277 research outputs found

    Electrodynamics of Media

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    Contains reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E)U. S. Air Force (ESD) Contract F19628-70-C-006

    Generalized model for dynamic percolation

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    We study the dynamics of a carrier, which performs a biased motion under the influence of an external field E, in an environment which is modeled by dynamic percolation and created by hard-core particles. The particles move randomly on a simple cubic lattice, constrained by hard-core exclusion, and they spontaneously annihilate and re-appear at some prescribed rates. Using decoupling of the third-order correlation functions into the product of the pairwise carrier-particle correlations we determine the density profiles of the "environment" particles, as seen from the stationary moving carrier, and calculate its terminal velocity, V_c, as the function of the applied field and other system parameters. We find that for sufficiently small driving forces the force exerted on the carrier by the "environment" particles shows a viscous-like behavior. An analog Stokes formula for such dynamic percolative environments and the corresponding friction coefficient are derived. We show that the density profile of the environment particles is strongly inhomogeneous: In front of the stationary moving carrier the density is higher than the average density, ρs\rho_s, and approaches the average value as an exponential function of the distance from the carrier. Past the carrier the local density is lower than ρs\rho_s and the relaxation towards ρs\rho_s may proceed differently depending on whether the particles number is or is not explicitly conserved.Comment: Latex, 32 pages, 4 ps-figures, submitted to PR

    Random Walks on a Fluctuating Lattice: A Renormalization Group Approach Applied in One Dimension

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    We study the problem of a random walk on a lattice in which bonds connecting nearest neighbor sites open and close randomly in time, a situation often encountered in fluctuating media. We present a simple renormalization group technique to solve for the effective diffusive behavior at long times. For one-dimensional lattices we obtain better quantitative agreement with simulation data than earlier effective medium results. Our technique works in principle in any dimension, although the amount of computation required rises with dimensionality of the lattice.Comment: PostScript file including 2 figures, total 15 pages, 8 other figures obtainable by mail from D.L. Stei

    Dynamics of viscoelastic membranes

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    We determine both the in-plane and out-of-plane dynamics of viscoelastic membranes separating two viscous fluids in order to understand microrheological studies of such membranes. We demonstrate the general viscoelastic signatures in the dynamics of shear, bending, and compression modes. We also find a screening of the otherwise two-dimensional character of the response to point forces due to the presence of solvent. Finally, we show that there is a linear, hydrodynamic coupling between the in-plane compression modes of the membrane and the out-of-plane bending modes in the case where the membrane separates two different fluids or environments

    Pearling and Pinching: Propagation of Rayleigh Instabilities

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    A new category of front propagation problems is proposed in which a spreading instability evolves through a singular configuration before saturating. We examine the nature of this front for the viscous Rayleigh instability of a column of one fluid immersed in another, using the marginal stability criterion to estimate the front velocity, front width, and the selected wavelength in terms of the surface tension and viscosity contrast. Experiments are suggested on systems that may display this phenomenon, including droplets elongated in extensional flows, capillary bridges, liquid crystal tethers, and viscoelastic fluids. The related problem of propagation in Rayleigh-like systems that do not fission is also considered.Comment: Revtex, 7 pages, 4 ps figs, PR

    Correctly validating results from single molecule data: the case of stretched exponential decay in the catalytic activity of single lipase B molecules

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    The question of how to validate and interpret correctly the waiting time probability density functions (WT-PDFs) from single molecule data is addressed. It is shown by simulation that when a stretched exponential WT-PDF, with a stretched exponent alfa and a time scale parameter tau, generates the off periods of a two-state trajectory, a reliable recovery of the input WT-PDF from the trajectory is obtained even when the bin size used to define the trajectory, dt, is much larger than the parameter tau. This holds true as long as the first moment of the WT-PDF is much larger than dt. Our results validate the results in an earlier study of the activity of single Lipase B molecules and disprove recent related critique

    Ultra-Slow Vacancy-Mediated Tracer Diffusion in Two Dimensions: The Einstein Relation Verified

