitor numbers, it finds that their narrow social networks and the imbalances of power between them and intermediaries such as travel agencies and tour operators prevent them from developing their businesses and sharing in the material gains that become available because of tourism. This analysis has important implications for local policy-makers and those advocating responsible tourism. For the former, it suggests a cessation of current initiatives in favour of greater regulation and alternative forms of investment. For the latter, it implies the need to reassess the utility of advocating responsible tourism to consumers in a context where they do not understand the dynamics which fashion what is on offer or the full implications of their choices

    A Comparison of Real Time Thermal Rating Systems in the U.S. and the UK

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    Real-Time Thermal Rating is a smart grid technology that allows the rating of electrical conductors to be increased based on local weather conditions. Overhead lines are conventionally given a conservative, constant seasonal rating based on seasonal and regional worst case scenarios rather than actual, say, local hourly weather predictions. This paper provides a report of two pioneering schemes—one in the United States of America and one in the United Kingdom—in which Real-Time Thermal Ratings have been applied. Thereby, we demonstrate that observing the local weather conditions in real time leads to additional capacity and safer operation. Secondly, we critically compare both approaches and discuss their limitations. In doing so, we arrive at novel insights which will inform and improve future Real-Time Thermal Rating projects

    Phase diagram of the extended Hubbard chain with charge-dipole interactions

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    We consider a modified extended Hubbard model (EHM) which, in addition to the on-site repulsion U and nearest-neighbor repulsion V, includes polarization effects in second-order perturbation theory. The model is equivalent to an EHM with renormalized U plus a next-nearest-neighbor repulsion term. Using a method based on topological quantum numbers (charge and spin Berry phases), we generalize to finite hopping t the quantum phase diagram in one dimension constructed by van den Brink et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4658 (1995)). At hopping t=0 there are two charge density-wave phases, one spin density-wave phase and one intermediate phase with charge and spin ordering, depending on the parameter values. At t \neq 0 the nature of each phase is confirmed by studying correlation functions. However, in addition to the strong-coupling phases, a small region with bond ordering appears. The region occupied by the intermediate phase first increases and then decreases with increasing t, until it finally disappears for t of the order but larger than U. For small t, the topological transitions agree with the results of second order perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, two columns latex version. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B. Mistaken reference 16 has been correcte

    Formation of superdense hadronic matter in high energy heavy-ion collisions

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    We present the detail of a newly developed relativistic transport model (ART 1.0) for high energy heavy-ion collisions. Using this model, we first study the general collision dynamics between heavy ions at the AGS energies. We then show that in central collisions there exists a large volume of sufficiently long-lived superdense hadronic matter whose local baryon and energy densities exceed the critical densities for the hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma transition. The size and lifetime of this matter are found to depend strongly on the equation of state. We also investigate the degree and time scale of thermalization as well as the radial flow during the expansion of the superdense hadronic matter. The flow velocity profile and the temperature of the hadronic matter at freeze-out are extracted. The transverse momentum and rapidity distributions of protons, pions and kaons calculated with and without the mean field are compared with each other and also with the preliminary data from the E866/E802 collaboration to search for experimental observables that are sensitive to the equation of state. It is found that these inclusive, single particle observables depend weakly on the equation of state. The difference between results obtained with and without the nuclear mean field is only about 20\%. The baryon transverse collective flow in the reaction plane is also analyzed. It is shown that both the flow parameter and the strength of the ``bounce-off'' effect are very sensitive to the equation of state. In particular, a soft equation of state with a compressibility of 200 MeV results in an increase of the flow parameter by a factor of 2.5 compared to the cascade case without the mean field. This large effect makes it possible to distinguish the predictions from different theoretical models and to detect the signaturesComment: 55 pages, latex, + 39 figures available upon reques

    Insights into the function of silver as an oxidation catalyst by ab initio, atomistic thermodynamics

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    To help understand the high activity of silver as an oxidation catalyst, e.g., for the oxidation of ethylene to epoxide and the dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde, the interaction and stability of oxygen species at the Ag(111) surface has been studied for a wide range of coverages. Through calculation of the free energy, as obtained from density-functional theory and taking into account the temperature and pressure via the oxygen chemical potential, we obtain the phase diagram of O/Ag(111). Our results reveal that a thin surface-oxide structure is most stable for the temperature and pressure range of ethylene epoxidation and we propose it (and possibly other similar structures) contains the species actuating the catalysis. For higher temperatures, low coverages of chemisorbed oxygen are most stable, which could also play a role in oxidation reactions. For temperatures greater than about 775 K there are no stable oxygen species, except for the possibility of O atoms adsorbed at under-coordinated surface sites Our calculations rule out thicker oxide-like structures, as well as bulk dissolved oxygen and molecular ozone-like species, as playing a role in the oxidation reactions.Comment: 15 pages including 9 figures, Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm