149 research outputs found

    El estudio de instrumentos de viento se asocia con un patrón obstructivo en la espirometría de adolescentes con buena capacidad de resistencia aeróbica

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    ResumenObjetivoExiste controversia en la literatura médica respecto al efecto beneficioso o perjudicial de la práctica con instrumentos musicales de viento sobre el sistema respiratorio. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar esta relación en sujetos jóvenes en periodo de aprendizaje, ponderando su nivel de condición física.DiseñoEstudio observacional transversal.EmplazamientoCentro Integrado de Enseñanzas Artísticas y Musicales (estudios musicales reglados de Grado Medio) y de Educación Primaria y Secundaria, de titularidad pública.ParticipantesJóvenes estudiantes de entre 13–17 años.Mediciones principalesSe recogieron parámetros epidemiológicos básicos (sexo, edad, peso, talla, estado de salud) y a cada sujeto se le realizó un test de condición física (prueba de aptitud cardiorespiratoria de «course navette»), y una espirometría forzada.ResultadosSe incluyeron 90 alumnos, 53 mujeres y 37 varones, de los cuales 32 eran instrumentistas de viento y 58 de otros instrumentos. Los 2 grupos fueron homogéneos respecto a sexo, edad e índice de masa corporal. El consumo máximo de oxígeno no mostró diferencias significativas (p=0,255), manifestando además un adecuado nivel de condición física respecto a la población general. La CVF fue normal y comparable en ambos grupos (p=0,197). El VEMS porcentual y el cociente VEMS/CVF fueron significativamente menores (p<0,0005) en el grupo de viento. La práctica con instrumentos de viento se comportó como variable predictora de VEMS/CVF patológico (<70%) en el análisis multivariante (p<0,0005).ConclusionesEl estudio de instrumentos de viento se asoció con un patrón espirométrico obstructivo en músicos jóvenes con un nivel normal de condición física.AbstractObjectiveThere is controversy in the medical literature regarding the beneficial or detrimental effects of playing wind musical instruments on the respiratory system. The aim of this study is to analyse this relationship, taking the physical condition of the subjects into consideration.DesignCross-sectional observational study.SettingPublic institution with coordinated medium grade musical instruction and primary and secondary education.ParticipantsYoung performers (between 13 and 17 years).DataWe collected basic epidemiological parameters (gender, age, weight, size, heath status), and each subject underwent a fitness test (“course navette” cardiorespiratory fitness test) and a forced spirometry.ResultsWe included 90 students, 53 females and 37 males. Thirty two were wind instrument players and 58 studied other instruments. The two groups were homogeneous with respect to gender, age and body mass index. The maximum oxygen uptake showed no significant difference (P=0.255), further demonstrating an adequate level of fitness compared to the general population. FVC was normal and similar in both groups (P=0.197). The FEV1 percentage and the FEV1/FVC ratio were significantly lower (P<0.0005) in the “wind” group. Practice with wind instruments behaved as a predictor of pathological FEV1/FVC (<70%) in the multivariate analysis (P<0.0005).ConclusionThe study of wind instruments was associated with an obstructive spirometric pattern in young musicians with a normal level of physical fitness

    Future internet enablers for VGI applications

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    This paper presents the authors experiences with the development of mobile Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) applications in the context of the ENVIROFI project and Future Internet Public Private Partnership (FI-PPP) FP7 research programme.FI-PPP has an ambitious goal of developing a set of Generic FI Enablers (GEs) - software and hardware tools that will simplify development of thematic future internet applications. Our role in the programme was to provide requirements and assess the usability of the GEs from the point of view of the environmental usage area, In addition, we specified and developed three proof of concept implementations of environmental FI applications, and a set of specific environmental enablers (SEs) complementing the functionality offered by GEs. Rather than trying to rebuild the whole infrastructure of the Environmental Information Space (EIS), we concentrated on two aspects: (1) how to assure the existing and future EIS services and applications can be integrated and reused in FI context; and (2) how to profit from the GEs in future environmental applications.This paper concentrates on the GEs and SEs which were used in two of the ENVIROFI pilots which are representative for the emerging class of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) use-cases: one of them is pertinent to biodiversity and another to influence of weather and airborne pollution on users’ wellbeing. In VGI applications, the EIS and SensorWeb overlap with the Social web and potentially huge amounts of information from mobile citizens needs to be assessed and fused with the observations from official sources. On the whole, the authors are confident that the FI-PPP programme will greatly influence the EIS, but the paper also warns of the shortcomings in the current GE implementations and provides recommendations for further developments

    Analysis and assessment of the profitability of rural tourism in the province of Ávila

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    En la última década, el turismo rural ha sido uno de los sectores económicos con mayor desarrollo en la provincia de Ávila. Este trabajo pretende analizar la rentabilidad del modelo de negocio, a partir de una extrapolación de los datos medios de ingresos y costes obtenidos de distintas fuentes, a través de encuestas, estadísticas y declaraciones de los agentes económicos implicados en el sector. La estimación del flujo de caja del proceso mercantil arroja una ratio de rentabilidad muy baja respecto a otro tipo de alquileres más productivos o con menor riesgo. Analizando las partidas, la amortización del inmovilizado es uno de los parámetros determinantes, debido a lo significativo de su porcentaje en los gastos de la actividad. El ajuste del sector, ocasionado por la crisis económica, supuso la salida del mercado del 14% de los establecimientos de la provincia, y la destrucción del 40% de los puestos de trabajo del personal empleado, provocando una tensión bajista de los precios. Se exponen las líneas de trabajo futuras y los nichos de mercado que tienen mayor potencial para favorecer el desarrollo del sector, generando mayor productividad en el mismo.Rural tourism has been, in the last decade, one of the most developed economic sectors in the province of Avila. This paper aims to analyze the profitability of the business model from an extrapolation of the average data of incomes and costs obtained from different sources, either through surveys, statistics or statements of the economic agents involved in the sector. The estimation of the cash flow of the business process, shows an inferior profitability ratio compared to other types of rents that are more productive or less risky. Analyzing the items, immobilized amortization is one of the determining parameters, due to the significance of its percentage in the activity. The adjustment of the sector caused by the economic crisis has meant the exit of the market of 14% of the establishments of the province, and the destruction of more than 40% of the jobs of the employed staff. Triggering downward price pressure. Future work lines and market niches that have the greatest potential to favor the development of the sector are presented, generating higher productivity in the sector

    Short-term effects of kinesio taping in the treatment of latent and active upper trapezius trigger points: two prospective, randomized, sham-controlled trials

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    The presence of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) is one of the most common causes of musculoskeletal problems and may lead to limited professional activity. Among the various treatment methods proposed for MTrPs, Kinesio Taping (KT) is a non-invasive, painless, and less time-consuming method with fewer side efects that has become widely used as a therapeutic tool in a variety of prevention and rehabilitation protocols. The aim of the study was to evaluate the immediate and short-term efcacy of the space correction KT technique in patients with latent or active MTrPs in the upper trapezius muscle. Two parallel randomized sham-controlled trials were simultaneously executed: in trial A, ninety-seven participants with latent MTrPs were randomly assigned to either the KT (n=51) or sham (n=46) group; in trial B, thirty-seven participants with active MTrPs were assigned to the KT (n=20) or sham (n=17) group. The primary outcome was pressure pain threshold (PPT) in the upper trapezius muscle, measured with algometry. Secondary outcomes included the active range of motion (ROM) of the cervical spine (lateral fexion and rotation), measured with a cervical ROM goniometer. In each trial, two-way ANOVA tests were used to compare the study efects on the outcome measures between the groups, with time serving as the intra-group factor (baseline, immediately, and 72h after the application) and the intervention type (KT and sham) as the between-group factor. At 72h, participants receiving KT did not show signifcant diferences in PPT (trial A: mean diference −1.8N; 95% CI: [−8.1, 4.4], trial B: mean diference −1.2N; 95% CI: [−7.4, 5.1]), cervical lateral fexion (trial A: mean diference 0.2 degrees; 95% CI: [−2.7, 3.1], trial B: mean diference −2.4 degrees; 95% CI: [−8.4, 3.6]), and cervical rotation (trial A: mean diference 3.7 degrees; 95% CI: [−0.1, 7.5], trial B: mean diference 1.4 degrees; 95% CI: [−5.7, 8.4]), compared to the sham groups. Thus, the results of this study do not support the use of the space correction KT technique to treat patients with latent or active myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle

