12 research outputs found

    Impact du changement d'Ă©chelle sur l'Ă©tude des causes des feux de forĂȘts du sud-est de la France

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    International audienceThe Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) is a well-known issue relatedto the influence of the spatial support on statistical observations. It occurs whendifferent spatial units making different spatial partitions are used and when the resultingmeasures vary according to those partitions. In this paper, we first draw a stateof the art. Considering the particular problem of (up)scaling, we propose a methodto visualize the sensitivity of the spatial statistics to the support. We test this methodon forest fires in Southern France, handling a sample from the PromethĂ©e database.From these data, we try to find the key explanatory variables. The results show thatthe correlation coefficient varies significantly, depending on scale, and that we canselect variables and scales based on this variability. Then we propose two differentways to deal with the MAUP: (i) by using geovisualization to assess and to improvethe robustness of the correlation analysis and to choose the pertinent information thatallows to minimize the sensitivity, (ii) by considering as pertinent the spatial partitionwhich is the farthest one from a random spatial distribution of the independentvariableLe support spatial des donnĂ©es a potentiellement une forte influence sur le traitement statistique des observations. Cette problĂ©matique est connue en gĂ©ographie sous le nom de Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). Celle-ci survient lorsque diffĂ©rentes unitĂ©s surfaciques peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es et que le rĂ©sultat varie en fonction de ce choix. Dans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons un Ă©tat de l'art de ce problĂšme. ConsidĂ©rant un des aspects du MAUP, Ă  savoir l’influence du changement de niveau d’échelle, nous dĂ©veloppons une mĂ©thode de visualisation de la sensibilitĂ© des statistiques Ă  ce problĂšme. Cette mĂ©thode est testĂ©e sur l’étude des feux de forĂȘt du sud-est de la France, avec des donnĂ©es issues de la base PromĂ©thĂ©e, Ă  partir desquelles nous recherchons des variables explicatives. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent des variations des coefficients de corrĂ©lation en fonction des niveaux d’échelle et la possibilitĂ© de sĂ©lectionner les variables et les niveaux d'Ă©chelle en fonction de cette variabilitĂ©. Nous proposons deux mĂ©thodes : (i) utiliser la visualisation de ces variations afin d’amĂ©liorer la robustesse de l’analyse de corrĂ©lation en sĂ©lectionnant les informations pertinentes selon leur sensibilitĂ© au MAUP, (ii) sĂ©lectionner un niveau d’échelle pour lequel le rĂ©sultat est le plus diffĂ©rent possible d’une redistribution spatiale alĂ©atoire de la variable dĂ©pendante

    IntĂ©rĂȘt et place de la radiologie thoracique standard en structure d'urgence dans le cadre des douleurs thoraciques (Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă  partir de 300 cas)

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    Introduction: La douleur thoracique est un motif fréquent de consultation aux urgences. Malgré l'absence de recommandations la radiographie thoracique est souvent réalisée dans ce cadre. Objectifs: Connaßtre le taux de radiographies standards avec images pathologiques (taux de positivité). Déterminer la pertinence de réalisation et de non réalisation, le taux d'utilité et le taux d'inutilité Matériel et méthode: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective, monocentrique, descriptive réalisée à partir de dossiers de patients s'étant présentés dans la SU du CHU de Nßmes entre le 1er septembre 2012 et le 31 octobre 2012 pour un motif de douleur thoracique aigue . Des experts ont évalué la pertinence des radiographies thoraciques. Résultats : 300 patients ont été inclus, avec une moyenne d'ùge de 53 ans [37-68]. 213 ont bénéficié d'une radiographie thoracique. Le taux de positivité est de 19% (n=40), le taux d'utilité est de 91% (n=194), le taux d' inutilité est de 7% (n=11). Le test kappa de concordance des avis des experts est de 0.109 pour les radiographies réalisées et de 0.092 pour les radiographies non réalisées. L'anxiété est un critÚre prédictif de radiographienormale (p=O.004). La dyspnée (p=0.006), la toux (p=0.015) et une douleur thoracique non brutale (p=0.028) sont des critÚres prédictifs de radiographies anormales. 96% (n=287) des patients ont eu un ECO, 75% (n=215) étaient nonnaux. 97% (n=290) ont eu au moins un examen biologique (CRP, leucocytes, D-dimÚres, PCT, troponine). Les diagnostics de sortie les plus fréquents sont les douleurs idiopathiques (23%), les douleurs pariétales (17%), l'anxiété (14%). Conclusion: Il apparait nécessaire de réaliser des recommandations pOUf la réalisation d'une radiographie thoracique dans le cadre du bilan d'une douleur thoracique aux urgencesMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Utilisation de l'ultrasonographie au service d'accueil des urgences par les médecins urgentistes (étude descriptive au CHU de Nßmes)

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    MONTPELLIER-BU MĂ©decine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU MĂ©decine (341722104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    R as a GIS: Illustrating Scale and Aggregation Problems with Forest Fire Data

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    International audienceUsing the R language as a GIS applied on forest fire data in South of France, the goal of the research is to emphasize how spatial statistics may depend on the areal units chosen. First, we propose to map the forest fire data at different scale levels based on administrative boundaries. Second, we measure the MAUP by showing scale sensitivity in descriptive statistics and in regression analyses. Finally, although many tools can be used for vector or raster data aggregation and mapping, we discuss why we choose R as a primary analysis tool and R added-value

    R as a GIS: Illustrating Scale and Aggregation Problems with Forest Fire Data

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    International audienceUsing the R language as a GIS applied on forest fire data in South of France, the goal of the research is to emphasize how spatial statistics may depend on the areal units chosen. First, we propose to map the forest fire data at different scale levels based on administrative boundaries. Second, we measure the MAUP by showing scale sensitivity in descriptive statistics and in regression analyses. Finally, although many tools can be used for vector or raster data aggregation and mapping, we discuss why we choose R as a primary analysis tool and R added-value

    The polygon overlay problem in electoral geography

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    International audienceWe developed an algorithm for reducing geometric differences between source and target dataset.The algorithm tackles the polygon overlay problem in electoral geography before using areal in-terpolation methods. Our results show that improvement in matching between statistical areas andpolling areas can reduce up to half of areal interpolation errors, therefore improving the robustnessof analysis of electoral behaviour in their spatial context. This is applied to two case studies: thecity of Avignon, France, and the city of Hobart, Australia

    Ultrasound guidance in difficult radial artery puncture for blood gas analysis: A prospective, randomized controlled trial.

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    BackgroundUltrasound (US) guidance has yet to prove its applicability in radial arterial blood gas analysis (ABGA) punctures. The main objective of our study was to compare the number of first-attempt successes (NFAS) for radial arterial puncture in difficult patients with or without US guidance. The Secondary aims were to compare the number of punctures (NOP), puncture time, and patient pain.MethodsIn this single-center, randomized controlled trial, patients who required a radial ABGA and in whom the arterial puncture was assessed as difficult (because of non-palpable radial arteries or two previous puncture failures by a nurse) were assigned to the US group or no-US (NUS) group (procedure performed by a trained physician).ResultsThirty-six patients were included in the US group and 37 in the NUS groups. The NFAS was 7 (19%) in the NUS group and 19 (53%) in the US group. The relative risk of success in the US group was 2.79 (95% CI,1.34 to 5.82), p = 0.01. In the NUS and US groups, respectively, the median NOP was 3 [2; 6] vs. 1 [1; 2], estimated difference -2.0 (95%CI, -3.4 to -0.6), p ConclusionUS guidance by a trained physician significantly improves the rate of success in difficult radial ABGA patients

    Magnetic needle‐tracking device for ultrasound guidance of radial artery puncture: A randomized study on a simulation model

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    International audienceUltrasound-guidance of radial artery catheter insertion improves the first attempt success and reduces the occurrence of hematomas. Needle-tracking devices optimize needle-ultrasound beam alignment by displaying in real-time the needle tip position. We compared the median time need by experienced physicians to achieve radial artery puncture using either a conventional ultrasonography device (CUD) or a magnetic needle-tracking ultrasound device (MUD) in a simulation training arm model.Methods: Fifty experienced residents and physicians performed two punctures in randomized order with the CUD and the MUD. The primary outcome was puncture duration; the secondary outcomes were puncture success, rate of accidental vein puncture, and practitioner's comfort (subjective scale 0-10).Results: The median [lower-upper quartile] puncture time was 10 [6-14] seconds when using CUD and 4 [3-7] seconds when using MUD (P < .01). In the multivariate analysis, MUD use was associated with decreased puncture duration whatever the puncture order (OR 1.13 [1.07-1.20], P < .01). The participants performed 99 (99%) successful punctures: 50 with the MUD (100%) and 49 with the CUD (98%). There was no accidental venous puncture. The practitioner's comfort level was 6.5 [6, 7] with the CUD and 8 [7-9] with the MUD (P < .01).Conclusion: MUD reduced radial artery puncture time and improved physician comfort in a simulation training arm model