2,832 research outputs found

    Computer-Assisted Segmentation of Videocapsule Images Using Alpha-Divergence-Based Active Contour in the Framework of Intestinal Pathologies Detection

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    Visualization of the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract through natural orifices is a challenge for endoscopists. Videoendoscopy is currently the “gold standard” technique for diagnosis of different pathologies of the intestinal tract. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) has been developed in the 1990's as an alternative to videoendoscopy to allow direct examination of the gastrointestinal tract without any need for sedation. Nevertheless, the systematic post-examination by the specialist of the 50,000 (for the small bowel) to 150,000 images (for the colon) of a complete acquisition using WCE remains time-consuming and challenging due to the poor quality of WCE images. In this article, a semiautomatic segmentation for analysis of WCE images is proposed. Based on active contour segmentation, the proposed method introduces alpha-divergences, a flexible statistical similarity measure that gives a real flexibility to different types of gastrointestinal pathologies. Results of segmentation using the proposed approach are shown on different types of real-case examinations, from (multi-) polyp(s) segmentation, to radiation enteritis delineation

    Unconventional Metallic Magnetism in LaCrSb{3}

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    Neutron-diffraction measurements in LaCrSb{3} show a coexistence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic sublattices below Tc=126 K, with ordered moments of 1.65(4) and 0.49(4) Bohr magnetons per formula unit, respectively (T=10 K), and a spin reorientation transition at ~95 K. No clear peak or step was observed in the specific heat at Tc. Coexisting localized and itinerant spins are suggested.Comment: PRL, in pres

    Coupling of phonons with orbital dynamics and magnetism in CuSb2O6

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOStrongly interacting phonons and orbital excitations are observed in the same energy range for CuSb2O6, unlocking a so-far unexplored type of electron-phonon interaction. An orbital wave at similar to 550 cm(-1) softens on warming and strongly interferes with a phonon at similar to 500 cm(-1), giving rise to a merged excitation of mixed character. An electronic continuum grows on warming to the orbital ordering temperature T-oo = 400 K, generating an important phonon decay channel. This direct and simultaneous observation of orbital and vibrational excitations reveals details of their combined dynamics. In addition, phonon frequency anomalies due to magnetic correlations are observed below similar to 150 K, much above the three-dimensional magnetic ordering temperature T-N(3D) = 8.5 K, confirming one-dimensional magnetic correlations along Cu-O-O-Cu linear chains in the paramagnetic state.971715FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2012/04870-7Sem informaçãoSem informaçãoAgências de fomento estrangeiras apoiaram essa pesquisa, mais informações acesse artig

    Magnetic Ordering Of Eutepbte Multilayers Determined By X-ray Resonant Diffraction

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    In this work we use resonant x-ray diffraction combined with polarization analysis of the diffracted beam to study the magnetic ordering in EuTePbTe multilayers. The presence of satellites at the (1/2 1/2 1/2) magnetic reflection of a 50 repetition EuTePbTe superlattice demonstrated the existence of magnetic correlations among the alternated EuTe layers. The behavior of the satellites intensity as T increases toward the Ǹel temperature TN indicates that these correlations persist nearly up to TN and suggests the preferential decrease of the magnetic order parameter of external monolayers of each EuTe layer within the superlattice. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.9224Lovesey, S.W., Collins, S.P., (1996) X-Ray Scattering and Absorption by Magnetic Materials, , (Oxford University Press, New York)Granado, E., Pagliuso, P.G., Giles, C., Lora-Serrano, R., Yokaichiya, F., Sarrao, J.L., (2004) Phys. Rev. B, 69, p. 144411. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.144411Tonnerre, J.M., Seve, L., Raoux, D., Rodmacq, B., De Santis, M., Troussel, P., Brot, J.M., Chen, C.T., (1995) Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, 97, p. 444. , NIMBEU 0168-583X 10.1016/0168-583X(94)00721-7Langridge, S., Stirling, W.G., Lander, G.H., Rebizant, J., (1994) Phys. Rev. B, 49, p. 12010. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.49.12010Leiner, V., Ay, M., Zabel, H., (2004) Phys. Rev. B, 70, p. 104429. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.104429Kepa, H., Springholz, G., Giebultowicz, T.M., Goldman, K.I., Majkrzak, C.F., Kacman, P., Blinowski, J., Bauer, G., (2003) Phys. Rev. B, 68, p. 024419. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.024419Binder, K., Hohenberg, P.C., (1974) Phys. Rev. B, 9, p. 2194. , PLRBAQ 0556-2805 10.1103/PhysRevB.9.2194Oliveira, N.F., Foner, S., Shapira, Y., Reed, T.B., (1972) Phys. Rev. B, 5, p. 2634. , PLRBAQ 0556-2805 10.1103/PhysRevB.5.2634Giles, C., Yokaichiya, F., Kycia, S.W., Sampaio, L.C., Ardiles-Saravia, D.C., Franco, M.K.K., Neuenschwander, R.T., (2003) J. Synchrotron Radiat., 10, p. 430. , JSYRES 0909-0495 10.1107/S0909049503020958Hol, V., Kubena, J., Ploog, K., (1990) Phys. Status Solidi B, 162, p. 347. , PSSBBD 0370-1972 10.1002/pssb.2221620204Nunez, V., Majkrzak, C.F., Springholz, G., Bauer, G., Giebultowicz, T.M., Kepa, H., Goldman, K.I., (1998) Superlattices Microstruct., 23, p. 41. , SUMIEK 0749-6036 10.1006/spmi.1996.0205Giebultowicz, T.M., Kepa, H., Blinowski, J., Kacman, P., (2001) Physica e (Amsterdam), 10, p. 411. , PELNFM 1386-9477 10.1016/S1386-9477(01)00128-

    A diet rich in cocoa attenuates N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver injury in rats

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    The effects of cocoa feeding against N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN)-induced liver injury were studied in rats. Animals were divided into five groups. Groups 1 and 2 were fed with standard and cocoa-diet, respectively. Groups 3 and 4 were injected with DEN at 2 and 4 weeks, and fed with standard and cocoa-diet, respectively. Group 5 was treated with DEN, received the standard diet for 4 weeks and then it was replaced by the cocoa-diet. DEN-induced hepatic damage caused a significant increase in damage markers, as well as a decrease in the hepatic glutathione, diminished levels of p-ERK and enhanced protein carbonyl content, caspase-3 activity and values of p-AKT and p-JNK. The cocoa-rich diet prevented the reduction of hepatic glutathione concentration and catalase and GPx activities in DEN-injected rats, as well as diminished protein carbonyl content, caspase-3 activity, p-AKT and p-JNK levels, and increased GST activity. However, cocoa administration did not abrogate the DEN-induced body weight loss and the increased levels of hepatic-specific enzymes and LDH. These results suggested that cocoa-rich diet attenuates the DEN-induced liver injury. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the grants 200870I198, AGL2004-302, AGL2007-64042 and CSD2007-00063 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. A.B. Granado-Serrano is a predoctoral fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.Peer Reviewe

    Magnetic ordering of EuTe/PbTe multilayers determined by x-ray resonant diffraction

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    In this work we use resonant x-ray diffraction combined with polarization analysis of the diffracted beam to study the magnetic ordering in EuTe/PbTe multilayers. The presence of satellites at the (1/2 1/2 1/2) magnetic reflection of a 50 /repetition EuTe/PbTe superlattice demonstrated the existence of magnetic correlations among the alternated EuTe layers. The behavior of the satellites intensity as T increases toward the Neel temperature T(N) indicates that these correlations persist nearly up to T(N) and suggests the preferential decrease of the magnetic order parameter of external monolayers of each EuTe layer within the superlattice. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.922

    Magnetic structure and critical behavior of GdRhIn5_{5}: resonant x-ray diffraction and renormalization group analysis

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    The magnetic structure and fluctuations of tetragonal GdRhIn5 were studied by resonant x-ray diffraction at the Gd LII and LIII edges, followed by a renormalization group analysis for this and other related Gd-based compounds, namely Gd2IrIn8 and GdIn3. These compounds are spin-only analogs of the isostructural Ce-based heavy-fermion superconductors. The ground state of GdRhIn5 shows a commensurate antiferromagnetic spin structure with propagation vector tau = (0,1/2, 1/2), corresponding to a parallel spin alignment along the a-direction and antiparallel alignment along b and c. A comparison between this magnetic structure and those of other members of the Rm(Co,Rh,Ir)n In3m+2n family (R =rare earth, n = 0, 1; m = 1, 2) indicates that, in general, tau is determined by a competition between first-(J1) and second-neighbor(J2) antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions. While a large J1 /J2 ratio favors an antiparallel alignment along the three directions (the so-called G-AFM structure), a smaller ratio favors the magnetic structure of GdRhIn5 (C-AFM). In particular, it is inferred that the heavy-fermion superconductor CeRhIn5 is in a frontier between these two ground states, which may explain its non-collinear spiral magnetic structure. The critical behavior of GdRhIn5 close to the paramagnetic transition at TN = 39 K was also studied in detail. A typical second-order transition with the ordered magnetization critical parameter beta = 0.35 was experimentally found, and theoretically investigated by means of a renormalization group analysis.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Existence of orbital polarons in ferromagnetic insulating La1x_{1-x}Srx_xMnO3_{3} (0.11<x<<x<0.14) evidenced by giant phonon softening

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    We present an inelastic light scattering study of single crystalline (La1y_{1-y}Pry_y)1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_3 (0x0.140\leq x\leq0.14,y=0y=0 and x=1/8x=1/8,0y0.50\leq y\leq0.5). A giant softening up to 20 - 30 cm1^{-1} of the Mn-O breathing mode has been observed only for the ferromagnetic insulating (FMI) samples (0.11x0.140.11\leq x \leq 0.14) upon cooling below the Curie temperature. With increasing Pr-doping the giant softening is gradually suppressed. This is attributed to a coupling of the breathing mode to orbital polarons which are present in the FMI phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Stretching and contraction of extensional basins with pre-rift salt: a numerical modelling approach

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    We present a series of 2D thermo-mechanical numerical experiments of thick-skinned crustal extension including a pre-rift salt horizon and subsequent thin-, thick-skinned, or mixed styles of convergence accompanied by surface processes. Extension localization along steep basement faults produces half-graben structures and leads to variations in the original distribution of pre-rift salt. Thick-skinned extension rate and salt rheology control hanging wall accommodation space as well as the locus and timing of minibasin grounding. Upon shortening, extension-related basement steps hinder forward propagation of evolving shallow thrust systems; conversely, if full basin inversion takes place along every individual fault, the regional salt layer is placed back to its pre-extensional configuration, constituting a regionally continuous décollement. Continued shortening and basement involvement deform the shallow fold-thrust structures and locally breaches the shallow décollement. We aim at obtaining a series of structural, stratigraphic and kinematic templates of fold-and-thrust belts involving rift basins with an intervening pre-rift salt horizon. Numerical results are compared to natural cases of salt-related inversion tectonics to better understand their structural evolution