    La profesión docente en Ciencias Sociales. Ámbito teórico- práctico y enfoque hacia propuestas de innovación

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster de modalidad A, trata de hacer una síntesis de todo lo estudiado y aprendido a través de las asignaturas impartidas durante las clases del Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Artísticas y Deportivas, y concretamente en la especialidad de Geografía e Historia del curso académico 2015-2016. De este modo, siguiendo las pautas de la guía docente intentaré reflejar de forma clara la adquisición de conocimientos y competencias tanto en el ámbito teórico como en el práctico, añadiendo una reflexión personal acerca de dos proyectos seleccionados por su gran relevancia en nuestro aprendizaje (Unidad Didáctica y Proyecto de innovación), para finalmente poder valorar lo aprendido y proponer elementos de mejora

    Characterization of Musts, Wines, and Sparkling Wines Based on Their Elemental Composition Determined by ICP-OES and ICP-MS

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    t: Samples from the different processing stages in the elaboration of sparkling wine (cava) including must, base wine, and sparkling wine of Pinot Noir and Xarel·lo grape varieties from different vineyard qualities (A, B, C, D) have been analyzed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques to determine their elemental composition. The resulting data has been used to characterize these products according to oenological features and product qualities. For this purpose, box plot diagrams, bar charts, and principal components analysis (PCA) have been used. The study of the behavior of each given species has pointed out the relevance of some elements as markers or descriptors of winemaking processes. Among others, Cu and K are abundant in musts and their concentrations progressively decrease through the cava production process. S levels suddenly increase at the base wine step (and further decay) due to the addition of sulfites as preserving agents. Finally, concentrations of Na, Ca, Fe, and Mg increase from the first fermentation due to the addition of clarifying agents such as bentonite. PCA has been applied to try to extract solid and global conclusions on trends and chemical markers within the groups of samples more easily and efficiently than more conventional approaches

    A pilot study of circulating levels of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 as biomarkers of bone healing in patients with non-hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis of long bones

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    Regeneración ósea; Células estromales mesenquimales multipotentes; PseudoartrosisRegeneració òssia; Cèl·lules estromals mesenquimals multipotents; PseudoartrosiBone regeneration; Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells; PseudoarthrosisBackground Pseudoarthrosis or non-union is a complication with an incidence of 5–10% of bone fractures, most frequently located in the diaphysis of long bones. The management of this complication is addressed by means of complex surgical procedures and is a concern for orthopaedic and trauma surgeons nowadays. The use of biomarkers for diagnosing patients at risk of non-union would help us to establish special measures for early corrective treatment. Methods Prospective exploratory pilot study with a cohort of 20 patients diagnosed of non-hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis of long bones who were treated surgically with either autologous bone graft or a Tissue Engineering Product composed of bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Patients were followed for 12 months and plasma blood samples were obtained to determine circulating levels of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 and Beta 2 (TGF-β1 and TGF-β2, respectively) at inclusion, and at 1 week, 2 weeks, and months 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 after surgery. Radiological bone healing was evaluated by the Tomographic Union Score (TUS). Results Basal levels of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 were determined in the twenty patients (26,702 ± 14,537 pg/mL and 307.8 ± 83.1 pg/mL, respectively). Three of them withdrew from the study, so complete follow-up was conducted on 17 patients (9 successfully healed vs. 8 that did not heal). Statistically significant differences between the bone healing group and the non-union group were found at month 12 for both TGF-β1 (p = 0.005) and TGF-β2 (p = 0.02). Conclusions TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 are biomarkers that correlate with clinical evidence of bone regeneration and may be used to monitor patients, although early predictive value after intervention needs to be further studied in combination with other molecules