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    We study the dynamics of a charged tracer particle (TP) on a two-dimensional lattice all sites of which except one (a vacancy) are filled with identical neutral, hard-core particles. The particles move randomly by exchanging their positions with the vacancy, subject to the hard-core exclusion. In case when the charged TP experiences a bias due to external electric field E{\bf E}, (which favors its jumps in the preferential direction), we determine exactly the limiting probability distribution of the TP position in terms of appropriate scaling variables and the leading large-N (nn being the discrete time) behavior of the TP mean displacement Xˉn\bar{{\bf X}}_n; the latter is shown to obey an anomalous, logarithmic law Xˉn=α0(E)ln(n)|\bar{{\bf X}}_n| = \alpha_0(|{\bf E}|) \ln(n). On comparing our results with earlier predictions by Brummelhuis and Hilhorst (J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 53}, 249 (1988)) for the TP diffusivity DnD_n in the unbiased case, we infer that the Einstein relation μn=βDn\mu_n = \beta D_n between the TP diffusivity and the mobility μn=limE0(Xˉn/En)\mu_n = \lim_{|{\bf E}| \to 0}(|\bar{{\bf X}}_n|/| {\bf E} |n) holds in the leading in nn order, despite the fact that both DnD_n and μn\mu_n are not constant but vanish as nn \to \infty. We also generalize our approach to the situation with very small but finite vacancy concentration ρ\rho, in which case we find a ballistic-type law Xˉn=πα0(E)ρn|\bar{{\bf X}}_n| = \pi \alpha_0(|{\bf E}|) \rho n. We demonstrate that here, again, both DnD_n and μn\mu_n, calculated in the linear in ρ\rho approximation, do obey the Einstein relation.Comment: 25 pages, one figure, TeX, submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    Stretching dynamics of semiflexible polymers

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    We analyze the nonequilibrium dynamics of single inextensible semiflexible biopolymers as stretching forces are applied at the ends. Based on different (contradicting) heuristic arguments, various scaling laws have been proposed for the propagation speed of the backbone tension which is induced in response to stretching. Here, we employ a newly developed unified theory to systematically substantiate, restrict, and extend these approaches. Introducing the practically relevant scenario of a chain equilibrated under some prestretching force f pre that is suddenly exposed to a different external force f ext at the ends, we give a concise physical explanation of the underlying relaxation processes by means of an intuitive blob picture. We discuss the corresponding intermediate asymptotics, derive results for experimentally relevant observables, and support our conclusions by numerical solutions of the coarse-grained equations of motion for the tension

    Non-Linearity in Ecosystem Services: Temporal and Spatial Variability in Coastal Protection

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    Natural processes tend to vary over time and space, as well as between species. The ecosystem services these natural processes provide are therefore also highly variable. It is often assumed that ecosystem services are provided linearly (unvaryingly, at a steady rate), but natural processes are characterized by thresholds and limiting functions. In this paper, we describe the variability observed in wave attenuation provided by marshes, mangroves, seagrasses, and coral reefs and therefore also in coastal protection. We calculate the economic consequences of assuming coastal protection to be linear. We suggest that, in order to refine ecosystem-based management practices, it is essential that natural variability and cumulative effects be considered in the valuation of ecosystem services

    Protected areas: a resource or constraint for local people?

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    We investigated local people’s perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes toward conservation planning and management in Chitral Gol National Park in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. A literature review was undertaken to unravel the historic drivers behind the formation of this protected area. Key informant interviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of current governance approaches adopted by the park management authorities. Community-based questionnaire surveys and key-informant interviews focused on local communities’ knowledge and awareness of the objectives of the park, people’s role in decision-making, social characteristics, and resource use structures. The information from these surveys was evaluated within the context of good governance and sustainability of park management. Results show a lack of awareness and a low level of participation in protected area management, but a high degree of willingness in the communities to participate in conservation activities. An analysis of the survey data suggests that the park authorities enforce strict protection measures within the park, but this approach lacks a strong vision of sustainability. The surveys reveal that the local people have a very strong sense of belonging to the place and are willing to contribute to the protection of the PA. A large majority of the respondents rely on electronic media as their main source of information, which could potentially form the best medium for conservation campaigning in the region. With these findings in mind, we propose changes to the current governance model for effective and sustainable management of the park in the future