21 research outputs found

    Nanomedicine interventions in clinical trials for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer

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    Breast cancer was responsible for the deaths of 626,679 women in 2018. After decades of research, the mortality rates remain high. While the barrier of selectively killing tumor cells is not yet overcome, the search for targeted therapeutics continues. The use of nanomedicine in cancer treatment has opened up new possibilities for more precise drug-delivery systems. This review aimed to gather information and analyze recent clinical trials evaluating the therapeutic effects of nanoparticles in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. To accomplish this, the clinicaltrials.gov database was consulted, and after employing specific exclusion criteria, 11 clinical trials were selected. Nanoparticle albumin-stabilized paclitaxel was evaluated in ten clinical trials and paclitaxel-incorporating polymeric micelles were assessed in one clinical trial. Overall, this review confirmed a clinical benefit in the use of nanoparticle albumin-stabilized paclitaxel for the treatment of breast cancer, with reduced toxicity when compared to first-line treatments. Three studies did not meet the primary endpoint, however, and so the authors advised further evaluations. Although the use of nanomedicine is revolutionizing the cancer field, to integrate this regimen into generalized clinical treatment, additional clinical trials must be performed to achieve a favorable safety and efficacy profile.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Excluded lives: female Roma life paths translated in the prison context

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    Roma are a highly stigmatized, segregated and discriminated ethnic minority in Portuguese society. Although the issue of involvement of the Roma ethnic group in deviant and criminal practices is frequently discussed in media and political discourses, scarce research has focused on the experiences of Roma individuals involved with the criminal justice system. In addition, although several studies show an overrepresentation of this group in criminal proceedings and in prison context – the later being even more evident among female prisoners - there has been very little emphasis on the ethnic, gendered and class background of Roma individuals imprisoned in Portugal, especially regarding women. Drawing on two different projects conducted in Portuguese carceral settings, this paper explores the life paths and imprisonment experiences of a group of female Roma prisoners. Data show that the intersection of ethnicity, gender, class and crime strongly determines and constrains the life conditions of Roma women, both behind and beyond prison walls.The authors would like to thank the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science) the support of PhD fellowships SFRH/BD/47010/2008 and SFRH/BD/73214/2010. We would also like to thank the Direção Geral da Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais (DGSPRS) [General Board for Rehabilitation and Prison Services] for the permission to conduct both studies and the women interviewed for the generous sharing of their experiences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multifunctional targeted solid lipid nanoparticles for combined photothermal therapy and chemotherapy of breast cancer

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    Photothermal therapy has emerged as a new promising strategy for the management of cancer, either alone or combined with other therapeutics, such as chemotherapy. The use of nanoparticles for multimodal therapy can improve treatment performance and reduce drug doses and associated side effects. Here we propose the development of a novel multifunctional nanosystem based on solid lipid nanoparticles co-loaded with gold nanorods and mitoxantrone and functionalized with folic acid for dual photothermal therapy and chemotherapy of breast cancer. Nanoparticles were produced using an economically affordable method and presented suitable physicochemical properties for tumor passive accumulation. Upon Near-Infrared irradiation (808 nm, 1.7 W cm -2, 5 min), nanoparticles could effectively mediate a temperature increase of >20 â—¦C. Moreover, exposure to light resulted in an enhanced release of Mitoxantrone. Furthermore, nanoparticles were non-hemolytic and well tolerated by healthy cells even at high concentrations. The active targeting strategy was found to be successful, as shown by the greater accumulation of the functionalized nanoparticles in MCF-7 cells. Finally, the combined effects of chemotherapy, light-induced drug release and photothermal therapy significantly enhanced breast cancer cell death. Overall, these results demonstrate that the developed lipid nanosystem is an efficient vehicle for breast cancer multimodal therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    RVG29-Functionalized Lipid Nanoparticles for Quercetin Brain Delivery and Alzheimers Disease

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    Purpose: Lipid nanoparticles (SLN and NLC) were functionalized with the RVG29 peptide in order to target the brain and increase the neuronal uptake through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. These nanosystems were loaded with quercetin to take advantage of its neuroprotective properties mainly for Alzheimer's disease. Methods: The functionalization of nanoparticles with RVG29 peptide was confirmed by NMR and FTIR. Their morphology was assessed by transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticles size, polydispersity and zeta potential were determined by dynamic light scattering. The in vitro validation tests were conducted in hCMEC/D3 cells, a human blood-brain barrier model and thioflavin T binding assay was conducted to assess the process of amyloid-beta peptide fibrillation typical of Alzheimer's disease. Results: RVG29-nanoparticles displayed spherical morphology and size below 250 nm, which is compatible with brain applications. Zeta potential values were between −20 and −25 mV. Quercetin entrapment efficiency was generally higher than 80% and NLC nanoparticles were able to encapsulate up to 90%. The LDH assay showed that there is no cytotoxicity in hCMEC/D3 cell line and RVG29-nanoparticles clearly increased in 1.5-fold the permeability across the in vitro model of blood-brain barrier after 4 h of incubation compared with non-functionalized nanoparticles. Finally, this nanosystem was capable of inhibiting amyloid-beta aggregation in thioflavin T binding assay, suggesting its great potential for neuroprotection. Conclusions: RVG29-nanoparticles that simultaneously target the blood-brain barrier and induce neurons protection against amyloid-beta fibrillation proved to be an efficient way of quercetin delivery and a promising strategy for future approaches in Alzheimer's disease. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. (c) 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    A política pública proeja (informática) no instituto federal de educação, ciência e tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE) de UMIRIM: análise de influências na evasão escolar / Public policy projects (computer) in the federal institute of Ceará education, science and technology (IFCE) of umirim: analysis of influences in school evasion

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    Esta pesquisa trata da investigação das possíveis causas de evasão escolar na turma do Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA)/Informática do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE) campus de Umirim, além de verificar as estratégias trabalhadas pela instituição para a superação desse problema. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica através de livros de renomados autores e pesquisas em artigos, dissertações e teses disponíveis no site da Capes e Scielo. Ademais, utilizou-se de pesquisa de campo numa abordagem qualitativa com uso da técnica de entrevista semiestruturada. As perguntas do roteiro buscavam compreender os motivos do fenômeno evasivo, as potencialidades e dificuldades do curso, a forma como a instituição lida com essa problemática e as estratégias de superação da mesma. Foi revelado que os principais motivos da evasão naquela turma estavam relacionados com problemas familiares e socioeconômicos. Percebeu-se que a instituição utiliza de várias estratégias para superar a desistência, no entanto, é um desafio constante tendo em vista a pluralidade de questões sociais que envolvem os sujeitos que compõem o itinerário formativo. 

    Epigallocatechin Gallate Nanodelivery Systems for Cancer Therapy

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    Cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality all over the world. Conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, are generally expensive, highly toxic and lack efficiency. Cancer chemoprevention using phytochemicals is emerging as a promising approach for the treatment of early carcinogenic processes. (−)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the major bioactive constituent in green tea with numerous health benefits including anti-cancer activity, which has been intensively studied. Besides its potential for chemoprevention, EGCG has also been shown to synergize with common anti-cancer agents, which makes it a suitable adjuvant in chemotherapy. However, limitations in terms of stability and bioavailability have hampered its application in clinical settings. Nanotechnology may have an important role in improving the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of EGCG. Indeed, several studies have already reported the use of nanoparticles as delivery vehicles of EGCG for cancer therapy. The aim of this article is to discuss the EGCG molecule and its associated health benefits, particularly its anti-cancer activity and provide an overview of the studies that have employed nanotechnology strategies to enhance EGCG’s properties and potentiate its anti-tumoral activity