    Questionário de adaptação ao diabetes mellitus tipo I em pediatria: relação com a psicopatologia

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    Objetivo: estudar as propriedades psicométricas do Questionário de Resposta Adaptativa à Doença em pacientes pediátricos com diabetes mellitus tipo I no contexto espanhol, analisar essa resposta na amostra em questão e observar a relação entre a resposta adaptativa e os níveis de ansiedadedepressão. Método: participaram do estudo um total de 100 pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo I, com idades entre 9 e 16 anos (M = 12,28, DP = 1,78), dos quais 59% eram crianças. Os dados foram coletados em hospitais públicos por meio de entrevista, utilizando-se o Questionário de Resposta Adaptativa à Doença e a Anxiety and Depression Scale (Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão). Para análise dos dados, calculou-se confiabilidade, correlações de Pearson, regressões lineares e testes t em função do sexo e da idade. Resultado: o instrumento possui propriedades psicométricas adequadas. A resposta adaptativa é geralmente elevada. Essa resposta está negativamente relacionada ao sofrimento emocional, sendo um melhor preditor de depressão do que de ansiedade. Não há diferenças na adaptação à doença em função de sexo e idade. Conclusão: a promoção de uma melhor resposta adaptativa parece reduzir o sofrimento emocional, especialmente no caso de depressão, independentemente da idade ou sexo dos pacientes.Objective: to study the psychometric properties of an adaptive disease response questionnaire for use with Spanish children with type 1 diabetes; to analyse this response in this sample and to observe the relationship between adaptive response and levels of anxiety-depression. Method: a total of 100 patients with type 1 diabetes aged between nine and 16 years (M=12.28, SD=1.78) participated in the study, of which 59% were children. Data was collected in public hospitals via interviews using the Adaptive Disease Response Questionnaire and Anxiety and Depression Scale. The data was analysed using Pearson correlations, multiple hierarchical linear regressions, Student’s t Test for independent samples, and Cohen’s d effect size to determine reliability and validity. Result: the instrument was shown to have adequate psychometric properties. Adaptive response was generally high. Adaptive response is negatively related to emotional distress, being a better predictor of depression than of anxiety. There was no association betwee adaptation and sex and age. Conclusion: promoting a better adaptive response appears to reduce emotional distress, especially in the case of depression, regardless of the age or gender of the patients.Objetivo: estudiar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Respuesta Adaptativa de la Enfermedad en pacientes pediátricos con diabetes-mellitus tipo I en el contexto español, analizar en esta muestra esta respuesta y observar la relación entre la respuesta adaptativa y los niveles de ansiedad-depresión. Método: un total de 100 pacientes con diabetes-mellitus tipo I participaron, con edades entre los 9 y los 16 (M=12,28, DT=1,78), de los cuales el 59% eran niños. Los datos fueron obtenidos en hospitales públicos mediante una entrevista aplicando el Cuestionario de Respuesta Adaptativa de la Enfermedad y el Anxiety and Depression Scale. Para el análisis de datos, se calculó la fiabilidad, correlaciones de Pearson, regresiones lineales y pruebas t en función de sexo y edad. Resultado: el instrumento presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. La respuesta adaptativa es elevada en general. Esta respuesta se relaciona manera negativa con el malestar emocional, siendo mejor predictor de la depresión que de la ansiedad. No se observan diferencias en la adaptación a la enfermedad en función del sexo y edad. Conclusión: promover una mejor respuesta adaptativa parece reducir el malestar emocional, especialmente en el caso de la depresión, con independencia de la edad o sexo de los pacientes